boric acid properties and contraindications
Why boric acid may be needed, its use
Nowadays, there are a huge number of different medicines that are designed to combat
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How psoriasis manifests itself at the initial stage: early symptoms and signs of the disease
Psoriasis (translated from Greek “psora” - “skin disease, scabs”) is a chronic pathology of non-infectious
The best remedies for nail fungus
Nail fungus (onychomycosis): causes, symptoms, treatment
According to research, every third person experiences fungal nail diseases. Moreover, the fungus
Protected sex
Details about genital herpes and the characteristics of this sexually transmitted infection
Colds on the lips scare people little, but genital herpes makes many people nervous, despite
6 options for using Oxolinic ointment for children and adults, side effects and analogues
Oxolinic ointment for children and their parents: instructions for use, pros and cons of the drug
Oxolinic ointment contains naphthalene. The main component in the composition is oxolin. Medicine
what does zinc ointment help with?
Zinc ointment: instructions for use. What does it help with?
Skin problems can arise unexpectedly in people of all ages. To eliminate them you can
Severe hair loss in women: causes, treatment
Severe hair loss in women: causes, treatment
Tips Normal daily hair loss Causes of hair loss Hormonal imbalance Stress Lack of vitamins or
"Caffeine-sodium benzoate": indications and contraindications for the use of the drug
"Caffeine" instructions for use The main active ingredient of this medicine is caffeine of the same name, which has
Varicose veins on the legs: symptoms and treatment
Varicose veins are a disorder in which prominent blue veins appear immediately
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Aqua Maris - classic nasal spray: instructions for use
In order for newborns and infants to feel good, you need to properly care for them. Special
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