Treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery - methods and methods of minimally invasive therapy, medications and folk remedies
Hemorrhoids are a disease of the rectum that occurs in almost half of humanity. The symptoms of the disease are quite unpleasant,
blood during bowel movements in women
Blood on toilet paper after bowel movement: what to do
General information Blood during bowel movements in women is a fairly common problem that should
Exercise for hemorrhoids can be a great help in preventing the disease
Preventive exercises for women with hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are a disease that primarily affects people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, for example, accountants
Treatment methods for pancreatic necrosis of the pancreas and prognosis after surgery
Hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis is a severe pathology in which rapid death of groups of cells in tissues is observed
Diet for reflux esophagitis: menu by day
Proper nutrition for reflux esophagitis: recipes that should be on the menu for the week, diet
Reflux esophagitis is an inflammation of the epithelium of the esophageal tube, resulting from the reflux of stomach contents into
Proctologist recommendations
How does hemorrhoids manifest at stage 2? Diagnosis and key methods of treating pathology
Burning and itching in the anal area may appear suddenly! If severe exacerbation of hemorrhoids develops,
If a child's liver is enlarged, doctors often resort to observational tactics. attributing also to diet.
Treatment of the liver - the most effective folk remedies
Liver hepatomegaly - what is it? This is a pathological increase in the size of the gland. Hepatomegaly develops
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Rules for therapeutic nutrition for inflammation of the rectum
Proctitis is inflammation of the rectal mucosa. Often proctitis is combined with inflammatory changes in
Diet for gastric erosion: principles of nutrition, what not to eat, example of a daily menu
The diet for gastric erosion is selected based on the intensity of pain symptoms and the degree of damage to the mucous membrane
If relief candles do not help. How quickly candle relief helps
Slagged cells are the cause of diseased joints. Give up immediately... Hemorrhoids are defeated! This is already helping
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