Zinc ointment: instructions for use. What does it help with?

Skin problems can arise unexpectedly in people of all ages. To eliminate them, you can contact a specialist, but if this is not possible, you should purchase the drugs yourself at the pharmacy. For example, the instructions for use of zinc ointment recommend its use for the treatment of many skin diseases.

The presented product contains the active component zinc oxide, which has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antiviral properties. This composition is safe for use by children and adults because it does not contain toxic components, thereby eliminating many contraindications.

There is a similar article on this topic - Acyclovir ointment: instructions for use.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The product (zinc ointment) belongs to the group of local anti-inflammatory non-hormonal drugs for external use. Components in the ointment, release form

Zinc, as the main component, gave the name to the medicinal drug. Without zinc, tissue regeneration (restoration) processes are difficult.

The medicinal product contains zinc in the form of oxide. It is he who effectively solves the problem of healing, relieves inflammation, and dries out wet, inflamed areas of the skin.

The basis of the remedy is Vaseline oil. Lanolin and dimethicone soften, fish oil is a supplier of vitamins A, D and omega 3, menthol gives a pleasant subtle smell.

Available in 30, 25, 15 g in aluminum tubes, or in dark glass jars, placed in a cardboard box with instructions.

There are ointments with 10% and pastes with 25% oxide content.

Application in cosmetology

Zinc ointment for the face is a remedy that protects against the premature appearance of wrinkles, pigmentation and sunburn. With regular application, the appearance of the skin improves and it becomes healthier.

In cosmetology, zinc ointment is used as a moderate disinfectant, astringent, and anti-inflammatory agent. The drug eliminates skin irritation caused by the activity of bacteria and their toxins.

For acne

Zinc ointment for acne helps only as part of complex therapy. The product does not get rid of the main cause of acne - bacteria that multiply in the ducts of the sebaceous hair follicles. Zinc ions are part of compounds that regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

A drug for treating acne must contain at least 20% zinc oxide. A more concentrated zinc paste is preferable to the 10% ointment.

After acne heals, red or brown post-inflammatory spots remain. The anti-acne remedy is used in the same way as for acne.

Apply a pinhead-sized lump of product directly to a previously cleansed area of ​​skin and rub in gently. Use for several days while inflammation and redness persist.


  1. To clean the problem area before applying the ointment, use a chlorhexidine solution or antibacterial lotion.
  2. If there is one small pimple, then makeup is applied on top of a thin layer of ointment.
  3. After a few hours, the skin is cleaned with a cotton pad moistened with warm water, and a layer of ointment is applied again.
  4. You can leave the product on your face at night and wash it in the morning.

Often, bruising remains after squeezing pimples. Such injuries are also treated with zinc ointment.

It is better not to squeeze, because infected sebum spreads from the area of ​​the pimple into the surrounding tissue.

Zinc ointment for bruises is applied directly to the affected area. The drug accelerates resorption and supports natural skin regeneration.

For wrinkles and age spots

The product is used as an anti-aging agent. The rejuvenation effect is due to the fact that zinc is a regulator of collagen synthesis, which gives strength to the skin. Ions of this metal enhance metabolism in the dermis, are needed for protection from ultraviolet radiation, and allow you to resist the aging process longer.

Zinc ointment for wrinkles:

  • maintains the necessary level of moisture in the skin;
  • prevents disruption of collagen synthesis;
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • helps in the adsorption of microbes and toxins.

Excessive pigmentation of the facial skin is caused by hormonal imbalance and age-related changes.

Zinc ointment for age spots reduces the harmful effects of various processes on the epidermis. Thanks to regular use of the product, darkened areas of the skin lighten.

Apply the drug in the evening. Add an equal amount of lanolin or spermaceti cream. If desired, dilute with a small amount of olive oil.

pharmachologic effect

Zinc oxide, as the main active ingredient, maintains skin health, accelerates its regeneration, dries it, and has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The antiviral and antibacterial activity of the drug allows it to be used in combination in the treatment of herpes.

