A runny nose may be a sign of another illness, so if symptoms persist for a long time, you should consult an ENT doctor
How to cure a persistent runny nose in an adult - how to treat rhinitis
Treatment Rhinitis in children Possible complications Video Rhinitis, what is it? Rhinitis, or runny nose
Symptoms, types, signs and treatment of otitis in a child
Otitis in children is an inflammatory disease that occurs due to the passage of viral microorganisms through the Eustachian tube.
Functional, follicular retention cyst of the ovary
Follicular cyst - causes and symptoms. Treatment of follicular cysts with medications and folk remedies
A follicular ovarian cyst is called functional, probably because it occurs as a consequence of hormonal disorders
Furuncle: symptoms, treatment, complications and prevention
Furunculosis is a common inflammatory skin disease in which multiple boils can develop. According to
A girl gargles with a glass of solution in her hand
Gargling solution - composition and proportions for sore throat, popular folk recipes with comments
Category: ENT + pulmonology, Medicines Sore throat is an infection of the tonsils caused by pathogenic microorganisms. IN
15 antibiotics for sinusitis: effective and modern drugs, which one to choose
Sinusitis is inflammation in the paranasal sinuses. The disease most often develops against the background
About childhood diathesis: types, symptoms and treatment
Medical editor: Trofimova D., pediatrician. July, 2019. ICD-10 code: L20-L30. Diathesis in infants
A sore throat
What are the best and most effective remedies, tablets and drugs for sore throat?
Causes of the pathology Sore throat can occur for various reasons. Most often, symptoms appear
Erius syrup for children reviews and instructions for use
Erius is an anti-allergy medication of the latest (third) generation with a prolonged effect. The original medicine is one
adult drips into nose
Which nasal drops are best for a runny nose? Let's choose the most effective ones
Updated: 06/20/2018 18:46:20 *Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. About the selection criteria. This material
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