ARVI - causes, symptoms and treatment in adults, prevention of acute respiratory viral infections

  • Causes
  • Risk factors
  • Symptoms
  • Possible complications
  • Diagnostic methods
  • Treatment of ARVI
  • Is it possible to cure ARVI in 1 day?
  • Do I need to take antibiotics?
  • Prevention

ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection, which is a group of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract that are caused by viruses and enter the human body most often through airborne droplets. The risk group includes young children with unformed immune defenses, people with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, and the elderly. The peak incidence of ARVI occurs in very late winter and early spring.

What is ARVI?

ARVI is an airborne infection caused by viral pathogens that mainly affect the respiratory system. Outbreaks of respiratory viral infections occur all year round, but the epidemic is more often observed in autumn and winter, especially in the absence of high-quality prevention and quarantine measures to identify cases of infection.

During periods of peak incidence, ARVI is diagnosed in 30% of the world's population; respiratory viral infections are many times higher in incidence than other infectious diseases.

The difference between acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections is at first glance insignificant. However, the causative agent of acute respiratory infections can be a virus (influenza) or bacteria (streptococcus), while the causative agent of acute respiratory viral infections can only be a virus.

ARVI and acute respiratory infections: what is the difference?

An acute respiratory viral infection, like its “colleague” - an acute respiratory disease, is popularly called a “cold”.

But hypothermia itself plays almost the last role in the development of the disease: only in some cases does severe hypothermia lead to the activation of conditionally pathogenic flora, which leads to a decrease in immunity.

In most cases, the only cause is an infection that is transmitted from person to person - viruses and bacteria.

Why do doctors, with similar symptoms, write the abbreviation ARVI on the card for one patient, and acute respiratory infections for another?

ARVI is caused exclusively by viruses. acute respiratory infections - bacteria. The symptoms may indeed be similar.

Viral infections are characterized by several differences:

  1. The disease develops rapidly - from several hours to a day after infection. A delayed onset of acute respiratory viral infection (on the second day) can occur in people with a fairly strong immune system, which tried to overcome the infection, but was faced with re-infection. For bacteria, the incubation period can be 2-3 days.
  2. Starts with a high temperature. Bacterial infections can occur without fever at all in the first days.
  3. General intoxication is one of the most pronounced symptoms of ARVI.
  4. Along with the respiratory system, ARVI can affect the digestive system, causing diarrhea and vomiting. Such symptoms can easily be confused with an intestinal infection.
  5. Treatment of ARVI in adults and children does not require antibiotics. Even in the absence of treatment, but compliance with bed rest and drinking regime, it can go away on its own. To treat acute respiratory infections, in most cases, antibiotics are required - local or general.

There is a nuance: while the immune system is weakened and the mucous membrane is affected by a viral infection, upon contact with bacteria, a bacterial infection can join, causing complications.

Such a mixed disease is more difficult to tolerate, practically “turns off” the immune system, complicates treatment, and can cause death in children and, in some cases, in adults.

Therefore, at the first signs of respiratory diseases, you need to consult a doctor and begin effective treatment that will help you avoid complications and return to your normal life much faster.


ARVIs are caused by a variety of viruses belonging to different genera and families. They are united by a pronounced affinity for the epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract. Acute respiratory viral infections can be caused by different types of viruses:

  • flu,
  • parainfluenza,
  • adenoviruses,
  • rhinoviruses,
  • 2 RSV serovars,
  • reoviruses.

Entering the body through the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract or the conjunctiva of the eyes, viruses, having penetrated the epithelial cells, begin to multiply and destroy them. Inflammation occurs at the sites where viruses are introduced.

The source of infection is a sick person, especially if this person is in the initial stage of the disease: feeling unwell and weak until the moment the person realizes he is sick, already releasing the virus, he infects his environment - the work team, fellow travelers on public transport, family.

The main route of transmission of infection is airborne droplets, with small particles of mucus and saliva released when talking, coughing, or sneezing.

For the development of ARVI, the concentration of the virus in the environment is of great importance. So, the smaller the number of viruses that reach the mucous membranes, the lower the percentage of the likelihood of developing the disease. A high level of virus saturation remains in closed spaces, especially with large crowds of people. The lowest concentration of viruses, on the contrary, is observed in the fresh air.

Risk factors

Provoking factors contributing to the development of infection:

  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • chronic infections.

It is best for a doctor to determine how to treat ARVI. Therefore, if the first symptoms appear, you must call your local physician or pediatrician.

Necessary measures to prevent influenza, ARVI and colds: memo

The most important and reliable method of preventing influenza and ARVI is to avoid infection. This means that during epidemic periods it is best to avoid visiting crowded places.

IMPORTANT: The source of ARVI and influenza is a sick person. The less contact with people there is, the lower the risk of contracting a viral disease.

However, no one succeeds in locking themselves at home and not visiting public places at all. Even a five-minute trip on public transport or visiting a store can cause infection.

Therefore, in order to reduce risks as much as possible, you need to try to increase the body’s resistance to the action of viruses and reduce their concentration in the premises. This can be achieved in the following ways:

  • frequent ventilation of rooms
  • regular cleaning of common items with a disinfectant solution
  • thorough hand washing
  • regular wet cleaning “conscientiously”
  • humidifying the air in rooms using a special humidifier
  • using wet disinfectant wipes
  • nasal saline instillation
  • walks in the fresh air in any weather
  • healthy lifestyle (adequate nutrition, sleep at least 8 hours a day, physical activity, hardening)
  • clothing appropriate for the weather to prevent sweating
  • timely vaccination that creates specific immunity when it comes to preventing influenza
  • taking antiviral drugs and immune stimulants if necessary

IMPORTANT: Viruses can remain active and vital for a long time in a dry, unventilated area. At the same time, they die instantly in fresh, humid air.

Flu prevention, reminder

Incubation period

The incubation period of ARVI in adults can last from 1 to 10 days, but is generally 3-5 days.

The disease is highly contagious. Viruses enter mucous membranes through airborne droplets. You can get sick through touching your hands, dishes, or towels, so communication with the sick person should be strictly limited.

To avoid infecting other family members, the patient should:

  • wear a special gauze bandage;
  • use only your own personal hygiene items;
  • process them systematically.

After an illness, the immune system does not develop resistance to ARVI, which is due to a large number of different viruses and their strains. Moreover, viruses are subject to mutation. This leads to the fact that an adult can get ARVI up to 4 times a year.

If a patient is diagnosed with an illness, he is prescribed antiviral drugs and bed rest until complete recovery.

Vitamins for the prevention of flu and colds for adults and children

Vitamin balance in the body is very important under any circumstances, but especially during seasonal colds. It is by the middle of winter that the reserves of vitamins in the body are minimal, and immunity is reduced.

IMPORTANT: Vitamins strengthen the immune system, accelerate the regeneration of cells damaged by viruses, and have antiviral properties.

All groups of vitamins are important for the prevention of flu and colds:

  • “C” is an immunomodulator that suppresses the proliferation of viruses. Prophylactic dose for adults: 100 – 150 mg per day. Contained in black currants, cabbage, lemon.
  • “B1”, “B6” - accelerate the restoration of the epithelium of the respiratory tract. “B1” is found in peas, bran bread, spinach, “B6” is found in meat and cabbage.
  • “B2” - accelerates the synthesis of antibodies during illness. Contained in buckwheat, eggs, cottage cheese.
  • "PP" - has a weak antiviral effect, improves blood circulation in the mucous membranes. It is present in sufficient quantities in meat, pineapples, rye flour, liver and mushrooms.
  • “A” - restores cells damaged by viruses. Contained in carrots and green onions.
  • “E” is a strong immunostimulant that blocks the access of viruses to healthy cells. Nuts, liver, and meat are rich in vitamin E.

Vitamins for the prevention of colds and flu
When it is difficult to replenish the supply of vitamins naturally, it is necessary to take special tableted vitamin complexes. However, even taking regular ascorbic acid may be enough to prevent colds.

If, despite all the preventive measures taken, you or your child gets sick with a cold or flu, the main thing is not to panic. Timely diagnosis and adherence to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor will speed up recovery and help avoid complications. Be healthy!

The first signs of acute respiratory viral infection

Typically, a cold begins with minor discomfort and a sore throat. Some people experience an exacerbation of chronic herpes at this time, accompanied by the appearance of characteristic blisters with liquid in the lip area.