Zinc ointment is a kind of barrier, protecting the skin from damage and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. The active substances of the drug act locally without penetrating into the blood.


Foreign manufacturers of zinc ointment use other auxiliary ingredients: lanolin (“wool wax” obtained by processing sheep’s wool), beeswax, a synthetic analogue of vitamin E, cetyl stearyl alcohol, white petroleum jelly (preferably purified). Therefore, imported drugs are more like creams and are absorbed faster.

It is useful to know the difference between zinc ointment and zinc paste in order to use each product correctly. Zinc paste is often called ointment in everyday life. The drug contains 25 g. zinc oxide and 75 gr. excipients. For 1 part ZnO there are 2 parts medical petroleum jelly and 1 part starch. Paste is a more concentrated product.

Salicylic-zinc ointment contains two active substances - salicylic acid and zinc oxide. The drug has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and keratolytic properties. The product is used to treat eczema and hyperhidrosis.

Sulfur-zinc ointment is a drug used in the complex treatment of seborrhea and psoriasis. The active substances have antiseptic, local irritant, keratolytic, astringent and exfoliating effects.

Other analogues of zinc ointment are Desitin, Tsindol.

Dosage and duration of treatment

Skin diseases can be treated with zinc ointment for a month, treating the problem area with a thin layer or spot-on up to 4-5 times a day. Due to the slow and gentle penetration of the drug into the top layer of skin cells, you can apply a bandage with ointment for the whole night. Cases of overdose with this drug have not been described.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Many cosmetologists claim that zinc ointment is not able to get rid of wrinkles, since it does not have such properties. The purpose of the drug is to combat skin diseases, rashes and irritations. It has antimicrobial, drying and anti-inflammatory effects. It does not fight wrinkles or help smooth them out in any way.

Nevertheless, on the Internet you can find reviews from women who have tried zinc ointment on themselves. They say that regular use of the drug has a positive effect on the condition of aging skin, and fine wrinkles are actually smoothed out.

At the same time, you can read other reviews on various sites in which women write that they did not see a positive result after using the product.

If you have problematic skin that is prone to breakouts and irritation, try zinc ointment to solve these problems, and at the same time evaluate its ability to fight wrinkles.

Mode of application

The effectiveness of treatment with zinc ointment will increase if you follow the following rules:

  1. The drug should be applied to clean, slightly dried skin with a napkin; if possible, treat the problem area with antibacterial solutions (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine).
  2. Many skin problems (acne, pimples, rashes, redness) are only a consequence; the cause must be sought in poor nutrition, gastrointestinal diseases, and lack of hygiene.
  3. Zinc ointment is not applied to purulent wounds; antibacterial therapy should be carried out first. So few allergic reactions to treatment with zinc ointment have been recorded that it is safe to use even in the youngest patients.

The healing process will be more active with the following methods of application:

  • abrasions, cuts, small wounds - apply a thin layer 5-6 times a day on clean skin until recovery without rubbing the ointment;
  • thermal and sunburns - apply a thick layer under a bandage with a sterile bandage or napkin;
  • bedsores - apply a thick layer to clean, antiseptic-treated skin under gauze in several layers, change after 3-4 hours;
  • dermatitis, rashes in children - a thin layer on clean skin; before putting on a diaper, you can apply a thin layer to prevent diaper rash;
  • ulcers, purulent rashes - apply a thin layer to the treated area and around it 3 times a day, for at least a month, even with rapid visible improvements;
  • acne, pimples - spot after treatment for blackheads, otherwise the situation will worsen due to their complete clogging. Twice a day for two weeks, then after a week's break, repeat the course if necessary;
  • pigment spots - rub a small amount daily into problem areas, but no more than two months;
  • small wrinkles - apply a thin layer 2 hours before bedtime, remove excess with a napkin, do not use as a base for makeup.

What does zinc ointment help with?

Doctors prescribe it in the following cases:

  1. If the patient has psoriatic rashes;
  2. If dermatitis, streptoderma, eczema are diagnosed;
  3. If there are superficial wounds on the face and body;
  4. If the patient has bedsores.


