Inhalipt - instructions for use: throat spray for adults

Composition and release form

Combined drug. The active substances of Inhalipt are represented by antimicrobial drugs from the sulfonamide group - streptocide and sulfathiazole, as well as mint and eucalyptus oils. The auxiliary components include sugar, glycerin, water, ethyl alcohol, polysorbate.

Ingalipt is available in the form of a spray in 20 and 30 ml cylinders. The drug has the form of a yellow-white liquid with a characteristic menthol odor. The cylinder is equipped with a protective cap and a removable nozzle for spraying the drug.


Based on the instructions for use, we can say that this is a multicomponent drug, which includes several main components:

  • soluble streptocide or sodium sulfonamide;
  • sodium sulfathiazole pentahydrate;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • peppermint essential oil;
  • thymol.

The following are used as auxiliary components:

  • ethyl alcohol (95%);
  • glycerol;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • polysorbate-80;
  • nitrogen;
  • purified water.

Pharmacological properties

The drug belongs to the group of antiseptics. Sulfonamides streptocide and sulfathiazole have a pronounced antimicrobial effect against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. They have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

Peppermint and eucalyptus oils have a mild analgesic effect. In addition, it enhances the anti-inflammatory effect of sulfonamides and deodorizes breath. Essential oils inhibit the proliferation of fungi from the genus Candida.

The therapeutic effect of Inhalipt occurs only at the site of application. Sulfonamides can enter the general bloodstream in small quantities, bind to proteins and be metabolized in the liver, without having a systemic effect. Metabolites are excreted in the urine.

Sprays for the treatment of throat diseases

Sprays for treating a sore throat must be selected taking into account their composition and effect on the body. Such drugs stimulate rapid recovery, acting in this way:

  • Relieve inflammation, reducing the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, redness and swelling in the oropharynx begins to disappear.
  • Reduce pain and irritation.
  • They have antiseptic properties, thanks to which the infection is destroyed.
  • They cleanse the affected areas and remove infectious agents from the throat.
  • Moisturizes the mucous membrane, preventing it from drying out.
  • They alleviate the patient’s condition for a long time, reducing the symptoms of the disease.

The choice of spray depends on the causes of the disease.

If the disease is caused by viruses, then drugs that relieve the inflammatory process and have an analgesic effect are suitable for treatment: Strepsils, Bioparox.

For bacterial infections, medications based on antibiotics or antiseptics will be effective: Hexoral, Stopangin, Kolustan.

To treat chronic forms of otolaryngological diseases, it is better to irrigate the throat with sprays with a moisturizing and cleansing effect: “Inhalipt”, “Cameton”.

But it is important to remember that the spray may not have the desired effect if you self-medicate. The drug for the treatment of a sore throat should only be prescribed by a specialist

Indications and contraindications

The aerosol is prescribed for infections of the throat and mouth that cause inflammation and pain. Inhalipt is recommended for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, stomatitis, including the formation of aphthae (erosive lesions of the mucous membrane).

The drug is used from 3 years of age. In young patients, the aerosol can cause bronchospasm, so for preschool children the medicine is used under the supervision of a pediatrician.

Ingalipt is not indicated for individual intolerance to the components. More often, an allergic reaction develops to essential oils and sulfonamides, especially in younger patients.

How to relieve a sore throat in a child with a sore throat

For children, the same drugs are used as for adults, but taking into account the age restrictions indicated for each medicine. For example, Theraflu Lar can only be given to children over 4 years old, Strepsils - only over 12 years old. Therefore, from the above remedies, a child can relieve a sore throat with the following drugs:

  • At the age of one to three years, you can use Lidocaine in the form of a spray to spray into the throat, or in the form of a solution when a tampon is moistened with it and the surface of the tonsils is blotted;
  • At the age of 3 to 4 years, a solution of Lidocaine and Oralcept can be used;
  • Children from 4 to 5 years old can use Lidocaine, Oralcept and Anti-Angin Formula;
  • Children from 5 to 12 years old can use Lidocaine, Oralcept, AntiAngin Formula and Theraflu Lar, and those children who can gargle and rinse their throats on their own can gargle with various herbs and medications;
  • Over 12 years of age, a child can use all products that are used by adults.

Theraflu Lar tablets are convenient to give to children due to their pleasant orange taste.

When choosing the form of the drug, it is worth considering that it is most convenient for preschool children to spray a spray into the throat. This is safe, since the child will not swallow the product, and ensures that the tonsils are treated with the drug. On the contrary, if a small child receives a sucking tablet, he can easily swallow or chew it, and the desired result will not be obtained. Also, not all young children know how to gargle, and if you try to force a child to do this, he may choke on the solution.

Methods of application

To irrigate the mucous membrane of the pharynx and oral cavity, the aerosol is used 3-4 times a day. They recommend 1-2 injections into the area of ​​inflammation (tonsils, back wall of the pharynx, mucosal erosion). Before the procedure, you should rinse your mouth with warm boiled water.