The first signs of an acute respiratory viral infection will be:

  • pain in the eyes;
  • increase in general body temperature;
  • a situation in which the eyes are watery and runny;
  • sore throat, dryness, irritation, sneezing;
  • increased size of lymph nodes;
  • sleep disorders;
  • coughing attacks;
  • changes in voice (if the mucous membranes of the larynx are inflamed).

How contagious is ARVI for an adult? Experts have found that a person who has contracted the virus becomes infectious 24 hours before the very first symptoms of the disease are detected.

Thus, if signs of a respiratory infection appeared 2.5 days after the introduction of the pathogen into the body, then the sick person could infect others around them starting 1.5 days after communicating with the previous carrier of the virus.

Is it possible to cure ARVI in 1 day?

An acute respiratory viral infection can be cured in 1 day, provided that the patient remains in bed, drinks plenty of alkaline fluids and takes interferon-type drugs. This comprehensive approach activates the immune system, removes toxins from the body and stops the multiplication of the virus at the very initial stage. Of course, it is possible to cure a cold in 1 day if the patient does not have concomitant chronic infections and his immune system functions normally.

Symptoms of ARVI in adults

Common features of ARVI: relatively short-term (about a week) incubation period, acute onset, fever, intoxication and catarrhal symptoms. Symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection in adults develop rapidly, and the faster responses to the invasion of infection are taken and treatment is started, the easier the immune system will cope with the disease.

The main symptoms of ARVI in adults and children:

  • Malaise - weakness in the muscles and aching joints, you want to lie down all the time;
  • drowsiness - constantly makes you sleepy, no matter how long a person sleeps;
  • runny nose - not severe at first, just like clear liquid coming from the nose. Most people attribute this to a sudden change in temperature (you came from a cold room into a warm room and condensation appeared in your nose);
  • chills – unpleasant sensations when touching the skin;
  • sore throat - it can be expressed as a sore throat or a tingling sensation or even a pain in the neck.

Depending on the state of the immune system, the symptoms of ARVI may increase or decrease. If the protective functions of the respiratory organs are at a high level, it will be very easy to get rid of the virus and the disease will not cause complications.

In addition, if the usual symptoms of ARVI do not go away after 7-10 days, then this will also be a reason to consult a specialist (usually an ENT doctor).

KindsSymptoms in an adult
Adenovirus infection
  • High fever that lasts from five to ten days;
  • severe wet cough, worsening in a horizontal position and with increased physical activity;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • runny nose;
  • sore throat when swallowing.
  • Very high temperature;
  • dry cough that causes chest pain;
  • sore throat;
  • runny nose;
  • dizziness and sometimes loss of consciousness.
ParainfluenzaThe incubation period lasts 2–7 days. This form of ARVI is characterized by an acute course and an increase in symptoms:
  • Body temperature up to 38 degrees. It lasts for 7–10 days.
  • Rough cough, hoarseness and change in voice timbre.
  • Painful sensations in the chest.
  • Runny nose.
MS infectionIts symptoms are generally similar to parainfluenza, but its danger is that bronchitis may develop as a result of untimely treatment.

If the patient has chronic diseases, this can lead to exacerbation. During the period of exacerbation, diseases develop: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. They worsen a person’s condition and make it difficult to treat.

Symptoms of ARVI that require emergency medical attention:

  • temperature above 40 degrees, with little or no response to antipyretic medications;
  • disturbance of consciousness (confusion, fainting);
  • intense headache with the inability to bend the neck, bringing the chin to the chest, the appearance of a rash on the body (stars, hemorrhages);
  • pain in the chest when breathing, difficulty inhaling or exhaling, feeling of lack of air, cough with sputum (pink color - more serious);
  • prolonged fever of more than five days;
  • the appearance of green or brown discharge from the respiratory tract, mixed with fresh blood;
  • chest pain independent of breathing, swelling.


The incubation period of ARVI (from entry of the virus into the body until the appearance of the first clinical symptoms) ranges from 1 to 5 days, most often 2-3 days. The infection is highly contagious and spreads quickly, so if a person feels the slightest discomfort, it is better for him not to contact other people so as not to infect anyone. Clinical signs of ARVI are divided into early and main.

The first signs of ARVI

Early signs of an ongoing viral infection include:

  • itching and tingling in the nose;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • headache;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • sore throat and coughing;
  • hoarseness (if the inflammatory process is localized in the larynx).

Early clinical symptoms of ARVI increase and progress within 12-24 hours, after which the disease makes itself felt fully.

Main symptoms

The main symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection are:

  • muscle pain, headache, body aches;
  • increase in temperature - can rise to both subfebrile levels (37.0-37.5) and 38.5 degrees;
  • drowsiness;
  • rhinorrhea - severe inflammation of the nasal mucosa and copious secretion of clear mucus;
  • chills;
  • sore throat, sore throat, dry cough.

If the immune system is functioning normally, ARVI responds well to therapy and all symptoms of the disease disappear within 5-7 days without causing any complications. If the patient has concomitant diseases or his immunity is weakened, then the inflammatory process easily spreads to the lower respiratory tract, causing bronchitis, pneumonia and other pathologies that are difficult to get rid of at home.

Symptoms of ARVI that require immediate call to a doctor

It is necessary to immediately call an ambulance or consult a doctor if the signs of ARVI do not go away for more than 5 days and the following symptoms appear:

  • body temperature rises to 40 degrees and is poorly controlled by antipyretics;
  • the patient’s consciousness is confused or he is delirious;
  • severe chest pain, inability to take a deep breath, one half of the chest lags behind in the act of breathing or does not take part at all;
  • small pinpoint hemorrhages appeared on the chest and neck;
  • hemoptysis, attacks of suffocation, sputum production when coughing with an unpleasant odor and an admixture of pus.


If you do not take the necessary measures to treat ARVI, complications may develop, which are expressed in the development of the following diseases and conditions:

  • acute sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses with the addition of a purulent infection),
  • the infection descends down the respiratory tract with the formation of bronchitis and pneumonia,
  • spread of infection to the auditory tube with the formation of otitis media,
  • the addition of a secondary bacterial infection (for example, the development of a sore throat),
  • exacerbation of foci of chronic infection both in the bronchopulmonary system and in other organs.

The so-called “adult” teenagers who cannot sit at home for a minute are especially susceptible to this. It is necessary to have a conversation with them, because... complications after ARVI can not only spoil life, there have been cases with a fatal outcome.

The best effective remedy for adults and children for the prevention of influenza, colds and ARVI

Those who are looking for the best remedy for the prevention of influenza, colds and ARVI will be disappointed to learn that there is no universal drug. Each person’s body is individual, therefore, the same preventive remedy can become a “lifesaver” for some, but for others it can be absolutely useless.

To strengthen the body's defenses, both an adult and a child, you can use a drug based on interferon . Nasal drops, suppositories, tablets or inhalations with interferon are especially effective in the first day of illness and for preventing illness.

Viferon for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI


Which doctor will help? If you have or suspect the development of ARVI, you should immediately seek advice from doctors such as a therapist or an infectious disease specialist.

To diagnose ARVI, the following examination methods are usually used:

  • Examination of the patient;
  • Immunofluorescent rapid diagnostics;
  • Bacteriological research.

If the patient develops bacterial complications, he is referred for consultation to other specialists - a pulmonologist, an otolaryngologist. If pneumonia is suspected, an X-ray of the lungs is performed. If pathological changes occur in the ENT organs, the patient is prescribed pharyngoscopy, rhinoscopy, and otoscopy.

Causes of viral infection

Symptoms of a viral infection appear only when the human body is exposed to a number of factors that increase its susceptibility to virions and weaken the immune system.

Based on this, the following reasons for the development of viral infection are identified:

  • a massive epidemic outbreak of a viral infection;
  • daily presence in a group where there are people with obvious signs of the disease (kindergarten, school, office premises);
  • you have recently had a cold or other bacterial disease that has weakened your immune system;
  • unbalanced diet, lack of fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, as well as meat, fish, eggs and other biologically useful products that strengthen the body's defenses;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking, drug use;
  • the presence of chronic foci of infection, which create an additional burden on the immune system.

