doctor listening to patient
Drug treatment of bronchitis in adults: groups and forms of drugs
Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchi, characterized by damage to the mucous membranes and bronchial tree. Often illness
treatment of oral leukoplakia
What is oral leukoplakia and why is it dangerous?
February 15, 2019 Last revised: December 18, 2019 Oral diseases Oral leukoplakia
Methods and means for the treatment of dermatitis in adults
Why is dermatitis dangerous? If the disease is left untreated, the scratched epidermis becomes very sensitive.
Hypervitaminosis A is manifested by skin rashes, itching and peeling
Symptoms of excess vitamins in the human body
Vitamin complexes are becoming increasingly popular. It has become fashionable to buy them at the pharmacy, take them from
Histrionic personality disorder: essence, causes, symptoms and correction
. In psychotherapy, the state of hysteria is called a destructive disorder that can become severe.
Consequences and complications of diabetes mellitus type 2, type 1: acute and chronic, their prevention
Late complications of diabetes Vascular lesions: eyes, kidneys, stroke Diabetic retinopathy: blindness, cataracts Diabetic nephropathy
Miliaria in adults and children: photos, treatment methods, medications
What does prickly heat look like in adults photo Miliaria is a common skin process, most often occurring
Retinal dystrophy
Causes of retinal degeneration and its types
The retina is a very thin layer of tissue made up of nerve cells. The retina covers the eyeball
Vulvovaginitis in girls
Vulvovaginitis in girls: symptoms, treatment methods
WhatDiseases > Women's diseases > Vulvovaginitis > Dangers and treatment of vulvovaginitis in girls Vulvovaginitis
Obvious and hidden symptoms of adrenal gland diseases in women
As is known, in the human body there are many mechanisms necessary for the regulation of life. One of
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