When plaque forms on the tonsils and aphthae, it is necessary to clean the mucous membrane with a sterile cotton swab for better interaction with the drug. After irrigation, it is not recommended to take drinks or food for 30-40 minutes.

The nozzle must be purged or washed at the end of the procedure in order to prevent clogging of the fluid channel. The bottle should be stored with the sprayer closed with a protective cap.

Using throat sprays

In what cases might you need an antibiotic throat spray?

Local antibiotics are recommended for use when the patient feels a sore throat, burning sensation, or other unpleasant symptoms in the oral cavity.

All this indicates the development of various diseases:

  • Sore throat, tonsillitis - inflammation in the tonsils, which is accompanied by fever, severe pain, and often purulent formations;
  • Laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx, which is also a symptom of a cold;
  • Pharyngitis - inflammation of the pharynx caused by infection;
  • Peritonsillar abscess is a condition that occurs in the case of an untreated disease (tonsillitis, tonsillitis), in which inflammation spreads to the tissues adjacent to the tonsils, characterized by a sharp increase in temperature.

However, such a complex inflammatory process should be treated not only with local antibiotics, but also with systemic antibacterial anti-inflammatory drugs, taking into account the etiology of the disease. All medications (systemic drugs, antibiotic spray) must be prescribed by a general practitioner and an ENT specialist.

Application for children

In the process of treating a sore throat in children, various drugs are used: tablets, lozenges, drops, lozenges.

In the older age category, antibiotics and antiseptics are prescribed exclusively as prescribed by the pediatrician.

Many manufacturers produce varieties of antibacterial drugs specifically for children with a small dosage of active substances.

Children often start getting sick at the age of 3, when they end up in a group - a place where any infection spreads very quickly

During this period, in addition to the conscious use of medications, it is worth paying attention to strengthening the child’s immune system

Using antibiotic sprays during every cold may result in the baby’s own immunity not being able to cope with many illnesses.

Bioparox is considered one of the effective medicines for children.

Its safety for the youngest patients has been confirmed by numerous studies. The drug is used in the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and various types of rhinitis.

Use during pregnancy

It is not recommended to use antibiotic sprays for diseases during pregnancy, since almost all antibacterial antifungal drugs enter the fetus through the placenta. Many of them have a teratogenic effect and negatively affect the development of the fetus.

The use of antibiotics is also contraindicated during lactation: if a nursing mother cannot do without them, the baby is transferred to artificial feeding. In such cases, it is necessary to use infant formula instead of breast milk not only during treatment, but also for several days after it.

The decision about the possibility of using antibiotics during lactation should be made only by a doctor.

Manufacturers of many bactericidal sprays have not conducted research on the effect of drugs on a woman’s body during pregnancy and the fetus, therefore the instructions do not indicate direct contraindications and side effects.

However, you still need to be careful: the immune system can cope with many infectious diseases during pregnancy with supportive light therapy and there is no need to take antibiotics. For any viral infections, antibacterial antifungal drugs are also not recommended.

For any viral infections, antibacterial antifungal drugs are also not recommended.

Side effects and overdose

Inhalipt rarely causes unwanted reactions. Allergies to essential oils and sulfonamides are common. Sometimes nausea and loss of appetite, a burning sensation after irrigation of the mucous membrane, and general weakness occur. Children may experience bronchospasm when inhaling eucalyptus oil while using the aerosol.

Overdose leads to severe adverse reactions. If undesirable effects of therapy occur, you should stop using the medicine and consult a doctor.

Benzocaine throat spray

In some painkiller sprays with an antiseptic effect, the role of anesthetic is performed by another painkiller - benzocaine.

Septolete Plus

A combined antiseptic and local anesthetic throat spray containing benzocaine, Septolete Plus is designed to deal a decisive blow to bacteria, viruses or fungi that cause throat disease. Active ingredients:

  • antiseptic cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate;
  • anesthetic benzocaine.

Auxiliary components - glycerol, peppermint oil, sodium saccharinate and others. The spray is indicated for the treatment of all of the above pathologies of the throat and oral cavity, one of the few that also has antiviral properties.

Features of use

A single press on the bottle's sprayer injects approximately 0.15 ml of the drug, and to obtain a therapeutic effect, a spray of 0.3 ml of the substance is required. One irrigation procedure requires 2 clicks on the spray device. For severe pain, it is permissible to use every 2 hours, but no more than 8 times a day. Duration of therapy is no more than 1 week. A new or long-unused bottle of medicine should be shaken before use and a certain amount of contents should be sprayed into the air until a uniform spray is formed.


Septolete Plus throat spray with benzocaine is not intended for the treatment of:

  • children under 18 years of age (there are no clinical data on studies of this group);
  • patients with alcohol dependence;
  • patients with hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • patients with methemoglobinemia.

The drug should be used with caution in people with the following diseases:

  • liver and biliary tract;
  • respiratory organs (COPD, asthma, etc.);
  • with pathologies of the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels);
  • brain;
  • To old people:
  • smokers;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

If any side effects occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult an otolaryngologist.