The viral infection is highly contagious, and therefore can affect even people who have a very strong immune system and low susceptibility to pathogenic microorganisms of this type.

The airborne method of spreading the disease ensures a high incidence rate. One carrier of a viral infection leading an active lifestyle can infect more than 15 people per day.

How to treat ARVI in adults?

At the first symptoms of the disease, bed rest is required. You need to call a doctor to make a diagnosis and determine the severity of the disease. Mild and moderate forms of ARVI are treated at home, severe forms are treated in an infectious diseases hospital.

The main recommendations for the treatment of ARVI in adults:

  1. Mode.
  2. Reduced intoxication.
  3. Impact on the pathogen - the use of antiviral drugs for acute respiratory viral infections.
  4. Elimination of the main manifestations - runny nose, sore throat, cough.

Drugs for the treatment of ARVI

It is imperative to treat ARVI with antiviral drugs, because the main cause of the disease is a virus. From the first hours of the onset of ARVI symptoms, no later than 48 hours, begin taking one of the drugs 2 times a day:

  • Amiksin;
  • rimantadine or amantadine – 0.1 g each;
  • oseltamivir (Tamiflu) – 0.075 – 0.15 g;
  • zanamivir (Relenza).

You need to take antiviral drugs for 5 days.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This category includes:

  • Ibuprofen,
  • Paracetamol
  • Diclofenac.

These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce temperature, and relieve pain.

You can take combination medications that contain paracetamol - for example:

  • Fervex,
  • Teraflu
  • Coldrex.

Their effectiveness is the same as that of regular paracetamol, but they are more convenient to use and reduce the intensity of other symptoms of ARVI due to the presence of phenylephrine and chlorphenamine.

Antihistamines are needed to reduce signs of inflammation: nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membranes. It is recommended to take Loratidine, Fenistil, Zyrtec. Unlike first-generation drugs, they do not cause drowsiness.

Against nasal congestion and runny nose during ARVI in adults, vasoconstrictor nasal drops Vibrocil, Nazivin, Otrivin, Sanorin are used.

Are antibiotics needed?

The prognosis for ARVI is generally favorable. The prognosis worsens when complications occur; a more severe course often develops when the body is weakened, in children of the first year of life, and in the elderly. Some complications (pulmonary edema, encephalopathy, false croup) can be fatal.

The main indications for taking antibiotics for colds are the following:

  • chronic inflammation of the middle ear;
  • purulent otitis;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • purulent sinusitis;
  • quinsy;
  • sinusitis;
  • abscess;
  • phlegmon.

Treatment of ARVI

According to statistics, acute respiratory viral infections are the most common diseases throughout the globe. It is not possible to determine exact incidence figures, but on average, every person suffers from ARVI several times a year. Children aged 2 to 5 years are especially susceptible to such diseases.

Treatment of ARVI is most often carried out without hospitalization (at home). Only if the disease is complicated or the clinical picture is severe, the doctor can recommend hospitalization to the patient in order to carry out further treatment under the strict supervision of specialists.

The number of medications prescribed for ARVI and their type primarily depend on the type of disease, the age of the patient, the presence of various chronic diseases and the severity of the condition. Doctors strongly recommend bed rest for fever. Traditionally, medical professionals prescribe desensitizing drugs (for example, Clemastine), as well as antipyretic medications (for example, Nurofen) and plenty of fluids. It is important to know that children with ARVI are not prescribed acetylsalicylic acid, which, according to some experts, increases the risk of dangerous Reye's syndrome.

Treatment of ARVI in children

In addition to the above therapy, in particular, children with ARVI can be prescribed special vitamin complexes, expectorants like Ambroxol, as well as all kinds of complex medications. This could be Antigrippin (from 3 years), Lorraine (from 6 years) or, for example, Coldrex (from 6 years).

Etiotropic therapeutic effects are also recommended for acute respiratory viral infections in children. Such medications are irreplaceable, especially in the early stages of the disease. Interferon alpha-2 and inducers of endogenous interferons are used, for example, Anaferon for children. Ribavirin may also be prescribed.

Treatment of ARVI in children largely depends on the type of infection. If we are talking about the influenza virus, then children are treated mainly at home. Hospitalization is recommended only for severe illness and for social/epidemiological indications. Also, the attending physician may insist on hospitalization if the patient is an infant.

Children diagnosed with influenza are initially recommended basic treatment:

  • Proper nutrition based on diet. Food should be enriched with vitamins. An important role is played by drinking plenty of fluids, in particular warm tea, all kinds of fruit drinks, and mineral water (alkaline).
  • During fever, bed rest is important.
  • Antipyretic drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, Ibufen, Panadol).
  • If the patient has thick and viscous sputum due to ARVI, then mucolytic drugs are recommended. It could be Carbocysteine. The attending physician may also prescribe expectorants like Ambroxol for the child. A child’s cough can last from 2 to 14-15 days. If the cough does not go away after 2 weeks of active therapy, it is important to seek medical help to adjust the treatment.

As for local treatment, the following are recommended for ARVI in children:

  • Drops with a vasoconstrictor effect for rhinitis. If rhinitis is persistent, topical antihistamines may be prescribed. This could be Zyrtec (from 6 months of age) or, for example, Clarotadine (from 24 months).
  • If an inflammatory process is diagnosed on the palatine tonsils and the mucous membrane of the pharynx, the attending physician may prescribe the child a 2% solution of silver proteinate. Children over 6 years old - Strepsils, Tetracaine and Chlorhexidine.

Antiviral treatment of an etiotropic nature may consist of interferons, viral neuraminidase inhibitors, and adamantine derivatives. Each individual type of medication is prescribed strictly according to indications and only by the attending physician. Any self-medication of ARVI is fraught with negative consequences, especially since each medication has its own contraindications and age restrictions.

Antibiotics are also prescribed to children for ARVI. But this happens extremely rarely and only in cases where the doctor suspects the bacterial nature of the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract.

In case of ARVI, namely parainfluenza, the child may be recommended pathogenetic therapy, in particular Erispal syrup. Treatment is also prescribed aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, which is most often carried out at home with bed rest and eating easily digestible food. Hospitalization is recommended only in cases where croup syndrome is diagnosed or the disease is complicated by bacterial infection.

If a child has a rhinovirus infection (when the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and nose is predominantly affected), then symptomatic therapy is carried out. To improve nasal breathing during such ARVI, the attending physician recommends vasoconstrictor drugs. It is recommended to drink more warm drinks. If a child has a headache, Nurofen or Ibufen syrup is most often prescribed.

Only a doctor can identify and accurately determine ARVI in a child. It is important to know that the doctor makes a diagnosis not only based on the clinical picture of the disease. The specialist takes into account epidemiological data, the dynamics of symptoms, and even their severity. Laboratory tests are also prescribed for ARVI, confirming or refuting the presumptive diagnosis. That is why it is almost impossible to determine the disease, especially in a child, without the help of a competent doctor. You should not take risks and experiment, because improper treatment can cause complications.

Treatment of ARVI in adults

Just like children, adults are prescribed a whole range of medications for ARVI. Depending on the type of disease, the list of prescriptions may include antipyretics, vitamins, and desensitizing drugs. For damage to the organs of vision, various ointments are recommended, for example, Florenal. As for antibacterial therapy, medications of this type can only be recommended if bacterial complications develop. If a patient is diagnosed with severe rhinitis, then medications with ephedrine or, for example, xylometazoline are prescribed.

In severe cases of the disease, treatment of ARVI in adults includes pathogenetic detoxification therapy. Symptoms of ARVI in adults are not much different from those in children. For example, with the flu, fever and intoxication of the body are pronounced.

It is important to seek medical help without fail, even if the patient thinks that he can cope with the disease without the help of competent specialists.

