High blood pressure 160 to 90
High blood pressure: symptoms, causes, treatment. What is normal blood pressure
Hypertensive crisis Normal blood pressure Symptoms of pathology Causes of pathology First aid Effective treatment Drugs
Rating of the TOP 7 best probiotics: which ones to choose, types, reviews, price
Probiotics are medications that contain strains of living bacteria. The product is sold with
Eleutherococcus (lat. Eleutherococcus) - indications for use
Eleutherococcus belongs to the genus of perennial thorny shrubs of the Araliaceae family. Its other names are wild pepper,
symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis in women
Intestinal dysbiosis: 4 symptoms, treatment (25 drugs) in adults and children, diet, microflora tests. How to Choose the Best Probiotic
Intestinal dysbiosis is a fairly common pathology characterized by digestive disorders. He causes a lot of trouble. Symptoms
Expectorants for children and adults: how they work, differences, names
Most respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis require complex treatment, including antibacterial
throat diseases in children and adults
Inhalipt - instructions for use: throat spray for adults
Composition and release form Combined drug. The active substances of Inhalipt are represented by antimicrobial drugs from
Flatulence in adults: causes, symptoms and treatment methods
When digestion is disrupted, gases begin to accumulate in the stomach, which leads to bloating (flatulence). Human
Heartburn occurs due to the reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus
How does heartburn manifest and what diseases does it accompany?
Prevention of heartburn Why you should not treat with soda Video Feeling of burning, fullness in the projection of the stomach,
vegetables on the scales
Nutrition for diabetes: list of dishes for every day
Diabetes mellitus is a disease associated with an absolute or relative lack of insulin in the body and characterized by
The drug "Regulon": reviews from doctors, instructions for use
Increasingly, women are choosing oral medications as a means of contraception. Correctly selected contraceptives
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