Can I take pancreatin if I have diarrhea?

Indigestion is a fairly common problem that everyone has encountered at least once. Diarrhea (or, in other words, diarrhea) is one of the main signs of a malfunction of the digestive system, however, before starting treatment, you should find out what was the cause. After all, the further course of action will depend on this.

Is it possible to use such a common remedy as Pancreatin for diarrhea? Under certain circumstances it is possible, and even necessary. However, first things first.

Causes of loose stools

Every person experiences stool disorders more than once. An unpleasant problem is not an independent disease, but a symptom of pathologies of the digestive system, a consequence of negligent attitude towards health. In most cases, diarrhea in children and adults is associated with pathogenic microflora, intestinal infections, and rotavirus infection.

There are a number of diseases in which diarrhea becomes a symptom of a serious disorder in the body. They are associated with insufficient production of enzymes that regulate the digestion process and inflammation of internal organs:

  • cholecystitis,
  • pancreatitis,
  • gastritis,
  • intestinal colitis,
  • duodenitis,
  • stomach ulcer.

The lack of enzymes produced leads to improper digestion of food. It is intensively excreted from the body, causing prolonged diarrhea, dehydration, and vitamin deficiency. Vitamins and amino acids do not have time to be absorbed by the rectal epithelium. The patient loses weight, chronic diseases worsen, fatigue and drowsiness occur. One of their characteristic signs is the appearance of loose stools after eating fried or fatty foods.

Abnormal stool during pancreatitis is one of the first symptoms indicating an exacerbation of a chronic disease. The more often this condition occurs, the more severe the condition of the human pancreas. A decrease in the production of amylase and lactase enzymes provokes a decrease in motility, so when food enters the large intestine, it stagnates. The walls of the organ become inflamed, causing discomfort, pain, and pain in the navel area.

Analyzing the list of indications for which Pancreatin is taken, it should be noted that the drug does not work in cases of poisoning and infection with dangerous viruses. Use for pancreatitis or cholecystitis is associated with a lack of bile. The products are practically not digested, fermentation and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria begins. This ends with liquid stool, which is replaced by prolonged constipation. Read about the harms and benefits of the drug here.

Similar drugs

If Pancreatin cannot be taken due to contraindications, it can be replaced with drugs that have a similar effect, also improve digestion and promote consolidation of stool:

  • Based on amylase, lipase, protease: Adzhizm, Eurobiol in capsules, Zentaze, Innozim, Creosin, Creon, Kreonchik in granules, Mezim, Mezim forte; Mikrasim, Panzinorm, Ermital.
  • Based on amylase, lipase, protease + hemicellulose, bile: Digestal, Festal, Enzyme, Enzistal.
  • Based on diastase, cumin and papain: Pepzym syrup.
  • Based on lipase: Solizim, Solizim forte.

In case of diarrhea, Pancreatin can be replaced if the components are intolerant or side effects occur. You should first consult with a specialist so as not to harm your health.

In the end, it should be noted that many are interested in whether Pancreatin helps with diarrhea or not. In fact, this tablet can only help in complex therapy, because diarrhea is not an independent disease and there is no cure for it.

It is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine the cause of loose stools and prescribe therapy in which Pancreatin will be only the part responsible for normalizing the digestive process. For example, with rotavirus, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs; in the absence of gallstones, it is important to follow a diet and take supportive medications.


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Indigestion is a fairly common problem that everyone has encountered at least once. Diarrhea (or, in other words, diarrhea) is one of the main signs of a malfunction of the digestive system, however, before starting treatment, you should find out what was the cause. After all, the further course of action will depend on this.

Is it possible to use such a common remedy as Pancreatin for diarrhea? Under certain circumstances it is possible, and even necessary. However, first things first.

Application of Pancreatin

Many people are not aware of the beneficial properties of the product, taking Pancreatin when overeating or just to improve digestion. In fact, it is a universal medicine that helps in the treatment of serious diseases and pathologies.

  • Digestive disorders in humans due to the abuse of heavy and fatty foods, strict diets, and alcohol.
  • To replace enzymes in case of damage to the pancreas. This is the main purpose for which Pancreatin tablets help. It is indispensable for dyspepsia, after chemotherapy or radiation, or removal of the gallbladder.
  • In preparation for examination of the abdominal cavity before surgery.
  • To support the stomach after surgery to remove an ulcer or tumor.

A healthy person should also know what the Pancreatin tablet is for. The medicine helps to properly exit long-term fasting, fasting or dieting. Pregnant women use it in the first trimester to eliminate nausea and a feeling of heaviness after eating.

Indications and contraindications

You can take Pancreatin for diarrhea, but initially it has a number of other indications:

  • chronic pancreatitis (except for exacerbation);
  • chronic pancreatic insufficiency;
  • inflammatory processes of the stomach and intestines;
  • recovery after radiation and chemotherapy;
  • flatulence, excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines;
  • overeating, heaviness in the stomach.

It is also recommended to take Pancreatin on the eve of examination, ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, as the tablet will help cleanse the intestines for more accurate results.

Pancreatin for diarrhea

The list of diseases for which Pancreatin is taken can be expanded to include stool disorders in various diseases. In this case, the drug acts as an aid to eliminate the unpleasant consequences of diarrhea:

  • bloating,
  • sharp cramps in the stomach area,
  • flatulence,
  • loss of fluid and nutrients.

When listing what Pancreatin helps with, we should not forget about reducing the recovery period after debilitating diarrhea. One of the dangerous consequences is the excessive excretion of minerals and trace elements, without which the functioning of the entire body is disrupted. With diarrhea, the diet is severely limited, so there is a possibility of dehydration, hematopoietic disorders, and clouding of consciousness.