Analogues of Ingalipt

Aerosol substitutes are prescribed when side effects and allergic reactions occur in the form of laryngeal edema, itchy rash, or anaphylactic condition. To choose the most effective analogue, you must seek help from a doctor.

Ingalipt Vialine

The drug is produced by Esko-Pharm (Armenia). Unlike Ingalipt, it contains the antimicrobial agent chlorhexidine as part of the active ingredients.

Like the original, includes essential oils of eucalyptus and peppermint.

Chlorhexidine has an antimicrobial effect with a prolonged therapeutic effect that lasts up to 12 hours. Another advantage of the drug is its low toxic effect even when released into the general bloodstream. Therefore, Vialine is less safe for children and pregnant women. Available in aerosol form in 45 ml bottles.


Domestic analogue of Ingalipt. Just like the original, it is available in aerosol form. The indications and contraindications are the same. It has a different composition of active components.

The antiseptic chlorobutanol not only has an antimicrobial effect, but also has an analgesic effect. Camphor causes an irritating effect and improves local blood circulation. Eucalyptus oil has an anti-inflammatory and refreshing effect.

Cametone is usually prescribed for allergies to sulfonamide drugs, which are part of Ingalipt. It must be taken into account that the aerosol is used only for children over 5 years of age under the supervision of a specialist due to possible bronchospasm when inhaling essential oil vapors.


The drug is produced by the Russian department of the pharmaceutical company Johnson and Johnson.

Available in the form of an aerosol and solution for local use (in the oral cavity). The active substances contain the antimicrobial agent hexetidine, which suppresses the pathogenic activity of bacteria and fungi.

Hexoral is used not only for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the oropharynx, but also for oral hygiene in severe general diseases. Recommended after operations for tooth extraction and tonsil removal. Appointed from 3 years of age. The cost of Hexoral is higher than the original.

Tantum Verde

The drug is produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company Angelini Francesco.

Presented in the form of a spray and solution for local use, as well as in the form of lozenges with a mint-citrus flavor. Tantum Verde contains the active substance benzydamine, which belongs to the group of non-hormonal steroid drugs.

Has antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory effect. Appointed only from 6 years of age. Not recommended for patients with fructose intolerance and phenylketonuria. The most expensive of the presented analogues of Ingalipt.


Combined herbal medicine. Contains extracts of chamomile, marshmallow, oak bark, horsetail, yarrow and dandelion.

Produced in drops and tablets for oral administration by the German company Bionorica.

Tonsilgon, like the original, has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it increases nonspecific immunity and strengthens the body's defenses against viral infections.

Drops can be used from 12 months of age, and tablets from 6 years of age. Thanks to its herbal composition, the drug has a gentle effect on the body and rarely causes adverse reactions. Recommended for complex treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis). Combines well with antibiotics. Not used in dentistry.

Spray Ingalipt - instructions, description of the drug and composition

Inhalipt is an antimicrobial agent in the form of an aerosol for colds and throat diseases, made on the basis of essential oils. The drug is used for local use.

Inhalipt has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects.

Active ingredients of the spray:

  • Sodium sulfanilamide.
  • Sulfathiazole sodium pentahydrate.
  • Thymol.
  • Eucalyptus oil.
  • Peppermint oil.

Excipients included in the drug:

  • Ethanol.
  • Sodium saccharinate.
  • Glycerin (glycerol).
  • Polysorbate-80.
  • Purified water.
  • Nitrogen.

Sulfanilamide is the main active ingredient of this drug. It has an antibacterial effect and speeds up the healing process.

Sulfathiazole also has an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect, slows down the synthesis of enzymes of pathogenic microorganisms and prevents their reproduction.

Thymol is a component that is isolated from the leaves of thyme or thyme. It is used as a natural antiseptic, making it ideal for treating inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Peppermint oil is obtained from dried or fresh leaves. It has antispasmodic, analgesic and antitussive effects. Peppermint oil relieves spasm of the smooth muscles of the upper respiratory tract in inflammatory diseases.

Eucalyptus oil is obtained from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. It has an antiseptic, analgesic and antitussive effect. Eucalyptus oil is often used for inhalation for acute respiratory diseases. It heals damaged mucous membranes of the mouth and throat and helps prevent congestion.

Glycerol has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It softens the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, clears the upper respiratory tract of plaque.

Inhalipt spray is used for irrigation of the mouth and throat. The medicine should be sprayed into the mouth for one to two seconds, before removing the safety cap. You can use Ingalipt three to four times a day, but not more than five times.

Before using the spray, the mouth should be rinsed with boiled water, and it is recommended to treat the ulcerated areas with a soda solution.

When sprayed, all components settle on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract directly at the site of inflammation. Thus, they have a therapeutic effect, eliminate infection, block the inflammatory process, and help cleanse the mucous membranes of plaque. Thanks to Inhalipt, a sore throat decreases, the intensity of cough decreases, the mucous membranes are cleared of bacteria, as a result of which health improves, unpleasant symptoms disappear, and body temperature returns to normal.

