Hijama on hands points
Hijama method for prostatitis: scheme for installing points
Bloodletting hijama In Muslim practice, treatment by bloodletting has long been a universal method of getting rid of diseases
Ectopic pregnancy
Why do the ovaries hurt before menstruation, and what to do about it?
Does the ovary pull after ovulation? In 90% of cases, simultaneous pain in the ovarian area and
The use of suppositories for endometriosis of the uterus in gynecology
Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent disease in which endometrial tissue grows beyond its normal location.
Nutrition during menopause
How to get rid of excess weight during menopause - drugs and folk remedies
A modern woman always strives to look impeccable. But often with the onset of menopause, a woman begins to become very
Short periods: why does menstruation last 1–2 days?
The menopausal period (to one degree or another) is familiar to every woman. In this complex of hormonal
How to delay the onset of menopause and avoid unpleasant symptoms
Symptoms of menopause The functions of the ovaries fade with age, which causes a gradual cessation of menstruation. Approaching menopause
Girl meditating
Blood test for sex hormones during menopause: norms and deviations of hormonal levels
Menopause is a natural process of attenuation of reproductive function in every woman, associated with a decrease
delayed and scanty periods
Questions. Why can there be scanty periods after a delay? 4th day of delay, scanty periods started
Reasons for scanty periods after a delay The regularity of menstrual periods, first of all, indicates normality
Surgery to remove a tumor in the breast
Women who have had their breasts removed tell us why they don't want to have it restored. Four stories
Breast after cancer surgery Breast conservation surgeries for cancer happen without oncoplasty (when
Early menopause
How to ease menopause, and how to help a woman during menopause?
The onset of menopause in a woman is the extinction of the reproductive functionality of her body and the transition to
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