For psoriasis, zinc ointment helps eliminate tissue swelling and itching. The effect of the medicine can be felt after the first use: the skin loses its brightness, dries out, and the burning sensation “goes away”.

Important! In the case of psoriasis, zinc ointment is an auxiliary drug that is prescribed by a dermatologist “in addition” to the main course.


For eczema, the medicine is used only at the relapse stage (what is it?). Weeping eczema immediately dries up, and the lesions begin to heal. After application, the ointment forms a protective film, which is important not to disturb or cover with a gauze bandage.


Zinc ointment is a hypoallergenic drug and can even be used in the treatment of infants. The composition will help with allergic manifestations in response to consuming the product or taking the drug.

Before using the ointment, the affected areas should be treated with an antiseptic - zinc oxide will eliminate itching, dry out the rash and speed up the process of tissue regeneration.


Zinc ointment for chickenpox helps relieve itching and dries out the rash. Apply the composition to the pockmarks 3-4 times a day until the crusts fall off.

Judging by reviews of the use of zinc ointment for chickenpox, the drug does not cause a negative reaction, accelerates the healing process of “wounds” on the body and face, and prevents the formation of scars.

Scratches, abrasions, burns

Damage to the skin is a direct indication for the use of a composition based on zinc oxide: it has a clear anti-inflammatory property. The ointment eliminates redness, reduces swelling, and accelerates the process of tissue restoration.

Apply the product to the cleaned affected areas several times a day until the unpleasant symptoms subside.

Attention! The ointment cannot be applied specifically to a cut, wound or abrasion - the composition is applied to the adjacent area, a protracted area of ​​skin.

What else is zinc ointment used for in medicine?

For ease of perception of information, I will continue the list of diseases for which the use of zinc ointment is quite justified, in the table below:

LichenFacilitates the patient's condition: the affected areas lose their brightness, signs of inflammation decrease.
HerpesEliminates itching and swelling of tissues.
FungusHelps quickly restore the nail plate.
PinwormsEffective in tandem with Dekaris (applied to a previously cleaned and antiseptic-treated area around the anus).
HaemorrhoidsThe drug relieves swelling, reduces nodes, and forms a film that prevents the development of bleeding.

Pregnancy and lactation

The safety of using zinc ointment allows it to be used by pregnant and lactating women. Pimples that appear as a result of hormonal imbalance, abrasions, and calluses can be easily treated without harming the child.

Successful lightening of age spots on the face was noted. In any case, be careful to avoid accidentally getting the ointment into the child’s eyes or mouth.

Indications for use

We have already said that the ointment is universal; it can treat both childhood and adult skin diseases.
The product is inexpensive and effective, so it will come in handy in any first aid kit. Zinc ointment is used:

  • for various mechanical lesions of the skin (for example: burns, wounds, abrasions);
  • for diaper rash in newborns;
  • for acne (read the article: Does zinc ointment help with acne?), wrinkles, blackheads;
  • for streptoderma in children and adults;
  • ulcerative skin lesions;
  • eczema, bedsores and other skin diseases.

Contraindications and side effects of zinc ointment

Using the ointment for the first time requires careful observation. Individual reactions of the body to the zinc oxide preparation or to accompanying components are possible.

Pallor or redness of the skin, unnatural burning sensation, discomfort are reasons to remove the drug from the skin and consult a doctor.

It is strictly forbidden to use the drug to treat skin problems near the eyes and mouth, to avoid getting the product inside. The shelf life is indicated on the packaging, no more than 2 years.

Composition and release form

The drug is produced by many pharmacological companies in tubes, glass or plastic jars. The active ingredient in the composition is zinc oxide. It belongs to the pharmacological group of dermatotropic agents.

Has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. In addition, petroleum jelly is included in the composition, and some manufacturers add paraffin, which tends to envelop the top layer of skin, providing a protective effect against aggressive external factors.

Cost of ointment in pharmacies

A package of 25-30 g of ointment costs approximately 30 rubles. on Russian territory. You can purchase the drug at a pharmacy or online store. When ordering online, it is important to choose trusted resources so as not to fall for the tricks of scammers. Zinc ointment is the most affordable among generics.

