How many days is rotavirus contagious after recovery?
How long a person is contagious. The incubation period is from 15 hours to a week. More often -
Salmonellosis clinic
Transmission factors for salmonellosis - Human parasites
Useful information - a gram-negative rod from the Enterobacteriaceae family. More than 2000 serotypes are known. More common
enterocolitis in a child
Why does necrotizing enterocolitis occur in newborns?
Description of the disease Enterocolitis in a child is characterized by the development of inflammation, as well as swelling of the intestinal mucosa. At
If you have an intestinal infection, what can adults and children eat and drink?
The diet for infection in the intestines is aimed at completely restoring the water balance
Rotavirus or intestinal flu in a woman during pregnancy: signs of rotavirus infection in pregnant women and treatment
During pregnancy, the expectant mother's immunity weakens. For this reason, when contacting
Intestinal tuberculosis symptoms in adults
Intestinal tuberculosis symptoms, first signs, how it is transmitted
Intestinal tuberculosis: definition The named pathology is a chronic disease of an infectious nature that develops in
Amebiasis: types, routes of infection, symptoms, treatment, prevention
Intestinal amebiasis - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Amebiasis is a protozoal infectious disease characterized by the occurrence
Bacteriophages and their use in the treatment of intestinal pathologies
What are bacteriophages All viruses, without exception, are parasites that live at the expense of others.
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How long does it take for food to be digested in the human stomach: food processing time table
Not everyone thinks about why slagging occurs in the body. And often the fault lies with
Helicobacter pylori test how to take it
Determination using tests for the presence of Helicobacter pylori
In 2005, Australian scientists Robin Warren and Barry Marshall refuted the role doctrine
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