main signs of angina in women
All symptoms of angina pectoris in women: pain, autonomic disorders
In this article you will learn: typical symptoms of angina in women. The main differences between women and
Low blood pressure: what to do, folk remedies
Hypotension: how to increase blood pressure using folk remedies
Hypotension is less common than hypertension, but causes no less problems. Low blood pressure is not dangerous
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Pressure cord - rules of application. Drug review
Lozap. I have never suffered from problems with blood pressure. She joked that as an astronaut, she always
What is normal pressure for a person, table
The norm, what a person’s blood pressure should be by age + table
Blood pressure is the most important indicator of the functioning of not only the heart muscle, but also the entire body.
High pressure
How to lower blood pressure at home quickly and effectively without pills
The entire human body is penetrated by a network of blood vessels. Each point of this system transmits an impulse from
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Indications for the use of validol: angina pectoris, neuroses, cough, runny nose
Diseases of the cardiovascular system are in first place worldwide in terms of the frequency of deaths,
Sinus tachycardia of the heart: what is it, main symptoms and treatment
Tachycardia is a rhythm disorder in which the heart beats faster than normal and
pneumonia in a 2 year old child symptoms treatment methods
Pneumonia in a 2-year-old child: symptoms and signs
Colds in children are often complicated by pneumonia, which is difficult to detect and treat.
What are the benefits of sea buckthorn oil?
Sea buckthorn oil: medicinal properties and applications.
Hello! In this article we will talk about the benefits of sea buckthorn oil. Lately it has become
Heart arythmy
Male cardiac arrhythmia: causes and possible consequences
The pathological condition of a person in which there are constant disruptions in cardiac activity is called arrhythmia. This
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