Diet for gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers. Recipes, menus for periods of exacerbation. Table 5

Today, gastritis can be called the disease of the century; more than 50% of the population of all nations and ages are familiar with it. This diagnosis is often made in the first hours of a newborn’s life, and although it is not

refers to a number of serious diseases, but there is still something to be afraid of, because gastritis is a provocateur and the basis for the development of many other unpleasant health problems.

Often, with gastritis, metabolism is disrupted, pain is a concern, the patient experiences weakness and malaise for a long time, and the acidity of the juice in the stomach is disturbed; it may be within the normal range, or it may be much different from it, and be above or below the permissible limit . But most often the disease occurs accompanied by increased acidity in the stomach, which requires the infringement of one’s lifestyle habits, and most importantly, forces one to reconsider one’s diet. It is this type of disease that we will talk about in detail today.

Gastritis with low and high acidity - what is it?

The acute form of gastritis occurs when pathogenic microflora enters the body:

  • salmonella;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci.

It also develops during poisoning:

  • low-quality products;
  • acid;
  • alkali.

The difference between the chronic form of gastritis (CG) and the acute form is that changes begin in the gastric mucosa. The disease occurs with disruption of the secretory activity of the stomach and a slow regeneration process. As a result, the epithelium of the stomach becomes thinner, scars and erosion appear on it.

There are 2 types of chronic disease: with high (hypoacid) and low (antacid) acidity . With a chronic disease, there are no pronounced symptoms of the disease. This form usually occurs around the age of 20 and can develop until old age, alternating between phases of remission and exacerbation.

If there is insufficient secretion in the stomach, antacid gastritis occurs. A low concentration of juice greatly slows down the process of breaking down food. As a result, the absorption of nutrients becomes difficult, and they enter the body in deficient quantities, and the body’s depletion gradually increases.

At the same time, it increases the likelihood of pathogenic bacteria entering the body. This leads to inflammation of the gastric mucosa; in frequent cases, gastroduenitis is formed; inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa spread to the duodenum. With an increased amount of acid in the stomach, hypoacid gastritis develops.

This form of the disease is typical for people who abuse:

  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • coffee.

In the case of hypoacid gastritis, there is a risk of developing gastroedunitis. In both cases, advanced forms of the disease ultimately lead to ulcers and stomach cancer.

The following tests help accurately diagnose the disease:

  • blood;
  • feces;
  • urine;
  • alpha amylase test;
  • fibrogastroduodenoendoscopy of the nutritional organs (FGDS).

If necessary, a scraping of the gastric mucosa is performed. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after determining the nature of the disease, but in any case, against the background of inflammatory and chronic processes, gentle nutrition is introduced.

What is gastritis

Probably, many people know that the human stomach is covered with a mucous membrane, which produces substances necessary for the breakdown of food entering the stomach. Probably
, many people know that the human stomach is covered with a mucous membrane, which produces substances necessary for the breakdown of food entering the stomach. These substances are called gastric juice. Gastric juice begins to be produced the moment a person begins to eat. The main component of gastric juice is hydrochloric acid. Thus, there is an acidic environment inside the stomach, which can negatively affect the tissues of the stomach itself, leading to erosion of the gastric mucosa and partial loss of its functions. The number of glands covering the mucous membrane is reduced, they are replaced by fibrous tissue. The process of epithelial tissue regeneration is disrupted.

There may be other causes of pathological phenomena in the gastric mucosa. A similar process is called gastritis.

Causes and signs of gastritis

The causes of gastritis can be:

  • Bacteria Helicobacter Pylori. In the stomach, bacteria, when multiplied, irritate its mucous membrane, provoking a change in the acidic environment in it.
  • Neglect of diet. Gluttony, malnutrition, fast food, and quick snacks provoke increased acid levels, which ultimately leads to inflammation.
  • Excessive consumption of spicy, fatty, salty foods, alcohol.
  • Medicines, in particular, hormonal and antibiotics, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs: aspirin, nurofen, ketonal and their analogues.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Prolonged stress conditions, depression.
  • Presence of helminths.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements
  • Metabolic disorder. hypoxia

Symptoms of hypoacid gastritis:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen that appears on an empty stomach after a few minutes of eating, at night.
  • Heaviness in the stomach after eating.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • Colic.
  • Flatulence.
  • Stool disorder.
  • Grayish coating in the center of the tongue.
  • Dizziness, weakness.
  • Heartburn that occurs after eating.
  • Acid belching.
  • Sour food causes nausea and vomiting.

Basic principles of nutrition

  1. The food consumed is served after reaching the optimal temperature, preferably warm; hot food, like cold food, irritates the mucous gastric epithelium. This becomes an unfavorable factor, the lining of the stomach is already inflamed and irritated due to gastritis.
  2. The food eaten during the day is divided into small, equal portions. Thus, a fractional diet is carried out, when there are 5 meals per day. It becomes easier for the stomach to process and digest systematically ingested food in small quantities. Remember an important point: dinner is taken 3 hours before bedtime.
  3. The patient eats at a set, constant time to ensure that the digestive organ works efficiently without stress.
  4. The menu of a sick person is varied. It is important that the body receives the required amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vital vitamins and microelements.
  5. To preserve the nutritional elements of foods and to promote a minimal level of irritation of the gastric mucosa, dishes for the patient are prepared by steaming or boiling.
  6. It is recommended to chew food thoroughly to make the work of the diseased digestive organ easier.
  7. It is better to always eat in an upbeat mood; science has proven that negative emotions interfere with the efficiency of digestion.

Any diet developed for patients suffering from gastritis with high acidity will be rich and varied, since the list of allowed foods is wide. A sick person will not be accompanied by a feeling of constant hunger; sweets will certainly be included in the diet. If the menu is compiled correctly, it is possible to eliminate the signs of the disease and restore metabolism in the human body.

Separately, nutritional features for acute gastritis should be mentioned. A rigorous selection of possible products will be required. It is allowed to cook viscous porridges in water from cereals previously ground in a coffee grinder. If the patient wants an omelet, it is better to prepare the dish only from proteins. Soups are cooked without meat; chicken, a dietary product, is good for cutlets.

After a number of days, when the signs of exacerbation of the disease gradually subside, it will be possible to introduce meat and fish broth, milk and other healthy products into the patient’s individual menu - after examination and permission from a gastroenterologist.

The diet for chronic gastritis is recognized as mandatory for constant adherence, so as not to provoke too frequent exacerbations or cause complications. You need to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle. The rule applies to everyone; anyone can get gastritis.

For most patients, diet No. 1 is prescribed, which excludes the consumption of foods that can increase the secretion of gastric juice. Food is prepared by steaming or boiling; fruits and vegetables are served in the form of puree.

A nutritionist develops an individual diet for the patient, in accordance with the course of the disease and the body’s resources. The doctor clearly indicates what a particular sick person can and cannot eat.

The right decision would be to draw up a sample menu for the week in advance, so that it is easier for the patient to navigate the allowed and prohibited dishes.

Why do you need a diet?

A diet for gastritis with high acidity helps normalize the concentration of stomach secretions and stabilize the pH.

This diet system was developed by the founder of dietetics M.I. Pevzner, giving it the name table No. 1.

Thanks to her:

  • inflammation of the stomach walls decreases;
  • attacks of pain and heartburn disappear;
  • the stool is normalized.

Optimizing nutrition helps restore pH and heal ulcers. The goal of nutritional therapy is to reduce stomach strain by eliminating irritating foods and reducing the amount of simple carbohydrates consumed. Products that provoke increased secretion and contain coarse fibers that cause fermentation are excluded. Priority is given to alkaline foods with low fat content.

The concept of gentle nutrition for hypoacid gastritis is to spare the body:

  1. From traumatic mechanical impact: products are crushed, wiped, boiled. The stomach digests food with minimal effort and time. Fermentation does not occur and additional portions of gastric juice are not needed.

    A diet for gastritis with high acidity prohibits serving and eating food whose temperature is above 40 degrees!

  2. From chemical exposure: salty, fried, spicy, sour foods are prohibited. This also reduces secrecy.
  3. From thermal effects: the temperature of food should not differ greatly from body temperature. Hot food, like ice food, burns the digestive organs and injures the lining of the stomach.

What not to eat

With gastritis, which is accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa, you should not eat poorly digestible foods that stimulate the production of gastric juice or have a bad effect on the walls of the stomach.

Thus, it is prohibited to eat the following foods:

  1. Fruits: kiwi, orange, pomegranate, lemon, tangerine. They cause acid production.
  2. Garlic.
  3. Chocolate and other confectionery products.
  4. Ice cream.
  5. Fatty fish and meat.
  6. Fried or smoked.
  7. Salo.
  8. Liver.
  9. Semi-finished products.
  10. Salty fish.
  11. Canned food.
  12. Muesli.
  13. Hot sauces.
  14. Coffee.
  15. Mushrooms.
  16. Sweet carbonated drinks.
  17. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Table No. 1: nutritional recommendations

Table No1- is prescribed by gastroenterologists for:

  • Acute gastritis.
  • Chronic hypoacid gastritis.
  • Stomach ulcer.

Divided into three subgroups:

  1. Table 1a - observed for acute and chronic gastritis in the relapse phase. This table relieves the gastric mucosa as much as possible. The list of products has been reduced to a minimum. The diet is maintained for 3 to 10 days until pain symptoms are relieved.
  2. Table 1b is prescribed after the inflammation of the mucous membrane has subsided. The list of permitted products has been expanded here, but a balanced diet is still missing. Prescribed for a period of 10 to 12 days.
  3. Table 1 - is transferred to it when the inflammatory processes in the stomach are stopped, and left for the duration of the rehabilitation period. The diet of this table is balanced and can be followed for long periods. With positive dynamics, dietary requirements decrease.

A diet for gastritis with high acidity requires the fulfillment of a number of conditions:

  1. The daily food intake is divided into 5-6 meals and taken according to schedule. It is best to take 3.5-4 hours between meals. The last snack should be light, 2-3 hours before the night's rest. With this mode, the stomach experiences less stress and digests food better.
  2. Recommended food temperature is 45-25 °C. Higher or lower temperatures injure the mucous membrane.
  3. You need to chew food especially carefully. Food crushed into small fractions reduces the need for additional release of hydrochloric acid.
  4. It is allowed to boil foods in water, in a double boiler, in the oven without forming a crust, or simmer in a slow cooker.
  5. Natural juices are diluted 50/50 with water.
  6. It is forbidden to drink food. Strive to develop the habit of drinking separately a third of an hour before a meal and 40 minutes. after.
  7. The amount of water per day is 1.5-2 liters.
  8. The daily ration norm is 2500-3000 kg.

