Blood from the nose - causes in an adult in normal condition
What types of bleeding are there? Bleeding can be triggered by external factors. They appear as a result of receiving
red blood cells are normal
Red blood cells: normal. What is the danger of increasing and decreasing the level of red blood cells in the blood?
Red blood cells are the cells that contain the largest amount of the red pigment hemoglobin. Main function of red blood cells
How to decipher an ECG analysis, norms and deviations, pathologies and diagnostic principles
An electrocardiogram of the heart is the main diagnostic study that allows us to draw conclusions about the functioning of the organ, the presence or
Getting rid of a bruise
Pain relieving ointment for bruises - effective and inexpensive
Ointment for bruises, bruises and swelling will help with various injuries. In case of soft tissue damage
hemoglobin in pregnant women
Hemoglobin is elevated in the blood: more than 10 reasons, what it means, consequences, normal, treatment, how to reduce it in children and adults. How dangerous is the condition?
Why does hemoglobin increase in an adult? What does a person feel when hemoglobin is high? Increased hemoglobin:
Chest collection
Chest collection No. 4: components, for which cough to drink, dosage, contraindications
Treatment with the help of the collection The collections vary in composition, so for each disease you need the right
Increased cholesterol in the blood: causes, dangers, how to treat
About a quarter of Russians are overweight. More than 18 million people die worldwide
Pulmonary fibrosis - life expectancy
Pulmonary fibrosis - what is it, causes, symptoms, treatment, dangerous or not, life expectancy
What is pulmonary fibrosis? Fibrosis is scarring; pulmonary fibrosis is an irreversible formation and
Increased levels of leukocytes in the blood of men, women, and children. Reasons and what to do
Increased levels of leukocytes in the blood of men, women, and children. Reasons and what to do
When leukocytes in the blood are elevated, the causes in women can be physiological or pathological. If
Dehydration is one of the causes of dry mouth
Dry mouth at night or during the day - causes and treatment, elimination of symptoms
A single case of dry mouth is not a reason to panic, but
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