Top 20 foods to eat to improve digestion
Hello everyone, dear friends! During the New Year holidays, we moved leisurely due to one holiday
Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic pseudocyst
It makes sense to talk about a pseudocyst (literally “false cyst”) of the pancreas (PZ) only when
What to do if your stomach doesn’t work - how to start it
Atony is a disturbance in the functioning of the digestive system, accompanied by heaviness, bloating, loss of appetite, and belching. Such
Correct diet and menu for a week if Helicobacter pylori is detected in the stomach
Correct diet and menu for a week if Helicobacter pylori is detected in the stomach
Bacteria are everywhere and it is difficult to avoid them. But did you know that spasms, pain in
Rotavirus infection in children: causes, symptoms, treatment
The main methods of treating rotavirus Rotaviruses are intracellular parasites that infect the cells of the mucous membrane of the small intestine.
Rotavirus and poisoning
How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning - symptoms and treatment of conditions
Usually, many people take food poisoning lightly, believing that soon everything will go away on its own, without
New generation broad-spectrum intestinal antiseptics
Intestinal antibiotics are a reliable remedy for various diseases caused by the vigorous activity of protozoa and enteroviruses
Stomach ache
Staphylococcus in a child’s intestines - is there any reason to panic?
Home / Staphylococcus Back Published: 12/18/2017 Reading time: 5 min 1 3807 Staphylococcus
Coca-Cola for rotavirus infection
Coca-Cola protects against dehydration and rotavirus. This is true?
Some patients claim that Coca-Cola for rotavirus infection relieves symptoms and fights
enterofuril tablets
Enterofuril: overdose and contraindications of medicine for diarrhea
What to do if the medicine does not help Tablets for diarrhea Enterofuril are an intestinal antiseptic,
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