Zinc ointment is a medicine that helps with various types of skin lesions. It is used in cosmetology to eliminate damage, microcracks, wrinkles, redness and acne. The product can be combined with oils and extracts of natural origin to enhance the therapeutic effect.


Zinc ointment is a very inexpensive drug that anyone can afford. This is a definite plus at current prices for medicines.

Prices vary depending on the city, manufacturer and pharmacy where zinc ointment is purchased.

Below is a table of prices for zinc ointment, 25g packaging, in some cities of Russia and Ukraine:

Moscow26-52 rub.
Saint Petersburg22-38 rub.
Novosibirsk25-38 rub.
Kazan19-39 rub.
Ekaterinburg16-28 rub.
Kyiv5-10 UAH. (15-30 rub.)

Zinc ointment for dermatitis (diathesis, eczema)

Diathesis or dermatitis is an allergic reaction that often manifests itself in childhood to an undigested food component. These are different names for the same inflammatory process. People far from medicine call it diathesis. Doctors refer to it as dermatitis, eczema or skin inflammation.

Note: literally, dermatitis is inflammation, and eczema is the results of inflammation (crusts, scales).

Diathesis inflammations on the skin can be weeping and dry. The zinc composition is especially effective for weeping diathesis-dermatitis . Zinc ointment for eczema with liquid exudate is the best means of drying and preventing bacterial infection. Zinc ointment for diathesis with dry crusts is also an effective treatment.

Can ointment be applied to the area around the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. Many cosmetic products for the face cannot be applied to the skin around the eyes, since creams based on oils and fluids are specially developed for it.

Zinc ointment can be used against wrinkles near the outer corner of the eye. They are called "crow's feet". The ointment is driven into the area of ​​wrinkles using fingertips using driving movements. Can be used as a base for makeup, that is, apply foundation on top.

General contraindications

Like any medicine, Zinc ointment has contraindications in addition to its indications. You must familiarize yourself with them before using the product. So, it is prohibited to use zinc-based preparations on open and purulent wounds. For them, it is necessary to use antiseptic agents to wash and stop the process of tissue decay.

And then you can use Zinc ointment for healing, when there is no pus.

Do not use the ointment if you are hypersensitive to zinc or petroleum jelly. To ensure there is no irritation, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test before use. A small amount of the drug should be applied to an area of ​​thin and delicate skin, behind the ear, for example.

If no negative reaction occurs within 1-2 hours, then the ointment can be used to nourish, moisturize and heal the skin. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you cannot self-medicate, so before using masks or applications of zinc-based ointment, you should consult with your doctors.

Analogue preparations based on zinc

Preparations for external use containing zinc:

  1. Aerosol Skin-Cap. Its active ingredient is zinc pyrithione, which, unlike zinc ointment, is characterized by antifungal and antibacterial protection. The aerosol is used to treat atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, and skin itching of unknown etiology. It can be used to treat infants and pregnant women under medical supervision.
  2. Desitin. Available in the form of ointment and cream. Additionally contains petrolatum, lanolin, cod liver oil, talc, hydroxyanisole, methylparaben, water, flavored oil, etc. Used for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash in children, heals cuts, scratches, burns.
  3. Diaderm. The drug is available in the form of a paste or ointment.
  4. Tsindol. Available in the form of a suspension. Contains ethyl alcohol, medical talc, distilled water, starch and glycerin. The suspension is convenient for covering large areas of skin in the form of a mask.
  5. Zinc oxide powder. Allows you to dry wet skin defects with powder.

All drugs have properties similar to zinc ointment. The cost of analogues ranges from 100-600 rubles. Zinc ointment can be purchased for 17-35 rubles.


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How to properly apply ointment to your face

Zinc ointment helps in cosmetology, but if used incorrectly it can cause harm, so it is important to first learn how to apply it to the skin. Despite the fact that the composition contains petroleum jelly, which softens the skin, zinc oxide has a drying effect, so those with dry skin should avoid this product.