Maximum serving weight 300 g. The daily dietary allowance is fat component up to 100 g, carbohydrate component - 400 g, protein component - 100 g. It is necessary to exclude foods that stimulate the gastric mucosa from the diet

Acceptable preparation of products for diet No1:

  • Meat and fish are always boiled, the broth is drained or heavily diluted with water. Boiled meat can be baked. It is not allowed to use fatty, stringy meat with cartilage.
  • Soups are boiled in water, a weak vegetable broth, from allowed vegetables, which are also ground. Soups made with milk are usually cooked half and half with water. Cereals must be boiled until soft or ground. Dressings for first courses are made on the basis of milk, eggs, cream, butter. Wheat flour for dressings is not fried, but dried.
  • Ready vegetables are ground into puree. Usually they are boiled, but you can use a double boiler and bake them in foil.
  • Porridges prepared with a water-milk mixture taste bland. Cereals are boiled in them until soft, or ground.
  • Poached eggs, milk omelettes, boiled eggs are also acceptable, but with a runny yolk.
  • Fruits are baked in the oven, simmered in boiling water, the same with berries

Types of disease

Gastritis itself also requires a specific approach. Indeed, with this disease, various types of damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa can be observed, and the disease can also be caused by various reasons.

According to etiology, gastritis is divided into:

  • autoimmune,
  • bacterial,
  • chemical and medicinal.

Autoimmune gastritis occurs as a result of a malfunction of the immune system when its cells attack the tissues of the body’s own, including the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

However, the most common is bacterial gastritis. Half a century ago, it was believed that the main cause of the disease was an improper diet, eating unhealthy foods, and nervous stress. However, although these factors, and primarily nutrition, play an important role, they are not decisive. The direct culprit in most cases of gastritis and peptic ulcers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which lives in the stomach, on the surface of its mucous membrane.

This bacterium under certain conditions can become pathogenic and lead to damage to the mucous membrane and a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice. However, the mere presence of the bacterium does not mean that a person will necessarily develop the disease. However, the bacterial type of the disease accounts for approximately 90% of all cases.

The direct culprit of most cases of gastritis and peptic ulcers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which lives in the stomach, on the surface of its mucous membrane

The third form of the disease is chemical. It can be caused by damage to the mucous membrane:

  • aggressive chemicals (for example, acids or alkalis);
  • bile acids coming from the duodenum (this form of the disease is called reflux gastritis);
  • medications (NSAIDs, salicylates, antibiotics).

Mixed forms are often found, in which there is a combination of unfavorable factors.

Other relatively rare forms:

  • eosinophilic,
  • lymphocytic,
  • granulomatous,
  • radiation,
  • resection.

The development of the disease is also influenced by the following factors:

  • unhealthy diet
  • alcoholism,
  • smoking,
  • parasitic infestations,
  • stress,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • avitaminosis,
  • genetic predisposition,
  • mechanical effect of other organs on the stomach,
  • endocrine disorders.

Also, the disease can have two forms, depending on the acidity of gastric juice. In one case, the secretory function of the mucous membrane is reduced, while in the other, it is increased or normal. In accordance with these, gastric juice may have low or high acidity. A special type of the first type of disease is atrophic. Most often, the atrophic type of the disease occurs in old age. The disease, accompanied by high acidity, usually affects middle-aged patients.

There are also acute and chronic forms of the disease. The acute form usually develops against the background of taking toxic substances, certain medications, severe systemic diseases of the body, and metabolic disorders.

Depending on the degree of damage to the mucous membrane, the acute form of the disease is divided into:

  • catarrhal,
  • fibrinous,
  • corrosive,
  • phlegmonous.

If the pathological process has spread to the entire surface of the mucous membrane, then they speak of pangastritis. However, usually inflammation is observed only in a certain area of ​​the mucous membrane (fundic or antral type of disease).

If left untreated, the disease usually progresses. Difficulties appear in the process of eating, peptic ulcers or malignant tumors may appear.

Table of permitted products

VegetablesPotatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, beets, broccoli, carrots, Chinese cabbage
Fruits and berriesRipe, not sour bananas, figs, blueberries
MeatLean, no cartilage
FishLow-bone, lean, cod, perch species
Sausage productsBoiled sausages without fat, milk sausages,
DairyLow fat, non-acidic
FatsButter, refined oil
Cereals and products made from themBuckwheat, semolina, rolled oats, rice.
Flour productsPasta made from group A flour, biscuits, baked savory pies, croutons, dried bread,
SweetsJam, honey, meringue
BeveragesSulfate-carbonate mineral water, sbiten tea, milk coffee, banana-milkshake mate, compotes, smoothies
Gas stationsBechamel, egg, milk
SoupsVegetables, mucous, dairy

Experts recommend taking the dishes listed in the table as the basis of your diet.

Prohibited and permitted varieties of foods for diseases with low acidity

Bakery productsRusks, dried bread, loafFresh and yeast baked goods, puff pastries, muffins
CerealsRice, oatmeal, buckwheatMillet and barley groats
SoupsVegetable and fish soupOkroshka, sour cabbage soup and borscht, rassolnik, soups with millet or tomato juice
VegetablesEverything, except for prohibited ones, boiled or bakedCucumbers, radishes, onions, bell peppers, garlic, any pickled vegetables
MushroomsNoAnything in any form
EggsIn the form of an omelet or soft-boiledHard-boiled
Fruits, berries and dried fruitsAll except prohibited ones, without peel, ripe, fresh or bakedFigs, prunes, all unripe fruits, berries with small seeds
BeveragesLightly brewed herbal teas, non-acidic juices, fruit drinksKvass, grape juice and cranberry juice

Table of prohibited products

VegetablesBeans, peas, onions and garlic, cabbage, radishes
FruitsUnripe, sour, citrus fruits, grapes, kiwi
MeatFat meat
FishFatty, dried, smoked, salted
Sausage productsSmoked, raw smoked, jellied meats,
DairyFatty and sour
EggsFried, hard-boiled
FatsCooking fat, spreads, lard
Cereals and products made from themPearl barley, millet, corn, barley
Flour productsButter, choux, shortbread, rye dough. Freshly baked bread
MushroomsAll mushrooms including champignons
SweetsChocolate, candy, ice cream
BeveragesBlack coffee, iced milkshakes, naturally fermented kvass, carbonated drinks
Rich soupsThick: solyanka, borscht

Category of products suitable for consumption in small portions:

  • Green young peas, be careful, can provoke flatulence.
  • Broccoli sprigs are great for pureed soups.
  • You can eat ripe tomatoes with caution.
  • Remove the skin from peaches and apricots; their surface is rough.
  • Directly pressed oils are used as a dressing. It is not used for frying or baking.
  • Dietary pork without skin and streaks of fat.
  • Nuts, ground into a paste in minimal quantities
  • Melon contains a high amount of fiber.

With the right approach, following a diet even for long periods will not cause discomfort.

Products for gastritis

However, medications alone cannot cure the disease. The patient’s nutrition is also of great importance in the treatment of the disease. For some types of disease, diet plays a decisive role in the treatment of the disease.

Before moving on to the description of diets, it should be noted that it is important not only what a person eats, but also how he consumes food. For most types of disease, split meals are indicated - 5-6 times a day. In this case, the interval between meals should be 3-4 hours. It is advisable to eat at the same time every day. You should not eat dry food; you should consume large amounts of clean water throughout the day (excluding drinks and liquid dishes).

Also, you should not make snacks on the run, in a hurry. Food must be chewed thoroughly. It is important to remember that breakfast should be complete and not consist of one cup of coffee or tea. On the other hand, you should not eat much at night; the break between the evening meal and sleep should be at least 3 hours.

The temperature of the food you eat also matters. It should be neither too hot nor too cold. It is best to eat food at room temperature (+30-40 °C).

You should not eat products that have been stored for a long time or expired. Eating stale food can aggravate the disease. Perishable foods should be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 days.


For most types of disease, weak vegetable soups with small additions of noodles and rice are recommended, for example, potato or carrot soups.
For most types of disease, weak vegetable soups with small additions of noodles and rice are recommended, for example, potato or carrot soups. Strong vegetable and meat soups, borscht, okroshka, mushroom soups and broths are prohibited. It is recommended to finely chop the ingredients for soups, or even better, puree them. You can add vegetable oils to soups; you cannot put butter.

Meat and fish

Dietary and lean varieties of meat and fish are recommended. Among fish, similar varieties include:

  • hake,
  • cod,
  • pollock,
  • flounder,
  • zander.

Fish should only be eaten boiled. Fried salted, smoked and canned fish are prohibited.

As for meat, it is preferable to eat dietary varieties - chicken, turkey and veal. Meat should also be eaten boiled or in the form of cutlets. It is recommended to serve meat dishes separately, without mixing them with dishes from other products.

Flour products

Is it possible to eat flour products if you are sick? This is not recommended as such food may cause fermentation. Puff pastry and pastry products are excluded. However, wheat bread can be eaten. However, it should not be fresh, but from yesterday.

Cereals and porridges

Which cereals can be consumed if you are sick, and which ones cannot? The healthiest cereal is oatmeal. Oatmeal contains a large amount of fiber. It is recommended to cook porridge from it. Oatmeal porridge has a protective enveloping effect on the walls of the digestive organs. You can also cook buckwheat, semolina and rice porridges. However, rice porridge is contraindicated for constipation. It is best to grind all grains before cooking. Millet porridge is not recommended, especially for diseases with high acidity.


Not all vegetables are welcome when you are sick. First of all, pickled and canned vegetables should be excluded from the menu. Cabbage, either pickled or fresh, is also prohibited. It is also not recommended to eat the following vegetables:

  • spinach,
  • sorrel,
  • turnip,
  • onion.

Not all vegetables are welcome when you are sick.
First of all, pickled and canned vegetables should be excluded from the menu. Cabbage, either pickled or fresh, is also prohibited. Recommended types of vegetables:

  • cauliflower;
  • zucchini;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • peeled cucumbers;

Most vegetables should be pureed or boiled. The exception is zucchini and pumpkins; they can be eaten raw. Other raw vegetables can be consumed only during the period of remission.

Among the herbs, dill can be eaten in small quantities. It is best to add finely chopped dill to soups.

Tomatoes can also be eaten in moderation (no more than 100 g per day), but you should choose non-acidic varieties.


Fruits are an inexhaustible source of natural vitamins and antioxidants. Although not all fruits are recommended for illness, nevertheless, you should not completely abandon this category of products.

In case of illness, the following are allowed:

  • apples,
  • bananas,
  • pears,
  • watermelons,
  • melons,
  • raspberries,
  • cherries.

However, each type of fruit has its own nuances. It is recommended to consume apples baked, without peel and seeds, and these should be fruits of non-acidic varieties. Bananas selected for food should be neither overripe nor underripe. However, when consuming them, you should observe moderation and eat no more than a fruit per day. Melons and watermelons are best eaten starting at the end of August, since in the earlier period they can contain high levels of nitrates. Raspberries should be consumed pureed. You can also make jelly, compotes and fruit drinks from the berries.

You should avoid eating fruits with a lot of acids, such as citrus fruits. However, this recommendation is only valid for diseases with high acidity. It is also not recommended to get carried away with grapes, since these berries can cause fermentation. In addition, all berries and fruits should be eaten separately from first and second courses.

A number of restrictions are also imposed on the consumption of milk products. First of all, you should drink whole milk with caution as it is difficult to digest.


A number of restrictions are also imposed on the consumption of milk products. First of all, you should drink whole milk with caution as it is difficult to digest. Goat milk is considered the most beneficial. It is better to eat cottage cheese not fresh, but in the form of casseroles and dumplings. In the hyperacid type of the disease, kefir and other fermented milk products are contraindicated.


