Erosion of the stomach and duodenum: symptoms and treatment
Duodenal erosion: symptoms, treatment and prognosis for life
Pain, heartburn, belching, vomiting can become constant companions for a patient with a disease such as erosion
Consumption of buckwheat for gastritis
Buckwheat porridge is a real salvation for many people with stomach or duodenal ulcers.
Stomach pain treatment with folk remedies
Treatment of the gastrointestinal tract with folk remedies
If your stomach hurts If you experience stomach pain, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. But
Variety of breads
Bread for gastritis: what you can eat, how to cook at home
Gastritis is a fairly serious pathology that affects the gastrointestinal tract. In treatment, it is important to follow a comprehensive
Chamomile for pancreatitis of the pancreas reviews
Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated comprehensively. Therapy includes medications, compliance
Sports for hemorrhoids
Is it possible to play sports with hemorrhoids and will it harm the body? 4 useful activities
The question of whether hemorrhoids and sports are compatible inevitably arises before carriers of hemorrhoidal disease. Hemorrhoids are not
Can honey be used for stomach ulcers? Traditional recipes for medicinal products
Since ancient times, humanity has used honey for stomach ulcers. This bee product has unique
Intestinal megacolon: types, causes and treatment
Often, a child’s lack of bowel movements for several days does not cause any concern. Them
Army. cicatricial deformation of the duodenal bulb 12.
Causes The duodenal bulb is topographically located near the pyloric part of the stomach. Therefore, if there is a malfunction
Soups for gastritis
What soups can you eat for gastritis with high acidity?
Recipes for soups allowed for gastritis are the first thing people start looking for when they learn about the availability
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