Inhalipt for both adults and children is available in eighty milliliter spray bottles containing thirty milliliters of medicinal solution.

Inhalipt should be stored in a dry and dark place away from direct sunlight. The bottle must be protected from falls and impacts. Storage temperature should not exceed thirty degrees.

This is interesting!

Sulfathiazole and streptocide belong to the group of sulfonamides. A few decades ago, such drugs were widely used to treat infections not only topically, but also for oral administration. Currently used as second-line drugs, after broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Sulfonamides are significantly inferior to antibiotics in their antimicrobial effect; they are prescribed when they are intolerant or develop resistance (bacterial resistance to treatment). However, for local therapy this pharmacological group is still used with high efficiency.

Types of funds

Today, the pharmacy chain offers many antiseptic antibacterial agents; their ability to destroy microorganisms that attack the upper respiratory tract has been used in preparations in the form of sprays and aerosols for the throat.

Pharmaceutical companies produce effective drugs on a natural, synthetic basis and with additional plant components that have different properties and effects.

There is a wide range of antibiotic sprays available at different prices. You can purchase a drug that can be used by children and pregnant women, but there are also those that have many contraindications and side effects.

List of the most effective sprays and features of their use:

Spray nameWhat curespharmachologic effectContraindications
"Hexoral"It affects all types of pathogenic microorganisms and is used for any diseases of the nasopharynx.Effectively cleanses the mucous membrane of bacteria and has a weak analgesic effect.Intolerance to components, pregnancy, lactation, age up to six years.
"Bioparox"Active against fungal and coccal microflora, helps cope with laryngitis, pharyngitis, sore throat, stomatitis and other diseases. Used for the nose and throat (two separate attachments). Actively destroys pathogenic microflora, removes phlegm, relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, inflammation, and effectively eliminates the feeling of dryness.Intolerance to components, children under three years of age, first trimester of pregnancy.
"Inhalipt"Helps cope with many bacterial and viral infections.Suppresses viral microflora, completely kills bacteria, has a weak analgesic effect (contains lidocaine).Personal intolerance to the components of the drug.
"Sore throat"Actively fights fungal microflora, contains plant components: nat. eucalyptus and sage oil, chamomile extract. Effectively disinfects and envelops the mucous membrane, stops and localizes the inflammatory process in tissues, and also improves the discharge of produced sputum.Intolerance to components, pregnancy, children under four years of age.
"Miramistin"Helps with bacterial and fungal infections.Fights pathogenic microorganisms, relieves inflammation and swelling, reduces bacterial resistance to antibacterial drugs.Sensitivity to some components of the drug, age up to three years.
"Nasonex"Effective for seasonal allergies and extensive swelling of the nasopharynx.Eliminates inflammation, relieves swelling of the mucous membrane, relieves pain.Intolerance to the drug, pregnancy, lactation, age under six years.
"Larinal"It is used for sore throat, kills fungi and bacteria, and fights herpes infection.Destroys the cells of pathogenic microorganisms and has an effective immunostimulating effect.Personal sensitivity to the components of the drug.
"Tantum Verde"For bacterial inflammation of the mucous membranes.Destroys pathogenic microflora and has an analgesic effect.Intolerance to the components of the drug.
"Pro-Ambassador"It has an antiseptic effect and is used for infectious diseases of the nasopharynx and stomatitis.Effectively eliminates the inflammatory process, disinfects and envelops the mucous membrane.Allergy to bee products, atrophic rhinitis, pregnancy and lactation, age up to 12 years.
"Cavinton"Used for bacterial infections.Kills pathogenic microflora (staphylococci), including those resistant to penicillin, eliminates bacteria, relieves inflammation, cleanses the mucous membrane of microbes, and relieves swelling.Personal intolerance to eucalyptus extract, use by pregnant women only on the recommendation of a specialist.
"Anti-angina"Used for infectious diseases.Effectively kills microbes, has a bactericidal, antiseptic, bacteriostatic effect, and relieves pain.Hypersensitivity to components, damage to mucous membranes, age up to 10 years.
"Eucalyptus"Suitable for rapid treatment of bacterial infections.Actively eliminates bacteria and microbes, relieves inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane, and promotes the removal of phlegm.Intolerance to components.

Antibiotic sprays are widely and successfully used throughout the world. They help to quickly cope with symptoms and effectively act on pathogens of various diseases.

The medicinal form of the spray has a number of advantages over other drugs. You can purchase aerosols that are approved for use by pregnant women and children.

Question answer

Question No. 1. How to use Inhalipt correctly for a sore throat?

Answer. It is necessary to irrigate the throat with an aerosol at least 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. Usually treatment is prescribed for 5-10 days. First, rinse your throat with boiled water at a comfortable temperature. Then insert the spray nozzle and irrigate each tonsil 1-2 times. The medicine is held in the mouth for 5-7 seconds and spat out. If the aerosol liquid is swallowed, the risk of side effects increases.