Drinks should not be hot and, at the same time, not ice-cold. Vegetable and fruit juices that are not too sour and not too sweet, herbal teas, and rosehip decoction are recommended. Strong alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks (except for not too mineralized mineral water), cola, beer, kvass are prohibited.

Features of nutrition for gastritis with pancreatitis, stomach ulcers

Often, an ulcer or pancreatitis develops in parallel with gastritis. Table No1 takes this possibility into account. Changes in diet for concurrent diseases are small.

The diet for gastritis with high acidity and stomach ulcers differs from the diet for gastritis and pancreatitis, but the differences are minor:

  1. Reducing the salt requirement is reduced to 6-8 g.
  2. Beef and whole milk are prohibited.
  3. Egg yolk is prohibited.
  4. For the first step, decoctions of vegetables are prepared.

For pancreatitis with gastritis of low acidity, milk is excluded and fermented milk products are added to the menu. Porridge is cooked in water.

People suffering from pancreatitis need an increased amount of animal proteins in their diet . Every day you need to include meat, fish dishes and protein omelettes in your menu.

Table No1 is divided into 3 subgroups:

  1. Table 1a is prescribed for acute gastritis or exacerbation . It is designed to spare the gastric mucosa as much as possible. Allowed dishes are minimally reduced. Prescribed for a period of 3 to 10 days.
  2. Table 1b is prescribed after the acute inflammatory process has resolved. The list of allowed foods for this table is wider, but a balanced diet is still missing. Prescribed for a period of 10 to 12 days.
  3. Table 1c is prescribed for chronic hepatitis with increased acidity in the stage of mild exacerbation and the recovery period after inflammation. The diet is balanced and can be followed for long periods of 2-3 months or longer.

How to eat with gastritis

As you know, there are two types of gastritis: with high and low acidity. For any type of gastritis, split meals are recommended 5-6 times a day, preferably at the same time. Portions should be small, and it is also important to exclude dry food. Food should be warm, not too cold or hot, as extreme temperatures are irritating to the stomach lining. For gastritis, it is best to digest mashed, pureed food, which does not have a traumatic effect on the stomach.

How to eat properly during an exacerbation?

From the beginning of the relapse of the disease, the patient follows table 1a. In patients with stomach and duodenal ulcers, bread and flour products are removed from the diet. The diet for gastritis with high acidity in the acute form consists of pureed and semi-liquid food, which is taken 6-7 times a day according to schedule.

Recommended dishes during the acute period:

  • Unsalted or lightly salted mucous soups in a weak broth with the addition of permitted cereals.
  • Semi-liquid and viscous porridges prepared with milk or water with the addition of butter
  • Steamed egg omelette.
  • Meat puddings and soufflés, baked without crust or steamed.
  • Pasteurized skim milk. Kissels, jelly

If the condition improves after 3-10 days, the patient is transferred to table 1b.

Added to the menu:

  • Wheat crackers.
  • Milk soups based on cereals or noodles.
  • Boiled vegetables, pureed or pureed.
  • Steamed meatballs, cutlets, dumplings, cottage cheese, vegetable and meat casseroles.
  • Juices diluted in half with water, milk teas, infusions of dried apples, currants and rose hips

After 10-14 days, the patient is transferred to table 1. After the inflammatory process has decreased, in the absence of complications, pureed food is canceled. You can gradually return to normal cutting of food.

What should a diet include for gastritis with high acidity?

  1. Soups. To prepare them, you can use broth from vegetables, milk or water. Dishes should consist of vegetables, cereals and small pasta. Patients are recommended to use soups in the form of purees, which eliminates the possibility of irritating effects on the digestive system.
  2. Second course. Patients with gastritis are allowed to eat meat and fish dishes that are steamed. They can also be baked in an oven. During long-term remission of the disease, meat and fish can be fried. But patients are strictly forbidden to eat meat skin.
  3. Side dishes. If you have gastritis, you are allowed to eat vegetables, cereals and pasta. When choosing cereals, it is recommended to give preference to viscous varieties. Consumption of vegetables is allowed in stewed or boiled form. They can also be steamed. It is recommended to choose only the highest quality pasta for patients.
  4. Salads. Patients can prepare salads. For this, not only boiled, but also raw vegetables are used. The use of cheeses and cooked sausages is also allowed.
  5. Bakery products. Use wheat bread only in dry form (crackers).
  6. Dairy products. The diet should consist of the leanest types of cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, sour cream and yogurt. You can drink whole milk, just a little.
  7. Fats. The use of various vegetable oils is allowed.
  8. Berries and fruits. Patients are recommended to eat non-sour fruits and berries. Since melon and watermelon contain cellulose in large quantities, it is not recommended to give them to patients.

Thanks to the huge number of permitted products, you can make original and tasty food for gastritis.

Weekly menu for every day

First breakfasts:

  1. Omelet, curd cheese, cocoa.
  2. Buckwheat porridge with milk, soft-boiled egg, cocoa.
  3. Hercules porridge on water with butter, 1 soft-boiled egg, coffee drink with milk
  4. Curd dumplings with jam, currant tea.
  5. Soft-boiled eggs, semolina porridge, mate tea.
  6. Semolina pudding, cottage cheese with fruit.
  7. Rice porridge with water, bread and butter, omelette, coffee drink.

Second breakfasts:

  1. Peach puree.
  2. Ryazhenka.
  3. Strawberry smoothie.
  4. Yogurt with apricot.
  5. Strawberry-raspberry jelly.
  6. Apple and pear salad with yogurt and jam.
  7. Kissel.


  1. Potato soup, beef pate, carrots baked in foil.
  2. Cauliflower soup, veal soufflé with potatoes, raspberry jelly.
  3. Potato puree soup, rabbit pate, carrot caviar, fruit compote.
  4. Cauliflower soup, steamed veal cutlets, buckwheat porridge.
  5. Rice soup, steamed cod meatballs, vermicelli, raspberry jelly.
  6. Potato soup with oatmeal, steamed pike perch, Apple and apricot juice.
  7. Broccoli puree soup, chicken with zucchini and carrots, fruit compote.


  1. Baked apples.
  2. Pear and banana puree (baby food)
  3. Strawberry jelly.
  4. Manna.
  5. Kefir.
  6. Biscuits with jam, juice.
  7. Ricotta with fruit.


  1. Rice porridge, boiled turkey meatballs, zucchini baked in foil, milk tea.
  2. Chicken with broccoli and young carrots, apricot paste, juice.
  3. Sauteed baked vegetables, chicken cutlet, green pea and potato salad, raspberry and apple compote.
  4. Haddock baked in a steamer, boiled carrots with mashed potatoes, dried currant infusion.
  5. Vermicelli casserole with minced beef, beet puree with sour cream, milk tea.
  6. Pollock pudding, cauliflower puree and potatoes
  7. Rice hedgehogs with turkey, baked zucchini.

2 hours before bed:

  1. Peach and yoghurt blended
  2. Tea with honey, crackers.
  3. Milk.
  4. Banana puree with cream.
  5. Green tea, biscuits, jam
  6. Yogurt with apricot.
  7. Milk with honey.

Prohibited and permitted types of foods for diseases with high acidity

Bakery productsRusks, dried breadFresh and yeast baked goods, puff pastries, muffins, rye dough products
CerealsRice, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolinaMillet, corn, pearl barley, barley cereals
VegetablesPumpkin, carrots, peas, zucchini, cauliflowerCabbage, spinach, onion, garlic, hot pepper, all pickled vegetables
MeatVeal, turkey, lean chickenFatty meats, grilled or crusted meats, pork
MushroomsNoAnything in any form
FishLow-fat varieties (pike perch, hake, cod)Fatty varieties (salmon), salted fish
FruitsNon-sour varietiesSour varieties, all citrus fruits, dried fruits
DessertJelly, marmalade, marshmallowChocolate, ice cream
Milk productsCottage cheese, low-fat cheese, milkSour cottage cheese, fatty cheese, kefir, sour cream

Recipes for the diet table No. 1

The recipes below will help you diversify your diet and prepare delicious dietary dishes.

Creamy milk soup with broccoli and potatoes

You will need:

  1. Broccoli 100 g.
  2. Potatoes 100 g.
  3. Milk 100 g.
  4. Cream 2 tbsp.
  5. Water 400 ml.
  6. Egg 1 pc.
  7. Dill 1 sprig.
  8. Parsley 1 sprig.
  9. salt to taste.

Boil the potato tuber in 400 ml of water with dill and parsley until tender. Remove the greens. Puree the potatoes and mix with the broth in which they were boiled. Salt the broth. At the same time, simmer the broccoli in a separate container until soft.

Place the finished cabbage in a colander, puree with some of the potato broth and pour into the soup. Lightly beaten milk and egg are poured into the soup in a thin stream and heated to a boil. Serve the finished soup with cream.

Chicken zrazy with egg and potatoes

You will need:

  1. Chicken meat without skin 250-300 g.
  2. Boiled protein 1 pc.
  3. Raw yolk 1 pc.
  4. Feta cheese 20 g.
  5. Mashed potatoes 50 g.
  6. Ground crackers 1 tbsp.
  7. Salt - a few grains.

Boil the chicken meat and grind it through a meat grinder 2 times. Combine the minced meat with the yolk, breadcrumbs and salt. Mix thoroughly and form balls with wet hands. Combine the grated protein with potatoes and Feta into one mass. Flatten the minced meat ball, place a heaped teaspoon of cheese and potato filling in the center, pinch the edges. Bake in a steamer or oven.

Pike perch soufflé with potatoes

You will need:

  1. Pike-perch fillet 130 g.
  2. Egg 1 pc.
  3. Peasant oil 82% -20 g.
  4. Potatoes 150 g.
  5. Salt - a few grains.

Scroll the boiled fish fillet through an electric meat grinder twice. Boil the peeled potatoes until tender. Mash into a puree with 10 g of butter and half the yolk, add salt. Beat the whites into a strong foam.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly first with the remaining yolk, and then carefully fold in the white. Place half of the potatoes on the bottom of the pan and place the minced meat on top. Bake in a steamer or oven. Place a piece of butter on the finished hot soufflé.

Lazy dumplings with blueberries

You will need:

  1. Cottage cheese 100 g.
  2. Powdered sugar 10-15 g.
  3. Egg 1 pc.
  4. Flour 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Sour cream 20 g.
  6. A handful of raspberries.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve twice, add the egg and a mixture of flour and sugar. To stir thoroughly. Roll the dough into a small sausage with a diameter of 2 cm, cut into small pieces. Flatten the pieces in the center, place them over the berries and pinch the edges. Cook in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Serve with sour cream.

Semolina-curd pudding

You will need:

  1. Cottage cheese 100 g.
  2. Semolina 1/2 tbsp. l
  3. Water 50 g.
  4. Milk 25 g.
  5. White of 1 egg.
  6. Powdered sugar 1 tsp.
  7. Butter 20 g.

Boil semolina until tender in a mixture of milk and water. Let cool. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve 2 times. Beat the egg white until foamy. Mix semolina porridge with cottage cheese, carefully add the protein. Transfer the mixture into a mold and steam until done. It is better to serve the dish with butter, sour cream or jam.