Recommendations for adults with ARVI

  1. An important action is to isolate the patient from society, since the infection will then spread. Being in crowded places, an infected person will expose them to danger.
  2. A number of rules must be observed regarding the room where the patient is located. This includes its wet cleaning, mandatory ventilation (every 1.5 hours), temperature conditions (20-22°), it is good if the indoor humidity is 60-70%.
  3. You need to drink plenty of fluids, it should only be warm. In fact, this is any drink: tea, decoctions, compote, just warm water, etc.
  4. Taking a loading dose of vitamin C. In the first days of ARVI, you need to take ascorbic acid up to 1000 milligrams per day.
  5. Warming your feet and hands with hot baths. Warming procedures can be carried out if the patient does not have a fever.
  6. Gargling. The throat must be gargled to prevent the infection from spreading. Gargling helps relieve cough. Soda-salt solution, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, and sage are suitable for gargling.
  7. Rinse your nose regularly with saline solutions. The cheapest option is saline solution, you can also use modern drugs Dolphin or Aqua Maris - their effectiveness in comparison with regular saline solution is absolutely identical.
  8. Inhalations. This procedure is aimed at relieving cough. Among folk remedies, for inhalation you can use steam from jacket potatoes, as well as decoctions of chamomile, calendula, mint and other medicinal herbs. Among modern means, a nebulizer can be used for inhalation.

In the acute stage of the disease, a person’s temperature rises, their condition is severe, apathy, loss of appetite, pain in joints, muscles, etc. As soon as the virus begins to “give up”, the temperature balance normalizes - perspiration occurs, the pallor of the skin turns into blush, the patient wants to eat and craves sweets.

Symptoms and differences between acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

A characteristic symptom of acute respiratory diseases is intoxication of the body, which is accompanied by:

  1. General weakness;
  2. Body temperature up to 37.5-38ºС for acute respiratory infections and 38-39ºС for acute respiratory viral infections;
  3. Development of catarrhal inflammation.

The question of the difference between a viral and bacterial respiratory infection often arises. The importance of this issue lies in the choice of treatment tactics and the prescription of either antiviral or antibacterial drugs.

In the case of a viral infection, the most characteristic symptoms will be the following:

  • Sudden onset of symptoms of the disease;
  • A sharp increase in temperature to 39-40ºС;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Characteristic wet shine of the eyes;
  • Scanty discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • Flushed face (especially cheeks);
  • Moderate cyanosis (blue discoloration) of the lips;
  • It is possible to develop herpes rashes in the lip area;
  • Headaches and muscle pain;
  • Painful reaction to light;
  • Tearing.

The symptoms of viral infections, in some cases, are very similar, so only laboratory diagnostic methods, such as immunofluorescence analysis (ELISA), can accurately assess which virus caused the disease . However, the development of some viral infections has characteristic features:

  1. Influenza affects all parts of the respiratory tract, but mainly the trachea, so the disease is accompanied by a dry cough and pain, which is directed from the larynx to the lungs, aches and pain in the joints are characteristic;
  2. Adenoviral infection is characterized by damage not only to the respiratory region - a severe runny nose, but also to the conjunctiva and cornea of ​​the eye; often there is an enlargement of the lymph nodes not only in the head and neck, but throughout the body;
  3. The area affected by parainfluenza is the larynx; often during the development of the disease there is no increase in temperature, but a spasm of the larynx and a barking cough occurs.

In the case of a bacterial infection, the development of the disease is characterized by:

  • Gradual deterioration of the patient's condition;
  • Body temperature, as a rule, does not rise above 38.5-39ºС and can be maintained for several days;
  • The presence of characteristic pain when swallowing;
  • Characteristic tingling and tingling of the palate;
  • Enlarged submandibular and postauricular lymph nodes.

It is important to take into account the patient’s age when analyzing the symptoms of the disease. Because the symptoms of the disease can manifest differently in infants, preschoolers, school-aged children, adults and the elderly.

In infants up to 6 months of age , maternal antibodies (IgG class immunoglobulins) remain in the blood, so the development of both viral and bacterial infections, as long as the care requirements for children of this age are met, as a rule, does not occur. In children, after 6 months, antibodies disappear, and their own are not yet produced in the required volume; the child’s immunity “gets acquainted” with foreign agents and adapts to the new environment on its own. Therefore, in case of illness, a bacterial infection, just like a viral infection, can develop rapidly.

The nature of the development and course of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in infants older than 6 months and up to 3 years deserves special attention. Children of this age may not have a pronounced clinical picture, but the mother should be alert to the following signs:

  1. Pale skin;
  2. Refusal of breastfeeding;
  3. Reduced body weight gain.

A rapidly developing viral infection can be accompanied by a bacterial infection, which aggravates the course of the disease and leads to the development of complications in the form of:

  • Laryngotracheitis;
  • Croup syndrome;
  • Otitis;
  • Tracheitis
  • Bronchitis.

It is possible to develop coccal infection in the form of meningitis and meningoencephalitis.

Among the listed complications, croup syndrome or laryngeal spasm should be highlighted.

This is a fairly common occurrence in infants and is characterized by some genetic and seasonal predisposition. Long-term observations show:

  1. Croup syndrome is more likely to occur at night when the child is in a horizontal position;
  2. Among children, it is more common in boys than in girls;
  3. More pronounced in children with white skin, blond hair and blue eyes;
  4. It is more likely to occur in a dry and poorly ventilated area.

Often, there are no characteristic signs indicating laryngospasm. During the day the child is active, mobile, there are no changes in appetite or mood, body temperature is normal. There may be some nasal congestion. The acute phase develops at night, the child develops a short barking cough, he wakes up from suffocation, and screams. Screaming stimulates increased spasm of the laryngeal muscles, so parents should not panic, but try as much as possible to calm the child and call an ambulance. In case of croup, you should never self-medicate. However, during the time the ambulance is traveling, you should open the window, ventilate and humidify the room, or take the child to the bathroom and turn on the water. The more humid the atmosphere in the room, the easier it will be for the child to breathe. Ambulance specialists will most likely inhale an adrenaline solution to relieve croup syndrome. After which they will recommend going to a hospital, where the mother and child will have to spend at least 24 hours.

The appearance of an acute runny nose in children is usually accompanied by the spread of the inflammatory process to the pharynx, followed by the development of nasopharyngitis. Considering that the space of the nasopharynx is connected through the Eustachian tube to the cavity of the middle ear, in young children there is a high probability of complications in the form of acute otitis media. The inability of a baby to breathe through the nose leads to the fact that he cannot suckle effectively. After a few sips, he has to switch to mouth breathing, which leads to rapid fatigue and malnutrition of breast milk.

In young children, infection with dust particles may penetrate into the deeper parts of the respiratory tract, which can cause the development of inflammation not only of the larynx, but also damage to the trachea or bronchi. In all of these organs, the mucous membrane is also covered with ciliated epithelial cells and is susceptible to infection.

Some features in the morphology of the respiratory tract also contribute to the development of infection in children:

  • The glandular structures of the mucosa and submucosa are not sufficiently developed, as a result of which immunoglobulin production is reduced;
  • The layer underlying the mucous membrane is formed by loose fiber, poor in elastic fibers - this reduces the tissue’s resistance to maceration;
  • Narrow nasal passages, the lower passage is not formed (up to 4 years);
  • The narrow diameter of the larynx (from 4 mm in a newborn to 10 mm in an adolescent), which contributes to the development of stenosis (narrowing) of the larynx in the event of even slight swelling.

In children aged 3-6 years, a bacterial infection, as a rule, does not develop so rapidly. Therefore, before the temperature rises, previous signs of the disease appear, causing the premorbid background:

  1. Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  2. Some decrease in the child’s activity (lethargy);
  3. Decreased appetite;
  4. Possible mood swings.

Most children of this age attend preschool institutions and may be in constant contact with the source of a viral infection, the development of which can provoke a bacterial infection and regular return of the disease (relapse).

At an older age, children and adults strengthen their immunity, so the frequency of morbidity begins to decrease. At the same time, the premorbid background becomes less noticeable and the symptoms of a mild viral infection (or cold) practically do not appear. The development of a bacterial infection comes to the fore, accompanied by:

  • Inflammation of the pharynx (pharyngitis);
  • Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis);
  • Development of adenoiditis;
  • Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis, or sore throat);
  • Inflammation of the trachea;
  • Bronchitis and bronchiolitis;
  • Pneumonia.

Clinical observations show that in adults, a viral infection that develops in the form of a runny nose, with proper care (plenty of warm drinks, adherence to the regimen, etc.), does not descend further through the respiratory tract.

In elderly people (over 60 years old), due to weakened immunity, a protracted course of ARVI is observed. There is a high probability of complications, among which problems of the heart and vascular system come to the fore. Intoxication of the body and the subsequent increase in temperature are not typical for people of this age. Body temperature slowly rises to 38ºС and is maintained for a long time, depleting the body's strength. The duration of the disease is one and a half times longer than in people of other age groups.