Question No. 2. What to do if a child has difficulty breathing after using the drug?

Answer. Bronchospasm develops due to the components of eucalyptus oil, which is part of Ingalipt and many of its analogues. Usually this process occurs reflexively due to inhalation of eucalyptus vapor and does not pose a fatal danger to the child. In some cases, bronchospasm is a manifestation of allergies and can cause serious complications. If you have difficulty breathing after inhalation, you should stop using the drug. It is necessary to distract the child, wash his face and hands with warm water. If measures are ineffective, call an ambulance.

Question No. 3. Which analogue should I choose?

Answer. All Ingalipt substitutes are highly effective and are prescribed for the treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases. When choosing a drug, you need to pay attention to contraindications and adverse reactions, age restrictions and other features. To do this, it is better to consult a doctor. The cost of analogues usually does not affect the effectiveness of therapy; it depends on the country of manufacture, the complexity of the composition, advertising costs, and the quality of packaging.


Ingalipt-N can be considered a complete analogue of the drug. It has an almost identical composition, except for the sulfonazole component, which is replaced by norsulfazole. It also has the same main indications, age restrictions and possible side effects. In addition, there are a number of drugs that have a similar therapeutic effect, and these include:

  • Althea syrup;
  • Tonsilgon;
  • Lysobacter;
  • Tantum Verde;
  • Hexoral;
  • Yox;
  • Miramistin;
  • Lugol et al.

Composition of Ingalipt

In Russian pharmacies it is almost impossible to find Inhalipt specifically for children (without alcohol and essential components). In European countries there is a concept - “medicine for children”, but we have no alternative in this matter. Therefore, our Ingalipt “for children” consists of the same medicinal substances and herbal supplements as for adults: Sulfanilamide, its other name is streptocide. It has a strong antibacterial effect, and at the same time does not disrupt the bioprocesses in microflora cells.

Peppermint oil has an antitussive and analgesic effect, and also relieves possible muscle spasms.

Glycerol removes pus deposits and helps remove excess moisture from the treated oral cavity and nasopharynx.

Eucalyptus oil relieves pain and accelerates the healing of the throat mucosa, relieves stagnation during inflammation, and acts as an antiseptic.

How to use for children

Before using Ingalipt in aerosol form, be sure to rinse your child’s mouth with boiled water and then follow the instructions for use below for children:

  • for children under three years old. Before use, check the child for tolerance to the components. To do this, you need to spray a small amount of medicine on your tongue. If after a while there is no reaction, then spray the aerosol on your cheek so that the medicine then flows down your throat. There are also other ways to avoid splashing directly into the throat, for example, spraying the medicine on the pacifier or in a spoon;
  • for children over three years old. You need to remove the plastic cap, put on a spray bottle instead and shake the can 2-3 times. Then the child should open his mouth wide, while you place the sprayer there and press it sharply. Repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day for a week, maximum 10 days. Your ENT doctor may give other instructions for use, then follow his instructions.

Important! « Inhalipt

Apply only up to 5 times in 24 hours. Otherwise, there is a high probability of side effects.

Indications for use Ingalipt

Based on clinical studies, experts have found that Ingalipt is a hypoallergenic drug.

The spray is prescribed for the following diseases:

  1. Sore throat with a pronounced almond-shaped coating, also with a complex course.
  2. Pharyngitis is irritation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx.
  3. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx associated with colds. The development of diseases is facilitated by overheating, hypothermia, and overstrain of the larynx.
  4. Tonsillitis is a functional disorder of the palatine tonsils.
  5. Stomatitis, which is accompanied by the presence of ulcers and ulcers on the mucous membranes.
  6. Tracheitis is an inflammatory disease of the tracheal mucosa.
  7. Adenoiditis is a disorder of nasal breathing (nasopharyngeal tonsil).
  8. Laryngotracheitis is a mucopurulent disease of the larynx and the initial parts of the trachea.

Before taking the medicine, it is recommended to read the reviews of doctors and patients who have already taken Ingalipt spray for the treatment of a particular disease.

What is Tantum Verde prescribed for?

pharmachologic effect

Treating the throat with Ingalipt reduces the symptoms of the disease and the risk of developing a cough.

How does the drug affect humans:

  1. Suppresses the development of the inflammatory process.
  2. Signals the body about the proliferation of pathogenic flora (beneficial microorganisms).
  3. Prevents the spread of fungal formations.
  4. Reduces the presence of swollen tissue in the throat.
  5. It is an antiseptic for the upper respiratory tract.
  6. Prescribed as an anti-cough drug.
  7. Relieves pain in the oropharynx.
  8. Favors the prevention of stagnation in tissues during inflammatory changes.

When the spray is applied to the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, pain is significantly reduced, swelling is relieved, and rapid recovery is noted.

What remedies do not allow you to relieve pain during illness?