Recipes for diets for acute and chronic gastritis

After several days of relative fasting during an exacerbation, the diet for gastritis of the stomach with high acidity allows the consumption of a more varied diet. They are also suitable for supporting health in chronic disease.

Meat pudding


  • 40 g butter;
  • 40 g semolina;
  • 150 ml milk;
  • salt;
  • 200 g minced meat;
  • 2 eggs.


  1. Add semolina and milk to the heated oil and prepare a thick porridge.
  2. Leave it to cool, add boiled minced meat, salt, egg yolks, and beaten whites.
  3. Stir the mixture and pour it into a greased pan sprinkled with breadcrumbs.
  4. Place in a water bath and cook for 1.5 hours.

Pork roll


  • lean pork ham;
  • diet salami;
  • boiled eggs;
  • carrot;
  • salt;
  • onion;
  • bouillon;
  • tomato paste;
  • flour;
  • butter.


  1. Cut pieces of pork, fill them with salami, carrots, boiled eggs.
  2. Wrap in rolls and skewer.
  3. Dry fry the rolls and add broth.
  4. Add salt, onion, a little tomato paste, simmer.
  5. Thicken the juice with flour and add a little butter at the end.

Serve the rolls with boiled potatoes.

Rice babka with apples


  • 200 g rice;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • salt;
  • lemon zest;
  • 3 peeled apples;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • a little butter;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.


  1. Boil milk with salt and lemon zest.
  2. Add rice, cook for 2 minutes, stirring.
  3. Leave to swell for another 30 minutes over low heat.
  4. Leave to cool, stir occasionally.
  5. Add egg yolks and sugar to the cooled rice.
  6. Lightly salt the whites, beat and mix with rice.
  7. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place ½ rice on it.
  8. Place the first layer with chopped apples and cover with the remaining rice.
  9. Place pieces of butter on top and bake for 45 minutes in the oven.
  10. The finished babka can be sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon.

Doctors' advice on nutrition

A diet for gastritis with high acidity is the best prevention. With its help, even chronic forms of the disease are cured. It is important to follow the diet for a long time and positive dynamics will be achieved.

It is better to change your lifestyle to a healthy one. Reduce the amount of alcohol and nicotine, if you can’t give them up completely.

It is easier to take care of your health than to live with the consequences of illness. Regular nutrition should not be neglected.

The diet for gastritis with high acidity should be balanced and not overloaded. More than half of the daily menu should consist of fruits and vegetables. Cereals and vegetable oils should occupy about 20%. The remainder comes from milk, meat, and eggs. The number of calories absorbed during a diet should not exceed those spent.

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Diet for atrophic gastritis with high acidity

The atrophic form of the disease also requires the patient to adhere to a diet. Patients are advised to use day-old white bread and unleavened dough cookies. You can prepare any dish from lean minced meat. You can also eat soaked herring and sausages. It is allowed to include eggs in the diet, which are recommended to be boiled.

The range of permitted sweets is limited. The patient is allowed honey, jams, jellies, sugar; Light coffee or tea with cream or milk is allowed. Fats allowed include butter and refined vegetable oil. It is strictly forbidden to use beans, pearl barley, mushrooms, canned food, and smoked meats.

Experts are developing a monthly menu for gastritis with high acidity. It consists of rational replacement of certain products.

  • For breakfast, a boiled egg or an omelet. Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina porridge are also recommended, which alternate not only with each other, but also with cheesecakes. The patient should drink tea with milk every morning.
  • Second breakfast can consist of jelly or milk, as well as a baked apple.
  • For dinner, puree soup is prepared from products such as pumpkin, pearl barley, fish, potatoes, vegetables, and lean meat. It is also allowed to prepare dishes from minced meat, boiled turkey meat, chicken meat, and rabbit meat.
  • Dinner may consist of pasta casserole, fish croissants, milk porridge, zraz. The patient must eat jelly.
  • It is recommended to drink a glass of milk before going to bed.

If a person is hungry between meals, then he should eat non-acidic fruits.

Gastric secretion

The stomach constantly produces hydrochloric acid, the most important component of gastric juice. Food affects the secretory activity of the stomach in different ways, stimulating the organ either actively or weakly. Patients with gastritis need to know prohibited and permitted foods.

Strong stimulants of secretory activity

These are prohibited products for patients affected by gastritis with increased secretion, but for atrophic gastritis, the listed culinary delights are allowed in small quantities.

  • meat, fish, mushroom broths, concentrated vegetable broths;
  • seasonings and spices: mustard, horseradish, radish;
  • fried foods;
  • canned food;
  • tomato sauces;
  • fish and meat stewed in their own juice;
  • salted, smoked meat and fish, herring;
  • salted, pickled, pickled vegetables and fruits;
  • yolks of hard-boiled eggs;
  • baking;
  • Rye bread;
  • stale edible fats;
  • skimmed milk;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sour, unripe fruits;
  • raw vegetables.

Weak products

The list contains approved products for any gastritis.

  • water;
  • fat milk, cottage cheese;
  • starch;
  • eggs with semi-liquid yolk, omelet;
  • long-boiled meat;
  • fresh boiled fish;
  • vegetable purees;
  • milky, slimy soups;
  • milk porridge;
  • semolina;
  • boiled rice;
  • alkaline mineral waters without gas;
  • yesterday's white bread;
  • weak tea.

A responsible role is assigned to culinary processing. For example, fried meat is a stronger stimulant than boiled meat. Eating fried meat for gastritis is not recommended for this reason.

Fats initially suppress secretion, and after the formation of fat saponification products in the intestine, gastric secretion is stimulated. For example, if you eat herring in vegetable oil, initially you will feel good and your stomach will remain silent. Heartburn, dyspepsia, and stomach pain will gradually appear as evidence of the harm of what you eat.

It is important to combine healthy foods correctly. For example, when combining proteins with fats, the stimulation of secretion is not as pronounced as when consuming just fats. However, it is extended over time, long-lasting. Patients suffering from gastritis with erosions are urged to avoid such combinations.

Carbonated drinks

As for carbonated drinks, patients with gastritis need to forget about them, and here's why. Carbon dioxide contained in soda, dissolving in the stomach with water, increases the concentration of acid. This does not mean that such drinking is useful in case of reduced secretion. Lemonade, forfeits, cola and other seductive fizzy drinks contain harmful substances - preservatives, flavors, dyes; they can easily provoke an inflammatory process in an unhealthy stomach.

Even carbonated mineral water should be drunk after it has been left open for half an hour to allow the gas bubbles to escape. You can speed up this process by slightly heating it and stirring it in a glass with a spoon.

Other drinks

There are many different drinks - tasty and healthy, traditionally prepared at home. Their use for gastritis should also be approached with caution.


The favorite folk drink, made from bread, berries, fruits, contains a complex of vitamins and microelements and quenches thirst well. Is it possible to drink kvass if you have gastritis? There is no definite answer. Due to the high content of organic acids, it is suitable for reduced gastric secretion, and in case of hyperacidosis it should not be drunk. A small alcohol content (from 0.5 to 2.5%) is an obstacle to drinking it during an exacerbation. In any case, it is better to limit the intake of this drink.


A favorite Slavic drink, used since ancient times to treat various diseases, it is essentially sweet berry juice. Cranberry juice is the most popular; it can be recommended for low or zero acidity, but is contraindicated for high acidity. The drink is prepared at home without heat treatment, so it retains all the beneficial substances that will help restore the mucous membrane.

Honey drink

It is unlikely that you will find another product with such a rich content of nutrients as honey. It is used as a folk remedy for treating gastritis in the form of a drink (1 tablespoon per glass of warm water), taken on an empty stomach an hour before meals.

It is very useful to add a tablespoon of aloe juice and chamomile infusion to a honey drink. If the acidity is low, add the same amount of lemon juice.


Chicken broth, which is not too rich, is best suited for any gastritis; you can cook soups with it, or drink it pure with croutons and biscuits. Fat must be skimmed off during cooking; it is not recommended to add hot spices; herbs are better - a little greenery, half a bay leaf.

Diet No. 5 for chronic disease

This diet is prescribed to people who have a chronic form of the disease. You need to stick to such a diet for a long time so that the disease does not worsen. A balanced diet, excluding foods that can aggravate gastritis, is also recommended for healthy people. They can eat this diet to prevent gastritis.

Diet No. 5 is a carefully balanced diet, including foods that are gentle on the gastrointestinal tract. This diet will help cope not only with chronic gastritis, but also with diseases such as cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, and chronic colitis. This diet will help with chronic constipation.

Dishes allowed under diet No. 5 do not lead to mechanical and chemical irritation of the stomach and intestines. By following such a diet, liver function is restored, fat metabolism is regulated, and the activity of the biliary system is improved.

Diet No. 5 includes foods that can satisfy all the body's nutritional needs. By eating this diet, a person will receive the right amount of energy and will feel cheerful and active.

Basic principles of nutrition

The daily diet is compiled taking into account the energy needs of a person. The daily norm of kilocalories per day should not exceed 2500 kcal. Fat in the diet can be consumed 70 g per day. Only a third of them should be of plant origin. Proteins in dishes should be about 90 g, one half of them should be of plant origin, the other half of animal origin. You can consume 300-350 g of carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates should be on the menu no more than 40 g.

Follow these rules:

  1. There should be at least 5 meals per day.
  2. The diet must be strictly followed. You need to take food at the same time.
  3. Dishes should only be warm. You can't eat hot or cold food.
  4. It is necessary to maintain a normal drinking regime. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  5. Avoid overeating, do not snack in a hurry, and chew your food thoroughly.


Give preference to steamed and boiled dishes. Before eating, vegetables should be rubbed through a sieve or mashed in a blender. The meat also needs to be ground to a puree. When preparing first courses, you should not use rich broths. You will also have to give up sour cabbage soup, okroshka and green borscht. Is it possible to eat soups with meat? You can, but do not use meat broths to prepare them. Add boiled meat to ready-made first courses.

Prohibited Products

If you have gastritis, you should not include hot seasonings and sauces in your food list. You also need to limit animal fats, including lard. You cannot eat sausages or smoked sausages. It is necessary to limit liver, fatty fish and pork. Avoid canned food. Mushrooms will also not be beneficial for gastritis. Be careful with baked goods. If you have gastritis, you should not eat fresh bread and baked goods. Do not overuse confectionery, chocolate and cocoa. It is better not to use beans and peas when preparing side dishes. Patients with gastritis do not eat seeds and nuts. Sushi lovers will have to give up their favorite dish due to hot spices that will irritate the stomach. Chips aren't good for anyone. Avoid drinking sugary carbonated drinks. By consuming prohibited foods for gastritis, you will slow down your recovery. Healthy foods, on the contrary, promote rapid recovery.

Table of foods allowed for gastritis

Table of foods allowed for gastritis

Diet No. 5. Sample menu for one day for chronic gastritis

Daily menu

The menu for gastritis for a week should be made up of foods allowed by the diet. Everything needs to be eaten fresh and warm, so cook in small portions.

Chronic gastritis and mineral waters

Most mineral waters reduce inflammation of the stomach, but more mineralized waters stimulate secretion, and less mineralized ones inhibit secretion.

