Symptoms, signs and treatment of anovulatory cycle
Even a completely healthy woman sometimes experiences menstrual irregularities. Deviations occur especially often in
Causes of nausea before menstruation
Nausea before menstruation or pregnancy
There are more than 10 main reasons why you feel sick before your period. The symptom is associated with the activity of the stomach, but
what is menstruation in 12 year old girls?
Girls' first periods - everything you need to know
And what is it - menstruation? Menstruation - because every month. This is understandable
tampons for conception
The best therapeutic tampons “Clean Point Nano Silver”, 6 pcs.
Using Chinese tampons “Clean Point”, “Beautiful life” Before using a tampon, it is recommended to syringe with apple juice solution
Hot bath during menstruation. Is it possible to take a bath during menstruation?
Many girls believe that a hot bath during menstruation helps cope with pain. But allowed
Nausea, period is coming
Nausea during menstruation - what does it mean?
Features of female nausea Menstruation is a physiological process that means a woman’s readiness to conceive and
Orange blood
Cause of brown menstruation in the first days
Why are my periods brown? Normally, a woman should secrete approximately
Esmiya. Panacea for fibroids? Miracle drug? My experience of taking the medicine. - review
Uterine fibroids are a gynecological disease that causes a lot of discomfort and pain, and a drug such as
How many pads per day is normal during menstruation?
How many pads per day is normal during menstruation?
Every woman can experience thick periods. Sometimes this is the norm - and there are no
Reasons for taking tumor markers
Is it possible to get tested for tumor markers during menstruation?
Oncological diseases have become the scourge of society. Thanks to diagnostic capabilities, different types of cancer are detected. Scares someone
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