There are also a number of drugs on sale that are positioned as a means to relieve sore throats and even to treat sore throats, but which will not give a pronounced analgesic result, or their effect is very weak, weaker than that of the drugs listed above. These include:

  • Septolete, Septolete D and Septolete Total - these products contain benzydamine hydrochloride as an active ingredient, which has a local antibacterial effect, but does not relieve inflammation and does not have an anesthetic effect;
  • Stopangin - similarly, does not have an analgesic or anti-inflammatory effect, since its active ingredient is hexetidine, an antimicrobial component;
  • Hexoral solution is an analogue of Stopangin;
  • Simple Strepsils, which does not contain anesthetics;
  • Lugol's solution, which also only has a local antibacterial effect...

…and others. Therefore, before purchasing a product, you need to look at the composition and look for either anesthetic or anti-inflammatory components in it.

Strepsils has some analgesic effect due to levomenthol, however, compared to the effect of Strepsils Plus, it has a very weak effect.

It is believed that folk remedies such as honey, propolis, turmeric and others help to relieve sore throat to some extent. However, even when their effect is manifested, the analgesic effect is much less pronounced than when using medications. In addition, some of them are unsafe.

Can it be given to children?

“Inhalipt” for children is sold in two types: spray and aerosol. It is preferable to buy a spray, because... it has a special dispenser that limits the volume of injected medicine.

The use of ingalipt spray is strictly not recommended for children under 3 years of age, as indicated in the instructions of imported manufacturers. However, Russian pediatricians often prescribe the drug for children whose age is much less than 3 years. In the domestic instructions.

Reviews from doctors

Doctors say that the drug Ingalipt is proven and safe. Reviews for children about it are only good. However, experts remind that the drug is prohibited for use by children under three years of age.

Doctors testify that the medicine binds to viruses and microbes, blocking their reproduction. As a result of use, an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect occurs. The refreshing effect is due to the substances included in the composition.

Review of effective drugs

It is worth noting that when laryngitis develops, the spray should be selected not only in relation to its benefits, but also to the age group. Aerosols intended for the treatment of laryngitis in children will differ significantly from those that are more suitable for adult patients. Therefore, a throat spray for laryngitis is selected by a qualified specialist. Self-medication often delays recovery and allows the disease to go from an acute form to a chronic one, which is much more difficult to cope with and the disease will periodically return.

The most popular drugs are often distinguished by their effectiveness, few side effects and low price. But besides this, there is a group of aerosols that are recommended for use in severe cases. The following remain popular among patients:

  • Hexoral,
  • Lugol spray,
  • Yox,
  • Stopangin,
  • Tantumverde,
  • Miramistin.


And although it is believed that Hexoral is a spray for laryngitis for children, it is often used in treatment by adults. The active substance of this drug is hexetidine. The positive properties of which allow it to have antimicrobial, enveloping, hemostatic, antiseptic and analgesic effects. As for the natural components of the spray, this includes citric acid, levomenthol and oil obtained from eucalyptus leaves.

This drug copes well with bacterial and infectious laryngitis. Due to the fact that the drug stays on the mucous membranes for a long time, it can be used once every 12 hours. When using a spray for laryngitis in children, it is worth considering that the age of use starts at 3 years. In addition, the drug is not recommended for use by women in the first trimester of pregnancy. Side effects include nausea, dry mouth, and discoloration of teeth.


This drug is usually used to treat adult patients, because Stopangin is prohibited as a medicine for children under 12 years of age. The drug contains hexetidine, among the natural ingredients are anise oil, eucalyptus oil, orange flower oil and mint oil. The aerosol is effective for 10-12 hours after use, so it can be used no more than 2-3 times a day. Indications for use of Stopangin:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases affecting the pharynx and oral cavity, these include: sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, etc.;
  • fungal infections caused by the growth of fungus of the genus Candida;
  • after surgical interventions (a rinse solution is used, not a spray).

Stopangin allows you to eliminate pathogenic flora that has formed on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and pharynx. Helps eliminate the inflammatory process and accelerate the recovery of tissues damaged during illness.

The duration of treatment is about a week. There are options when this period is reduced or, on the contrary, increased; changes in the duration of treatment should be discussed with the attending physician.

Lugol spray

Lugol spray.
A popular spray that is used for laryngitis in adults, and also helps eliminate other diseases, as it is a powerful antiseptic. The active ingredient in this aerosol is iodine. There are several versions of this drug, one of which contains sea salt, triclosan and kelp extract.

Lugol allows you to create a protective film on the mucous membrane, which makes it possible to use it against fungi, gram-positive flora and gram-negative bacteria. But it is unacceptable to use this drug before the age of 5 years, since the absorbed iodine at this age can negatively affect the development of the baby.

Unlike other sprays that contain essential oils, Lugol's is not compatible with them. This drug is contraindicated for pregnant women; during lactation, treatment is acceptable as an exception.

A feature of Lugol is a large number of side effects, including:

  • rhinitis;
  • redness on the skin;
  • lacrimation;
  • secretion of saliva in large quantities;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • acne.