If there is increased secretory activity of the stomach and symptoms of heartburn, it is recommended to take bicarbonate mineral water, drink it an hour before meals.

For atrophic gastritis - salt-alkaline water 20 minutes before meals.

If you take the common disease of gastritis seriously and follow the necessary food restrictions with treatment, a person will not only exist, but enjoy all the flavors of life.

Acute gastritis

In case of acute gastritis, before prescribing therapeutic measures, the cause is eliminated. Poisoning is a common cause; a mandatory step is to wash the stomach with warm water or a soda solution prepared at the rate of 12 g of soda per liter of water. After washing, a single dose of activated carbon in the form of powder dissolved in water will make you feel better.

Then you need to decide what you can eat if you have gastritis. First of all, you should consult a doctor; in case of severe illness, call at home. After examining the patient, the doctor will always, in addition to treatment, recommend therapeutic nutrition: diet, food, drinks.

Dietary recommendations

  • Fasting for 2 days, accompanied by a normal drinking regime.

This is a period of cleansing the body of toxins and partial restoration of the digestive system. During this period, questions about whether mushrooms, pancakes, and sour cream are allowed are inappropriate.

  • Transition to nutrition according to diet 0. The consumption of liquid and semi-liquid food enriched with vitamins is provided. Calorie content is low - up to 1000 kcal per day.

The diet is prescribed to patients after operations; the recommended food is selected to be extremely gentle, and the work of the stomach is minimal. The diet includes a minimum of products that are strictly necessary.

Long-term adherence to the diet requires parenteral nutrition; the regimen does not contain enough nutrients for a full life. The diet is useful only in the first days after the onset of the disease.

What foods are acceptable to eat:

  1. fruit juices with sugar;
  2. tea with sugar;
  3. weak broth on meat;
  4. jelly;
  5. scrambled eggs;
  6. butter.

You should not eat strong irritants. You should not smoke; tobacco smoke has a detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa and contributes to the development of chronic gastritis.

They eat little by little, in small portions. After fasting, the stomach needs to “start up”, like other enzyme systems in the body.

  • On the third day - diet 1a.

Following the recommendations will help protect the stomach as much as possible from mechanical and chemical damage. The main list of allowed foods corresponds to diet one. A characteristic feature is that the food is mushy, taken 6 times a day. The daily amount of energy is 1800 kcal due to the reduced amount of proteins and fats. The diet plan is prescribed for a short period; for long-term use, a lack of nutrients is observed.

  • On the seventh day, nutrition begins according to diet 1b.

This is a transitional diet from 1a to 1 to gradually complicate the work of the stomach.

Diet 1b is necessary for a gradual transition to foods that are more difficult for the stomach. There is a transition from predominantly liquid food to mushy and semi-solid food; the action cannot be done quickly. Daily calorie content is 2500 kcal.

  • Long-term diet 1.
  • A gradual transition to a normal healthy diet.

Nutrition is designed to comply with certain principles that must be observed by a person who has suffered acute gastritis:

  1. A varied diet is recommended, typical for the area of ​​residence.
  2. Sufficient energy, the diet consists of foods with sufficient calorie content. With food, a person receives energy for an active and vigorous life. To determine the energy capacity of the product, a calorie table has been developed.
  3. You are supposed to eat 5-6 times a day, including snacks that are tasty and healthy. You need to snack not on a chocolate bar, but on an apple, not on chips, but on nuts.
  4. Haste prevents the digestive system from working. When chewing quickly, large pieces of food slow down the work of the stomach and overstretch the organ. Food is delayed, dietary recommendations become useless.
  5. A sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, without coarse fiber. If, after suffering acute gastritis once, there were no problems with the stomach, the list of vegetables and fruits is like that of a healthy person.
  6. Food should be prepared in different ways; you cannot refuse soups and eat main courses. Each culinary form has its own advantages; dishes cannot be excluded.
  7. Adequate water intake. Soup, juice and tea are not included in the item. The body receives useful liquid only in the form of water; everything else refers to liquid food. It is required to comply with the drinking regime.
  8. Correct distribution of B:F:U throughout the day. For example, during breakfast it is better to increase the amount of proteins; they are slowly digested and slowly release energy, which will last until the next meal.
  9. Last meal no later than two hours before bedtime. It is better to give preference to vegetable and dairy dishes. When cooking meat products, they are cooked thoroughly to reduce stress on the stomach.
  10. The main rule is fresh food. This is the principle of healthy eating and the prevention of acute gastritis.
  11. You should eat when you feel hungry.

Diet characteristics 1

The ratio B:F:U is 100g:100g:400g, respectively.

Daily energy requirement is 2800 kcal.

The duration of the diet is up to six months.

As with any diet, there is a list of foods that are allowed and not allowed to be consumed.

Let's take a look at the recommended products. They must have soft mechanical and chemical properties.

  • yesterday's bread;
  • pureed vegetable soups, milk soups, pureed vegetable soups;
  • beef, chicken and turkey meat in boiled, steamed form;
  • lean fish without skin or in the form of steam cutlets;
  • curd mass, pudding;
  • semolina, rice porridge with milk or pureed water;
  • steamed vegetables - potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower;
  • boiled tongue;
  • fruit purees, with sugar, honey;

For gastritis, it is permissible to drink milk, cream, compote, weak tea or tea with milk.

Now let's look at the prohibited list. It is recommended not to eat foods that cause or intensify pain or stimulate gastric secretion.

  • baked goods, fresh bread;
  • cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka;
  • duck, goose;
  • fried foods;
  • mayonnaise;
  • smoked meats and canned food;
  • sour dairy products;
  • millet, pearl barley, legumes;
  • pasta;
  • soy sauce.

It is imperative to take into account the characteristics of the body. Each person has their own list of foods that cause stomach pain. These should be removed from the menu. Often the patient knows what is or is not possible with gastritis.

If the product is included in the list of approved products, but the patient experiences dyspepsia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, the product is canceled. If a person’s stomach does not react to the prohibited list, it does not mean that the product is good.

The age of the patient must be taken into account. For example, with the development of gastritis in young patients, the list of products can be expanded to increase calorie content by 20-30 g. With the development of gastritis in older patients, most of the diet must be made up of easily digestible foods. In older people, the number of calories needed decreases.

While following a diet, it is useful to take vitamins, the content of vitamins C, group B, A, E, PP is especially important. Before prescribing vitamin complexes, the doctor will conduct a medical examination.

To achieve the best result, you must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and, in addition to the diet, receive the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

What you can and cannot eat with gastritis

The classic menu for gastritis includes products that have a neutral reaction and do not contain large amounts of coarse fiber. During an exacerbation, such food may not seem particularly tasty, but its benefits for the stomach are undeniable. After your condition improves, you can expand the list of products by including products with richer taste in the menu.

The list of what you can eat for hyperacid gastritis includes almost all food groups. The only problem is how the food is prepared and what qualities it has.

Product groupsRecommendedNot recommended
Meat productsWhite meat with a soft fiber structure, preferably minced into mince. You need to cook it in a double boiler or steam it with vegetables. Pork with lard, fatty beef, low-grade meat with veins and cartilage - prepared by frying, grilling over coals (marinated), dried, canned and smoked, strong broths or jellied meat.
Fish productsWhite or red fish with a tender fillet structure that does not contain much fat. Cooking method: steaming. Smoked fish, salted, marinated or dried fish, canned fish, fish in jelly.
VegetablesAlmost all vegetables are allowed that do not lead to gas formation, do not have a pronounced sour taste and are easily digestible: pumpkin vegetables, cauliflower, potatoes, and other root vegetables, except those with a spicy taste.It is not recommended to eat marinades, pickled and salted vegetables, tomatoes, and cruciferous root vegetables (due to their pungency).
FruitsBaked or pureed fresh apples and pears, persimmons, apricots.Fruits and berries with a sour taste (cherries, pomegranates), as well as fresh durum pears.
CerealsAll types of grains with small structure, always without a membrane, pasta. Serve in the form of porridges and milk soups, puddings and soufflés. Barley, pearl barley and millet.
Bakery productsDried white bread, biscuits, dry sponge cakes, pies made from unsweetened text with filling.Pastries with the addition of rye flour, made from puff pastry and rich.
Sweets/dessertsKissel and fruit purees, compote, jam from non-sour berries (preferably without small seeds).Chocolate and anything containing cocoa, honey, as well as foods that should be eaten cold.
BeveragesWeakly brewed tea or coffee drink, freshly squeezed juices diluted with water, mineral water.Lemonade, kvass, carbonated drinks, alcohol, strong teas and instant coffee.
EggsSteam omelette, after aggravation from the white, you can later add the yolk.Hard-boiled eggs, fried eggs.

From those products that can be included in the nutrition plan for gastritis, you can prepare dishes with different combinations of tastes every day, this will allow you to diversify the patient’s diet as much as possible. In this case, the acidity of gastric juice will not increase, and the mucous membrane will be less susceptible to irritants.

General dietary requirements for patients with gastritis

A doctor can correctly prescribe dietary nutrition to a patient only after examination, identifying the nature of changes in the gastric mucosa using fibrogastroscopy, and determining acidity. In addition, a combination with other diseases of the intestines, liver, pancreas, and gall bladder is possible.

The optimal number of dietary therapeutic nutrition (table according to Pevzner) is selected. So, with low acidity, No. 2 is recommended, with high acidity - No. 1. Depending on the stage of inflammation, 1a (acute stage) and 1b (remitting symptoms) are distinguished.

If gastritis is combined with dysfunction of the liver and gall bladder, make up a combination of the list of dishes and products for treating the stomach with diet No. 5. The concept of “table for gastritis” includes for a medical worker the necessary requirements for permitted products, their proper processing, and the composition of the menu for the day.

Regardless of the form of the disease, the diet for gastritis of the stomach requires:

  • provide maximum rest (sparing) to the affected organ, this makes it possible to relieve abdominal pain; organic acids, extractives, essential oils, salt, carbon dioxide, soluble sugars contained in products support damage to the mucous membrane;
  • avoid mechanical overirritation (therefore, dishes are prepared in pureed form), they should not contain fibers from connective tissue (meat is cleaned of tendons and fascia, poultry is removed from skin, coarsely ground flour, bran, millet, legumes are contraindicated), only used in boiled form carrots and beets;
  • organize a split diet in small portions (5-6 times a day), avoid overeating;
  • exclude the temperature effect of hot or cold food; in case of inflammation of the stomach, the temperature of the dish should be moderately warm (optimally 37–38 degrees);
  • Ensure that the diet provides sufficient energy for the body's functioning.

Wheat bran is good for a healthy stomach, but due to its high concentration of fiber it has a negative effect on gastritis.

When preparing a dietary diet, it is taken into account that a total of 3 kg of food is needed per day for an adult. In the acute stage, the volume and calorie content are reduced for therapeutic purposes and in the future they must compensate for the energy costs of the whole organism.

It is customary to highlight:

  • up to 30% kcal for first breakfast;
  • 10–15% - on the second;
  • up to 40% - for lunch;
  • 15–20% for dinner.

Chronic gastritis

The diet for gastritis of the stomach is drawn up taking into account the nature of the disturbances in the secretory activity of the stomach, the extent of the inflammatory process, individual food preferences, and the adequate ratio of essential substances in the diet. Patients with gastritis with reduced secretion should monitor their nutritional status.

