Chronic gastroduodenitis exacerbation
Diet and menu for gastroduodenitis in the acute stage
The need for diet Diet is the best assistant in treatment. To determine therapy, it is necessary to undergo an analysis
Hemocolitis in children: causes, symptoms and treatment (nutrition, medications)
Hemocolitis (hemorrhagic colitis) is an acute inflammatory process in the large intestine, accompanied by the appearance of blood
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Esophageal diverticulum: how to identify and what is needed for its treatment
Esophageal diverticula are a pathological process that is characterized by deformation of the esophageal wall and protrusion of all of it.
Gallbladder cholesterosis
Gallbladder cholesterosis: causes, symptoms and treatment
Gallbladder cholesterosis - what is it? The simple answer is that this is a disease associated
Pylorus of the stomach: anatomical and physiological features, functions, diseases
The pyloric sphincter or pylorus is a muscular ring located in the lower (pyloric) part of the stomach.
How to treat hemorrhoids with traditional and folk methods
Suppositories Candles are a life-saving remedy for internal bleeding from hemorrhoids: emergency assistance can be provided
Prokinetics to stimulate bowel function
Prokinetics are a group of drugs that regulate the motility of the digestive tract. Drugs with prokinetic action
What is catarrhal gastritis, how to identify and treat it
What is catarrhal gastritis? Causes and mechanism of development of catarrhal gastritis Symptoms of catarrhal gastritis Diagnosis
Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies at home
Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies at home
Causes of acute gastritis develops when eating poor quality foods, especially those contaminated with microorganisms; smoking
What you can and cannot eat if you have intestinal diseases, diet number 4 and menu for the week
What you can and cannot eat if you have intestinal diseases, diet number 4 and menu for the week
Diet 4, developed by the therapist and founder of the Institute of Nutrition in Moscow Manuil Pevzner, back in
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