ARVI during pregnancy poses a danger to the developing embryo in the early stages. Viral infections are especially dangerous because they are able to pass through the placental barrier of the mother to the fetus, causing infection. In addition, it is possible that the infection affects the placenta itself, thereby causing a disruption in the transport of nutrients and gases (CO2 and O2). The most dangerous period is considered to be the first 2-3 weeks, when the mother may not yet know about the development of the fetus. The presence of infection during this period can lead to termination of pregnancy due to detachment of the ovum. If the mother becomes ill at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, damage to the fetus can lead to disruption of organ formation, which can cause developmental defects. Therefore, it is important to remember that an infection such as the common flu poses a significant threat and requires, at the slightest sign, urgent contact with a specialist.

Video: what is the difference between acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections - Doctor Komarovsky


Food during treatment for ARVI should be light and quickly digestible. It is important to maintain a balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. For a speedy recovery, you should limit the amount of fat you consume. But you don’t need to give up easily digestible carbohydrates. They will replenish energy reserves.

What should be included in the diet for ARVI:Exclude:
  • fresh berries and fruits;
  • fresh, boiled and stewed vegetables;
  • boiled lean meat and fish;
  • any fermented milk products (for example, cottage cheese and sour cream);
  • soft-boiled chicken eggs (no more than two per day);
  • chicken bouillon;
  • various porridges.
  • alcoholic beverages (alcohol);
  • fried food (meat, cutlets, fish);
  • fatty foods;
  • very cold drinks;
  • sparkling mineral water;
  • spicy food (pepper);
  • smoked products;
  • conservation.

Depending on the stage of recovery, the nutrition of a patient with ARVI can be structured as follows:

  • On the first day of illness - baked apples, low-fat yogurt, fermented baked milk.
  • On the second or third days - boiled meat or fish, porridge with milk, fermented milk products.
  • On days of complications of the disease - boiled or stewed vegetables, low-fat fermented milk products.

How is the infection transmitted?

The most common reason for the infection that causes ARVI to enter the human body is contact with an infected person. If you are surrounded by someone with the flu, the symptoms of ARVI will definitely appear in someone else. The virus can pass from a sick person to a healthy person who may simply be in the same room.

In public transport, viral infection spreads very quickly. Here everyone present can easily catch the disease. It is enough for a patient to sneeze and cough in a bus, subway car, underground passage or other enclosed space for people standing nearby to become infected with ARVI.

Virus particles have the ability to survive even after they fall on the floor or other surface. After some time, when the dust rises, harmful microorganisms can enter the human respiratory tract and cause illness. Therefore, the room where the patient is located must be thoroughly cleaned and ventilated. With poor ventilation and high humidity, bacterial growth occurs much more intensely.

During the cold season, ARVI epidemics are often observed. They are mainly associated with decreased immune system function and frequent hypothermia. Also, vitamin deficiency often occurs in the spring, so infections easily pass from one person to another.

With an acute respiratory viral infection, the respiratory tract is damaged, where an inflammatory process is noted. The patient may have symptoms such as cough and fever. A runny nose is often associated with this.

If a person experiences similar signs of ARVI, immediate action must be taken, otherwise everyone around them will become infected. The disease can be easily transmitted through shared objects, as well as simply through the air. For this reason, the patient needs to wear a mask so as not to infect others. The main source of infection is nasal mucus and saliva. All items into which these liquids may have come into contact must be thoroughly washed and disinfected.

During seasonal outbreaks of the disease, to prevent and treat ARVI, you need to wash your hands very carefully and use preventive medications, for example, ointments. They are quite effective and make it possible to protect against infection even in crowded rooms where the risk of catching ARVI is extremely high.

Folk remedies for ARVI

ARVI can be treated using the following folk remedies:

  1. Brew 1 tablespoon of boiling water in a glass. ginger powder, ground cinnamon, add ground black pepper on the tip of a knife. Leave covered for 5 minutes, add 1 tsp. honey Take a glass every 3-4 hours.
  2. Modern healers recommend treating colds with a special mixture of juices. You will need: juice from 2 lemons, 1 crushed clove of garlic, 5 mm fresh ginger root, 1 apple with peel, 1 pear with peel, 300 gr. water, 1 tablespoon honey. If the juice is intended for adults, you can add a 2 cm thick slice of radish to it. Drink the resulting mixture 2 times a day until complete recovery.
  3. You can do inhalations over a container of hot water. To increase efficiency, add a clove of garlic, pine needle extract, fir and eucalyptus oil to the liquid. Also, nasal drops are made based on these oils.
  4. To disinfect indoor air, you should place a container with onions or garlic in the room. They are rich in beneficial phytoncides that destroy viruses.
  5. Loss of smell is one of the most frustrating symptoms of a cold (especially for an aromatherapy practitioner!) Chervil, geranium and basil oils can help your woes. Use them when taking baths and during inhalations.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

To prevent acute respiratory infections of bacterial or viral etiology, experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Limit contacts during seasonal epidemics (going to crowded places - theatre, cinema, public transport during rush hours, large supermarkets, especially with small children, i.e. to any places where excessive crowds of people are possible);
  2. Carry out regular cleaning of the premises using disinfectants (chloramine, chlorcin, dezavid, dezoxon, etc.);
  3. Ventilate the room and maintain optimal air humidity in the range of 40-60%;
  4. Include in your diet foods rich in ascorbic acid and vitamin P (bioflavonoids);
  5. Regularly rinse the nasal cavity and throat with an infusion of chamomile or calendula flowers.

World statistics show that vaccination can reduce the incidence of ARVI by 3-4 times. However, you should approach the issue of vaccination carefully and understand in what cases it is necessary to be vaccinated against a particular virus.

Currently, prevention of ARVI is mainly aimed at influenza vaccination. It has been shown that the practice of influenza vaccination is justified for the so-called risk groups:

  • Children with chronic lung diseases, including asthmatics and patients with chronic bronchitis;
  • Children with heart disease and hemodynamic disorders (arterial hypertension, etc.);
  • Children, after immunosuppressive therapy (chemotherapy);
  • People suffering from diabetes;
  • Elderly people who may come into contact with infected children.

In addition, it is recommended to vaccinate against seasonal flu in September-November in preschools, schools, and for staff of clinics and hospitals.

Live (rarely) and inactivated vaccines are used for vaccination. They are prepared from strains of the influenza virus, which are grown in chicken embryo fluid. The reaction to the vaccine is local and general immunity, which includes direct suppression of the virus by T lymphocytes and the production of specific antibodies by B lymphocytes. The virus is inactivated (neutralized) using formaldehyde.

Influenza vaccines are divided into three groups:

  1. Inactivated whole virion vaccines are used, due to low tolerability, only in the high school group and for adults;
  2. Subviral vaccines (splits) - these vaccines are highly purified and are recommended for all age groups, starting from 6 months;
  3. Subunit polyvalent influenza vaccines - such vaccines are prepared from derivatives of the viral shell; this group of drugs is the most expensive because it requires high purification and concentration of the virus-containing material.

Among the drugs used in vaccination are:

  • Grippol, produced by the Russian Institute of Immunology, belongs to the group of subunit polyvalent vaccines;
  • Vaxigrip, produced in France by Pasteur Merrier Connaught, belongs to the group of subviral vaccines, the vaccine contains formaldehyde, merthiolate and traces of neomycin;
  • Fluarix, produced by the Belgian company Smith Klein Beecham, belongs to the group of subviral vaccines, containing formaldehyde, merthiolate and sucrose;
  • Influvac, produced by the Dutch company Solvay Pharma, is a subunit vaccine containing purified virus envelope products.

When using a particular vaccine, local or general reactions may occur, accompanied by:

  1. Malaise;
  2. Slight redness at the vaccine injection site;
  3. Increased body temperature;
  4. Muscle pain and headache.

Children should be given special attention on the day of vaccination. Vaccination requires a preliminary examination of the child by the attending physician. It should be remembered that if there is a suspicion or signs of any infection are already appearing, vaccination should be postponed until the body has completely recovered.