If manifestations of flatulence are pronounced due to stagnation of stomach contents and fermentation processes in the intestines, you will have to limit the amount of carbohydrates.

If the patient has a nutritional deficiency, the amount of protein should be increased to increase the caloric content of the diet.

A larger amount of fiber is included in the diet of patients with chronic gastritis (CG), exceeding the instructions of diet number 1.

Features of diet therapy for chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG)

Diet in the treatment of gastritis is necessary during the acute phase to reduce the effect of damaging factors and stimulate the gastric glands to secrete.

During an exacerbation, it is recommended to adhere to diet 1a for a week.

When the condition has stabilized, it is possible to move on to diet 2, developed specifically for patients with CAH.

Diet characteristics 2

Contents B:F:U 100g:90g:400g respectively.

Daily energy requirement is 3000 kcal. Small meals and strict adherence to recommendations will quickly have a positive effect.

The content of products, processing methods and consistency are less gentle than with diet 1. A larger number of products are allowed for gastritis:

  • soups in meat broth with grated cereals and pieces of vegetables, if the patient tolerates it well, cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage, but not daily;
  • boiled fish in pieces;
  • bread made yesterday, uneaten cookies;
  • fresh dairy products and in dishes;
  • meat, poultry without skin, can be fried without crust;
  • vegetables, including cabbage;
  • fresh tomatoes;
  • eggs;
  • baked apples, ripe berries and pureed fruits;
  • marshmallows, marshmallows, sugar, honey.

You need to know what you can’t eat if you have gastritis, avoiding undesirable consequences. Here is a list of foods that are dangerous for patients with gastritis.

  • fresh bread, baked goods;
  • legume soups;
  • fatty meat, poultry, shrimp;
  • smoked meats, canned food;
  • chocolate;
  • rough fruits in their natural form.

As a general recommendation, a diet consisting of foods that remain in the stomach for a long time is prohibited.

The diet recommended during the remission phase differs from that during the acute phase of chronic hepatitis.

In case of exacerbation of CAH and a tendency to diarrhea, it is recommended to adhere to diet 4 and options: diet 4b and 4c.

Diet characteristics 4

Diet nutrition is gentle on the stomach and intestines.

The amount of carbohydrates is reduced to reduce the symptoms of bloating and excessive gas formation. Their volume is minimal. It is recommended to reduce or eliminate the amount of permitted choleretic products.

Diets are followed for no more than 5 days.

Contents B:F:U 90g:70g:250g respectively. Daily energy requirement is 2000 kcal.

Food is steamed or boiled and will need to be wiped later.

Authorized products:

  • wheat bread crumbs;
  • soups based on lean meat with the addition of mucous infusions of rice and barley;
  • soufflé from lean meat, fish;
  • unleavened pureed cottage cheese;
  • butter for dishes;
  • eggs with semi-liquid yolk;
  • mashed porridge;
  • vegetable decoctions;
  • green tea, blueberry jelly;
  • pureed raw apples.

Not recommended products:

  • milk;
  • legumes;
  • millet;
  • baking;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits;
  • sauces;
  • spices;
  • sweets.

The diet is monotonous; treatment should not be carried out for longer than 5 days. Then the transition to diet 2 is made.

If CAH has concomitant pathology of other gastrointestinal organs, it is recommended to follow diet five.

Diet characteristics 5

The content of B:F:U is physiological, corresponding to 100g:90g:350g.

Food products are steamed, boiled or baked.

Diet number 5 is considered very common for chronic hepatitis. They wipe only rough foods, for example, foods rich in fiber.

Fiber-rich foods

The diet is characterized by great variety in nutrition. Authorized products:

  • wheat, rye, yesterday's bread;
  • soups with vegetables and cereals, milk soups with pasta;
  • lean meat and poultry;
  • seafood;
  • eggs with semi-liquid yolk, omelettes;
  • low-fat milk products;
  • cereals;
  • dairy, vegetable sauces;
  • fresh vegetable salads;
  • fruits, non-acidic berries;
  • compotes;
  • honey, jam.

Not recommended products:

  • salted cabbage soup, okroshka;
  • salo;
  • fatty meat and poultry;
  • fresh bread;
  • pizza;
  • cream, full fat milk;
  • spicy seasonings;
  • chocolate, coffee, cocoa.

It should be noted that sometimes a product is included in both lists, for example, herring. The possibility of consuming fish in the fifth diet depends on culinary processing.

With a mild exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, it is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and add protein. However, it is better to consult a doctor.

When hCG enters the remission phase, it is recommended to switch to a normal physiological diet.

The need for a diet is confirmed by a doctor; you should not self-medicate!

What to consider?

When choosing a diet, people suffering from gastritis need to take into account the level of acidity in the body. If this indicator is increased, then the following rules apply: you can eat bread not only freshly baked, but at least yesterday’s baked bread. In this case, it is better to give preference not to rye, but to wheat. Unsweetened baked goods can be consumed; only pasta products made from durum wheat are allowed.

Light vegetable soups made from permitted vegetables are very good first courses. You cannot add fried food there, but an acceptable addition to the diet can be well-boiled cereal with the addition of a small amount of butter.

Meat for soups should be very well boiled, including chicken. For second courses, you should choose baking or steaming. Eggs can be eaten soft-boiled, and omelets can be cooked in a double boiler or oven.

There is no prohibition on eating low-fat dietary fish prepared by baking or in the same steamer.

But you can eat vegetables and fruits by rubbing them through a sieve or boiling them in advance. Among sweets, a small amount of honey, marshmallow, jam, and marshmallow is allowed. Pure sugar should also be eaten in reasonable quantities.


What can you eat if you have gastritis? For example, with gastritis with low acidity, it is allowed to eat bread made from wheat flour (should be slightly dried), eat sausages, sausages and other products of the meat industry. As for the filling for pies and pies, it must be boiled in advance. The fish must be boiled, fried in olive oil or baked. To cook porridge, you need to choose water, not milk. Vegetables can also be boiled, baked or fried in a small amount of olive oil.

You cannot choose sour and rough fruits; it is better to prepare jellies, jellies and mousses from them. You can make compotes or fruit drinks from dried fruits. Fermented milk products should not be too sour, and in no case should they be expired. It is allowed to eat fresh butter and odorless vegetable oil.

As for preparing main dishes for a week with gastritis, for example, pilaf can be prepared from lean meat in vegetable broth. Soups are also made with meat broth, with meatballs or meatballs made from lean minced meat. Acidic foods like lemon, sauerkraut or vinegar are not recommended.

Meat should be chosen exclusively lean, without tendons, cartilage and rough bones. It can be boiled, fried without oil or with olive oil and baked in the oven.

As for drinks for inflammation of the gastric mucosa, all juices and fruit drinks should be diluted with water, prepare delicious coffee with milk, and drink warm fresh compotes.

Prohibitions and restrictions

If you have high stomach acidity, you should absolutely not eat smoked meats, homemade pickles, pickled, fatty and over-salted foods, as all this can lead to another attack. If you want to eat something sour, it is better to have a solid meal beforehand and take medications to improve the breakdown of food, and eat dietary dishes for gastritis.

There is a very large list of things that need to be limited or completely excluded from the diet when treatment is carried out with a diet. These are ice cream, milk chocolate, fatty sour cream, sharp and salty cheeses, excessively sour dairy products (fermented baked milk, kefir, koumiss, yogurt, etc.).

It’s worth saying goodbye to carbonated drinks, both alcoholic (champagne, beer) and non-alcoholic (Fanta, Sprite, tarragon, Coca-Cola, etc.). Kvass and any alcoholic drinks should also be excluded.

The use of spicy seasonings such as horseradish, mustard and vinegar should be sharply reduced. Fruits and dried fruits can only be eaten when ripe, thoroughly washed and fresh, and it is better to cook compotes from them.

If you have low acidity, it is not recommended to eat too many spices or eat very cold or hot food.

With this type of gastritis, it is not recommended to eat baked goods and confectionery products made from any flour, barley, buckwheat, millet and pearl barley, any legumes (peas, beans, lentils), soups with added milk or all of the above cereals.

It is not recommended to eat fatty fish, as well as high-calorie meats, especially pork and lamb, as dietary treatment will be ineffective. As for fish, smoking and salting is unacceptable. Canned food in marinade should also be ruthlessly excluded from the menu for gastritis, since such provisions are literally stuffed with various spices and flavor enhancers (especially those bought in stores).

Raw, pickled, salted and fermented foods should also be excluded from the diet in case of gastritis. Raspberries, currants (both red and black) and gooseberries are prohibited from berries; sea buckthorn can only be eaten in compote, jelly or jelly.

It is forbidden to consume beef, lamb and pork fat. Garlic is also limited, as are rennet cheeses. Among the juices, grape juice was banned, since both the store-bought and natural versions of this juice contain a lot of acid.

Information on certain types of drinks for gastritis

Mineral water

Water is selected depending on secretion. For hyperacid gastritis, alkaline waters “Essentuki-17” and “Borjomi” are recommended. Take them on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals, slightly warmed. For reduced secretion, “Mirgorodskaya”, “Essentuki-4”, “Izhevskaya” are suitable; they are taken 15-20 minutes after meals.


This most popular and aromatic drink is not prohibited for gastritis. You need to drink only natural coffee without additives or impurities, for example, coffee drink, barley coffee or chicory. You should also avoid soluble types. Only natural ground or grains, not strong and not too hot, preferably with the addition of milk, no more than 2 cups a day after meals.

In the acute stage, you should abstain from coffee, as well as in cases of severe hyperacidosis, because it can stimulate secretion.


Contains tannins and astringents that promote healing in erosive gastritis.

Green tea

The best option for healing properties. You should only drink freshly brewed after meals, 2-3 cups a day, not too hot.

Black tea

This variety is not recommended for gastritis. Allowed only with reduced secretion outside of exacerbation occasionally, preferably with milk.


Fans of this drink should be aware that it can increase the production of the enzyme pepsin because it contains proteins. During an exacerbation of the disease, this is undesirable. You should not buy drinks like Coke, Nesquik and others because they contain preservatives and other impurities. The best option is natural pure cocoa powder.

What's prohibited

The goals of maintaining a diet for gastritis are not to harm your health even more, but, on the contrary, to get rid of the disease. You need to know which foods are strictly prohibited, because they contribute to a large flow of gastric juice, which contains hydrochloric acid and corrodes the inflamed mucous membrane of the diseased organ.

The list of foods that should not be eaten is as follows:

  • Any fatty meat with veins and cartilage, stewed meat, lard.
  • Fatty and canned fish, herring, seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid), caviar.
  • Fatty meat and fish broths, borscht, soups with beans, mushrooms, pickle, as well as vinaigrette, shish kebab, dumplings, jellied meat.
  • Rye and fresh bread, baked goods.
  • Undesirable cereals: millet, pearl barley, barley and corn grits, legumes and bran. Cook porridge in water or diluted milk.
  • Fermented milk products: heavy cream, sour cream, spicy cheese.
  • Sweets: candies and cookies with glaze and various fillings, chocolate, ice cream, dried fruit.
  • Pickled or canned vegetables, mushrooms.
  • Spices and sauces, horseradish, mustard, vinegar, mayonnaise.
  • Alcohol, soda, strong tea and coffee, citrus juice.
  • As for vegetables, you cannot eat white cabbage and Brussels sprouts in any form, radishes, radishes, tomatoes, sorrel and spinach, onions and garlic.
  • Sandwiches, hamburgers and other fast food products.