It is not recommended to apply the ointment completely to the entire face unless it is a temporary mask. To eliminate redness and pimples, the ointment is applied with pointed movements to the affected areas. There is no need to use a large amount of zinc ointment so as not to cause the skin to dry out.

Pharmacological properties

Zinc ointment helps in cosmetology and medicine against various problems due to its pharmacological properties and wide spectrum of action:

  • relieves skin inflammation, penetrating all layers of the epidermis;
  • disinfects and destroys many types of viruses and fungi;
  • stimulates the production of natural collagen and elastin, thereby increasing skin elasticity;
  • eliminates acne and blackheads;
  • dries wounds and pimples;
  • softens the surface of the skin;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration at the cellular level.

Properties of zinc ointment, which is used on the face for wrinkles, acne and other skin problems.
Zinc oxide itself is used in the composition of powders, creams, ointments, patches, etc. Accordingly, all these products can be prepared independently for body care based on Zinc ointment.

Zinc ointment in home cosmetics

Home cosmetologists rarely use Zinc ointment in its pure form. They use proven recipes based on zinc and other components.

The product should be mixed with extracts, depending on the desired result:

  • chamomile oil, decoction or extract has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, disinfects and relieves inflammation;
  • mint oil refreshes and additionally nourishes the skin to prevent drying;
  • Vitamins A and E have a restorative effect on the skin and are used not only against damage, but also for facial wrinkles.

Storage conditions

For proper treatment, achieving the desired effect and preventing adverse reactions, pharmaceutical drugs must be stored in the temperature and light conditions strictly specified by the manufacturer, avoiding the use of expired drugs.

Zinc ointment is stored in its original packaging, which protects from excess light, which negatively affects its components.

Storage temperature should be in the range of 12-25o Celsius. Storing the drug at lower temperatures makes it difficult to apply it to the skin - the drug becomes thick, exceeding the temperature destroys zinc oxide, changing its properties.

It is important to adhere to the specified temperature standards when transporting zinc ointment - even a short-term increase in temperature can change the drug.

The original packaging of zinc liniment must indicate the date of manufacture of the medicine. Pharmacologists claim that if all storage rules are followed, the ointment does not lose its properties up to 8 years from the date of release, but it is not recommended to store it for longer than 4 years.

Expiration dates may vary depending on the manufacturer. On different packages you can see recommendations for storing the substance from 2 to 5 years. For comparison, the shelf life of oxolinic ointment (has a powerful antiviral effect, is used in the treatment of warts and in the prevention of ARVI) is strictly specified - 3 years from the date of release when stored in the refrigerator - the temperature should not exceed 10o.


The doctor at the maternity hospital told me about Zinc paste. My daughter developed diaper rash, and the pediatrician advised her to apply it under her diaper. After the first use, the diaper rash went away! Now we use the paste as needed. I don’t understand why spend money on expensive creams when you can save money and buy zinc paste for pennies.


My daughter has terrible allergic dermatitis from mosquito bites. When it first appeared, it was terrifying. I didn't know what to do. The bites were swollen and inflamed, and the blisters were also leaking.

The dermatologist prescribed us zinc paste. Since then, we have been saved only by it. I buy small sterile wipes and a narrow adhesive plaster. I wipe around the blister with alcohol, spread the paste on a napkin, apply it and seal it with a band-aid. I change the bandage twice a day.


In the evening I take out a little zinc paste with a cotton swab and spread it on the pimple. I leave it like this all night, putting a piece of napkin on top so as not to smear it. Excellent for drying out minor inflammations! Large pimples that have not yet matured disappear in about two days.

Advantages of zinc paste:

· fights rashes;

· non-addictive;

· Sold in any pharmacy;

· cheap;

· economically used.

Minus: if used frequently, peeling may occur .


I started using zinc ointment and after a week I saw the effect: acne stopped appearing, redness went away. After three weeks I could already go out without makeup. I continue to use the ointment for prevention, only on problem areas where there was the most acne. To prevent my skin from drying out, I use a moisturizer.


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