Due to a number of features, it is not recommended to take Lugol without consulting a doctor.


This spray is used to treat laryngitis in adults. This drug can only be used by children over 12 years of age. The use of Bioparox helps stop the inflammatory process and also has a local bactericidal effect. After starting treatment, the patient feels much better due to the fact that the swelling of the mucous membranes decreases, and the sore throat is felt less. In addition, Bioparox allows you to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall. Unlike most sprays, the effect of this drug does not last 12 hours or more, so it needs to be used 4 times a day. Most often, the duration of treatment does not exceed 1 week; other treatment options should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

During lactation and pregnant women, this drug should not be used as treatment. If laryngitis in children is eliminated, Bioparox should be used with caution. The drug is incompatible with alcohol.


A drug that has an antiseptic effect. It influences the development of various microorganisms and fungi. Yox allows you to reduce the inflammatory process, stopping it by eliminating pathogenic flora in the throat area. This medicine must be used 2 to 3 times a day. First irrigate the right side, then the left. If necessary, this drug is used more often; it is acceptable to use Yox every 4 hours for severe sore throat. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease; the course is prescribed by the attending physician, who will specify the frequency of use of the spray.


This medicine is used to treat laryngitis in children. The active substance of Orasept is phenol, which eliminates fungus and bacteria. The spray also contains glycerol, which envelops and softens the mucous membrane of the throat affected by microorganisms. Due to this, sore throat and sore throat are reduced, and the cough practically disappears. Due to its properties, Orasept is used not only for the treatment of laryngitis and similar diseases, but also in dental practice.

The age of use of the drug is from 2 to 12 years. To prevent children from resisting treatment, Orasept has a distinct cherry taste and smell. The frequency of application is usually 2-3 times a day, but can be as high as spraying every 3 hours. The course of treatment lasts 5 days, it can be adjusted only on the recommendation of a doctor. The price of this drug is low, but its effectiveness is much less, so it is not recommended to use it in advanced forms of laryngitis.

Tantum Verde

Review of effective Tantum Verde.
This aerosol belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The active substance of the drug is benzydamine hydrochloride. When this substance enters the mucous membranes of the pharynx, the activators of the inflammatory process are suppressed. Due to this, the inflammatory process stops and the sore throat is eliminated. Acute laryngitis for children over 6 years old requires 4 doses of injection every 3 hours, according to this scheme treatment occurs on the first day. Next, the number of doses is halved; using the spray 3 times a day is sufficient. Changes in the course of treatment depend on the complexity of the disease. Due to the lack of research on the effect on the body, treatment of children under 6 years of age is prohibited.


It has a complex effect on the body. Used to eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi, aerobic and anaerobic flora. The positive properties of the drug are that it is non-toxic and does not cause allergies in the patient. Miramistin eliminates dry throat and stops the inflammatory process. It also eliminates cough and keeps the voice normal, preventing unpleasant hoarseness.

All these properties of the drug allow it to be used in the treatment of both small and adult patients. This medicine has no contraindications or side effects, the only concern is individual intolerance to some of the components of Miramistin. But in these cases, the unpleasant burning sensation goes away within a few seconds after spraying.

Studies regarding the possibility of using Miramistin by pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary, it is better to abandon the aerosol. Children can be treated in this way only after 3 years. The course of use of Miramistin ranges from 4 days to 1 week.

Maxicold ENT

Maxicold Lor.
The active substance of this drug is hexitidine. It allows you to have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effect on the affected area. With this aerosol you can cope with the barking cough that usually accompanies laryngitis. Citric acid in Maxicold ENT washes out bacteria and their metabolic products, which speeds up the healing process. The drug can be used by people over 14 years of age. The doctor selects the course of treatment individually, but usually it lasts no more than 5 days.

Positive and negative impact

The effect of the drug in the form of a spray with eucalyptus depends on the individual characteristics of the body and its response to treatment. The effect is influenced by the stage of the disease. Patients note rapid action in the initial stages of therapy. The medicine relieves sore throat, helps eliminate nasal congestion, breathing remains clean and easy for a long time.

Eucalyptus throat spray works quickly. The local effect occurs directly on the site of inflammation. Low likelihood of side effects, unlike oral medications. Ease of use and precise dosage are ensured by the dosing valve.

In some cases, a burning sensation occurs in the mucous cavity, which goes away on its own and does not require discontinuation of the drug. Patients remain satisfied with the eucalyptus throat spray and do not look for a replacement for it from similar products. They note the rapid and long-lasting effect of the medicine, its painlessness for the mucous membrane due to the presence of a lid in the form of a pipette for drops and a good spray nozzle.

Problems arise in the form of hives, itching and rash. A common sign of an overdose is headache and sleep disturbance. The cardiovascular system suffers. Patients note increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, and arrhythmia.

In case of an overdose, the respiratory system suffers: the mucous membrane dries out, the throat becomes irritated. A person sneezes, a large amount of nasal epithelium is released. Gastrointestinal disorders are accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting.