Complications of ARVI

ARVI can be complicated during any period of the disease. Complications can be either viral in nature or occur as a result of a bacterial infection. Most often, acute respiratory viral infections are complicated by pneumonia, bronchitis, and bronchiolitis. Common complications also include sinusitis, sinusitis, and sinusitis. Inflammation of the hearing aid (otitis media), meninges (meningitis, meningoencephalitis), various types of neuritis (often neuritis of the facial nerve) often occurs. In children, often at an early age, a rather dangerous complication can be false croup (acute laryngeal stenosis), which can lead to death from asphyxia.

With high intoxication (particularly typical for influenza), there is a likelihood of developing convulsions, meningeal symptoms, heart rhythm disturbances, and sometimes myocarditis. In addition, ARVI in children of different ages can be complicated by cholangitis, pancreatitis, genitourinary tract infections, and septicopyemia.

Main differences

Only a physician can distinguish influenza from ARVI, although both diseases affect the respiratory system and are accompanied by hyperthermia and general malaise. The differences between influenza and respiratory infection lie in symptoms and manifestations.

Signs of ARVI:

  • Runny nose.
  • Cough.
  • Temperature.
  • Pain in the larynx.
  • Weakness.

It is not recommended to self-medicate; qualified diagnosis will help to avoid complications, especially for the child’s body. Infections caused by adenoviruses and parainfluenza last for some time without symptoms, develop slowly, and influenza begins instantly.

Rhinoviruses settle on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages, so the main symptoms are accompanied by coughing and sneezing, and discharge of mucus (snot). The discharge is characterized by maximum wateriness, transparency and abundance.

Adenoviruses infect the tonsils, develop tonsillitis, if the eyes are affected, conjunctivitis, and if the viruses have settled in the larynx, pharyngitis develops.

Parainfluenza is similar in symptoms to laryngitis, accompanied by a rough voice and dry cough.

The trachea and bronchi are affected by respiratory syncytial infections, causing tracheitis and bronchitis. Differences between acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in temperature changes are noted with different infections. During rhinovirus infection, body temperature does not increase or increases slightly. Adenoviruses are accompanied by hyperthermia for 10 days; with parainfluenza, the temperature rises slowly. With influenza, the first symptom is high fever, chills, headache, forehead pain, eye pain, and chills.

Intoxication of the body during influenza is more pronounced in the head, muscles, joints, and is manifested by enlarged lymph nodes.

Based on blood tests, the differences between the diagnoses are obvious. During acute respiratory viral infections, the number of leukocytes (white blood cells) decreases, lymphocytes and monocytes increase.

When diagnosing acute respiratory diseases of a bacterial nature, the number of leukocytes increases.

It is important to begin effective treatment in the first stages of infection, at the first signs. This will avoid complications.

Prevention of viral infection

In order to reduce the likelihood of contracting a viral infection, as well as strengthen your name system, it is recommended to follow simple rules for preventing the disease every day.

They consist of the following actions:

  • harden the body by dousing it with cold water, taking a contrast shower, wiping it with a wet towel (best done in the morning, after waking up from sleep);
  • balance the diet by excluding from it products that do not represent biological value (confectionery, sausages, canned food, mayonnaise, ketchup, potato chips);
  • give up alcoholic beverages, smoking, and drugs;
  • saturate the menu with cereal porridges, fresh fruits, vegetable and herb salads, ocean fish, seafood, boiled chicken, lean lamb, nutria, and rabbit;
  • in the winter and autumn seasons, when the peak incidence occurs, before going outside, lubricate the mucous membrane of the nasal openings with Oxolinic ointment;
  • lead an active lifestyle, play sports, walk in the fresh air, but avoid hypothermia;
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes that support the protective function of the immune system (Echinacea purpurea extract, Eleutherococcus tincture, Vitrum, Alphabet, Complivit).

It is recommended to avoid public places with large crowds of people. If you have a choice between traveling by public transport and walking in slightly frosty weather, then it is better to give preference to the second option. Among large masses of the population, there may be one person who is a carrier of virions, who will infect everyone else with a viral infection.

Symptomatic therapy

It is quite difficult to be treated at home with folk remedies. To combat the symptoms of a viral infection, you will definitely need medications to eliminate cough, runny nose, and normalize body temperature.

Some people prefer to take combination medications (Coldrex, Rinza, Theraflu) containing several active substances. Such compositions simultaneously relieve nasal swelling, lower body temperature, and supply the body with a sufficient amount of vitamin C. But not all people can take these medications; they have many contraindications.

It is much more convenient to use separate drugs to get rid of each of the symptoms:

  • body temperature is normalized by tablets containing paracetamol or ibuprofen; adults can use nimesulide (the same drugs will relieve headaches and muscle pain);
  • Regular rinsing with saline solutions (Aquamaris, Salin, Aqualor), as well as drops for constricting blood vessels (Otrivin, Nazivin) will help relieve swelling of the nasal passages, reduce the amount of mucus discharged from the nose;
  • you can get rid of a sore throat by constantly gargling with chamomile and calendula herbs, as well as using Tantum Verde, Lugol sprays, Strepsils, Faringosept lozenges;
  • cough during ARVI, often dry, to improve sputum discharge and make it productive, you can perform steam inhalations and use Gerbion, ACC, Stoptussin, Lazolvan syrups.

Treatment methods for viral infection

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide selection of drugs with antiviral properties.

Despite this, most doctors are of the opinion that treatment of viral infections should be exclusively symptomatic, supporting the body's immune system until it produces a sufficient amount of antibodies. Let's take a closer look at each of the existing treatment methods.

Drug therapy

Symptoms of a viral infection can be suppressed with medications that reduce fever, inhibit the development of virions, support the immune system, and speed recovery.

The following medications have the best therapeutic effect:

  • Influvac is a drug that is a vaccine against most strains of viral respiratory microorganisms (injected once into the subcutaneous space at a dosage of 5 ml);
  • Ingavirin - take 1 capsule once a day on an empty or full stomach (the general course of therapy is from 5 to 7 days, depending on the severity of the current disease);
  • Tamiflu - prescribed in the first days of the onset of symptoms of a viral infection, taken 1 capsule 2 times a day for 5 days (can be used both for treatment and prevention of the disease);
  • Amizon - used for systemic therapy of viral infection with a single dosage of 1000 mg, and the total daily dose should be within 2000 mg (the duration of treatment can be from 5 to 30 days);
  • Arbidol is approved for use in the treatment of children over 6 years of age (take 1 capsule per day) and adult patients (2 capsules per day with a duration of administration from 7 to 10 days).

The prescription of these medications should only be performed by the attending physician. Self-therapy for a viral infection is unacceptable and can lead to the development of complications, as well as aggravate the course of an existing disease.

Traditional methods

Alternative medicine offers its alternative methods of treating viral infections without the use of drugs.

To do this, it is recommended to use the following folk recipes, which have repeatedly proven their effectiveness:

  • take 3 medium onions, finely chop the vegetables and place in an enamel container, and sprinkle 3 tbsp on top. l. granulated sugar, refrigerated for 24 hours (during this period of time, the vegetable will release healing juice, which must be taken 1 teaspoon 4 times a day, regardless of your diet schedule);
  • buy a black radish root vegetable, cut off the top and select the pulp, making it empty from the inside, pour 200 ml of honey collected from herbs into the vegetable, and put the homemade medicine in the refrigerator for a day (drink 1 tbsp of black radish juice and honey mixture). 3 times a day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear);
  • pour 3 liters of warm boiled water into a basin, add 2 tbsp. l. salt, stir thoroughly and rinse the nasal openings and maxillary sinuses, closing one opening at a time and drawing in the liquid with the free nasal canal (the procedure allows you to quickly get rid of a runny nose, wash virions from the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and speed up recovery, and the treatment process lasts from 5 to 7 days);
  • pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. l. dried chamomile, coltsfoot, sage, linden, and then pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over them (take folk medicine for viral infections 3 times a day, 250 ml 15 minutes before meals).

Before using a folk remedy as the main method of combating a viral infection, you should consult with your doctor. Most experts recommend giving preference to drug therapy, and using home remedies as an additional method.

Diet food

The symptoms of a viral infection will not be so pronounced if you follow the rules of dietary nutrition.

