ovaries before menstruation
How to understand that a girl's first period will soon begin in her life
How to understand that menstruation will begin soon More often, the harbingers for every woman and girl are
Can you take a urine test during your period?
Is it possible to take a urine test during menstruation?
General analysis (coprogram) 2 days before collecting biomaterial, give up tomatoes, tomato juice,
The appearance of black discharge instead of normal periods causes fear
Black periods always frighten women with their appearance. Because everyone knows what they should look like
Cervix is ​​hard and low before period
Condition of the cervix before, during and after menstruation
More about menstruation The premenstrual period is characterized by certain changes in the female body and reproductive system.
How to make your period end faster 4
What should you do to make your period end faster?
Safety issues When wondering how to speed up the onset of your period, you should be aware that such actions are
Vikasol for stopping menstruation reviews how to take
Vikasol to stop menstruation is used when it is necessary to reduce heavy discharge or delay its onset.
9 ways to relieve period pain when even pills don't help
Ishchenko Irina Georgievna Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, specialist in the field of aesthetics
Why do my breasts hurt after menstruation?
Breast pain after menstruation: possible causes
The occurrence of periodic pain in the chest is most often associated with the onset of menstrual periods. Cause
Why did my period come twice a month?
Frequent menstruation - two or three times a month: what to do? 203
Causes of menstrual cycle failure after 40 years The menstrual cycle is divided into 2 phases: follicular
lower abdomen hurts
Puberty (thelarche, pubarche, menarche)
Physiological changes in the body before menarche Menarche is the culmination of physiological processes in the female body.
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