Hygroma - what is it? Photo on an arm or leg, treatment and prognosis
Causes of occurrence Among the possible reasons for the appearance of this type of neoplasm are: heredity (occurs in blood
How does current affect the skin?
Darsonval for the face, the principle of using the device and the results before and after treatment
Analogs Ultraton AMnp-01 GZAS AMT-01 (Belarus) ALMAG-01 Contraindications to the use of Darsonval Reviews of Darsonval
Treatment of influenza and ARVI in adults and children: choosing effective and inexpensive drugs
Home — Disease prevention — Influenza — Symptoms and treatment of influenza Influenza — infectious
Ringworm in a child
Ringworm in a child. Causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention of lichen in children
Advertisement Ringworm in children is a skin disease caused by contact with a carrier of the infection,
What to drink when poisoning - medications, teas, decoctions and infusions with recipes
Food poisoning may not be recognized immediately. Initially, poisoning of the body causes strange weakness and apathy
Tongue goes numb: causes, associated symptoms, treatment
Numbness of the tip of the tongue and lips Numbness of the tip of the tongue begins with a slight tingling sensation that
How to treat pemphigus: are traditional methods effective for this disease?
Pemphigus is a fairly rare dermatological disease that affects people of different age categories. However
Cystoscopy of the bladder in men and women: indications, preparation for the study
For the timely detection of diseases of the bladder and urethra, cystoscopy and
Cancer of the oral mucosa
Oral cancer: causes, signs, diagnosis, how to treat
Free consultation on treatment in Moscow. Call or fill out the form below: Mucosal cancer
Anatomy of the pelvis in men
Pain in the lower abdomen in men: localization, causes, symptoms. Diagnosis and treatment options
Women often present with pain in the lower abdomen, but similar symptoms occur among men as well.
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