The following foods, dishes and drinks that weaken the immune system are strictly prohibited:

  • sausages, pickled, fried, smoked food, sweets;
  • spicy foods that can irritate the laryngeal mucosa;
  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • canned meat and fish.
  • At the same time, the menu must include:
  • dairy products;
  • citrus;
  • apples, carrots, sauerkraut;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • salads from fresh vegetables and herbs;
  • tea with raspberry jam;
  • low-fat meats, steamed or boiled in water;
  • mackerel, saury, herring.

As a first course, it is recommended to use vegetable soups or chicken broth, heated until warm. For the second course, it is necessary to serve buckwheat, barley, corn, and rice porridges, which are well absorbed by the patient’s body and provide it with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates.

Other methods

To speed up the recovery process, in addition to conservative therapy methods, as well as traditional medicine recipes, it is recommended to use the following methods of treating a viral infection:

  • warming the nose with dry salt or electrophoresis in the clinic;
  • installation of mustard plasters and warming compresses on the chest, as well as the front wall of the neck (the procedure is carried out only if the patient has normal body temperature);
  • massage of the maxillary sinuses, bridge of the nose, and back in the area of ​​the lower respiratory tract;
  • inhalation with a nebulizer into the cavity of which antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions are filled, accelerating the removal of sputum.

These therapeutic techniques should be used in combination with medications. The duration of treatment directly depends on the severity of the current illness, the patient’s immune status, as well as the individual characteristics of his body. In most cases, recovery occurs 7-10 days after the first symptoms of the disease appear.

Manifestation of diseases

The first signs of the disease are as follows:

  • rhinitis;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C;
  • the temperature may remain low-grade;
  • a sore throat.
  • Flu symptoms:
  • a sharp increase in temperature up to 40 ° C;
  • weakness in the body;
  • loss of desire to eat;
  • muscle pain, headache.

If the causative agent of acute respiratory infections is not a virus, but a bacterium, then the body temperature may remain around 37 °C for some time. Often with a bacterial infection there is no runny nose. With a sore throat, the patient has a white coating in the throat and swallowing food is difficult. In many cases with acute respiratory infections, the mucus that is rejected has an unusual greenish color, and purulent discharge is present.

As we see, the symptoms of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections are very similar; not always even an experienced doctor can distinguish acute respiratory infections from acute respiratory viral infections. Therefore, diagnostics often require additional tests - blood, throat swabs, the deciphering of the results of which will allow us to identify the pathogen.

A cold is commonly called hypothermia. If for some reason the body gives off too much heat, then soon its defenses weaken, and it becomes helpless against various pests. Then microorganisms begin to actively multiply, causing inflammation. That is, when asked whether an acute respiratory infection is called a cold or an acute respiratory viral infection, one can answer that it is both, only the root cause is hypothermia of the body.

Pest microorganisms infect the respiratory system, causing inflammatory processes. As a result, the disease begins. Sometimes a bacterial infection is added to a viral infection. Then they talk about complications. In order to avoid them, it is not recommended to visit places with large crowds of people at the first symptoms of a cold or during epidemics.


Preventive methods for ARVI include:

  • limiting contact with a sick person;
  • use of a protective gauze mask;
  • humidifying the air to prevent drying out of the mucous membranes;
  • quartzing of premises;
  • ventilation of premises;
  • good nutrition;
  • playing sports;
  • the use of vitamins and restorative drugs in the off-season;
  • personal hygiene.

You will get maximum results if you carry out comprehensive treatment for ARVI, take all medications prescribed by your doctor and remember to stay in bed.

One of the most common pathologies during the off-season is acute upper respiratory tract infections.

There is not a person who does not list at least some of the symptoms and treatment of ARVI in adults.

Almost every adult gets the flu or other viral diseases on average once a year, and school-age children 2-3 times. Epidemics and pandemics affect up to 30% of the world's population.

Symptoms of a viral infection

A distinctive feature of the clinical picture of the disease, which manifests itself after contracting a viral infection, is the presence of painful symptoms, which always occur in an acute form.

The following symptoms of infection are identified:

  • severe dry cough, which is most disturbing in the first days of the disease (all attempts to cough up sputum do not bring a positive result);
  • runny nose, which is characterized by the discharge of very thin mucus from the nasal openings;
  • physical weakness, chronic fatigue, rapid fatigue after performing basic actions are added;
  • body temperature rises to 38-39 degrees Celsius, and sometimes higher;
  • fever, chills, excessive sweating, which worsens at night;
  • stool disorder, manifested as diarrhea;
  • constant sneezing, after which the runny nose becomes even more profuse;
  • deterioration of appetite, or complete refusal to eat (a similar reaction of the body is observed in the first 3 days after the onset of the disease, when signs of intoxication appear most clearly);
  • headache, which in most cases occurs simultaneously with fever;
  • discomfort in the joints and eyeballs.

Symptoms of a viral infection become less intense as the immune system produces antibodies in the patient’s blood that can counteract pathogenic virions, destroy them and remove them from the body.

How does acute respiratory infection develop?

All types of acute respiratory infections are united by symptoms indicating a violation of the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract. The accumulation of pathogens, primary deposition and then reproduction occurs here. The activity of viruses provokes the development of inflammatory processes, often accompanied by all sorts of complications, many of which are closely related to disruptions in the functioning of the vital systems of the human body.

The method of transmitting acute respiratory infections from person to person is airborne. In some cases, animals may become the source of infection.

Non-drug treatment

How to quickly cure the flu at home? Traditional recipes give good results.

It is unlikely that you will be able to fight the influenza virus with herbs and warming alone. This disease is very strong and insidious, and therefore requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Traditional medicine can be used after starting drug therapy. It will help reduce catarrhal manifestations and activate your own immune system.

What can be used:

  • do inhalations with herbs, essential oils (eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, freshly boiled potatoes);
  • drink tea with raspberries and ginger;
  • eat chicken broth;
  • increase consumption of onions and garlic.

How to cure a cold in a day - proven methods

It is not difficult to contract a viral infection, but quickly curing ARVI in a child or adult is not so easy. Getting rid of a cold in one day is difficult, but you can significantly alleviate the condition through the following methods:

  • drink a lot of vitamin C (at least 1000 mg per day for an adult);
  • spend the whole day at home, lying in bed;
  • some adults may use a rather risky method - drink 100 grams of vodka with black pepper and then go to bed.

There are several more ways to quickly return to an active life, we will consider them below.

Treatment of a cold in one day - get warm and sweat

An important aspect of a quick recovery is keeping warm. To accomplish this, you can take the following method:

  • getting rid of socks;
  • pour hot water into the basin;
  • pour one and a half tablespoons of mustard powder there;
  • keep your feet in the basin for about a quarter of an hour until the water begins to cool;
  • wipe your feet dry;
  • Sometimes it is recommended to put mustard plaster in your socks; you can simply put on warm socks and lie down under a blanket.

This method cannot be used at elevated body temperatures. A hot bath can make your condition worse.

When deciding to get rid of a respiratory infection using folk remedies, you can use the method of removing toxins outside the body. To implement it, you need to take the following measures:

  • drink plenty of fluids (raspberry tea, honey-lemon infusion, chamomile tea);
  • drink a lot of tea with raspberry jam before bed and go to bed, covering yourself warmly.

How to quickly eliminate nasal congestion during ARVI

A characteristic sign of an acute respiratory viral infection is nasal congestion. To reduce symptoms, you can use inhalations that accelerate the removal of mucus, you can breathe over a pan of boiled potatoes or use a nebulizer with alkaline mineral water or a special composition.

Traditional medicine recommends:

  • lubricate the nasal cavity with Kalanchoe juice;
  • use a mixture of butter and table salt (it should be applied to the outside of the wings of the nose);
  • To rinse your nose, you can use sea salt dissolved in water. Both nostrils are washed with it, alternately;
  • cut a fresh onion and breathe over the vapors it emits, or lubricate cotton swabs with onion juice and hold them several times a day for 10 minutes;
  • instill the nose with preheated olive oil, sea buckthorn or menthol, as well as an oil solution of vitamin A;
  • Before going to bed, you can apply Vietnamese balm “Star” to the bridge of your nose.

How to cure a cold cough in a day

To get rid of the obsessive cough that occurs during ARVI, you can use anti-inflammatory herbs. They need to be brewed and used for internal consumption. This could be mother and stepmother medicinal herbs and a special Breast Feed.