If diarrhea is caused by inflammation of the pancreas, it is characterized by symptoms:

  • green-tinged stool
  • putrid smell,
  • undigested lumps,
  • increased frequency of bowel movements 1 hour after a snack.

It is necessary to drink Pancreatin before meals or after meals if a person experiences profuse sweating, cold perspiration, or a slight increase in temperature. This indicates the appearance of intoxication with waste products and requires urgent normalization of stool. Toxins block the absorption of dietary fiber, worsen blood composition, and reduce oxygen levels in the blood.

Pancreatin helps against diarrhea in several ways:

  • enhances the production of missing enzymes,
  • stimulates the work of sluggish intestines,
  • facilitates the breakdown of fats,
  • causes the mucous membrane to absorb drug components and nutrients,
  • accelerates the effect of anti-diarrhea medications.

If the stool is upset, the patient is advised to greatly reduce the amount of food taken. This leads to stagnation of bile in the ducts, causing a burning sensation in the side, vomiting with foam and black diarrhea. In this situation, Pancreatin from the stomach clears problem areas, helps to avoid complications, and reduces treatment time.

Composition of Pancreatin

The main active ingredient in the drug Pancreatin is protease, which is produced from the pork pancreas by grinding and drying. Thanks to a formula similar to human protein, the enzyme is easily absorbed and stimulates the production of trypsin, lipase and amylase. Therefore, Pancreatin for stomach pain or diarrhea begins to work from the first use. The composition includes auxiliary components that enhance the effect of the medicine:

  • magnesium,
  • silicon,
  • titanium dioxide,
  • sodium chloride, cellulose.

The medicine is available in the form of tablets or capsules, so it is easy to take with you on a trip or to work without interrupting the therapeutic course. The attached instructions contain information about contraindications and side effects of the product.

Release form and medicinal properties

Pancreatin is a digestive enzyme that consists of substances found in the pancreas - lipase, amylase and protease. These enzymes are an extract from the pancreas of pigs and cattle. Pancreatin loses its activity under the influence of gastric juice and is therefore produced in the enteric coating.

Pancreatin is produced in tablets, 10 pcs. in a blister. Each tablet contains additional components, in addition to the main enzymes, magnesium stearate, starch, glucose, fructose, sucrose, wax, shellac. Each tablet is burgundy-brown in color.

The mechanism of action is as follows. When ingested, the tablet replenishes the lack of digestive enzymes. In case of diarrhea, this normalizes the functioning of the stomach, stops gas formation and restores stool. That is, the tablet has a substitutive effect for natural enzymes.

When using tablets, it is important to follow the dosage. If you use more tablets for diarrhea than the doctor advised, you can provoke constipation and an allergic reaction, which most often manifests itself as a rash, itching, redness and irritation of the skin.

The tablets should be stored in a place protected from sunlight at room temperature. Shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture, after which it is prohibited to use the medicine.

Treatment of diarrhea with Pancreatin

Unlike infectious bowel diseases, problems caused by inflammation of the pancreas or stomach can plague the patient for weeks. In this case, Pancreatin for diarrhea is part of complex therapy, which consists of following a strict diet and limiting exercise. The patient must remain in bed and undergo an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

To eliminate symptoms and discomfort, it is recommended to take the following medications simultaneously with Pancreatin:

  • Absorbent compounds. They absorb harmful toxins and normalize the microflora of the small intestine: Enterosgel, Atoxil, Linex.
  • Antibiotics to eliminate intestinal bacteria. Depending on the cause of the disease, Enterofuril, Stopdiar, Loperamide, Tetracycline are used.
  • Bifidobacterium complex. Taking them shortens the treatment time, helps cope with spasms and prevents relapse: Acipol, Hilak Forte, Narine.
  • Means for eliminating diarrhea. Soothe the rectal mucosa, prevent the loss of vitamins and microelements: Enterol, Imodium.
  • Preparations to restore fluid balance. Prevent dehydration and improve the patient’s well-being: Smecta, Regidron.

Pancreatin for diarrhea should be taken from the first day of illness. The number of tablets to take daily depends on the person’s weight, the severity of diarrhea and other factors. For adult patients, the following regimen is recommended:

  • Intestinal upset after eating stale food or alcohol: 3 times a day, 1-2 tablets.
  • Cholecystitis: you should take 3-4 tablets up to 4 times a day.
  • For acute pancreatitis: the dosage is increased to 20 tablets, which are divided into 4-5 doses.

The recommendation on how to take Pancreatin tablets for diarrhea in children depends on the age of the little patient:

  • children from 2 to 4 years old are prescribed no more than 3 pieces per day, dividing them into halves,
  • for children over 4 years old, the calculation is based on weight: 1 tablet per 14 kg of body weight,
  • if diarrhea is caused by cystic fibrosis, the dosage is doubled.

If there is any doubt whether Pancreatin can be taken every day during treatment, you should discuss the situation with your doctor. In most cases, the drug is continued to be used after diarrhea for 7–10 days as a prophylaxis for stomach pain. Sometimes experts recommend small courses of treatment for inflammation of the pancreas to prevent digestive upset.

Side effects

If the instructions are not followed, contraindications are ignored and the opportunity to visit a doctor is ignored, some complications occur:

  • Increased diarrhea or the opposite of the expected effect - constipation. The latter problem is often observed with overdose;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • External signs of allergy: Rash;
  • Itching;
  • Runny nose and sneezing;
  • Hives;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • In severe cases - Quincke's edema.
  • In case of severe overdose - cystic fibrosis;
  • General weakness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Increased concentration of uric acid in the urine.
  • Although Pancreatin for diarrhea is a common choice, it is worth being aware of the possible consequences when it comes to children, pregnant women and other sensitive groups of patients. By following the instructions for use, most side effects can be avoided.

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