When gastritis becomes chronic, dietary nutrition must be followed throughout life. If the diet is violated, it will quickly lead to an exacerbation. If the remission is quite long, you can allow yourself to deviate a little from the rules and treat yourself to forbidden dishes, but not get carried away.

The correctness of therapeutic nutrition

The features of therapeutic nutrition for gastritis resemble the usual nutrition of athletes and those who constantly monitor their weight.

This regimen will soon become not just a necessity for getting rid of the symptoms of gastritis, but also a habit and way of life.

A person will begin to feel lightness in his stomach, see an improvement in his health and notice how his weight stabilizes.
When treating with a diet, you need to eat small portions 5-6 times a day with a break of 3 hours. Snacks on the go or a quick lunch should be forgotten: you need to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.
It is advisable to develop a diet so that all meals are eaten at the same time, even on weekends. If you have gastritis, you should not overeat at night, and limit yourself to tea or water in the morning. On the contrary, breakfast should be hearty and nutritious, and you should not eat 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Smoking and alcoholic drinks are prohibited for gastritis!

All dishes should be warm so as not to burn the irritated gastric mucosa with excessively low or high temperatures.

There is no need to cook once a week and eat the same thing for several days. Firstly, the diet should be varied. Secondly, breakfast, lunch and dinner should be fresh, rich in vitamins and nutrients, prepared from fresh and high-quality products.

You also need to remember about water, which you should drink at least 1.5 liters per day. Tea, juice, fruit drink and broth are not water. However, there should be as much liquid in the diet as possible (soups, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, broths, juices).

For gastritis, it is useful to arrange 1-2 fasting days a week, when you can only drink juices and water.

Healthy dishes for gastritis include low-fat soups, viscous porridges, some vegetables after heat treatment, lean meat and fish (in the first half of the day), and dairy products. Fresh bread, pastries, coffee and strong tea, hot seasonings and sauces, smoked and fatty foods, mushrooms, pickled and pickled foods, sweets, carbonated drinks, kvass - all this is strictly prohibited.

Only a doctor can make adjustments to your diet!

Dietary recipes for gastritis

First courses and viscous, enveloping soups are good for the stomach. For example, a tasty and satisfying rice soup that requires the following ingredients

  • chicken fillet – 200 g;
  • water – 2 l;
  • rice – 50 g;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 1 pc.


  1. Boil the chicken and remove from the pan.
  2. Rinse the rice and place in boiling broth.
  3. Peel the onion, chop it, grate the carrots. Cut the potatoes into strips.
  4. Place the food into the pan.
  5. Cook for 15 minutes, add finely chopped meat to the dish, lightly salt.

Potato casserole with minced meat. Products:

  • potatoes – 500 g;
  • minced meat – 500 g;
  • milk – 1 glass.


  1. Peel, boil the potatoes, chop, add warm milk.
  2. Add salt and simmer the minced meat a little in water.
  3. Place a layer of puree in a greased form and spread the minced meat on top.
  4. Bake the dish in the oven for half an hour.

Milk and dairy products

Dairy products are necessary for the body and are very beneficial for the digestive tract. However, it is undesirable to consume milk in its whole form; some of its proteins can have a negative effect on secretion and increase it. It is better to use various milk soups, porridges, and jelly.

Fermented milk drinks - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, liquid yoghurts are suitable only for reduced gastric secretion. They can be drunk on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals. Various biokefirs and bioyogurts with the addition of beneficial bacteria that improve the digestion process are preferred. They are especially recommended for women during pregnancy, when they need to maintain intestinal microflora and vitamin levels.

In case of intolerance to milk protein, bloating, or stool disorders, no dairy drinks should be consumed.

“Or maybe it’s not necessary?”: is a diet really necessary for gastritis?

Both acute and chronic gastritis require a gentle diet. Even with the appointment of adequate drug therapy (which cannot be avoided in the event of an exacerbation), the stomach needs help to restore normal functioning. Complete regeneration of the mucous membrane is impossible if it continues to be affected by damaging factors in the form of rough, spicy, too hot or cold food.

Despite the fact that
in 80% of cases the “culprit” of inflammatory changes in the stomach is Helicobacter , its complete removal from the body does not always lead to a reduction in the symptoms of gastritis. This fact is reflected in scientific publications and confirms the importance of other therapeutic measures: normalization of acidity, gastric motility and diet therapy.

Recommendations for creating a menu

In case of inflammation of the internal epithelium of the stomach with high acidity, it is recommended to create a menu taking into account the needs of the body. Despite the fact that the range of products in it is sharply limited, increasing the serving size and increasing the energy value by introducing light carbohydrates is not allowed.

It will not be easy to create a menu for every day if you follow a diet for a long time, so most experts advise doing it for a week. With this approach, it will be easier to take into account the availability of products necessary for preparing healthy food.

When following a diet for gastritis, you should choose the right products and create a menu for the week

The menu itself may need to be compiled taking into account the therapeutic purpose of food:

  • Breakfast - the most nutritious dishes with a high calorie content, but at the same time representing a mass that can soothe the stomach lining. In the morning, food should be as bland as possible, homogeneous in structure. The volume of food eaten is no more than 200 ml.
  • Second breakfast - dishes with a richer taste, which contain foods with the maximum amount of minerals. Serving volume: no more than 200 ml.
  • Lunch - larger portion sizes, up to 150 ml each (2 dishes are prepared). A prerequisite is a slimy soup made from cereals or potatoes, which will help protect the mucous membrane due to its enveloping effect. For the second course, meat or fish with vegetables or porridge.
  • An afternoon snack is a light meal, preferably in the form of soup or a drink (cocktail), which, despite its low calorie content, will provide a feeling of fullness.
  • Dinner - light, enveloping dishes with fruits and berries, dairy products. The use of eggs, meat, and fish is allowed. The main thing is that the patient feels full for a long time.

Eating soups will be beneficial for gastritis.

In addition to the listed meals, diet therapy involves drinking plenty of fluids, which will help eliminate excess acid in the stomach. In this case, it is possible to use cocktails with milk in this role (it “quenches” excess acid), drinks made from natural juice or with banana puree. Vegetable juices squeezed immediately before consumption are also suitable for this. If the patient does not have the opportunity to eat according to classical recommendations, you can snack on pureed cottage cheese, kefir, and dried bread.

As the mucous membrane is restored, pureed dishes can be replaced with regular boiled vegetables and salads from them, and more complex soups can be prepared with the addition of a dressing made from tomatoes and sweet peppers stewed in vegetable oil.

You will learn more about gastritis and nutrition during it from the video:


In principle, alcohol cannot be recommended for any diseases of the digestive tract. Ethanol has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, and with its systematic use against the background of chronic gastritis, an ulcer can develop.

However, there are situations in life when, due to certain circumstances, you still have to drink a little - ritual events, holidays. It should be remembered that fizzy wines, punches, liqueurs, cocktails, young sour wines, and beer are strictly undesirable. A small amount of high-quality vodka or good cognac, unfortified red wine is allowed. You need to eat before, and be sure to have a snack after.

We also allow alcohol in the form of alcohol tinctures (propolis, mumiyo and others) used for treatment in drops. They need to be washed down with plenty of water, and the indications for use must be discussed with your doctor.


In adults

Despite the fact that gastritis occupies a leading place in prevalence among diseases of the digestive system, many are in no hurry to treat it. The fact is that inflammation of the gastric mucosa is often asymptomatic - then they speak of chronic gastritis.

When the disease takes an acute form, symptoms appear:

  • Discomfort and tension in the upper abdomen;
  • Pain in the same area, especially some time after eating;
  • Heartburn, belching with a sour aftertaste;
  • White coating on the tongue;
  • Nausea, bouts of vomiting, bowel disorders (diarrhea, constipation);
  • Temperature rises to 37 degrees.

These are the first symptoms of exacerbation of gastritis. As the disease progresses and no measures are taken, the symptoms become more pronounced and the acute period can last up to 5 days.

At this time, pain can be of a different nature and occur in any area of ​​the abdomen, there is no appetite, heaviness after eating is felt for several hours.

If symptoms appear for the first time and a person does not see a doctor, then there is a high probability of a recurrence of the syndrome. Thus, acute gastritis can become chronic.

In children

A child's body, as we know, is more vulnerable and less strong than an adult.
Children often get sick due to weakened immunity and not fully formed organs, dangerous habits (licking toys, trying to eat sand). Plus, parents are not always able to refuse their child if he asks for soda or chips. Poor nutrition provokes the development of gastritis in children, and within 4-12 hours after consuming harmful foods or drinks (sweetened soda, fast food), the first symptoms appear. In children they can be even more pronounced than in adults.
First, the child’s general condition worsens: lethargy, fatigue, desire to lie down, and chills appear. There is a sharp pain in the upper abdomen, there may be a urge to vomit, nausea, belching, heartburn, increased salivation, and dry mouth. A white coating accumulates on the tongue, the skin becomes pale, the pulse increases, and blood pressure decreases.

Signs of toxic-infectious gastritis are nausea, vomiting with food particles, mucus and bile, diarrhea, severe weakness and lethargy. The urge to defecate and vomit is frequent.

With chronic gastritis, children suffer from almost the same symptoms as adults:

  • Gradual loss of appetite;
  • Pain of various types in the abdomen, worsening after eating;
  • Belching and sour heartburn;
  • Unstable stool;
  • Malaise, fatigue, lethargy;
  • Loss of body weight;
  • Pallor, slight increase in temperature.

Interesting article: Erosive gastritis: treatment and diet

Diet for exacerbation of gastritis: gentle menu

During the acute period a strict diet is required .

For the first 1-2 days, fasting and drinking plenty of fluids, including physiological solutions that relieve irritation and inflammatory processes, are recommended.

On the second or third day, nutrients are gradually introduced.

The diet is as gentle : food is pureed, in liquid or slimy form, 200 g every 2 hours. Salt and seasonings are excluded.

Method of preparation: boiling.

A gentle diet for acute gastritis completely eliminates any irritants.

  1. Mechanical:
      large amounts of food;
  2. coarse fiber
  3. sinewy tissue
  4. Chemical:
      sour and raw fruits, vegetables, milk
  5. broths (any)
  6. pickles, pickles, marinades
  7. baked goods, fats
  8. strong tea, coffee

You can take more detailed information from the list of prohibited products in table No. 1 above.

  1. Thermal: the temperature during this period is only slightly warm!

Strict adherence to the recommendations will help recreate the epithelium of damaged mucosal fragments and prevent complications in the form of ulcers and internal bleeding.

The exacerbation, as a rule, stops by the fifth day.

After which you can gradually move on to a basic diet, but without forcing events, so as not to cause breakdowns.

During the period of remission, a transition to dietary nutrition is carried out according to general recommendations (Table No. 1) and according to the type of acidity:

with increased - table No. 2 (based on table No. 1), with decreased - table No. 4 (table No. 2).

