Antiseptic Lugol spray - reviews
Lugol's solution with glycerin: instructions for use
Pharmacological properties Pharmacodynamics The main active substance of the drug is molecular iodine, which has antiseptic and
Causes of the disease: female tick passages in the epidermis of the skin under a microscope
Scabies: symptoms, photos, first signs of mite infection
What symptoms of scabies can be confused with the symptoms of what diseases? Scabies in adults Scabies in children
Where is the solar plexus located in humans?
The solar plexus hurts - how to relieve the pain, do you need to go to the hospital? Can solar plexus pain be life-threatening?
If you opened our article, then you want to know why the solar plexus hurts when
Macmiror - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms 200 mg tablets, cream and suppositories as part of a drug complex for the treatment of chlamydia, giardiasis and other infectious diseases in adults, children and pregnancy
Is Macmiror an antibiotic or not? Use of Macmiror, indications and side effects
What can replace Macmiror Structural drugs that could replace nifuratel, up to
Chlorophyllipt for gargling - instructions, cheap analogues
Author's rating Author of the article Shutofedova Ksenia Yuryevna General practitioner Articles written 578 About the author Diseases
Chamomile officinalis
Chamomile: what medicinal properties and contraindications does the plant have?
Avicenna called chamomile the most useful medicine for exhaustion. Modern medicine has proven the healing properties of chamomile,
D-Panthenol ointment
D-Panthenol - instructions for use, what the ointment and cream are used for, reviews
A popular remedy for the treatment of skin injuries in the form of burns, scratches, ulcers and bedsores -
Tetracycline tablets: indications for use, dosage, contraindications
Tetracycline: instructions for use of tablets, dosage and analogues
531 Tetracycline tablets are broad-spectrum antibiotics. Thanks to the ability to destroy large quantities
Streptoderma in children - causes and quick treatment using safe methods
Streptoderma in children - causes and quick treatment using safe methods
Local immunity in children develops slowly and over a long period of time, so they are more susceptible to bacterial infections. Chances
Panavir reviews
The enemy of dangerous viruses - Panavir injections: release form (5 ml ampoules, solution), analogues of the drug
Description of this drug Spray for topical use, which has an immunomodulatory effect and is effective
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