Rubbing the back and chest (avoiding the area where the heart is located), using essential oils, Zvezdochka balm, Doctor Mom, badger fat or turpentine will help reduce the intensity of the cough. Black radish juice gives good results. To get it, you need to cut off the top of the vegetable and put a spoonful of honey there. After a while, the radish will release juice, which you need to take several tablespoons a day.

If the sputum is difficult to clear, you can use pharmaceuticals such as ACC, Mucaltin, Bromhexine, Ambroxol.

Cough remedies have some unpleasant side effects, their use is not allowed for every type of cough, therefore, it is preferable to consult a doctor who will suggest a regimen and medications for treatment.

Quick relief from sore throat

To reduce the intensity of pain in the larynx, it is necessary to rinse. For these purposes, the following compositions are used:

  • healing decoctions of sage, calendula, oak bark, chamomile or St. John's wort;
  • a mixture of soda, salt and a few drops of iodine;
  • warm water with a little lemon juice added;
  • Furacillin solution.

To reduce a sore throat, you can suck on a slice of lemon with a small amount of honey. In addition, a glass of heated milk, with the addition of butter and honey, relieves inflammation well and softens the mucous membrane.

You can prepare a decoction of milk with garlic and gargle with it. However, this product has a specific taste that not everyone will like.

To eliminate bacteria that actively multiply in the oral cavity, you can use the following medications:

  • Septefril;
  • Faringosept;
  • Strepsils.

Drinks for colds

No antiviral medicine will work effectively if a person neglects to adhere to the drinking regime. You need to drink a lot to speed up the process of removing toxins (which are necessarily formed during a viral disease) from the body.

There are two drinking rules that must be followed:

  1. Drink often, in small quantities.
  2. The temperature of the drinks should be warm so that they do not come into conflict with the intestines and are quickly absorbed by its walls.

You can drink the following liquids during a cold:

  • clean drinking water;
  • compote made from dried or fresh fruits;
  • tea with honey and lemon, either black or brewed with chamomile;
  • ginger drink;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • tea with echinacea;
  • tea with the addition of black pepper, turmeric, cinnamon, cloves;
  • fruit drinks made from cranberries, currants, sea buckthorn;
  • black and red currant juice.

All these drinks, especially those consumed without added sugar, significantly increase immunity (due to the content of ascorbic acid), remove toxins and alleviate a person’s condition, accelerating his recovery.

Vitamin complexes

As noted above, the main vitamin that promotes rapid recovery is ascorbic acid. It wouldn’t hurt to nourish your body with other vitamin and mineral complexes:

  • It contains a lot of retinol, zinc and natural extracts, due to which the recovery process from the flu is significantly reduced;
  • Theraflu Immuno, in addition to other components, contains echinacea, which strengthens the body's defenses;
  • Multi Tabs Immuno Plus contains, among other things, lactic acid bacteria necessary for increased synthesis of interferons;
  • Sambucol Immuno Forte is a biologically active supplement that strengthens the immune system, protects cells from viral effects, and reduces the severity of inflammatory processes.

Antipyretic medications

To reduce fever, it is preferable to use products based on paracetamol and ibuprofen (Nurofen, Panadol, Efferalgan). You can use Nimesulide, which actively normalizes body temperature and relieves headaches.

It is better to refrain from using aspirin, because this component has the ability to provoke the development of gastric bleeding.

Some people find it more convenient to use complex remedies to combat ARVI symptoms - Coldrex, Vicks, Theraflu.


A very important step in quickly getting rid of a viral infection is maintaining the correct microclimate in the room.

For this purpose, the following activities are carried out:

  • regular ventilation of the room where the patient is (when he leaves it), as well as the entire home. This must be done in the morning and in the evening; it would not be a bad idea to ventilate the rooms during the day, when leaving home;
  • maintaining air temperature at 18-22 degrees;
  • air humidification using a special device. If the humidity in the room is 70%, then the mucous membranes are sufficiently moisturized and it is extremely difficult for microbes to attack them and for viruses to multiply on their surface.

Treating a cold in one day with medications

To overcome the virus, you need to use medications used to reduce its ability to develop, reproduce, and also quickly destroy it. Some drugs fight viruses, others increase the amount of interferon in the body necessary to fight ARVI.

Experts recommend fighting respiratory viral infections with the following medications:

  • Remantadine;
  • Interferon;
  • Tamiflu;
  • Oxolinic ointment;
  • Gamma globulin.

Mode and nutrition

How to quickly cure ARVI in an adult at home? The first thing a sick person should do is stop going out in public. This is necessary not only to prevent the spread of infection, but so that the patient’s body finds the strength to fight the virus.

Therefore, a person must open a sick leave sheet and strictly observe bed rest. This is the only way to avoid most of the complications that arise due to improper treatment of ARVI, late treatment, or refusal to stay in bed. Complications can affect the organs of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, which is very dangerous for humans.

In addition to following the regime, it is very important to maintain a proper diet. During the first days of illness, a person may completely lose their appetite, which should not cause concern; this is a normal physiological reaction of the body to fight the virus.

A period of illness is not the time for active consumption of food. If a person does not want to eat, there is no need to force him.

A little later, when the acute period of the illness has passed, the desire arises; you can include foods in your diet that speed up the healing process:

  • eggs;
  • baked meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
  • fresh juices;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • nuts;
  • fermented milk products with a low fat content.

It is equally important to drink a lot: be sure to consume fruit drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, sea buckthorn, herbal infusions and teas.

Statistical data

According to data as of April 2019 (report of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare), 14,402,634 cases of acute respiratory infections were registered in Russia, of which 9,348,118 people were children under 14 years of age (64.9%) . There are studies showing that up to 80% of the annual economic damage caused by infectious diseases in the Russian Federation is caused by acute respiratory diseases. It turns out that a common cold costs the state more than the completely non-banal tetanus or cholera.

Diagnosis of ARVI in children

In a child, symptoms are similar to those of adults, but there are some difficulties and dangers. A differential diagnosis is made for children to alert them to complications. Children in the first two years of life, due to the physiological development of the respiratory organs, are often diagnosed with croup - active constriction of the larynx, dangerous for suffocation. The voice becomes hoarse, the wings of the nose swell - signs to see a doctor or hospitalization.

The exact formulation of the diagnosis is determined by external factors or after testing.

Parents should seek emergency help if the child develops a rash due to malaise, a hoarse voice, a white coating on the arches of the pharynx, and a high fever that does not subside for more than five days.

Timely diagnosis and medical care will be the best prevention of complications. Patients' breathing is harsh, and with pneumonia or bronchitis, wheezing is heard.

Treatment of adults

To overcome acute respiratory viral infection in adults, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • stay in bed;
  • drink a lot of warm, but not hot liquid - compote, herbal infusions, teas;
  • you need to use fever-reducing medications only if the temperature is very high;
  • clean and ventilate the room more often;
  • use a humidifier;
  • rinse your nose with saline solution;
  • some specialists prescribe antiviral drugs. You need to know that the effectiveness of many of these drugs has not been proven. The exception is drugs from the group of neuraminidase inhibitors, which can be used exclusively in a hospital setting;
  • as prescribed by a doctor, use symptomatic remedies to alleviate the condition, such as vasoconstrictor drops, antiseptics for the throat with an analgesic effect. It must be remembered that vasoconstrictor drops are not used for longer than 5 days, as they can be addictive.

If the viral infection does not go away within a week and all signs of the disease persist, the doctor may prescribe additional examinations, such as a chest x-ray. Pneumonia often occurs in older adults and weakened people.

Therefore, they are hospitalized to avoid adverse consequences. Sometimes the disease is complicated by otitis - an inflammatory process in the ear, or meningitis - in the meninges. Therefore, any cold is potentially dangerous and requires treatment in children and adults.

How does acute respiratory infection differ from other types of diseases? There is a difference in treatment between acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. ARI differs from ARVI in that for bacterial acute respiratory infections, doctors use only antibiotics. Antibiotics do not kill viruses, so they are not suitable for viral infections. There are acute respiratory infections of an allergic nature, which manifests itself in the form of rhinitis.

Such allergies can be overcome with special antihistamines. In this case, acute respiratory infections are called allergic. You need to know that when using drugs, an allergy to their components may occur, in which case the use of the drug should be stopped. When self-medicating, there is a risk of harming yourself, so it is better to go to the doctor.

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