The diet for erosive gastritis is more gentle (see table No. 4).

This regime should be followed for 2-3 months.

Then, you can gradually switch to your usual diet, but with the exception of fatty and spicy foods. The base is table No. 15.

Interesting and useful

Do you know that Australian medical scientists have established that the nature of peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum is bacterial in nature?

Helicobacter pylori spreads like other bacteria through household means.

Attached to the wall of the stomach, trying to survive under the influence of gastric juice, it produces substances that reduce acidity.

In response, the mucous membrane begins to intensively secrete digestive juice, which creates the conditions for the onset of gastritis/ulcers.

The disease is provoked by another failure of the immune system or other factors.

It has been revealed that an ulcer is not a chronic disease that should be treated only symptomatically, but a disease that can be defeated with antibiotics . The discovery of Warren and Marshall revolutionized the methods of antiulcer therapy and was awarded the Nobel Prize.

However, Helicobacter pylori strains are very variable. Even in the same organism they are heterogeneous and invariably mutate, adapting to the circumstances of their habitat.

The uncontrolled, unjustified use of antibacterial agents stimulates the rapid formation of new strains that cannot be controlled by any drug. Learn more about this and how antibiotics that can kill superbugs are created.

The revolutionary breakthrough in the discovery of the causative agent of ulcers prompted scientists to search for microorganisms that provoke arthritis, atherosclerosis, and other diseases.

The latest news from the world of medicine and health today can be tracked here.

And now specifically, what you can and cannot eat with different types of acidity.

Diet for high acidity of gastric juice

Diet therapy for gastritis is a difficult task, because nutrition must be gentle, complete and regular at the same time, but it is impossible to cure gastritis without following a diet. Gastritis can occur with increased or decreased acidity of gastric juice. The type of gastritis in each individual case is determined by the doctor after various types of examinations and recommends what foods can be consumed depending on the stage of the disease. Alkalinizing properties of food are given by the presence of potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium salts in it in the form of compounds with carbon dioxide or other weak acids.

Nutrition for gastritis of the stomach with high acidity must include:

  • porridge with milk, especially buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • cottage cheese casseroles;
  • low-fat milk, yogurt;
  • carrot and potato juices.

An approximate menu for gastritis must be thought out in advance for each day so that you do not eat monotonously. Food must be prepared on time so that you do not have to eat unhealthy foods. You should never skip breakfast if you have gastritis. Healthy breakfast foods for high stomach acidity:

  • buckwheat, oatmeal or rice porridge with water or milk;
  • noodle casserole with cottage cheese;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • vegetable salad with butter;
  • boiled fish;
  • curd and beet pancakes;
  • toasted bread with butter.

A baked apple, a soft-boiled egg or an omelet are useful.

Prohibited foods with increased secretion can cause severe pain in the stomach; they affect the functionality of the stomach in different ways:

  • Stimulate the secretion of gastric juice: rich fish or meat broths, jellied meat, kiwi, citrus fruits, garlic.
  • Aggressively affect the mucous membrane: chocolate, ice cream, almonds, hazelnuts.
  • Strengthen fermentation processes in the body: millet, corn, pearl barley, beans, peanuts, grapes.
  • Poorly digested: fatty meats, canned fish and meat, liver, melons.

What is this problem

Gastritis is an inflamed condition of the gastric mucosa. It occurs with the following symptoms: pain, heartburn, nausea, feeling of heaviness in the organ. Chronic disease is fraught with loss of appetite, weight loss and diseases associated with gastritis.

There are two types of pathology: with high acidity and with low acidity. High acidity is formed when there is a large secretion of digestive juice containing hydrochloric acid. It can occur in young people and children with constant errors in nutrition. It can also be caused by constant stress, excessive drinking, smoking, poor eating habits and eating unhealthy foods. You can become infected by getting Helicobacter into an organ.

Diet for gastritis: menu for a week with recipes during an exacerbation

Knowledge of what is possible and what is not allowed in a diet for gastritis of the stomach is not enough, especially if the disease rapidly progresses and is accompanied by exacerbations. You should use a special diet recommended by nutritionists.

A diet for gastritis of the stomach, a weekly menu with recipes developed by nutritionists taking into account all the features of the disease will help with proper nutrition, which is useful in case of illness. There won’t be any particular difficulties with cooking - the diet is made up of simple and affordable products that can be found in any home.


  • Breakfast. Ground cottage cheese, bee honey (mix the ingredients in the right proportions, grind with a blender or through a sieve). Cocoa with milk (pour 20 grams of cocoa into a glass of hot water, add a little milk and sugar).
  • Dinner. Semolina soup with milk (bring a glass of milk to a boil, add 35 grams of cereal, stirring vigorously, wait for the desired thickness, add a little butter). Omelette (beat a few eggs, add a little milk, pour into a frying pan heated with a little oil, cook without allowing a crust to form). Rosehip decoction (steam several fruits with a cup of boiling water, leave to brew for a quarter of an hour, covered).
  • Dinner. Steamed meatballs with fish (turn fish fillet into minced meat, add some bread soaked in water, form into meatballs, steam). Pasta with vegetables (cook pasta in water with a minimum of salt, boil cabbage, carrots, peas, serve as a side dish).


  • Breakfast. Rice soup (add rice, carrots, parsley root to the chicken broth, boil until tender, add butter after blending). Green or black tea (after brewing, add honey or a little sugar, use sweet ingredients only for gastritis without exacerbations).
  • Dinner. Beef zrazy (add crackers to minced beef, form into flat cakes, put boiled rice inside, bake in the oven or steam). Fruit compote (steam any dried fruits or crushed pieces of apples, peaches, plums with boiling water, add raisins).
  • Dinner. Carrot puree, potatoes (after peeling, cut the vegetables into small slices, boil until tender, grate), steamed cutlet (mix any low-fat minced meat with a soaked crust of bread, add finely grated potatoes, form small cutlets, steam).


  • Breakfast. “Hercules” prepared with milk (steam the flakes with boiling milk, stir, leave until swelling). Tea (steam tea leaves, add low-fat cream after steeping, stir).
  • Dinner. Rice soup with milk (prepare regular rice porridge, add more milk, blend with a blender). Carrot puree (boil the root vegetable, grind using a metal sieve). Boiled meat (boil rabbit or chicken fillet over low heat, do not add spices, add a little salt).
  • Dinner. Lazy dumplings (put sugar, flour, raisins into the ground curd mass, mix, form small balls, boil in salted water). Rosehip drink (steam the fruits of the bush with boiling water).


  • Breakfast. Vermicelli with butter (boil vermicelli in salted water, drain the liquid, season with butter). Tea with cream.
  • Dinner. Milk soup with potatoes, carrots (boil the vegetables in water, chop them, pour in hot milk, the consistency should match the puree soup). Rice porridge with boiled chicken (pour rice into boiling water, boil until tender, cook the meat separately, add to the finished porridge).
  • Dinner. Ground buckwheat porridge (cook porridge from buckwheat, puree in a blender, do not add milk or cream). Steamed cutlets (combine minced lean meat with bread mixture, add salt, form large cutlets, steam). A drink made from dried fruits (steam a handful of any dried fruits with boiling water, leave for half an hour, improve the taste with sugar).


  • Breakfast. Curd mass (grind low-calorie cottage cheese, add raisins, sugar). Cocoa with cream (brew a regular drink with cocoa, add cream instead of milk and sugar).
  • Dinner. Milk soup with “Hercules” (pour oatmeal into boiling milk, cook until softened, season with sugar).
  • Dinner. Boiled meat (boil chicken, rabbit fillet until done). Vermicelli (cook vermicelli, season with vegetable or butter).


  • Breakfast. Potato and carrot puree (boil the vegetables, add cream after chopping). Tea with milk.
  • Dinner. Soup with peas (boil vegetables - potatoes, peas, carrots, puree in a blender). Chicken with vermicelli (boil chicken fillet separately, separate into fibers, add to boiled vermicelli).
  • Dinner. Rice cutlets (combine curd mass, boiled rice, form cutlets, cook in the oven). Drink with rose hips.


  • Breakfast. Steam omelet (beat eggs with a little milk, steam). Steamed pureed Hercules flakes (brew with boiling water, beat with cream).
  • Dinner. Carrot puree (grind boiled carrots), serve with bread or croutons (dry the bread in a toaster without butter). Boiled fish (boil any lean fish in boiling water over low heat until cooked).
  • Dinner. Meat cheese (pass lean boiled meat through fine grinders twice, mix with hard cheese passed through a press). Curd mass with lingonberry fruits (grind the cottage cheese, pour over low-fat sour cream, serve with mashed berries, you can add sugar to improve the taste).

Snacks between meals are usual - fermented milk drinks, dried fruits, homemade yogurt. If you are worried about hunger, you can supplement your diet with fruit.

Nutrition in the acute stage

During an exacerbation, the level of stomach acidity is important. This indicator is determined by the doctor. Depending on its value, a specific diet is prescribed.

At this time, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the basic principles of nutrition:

  • fractional meals;
  • receiving warm food;
  • chewing food slowly and thoroughly;
  • dishes should not be seasoned with spices and sauces, especially hot seasonings;
  • do not drink alcohol or soda at all;
  • During meals, wash down your food with small sips of water.

You need to reduce your fiber intake as much as possible. Fresh fruits and vegetables are strictly prohibited because they irritate the inner surface of the stomach. Within two weeks from the onset of an exacerbation, consume more dairy products. If you are allergic to lactose, dilute the milk with water.

After this period has expired, meat broths and soups can be introduced into the diet, but made from lean varieties of meat. The following products are allowed:

  • lean meats, skinless poultry, cook everything in a double boiler or boil;
  • lean fish, shrimp, crab meat;
  • porridges and soups made from oatmeal, buckwheat and rice;
  • from eggs there are only whites - they make an omelet;
  • from vegetable and garden products: pumpkin, zucchini, beets, potatoes, soft fruits and non-acidic berries;
  • dried bread;
  • milk products.

To remove the mucus that has accumulated overnight, you need to drink a glass of plain water in the morning on an empty stomach. This should be done every morning until the exacerbation passes. Do not take long breaks from eating, maximum 3.5 hours.

Steam the dishes and, if possible, chop everything thoroughly. Puree soups envelop the gastric mucosa and do not cause discomfort; they are well absorbed, saturating the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements. It is better to eat vegetables stewed - in this case, vitamins are preserved in them, and the body receives the fiber required by the intestines. Eggs and meat in the form of white omelette and meatballs saturate the body with proteins. To replenish the body with carbohydrates, it is useful to consume honey. It also has bactericidal and wound-healing properties.

In the first 3 days, exclude kefir and fermented baked milk from fermented milk products. Then you can gradually introduce them into your diet. You can start drinking kefir not fresh, but one that was prepared yesterday. In a few days you can enjoy fermented baked milk. Marshmallows, marmalade, jelly and marshmallows are allowed as sweets, but in limited quantities.

Once you start treatment and follow a diet, unpleasant symptoms will quickly disappear. But it takes a long time to follow the diet for the gastric mucosa to regenerate completely, inflammation to disappear, and for it to restore all its functions.

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