Benefits of ginger for gastritis
Ginger root for gastritis and stomach ulcers: is it possible or not, how to use it correctly
Ginger for the stomach and intestines ​Other articles​ ​Gastritis most often occurs in people
Abdominal ascites in oncology: treatment, prognosis
Oncology of which organs is accompanied by ascites Ascites develops when cancer affects any organ near the abdominal
Is it possible to have dairy products for gastritis with high acidity?
When there is inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, it is important to carefully select the diet menu. Dairy connoisseurs are concerned
Who treats spinal diseases: what is the name of the doctor, where to go
Many people often try to find out the name of the doctor who treats the back and spine in
The temperature of liquids and food should be approximately equal to body temperature
Allowed products for cooking in a diet for gastroenteritis
What nutritional rules should you follow? Once the patient's condition has been stabilized, a gastroenterologist will
Ascorutin for hemorrhoids instructions for use
Composition of Ascorutin The drug consists of two main ingredients that have a strengthening, restorative effect on the general
Scheme of pancreatitis
Sauerkraut for pancreatitis: recommendations for preparation and consumption
Cabbage is a forbidden vegetable for pancreatitis. Inflammation of the pancreas, or pancreatitis, is a very serious disease.
Features and methods of treating paraproctitis in children
Paraproctitis is inflammation of the fatty tissue around the rectum. This disease ranks 4th among
Apples for gastritis
Is it possible for patients with gastritis to eat apple dishes?
Apples are a healthy product that must be present in every person's diet. Thanks to natural
The first signs and features of treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in children
Irritable bowel syndrome in children: symptoms and treatment, causes
What is irritable bowel syndrome IBS is also called colon dyskinesia, as it manifests itself
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