Self-medication is dangerous; failure to eliminate the bacteria in a timely manner can provoke complications and lead to serious consequences.
Treatment of Helicobacter pylori with folk remedies: 13 unusual solutions
Treatment of Helicobacter pylori with folk remedies had not yet been born - people did not know about the existence
Light, white feces in a child - is there any reason to worry?
A child over two years old already has a well-developed digestive system. But still
Staphylococcus aureus in infants - what is it, causes, signs and how to treat
Staphylococcus aureus in infants - what is it, causes, signs and how to treat
Staphylococcus is the name of an insidious bacterium that is known to every person. With its help it is carried out
schematic picture of rotavirus
Rotavirus vaccination: when to do it and how effective it is
Home How to stay healthy longer? Author: Alexey Shevchenko June 11, 2020 12:00 Category: How to save
Treatment and prevention of enteritis in adults and children
Types of enteritis Parvovirus enteritis in humans most often takes an acute course, becoming pathological
Products and rules for following a children's diet for rotavirus
Rotavirus is a common viral disease. Rotavirus infection debuts with symptoms of a respiratory inflammatory process, then joins
Why does a newborn baby have traces of blood in the stool and what to do when the baby’s stool is streaked with blood?
» Human body » Child In the first days of life, babies may develop blood
Eradication: history of the discovery of Helicobacter pylori, diagnostic methods and modern treatment regimens
Few people know that a person has to share his body with many microorganisms. One of
Pathogenic microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi.
Representatives of the intestinal flora Microbes that are found in the human intestine are divided into 2 large groups
Examination for pathogens of intestinal infections (bacterial culture)
Bacteriological culture of feces (tank culture) is a biological study of feces that determines the composition and
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