To avoid complications, you must read the instructions. Use eucalyptus spray as prescribed by your doctor.

Remedies to eliminate and relieve sore throat

To completely relieve a sore throat, the following remedies are used in ENT practice:

  • Teraflu-Lar spray, lozenges and gargling solution. From the point of view of pain relief, they are analogues of lidocaine solution, since they contain lidocaine itself. Due to this, with their help you can quickly and effectively relieve a sore throat for 1-2 hours. In addition to lidocaine, all forms of the drug contain benzoxonium chloride - a highly effective local antibacterial drug, which, although it does not suppress the infection that caused the sore throat, inhibits its spread in the mouth and throat;
  • Hexoral Tabs are lozenges containing benzocaine as an analgesic component and chlorhexidine as an antimicrobial agent. The tablets allow you to numb the throat for 1-2 hours, after which the next tablet should be dissolved and sensations return. It is unacceptable to take more than 8 tablets per day;
  • Sucking tablets Grammidin Neo with anesthetic. Contains local antibiotic gramicidin C and analgesic component oxybuprocaine;
  • Strepsils Plus tablets and spray containing lidocaine;
  • A solution of lidocaine with a concentration of 2%, of all the drugs used for sore throat, is the most effective and, in fact, the best pain reliever. It is sold in pharmacies already prepared, or, if necessary, a more concentrated drug is purchased and diluted with water until the desired concentration is obtained. It can be sold under different names - Lycaine, Lidocaine-Bufus, Lidocaine hydrochloride, available in the form of a solution or a ready-to-spray spray in a bottle;
  • Anti-Angin Formula in the form of tablets and spray contains tetracaine and provides an analgesic effect typical of drugs in this group.

Lidocaine in the form of a spray for anesthesia of inflamed and injured tissues

Due to the content of powerful anesthetics (even in small concentrations), these drugs allow you to temporarily completely eliminate all the sensations that arise in the throat due to inflammation of the tonsils. As a rule, their analgesic effect lasts 1-2 hours, which is enough for eating or for the patient to fall asleep. In any case, after the end of the effect, the drug can be used again if the instructions for use allow it.

In general, when using all these products, you must strictly follow the instructions for use, since all of them can cause unwanted side effects and also have age restrictions.

As a rule, it is recommended to use such drugs only at the peak of the disease, when the pain in the throat is most severe and prevents the patient from swallowing food and sleeping normally. If your throat hurts, but the pain itself is tolerable, or you just feel itchy, it’s safer to use remedies designed to soften such sensations without eliminating them altogether, but also without causing unwanted side effects.

Recommendations for the safe use of Ingalipt while breastfeeding

  • Ingalipt does not have any direct effect on the lactation process. However, the decision to use it must be made by a doctor. The mint oil included in the composition can reduce lactation, but its topical use will not have a noticeable effect on the amount of breast milk.
  • The half-life for streptocide is 10 hours, and sulfathiazole is eliminated in 3 hours.
  • When penetrating into the blood, the sulfonamide components of inhalipt bind to blood proteins and are able to penetrate through the placenta and into breast milk.
  • Once in the liver, acetylated forms of substances are formed, which are excreted by the kidneys. It takes longer for other components of streptocide to be completely eliminated from the body - 20 hours from the moment it enters the body.
  • If the dosage is observed, the effect on the child of Ingalipt components will be minimal. Essential oils may cause an allergic reaction in people sensitive to allergies.

Ingalipt for hepatitis B is not prohibited by the instructions for the drug. However, it contains sulfonamide substances that easily pass into breast milk. Their effect on infants is extremely undesirable. When consumed by nursing mothers, they can cause jaundice and have a toxic effect on the baby's body.

The aerosol is applied topically, but minimal risks remain, since some of the components of the drug still penetrate into the blood.

Complex drugs for treatment during breastfeeding are not recommended by WHO. Their use is allowed in extreme cases. Monocomponent drugs are considered safer. They are less likely to cause allergic reactions.

SourceResearch results
Dr. Hale's HandbookNo data
Karpov-Zaitsev DirectoryThere is no data on Inhalipt; sulfonamides are not clearly permitted for internal use.
Electronic directory e-laktanciaNo data
AKEB Consultants ForumAllowed under medical supervision


  1. Lyudmila, Syzran, 32 years old. My son had a very sore throat. We went to the clinic and the doctor prescribed Inhalipt spray. My son liked the way it “sizzled.” I don’t know about the taste, but I liked the mint smell. It helped very well. The redness in the throat completely disappeared on the third day. I'm satisfied with the drug.
  2. Galina, Ryazan, 25 years old. My baby complained of a sore throat. The neck was inflamed. Inhalipt was sprayed 3 times a day. It was very well received, there were no allergies. The throat was cured in 2 days.
  3. Dasha, Sevastopol, 29 years old. My son was 8 months old when he got sick. They sprayed Inhalipt from a small bottle. There were no spasms, thank God. Of course, first I sprayed a little on his tongue, and then on his cheek...


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