Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during menstruation - reviews from doctors

During critical days, a number of processes associated with hormonal changes occur in the body. Therefore, actions that are normally perceived on other days of the cycle may cause different reactions during menstruation. These include physical activity, cosmetic procedures, and massage. On the question of whether it is possible to go to a solarium during menstruation, expert opinions differ, because the harm and benefits of the procedures depend on the individual reactions of the body.

The effect of UVA rays on the body

A solarium during menstruation can have a positive effect on your appearance and well-being if the procedure is carried out correctly. In addition, the chemical reactions that occur at this time have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

If a woman has previously regularly used the service, and her body is adapted to exposure to rays, she is absolutely healthy and follows all safety rules, then during her period she can go to the solarium if she cannot reschedule her session.

In addition, in order to make an informed decision: whether to sunbathe in a solarium or not, a woman must clearly understand how menstruation occurs and what happens in her body during it. A separate article on our website can tell you more about this.


Advantages of treatments in a solarium outside of menstruation:

  • reduce the number of blackheads and acne;
  • help treat psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • provoke increased formation of vitamin D;
  • have a beneficial effect on mood because serotonin is released during the session;
  • Gives a beautiful bronze skin tone.

Aggressive rays of spectrum C are not passed through special filters.


Possible harm from visiting a solarium during non-menstrual periods:

  • premature aging is possible if the procedure is abused;
  • the skin becomes thinner, drier and more vulnerable;
  • the risk of neoplasms increases.

All these disadvantages occur if protective equipment is not used and all safety measures are not followed.

Tips for a safe visit

Of course, you shouldn’t completely abandon the solarium, because it not only gives a golden tan, but also has other benefits: it replenishes the lack of vitamin D, eliminates acne, dermatitis and other rashes. To get a beautiful tan and not harm your health, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. If menstruation has begun, it is better to reschedule the visit to another day, when it has already ended. If you are adamant, and menstruation does not stop you, then you need to choose the very last days of your period, when the discharge is already scanty and almost over.
  2. If you feel unwell (abdominal pain, dizziness, weakness), you should refuse the procedure.
  3. You should take a bath or shower 2 hours before visiting the solarium or 3 hours after. It is not advisable to remove the lower part of the underwear for hygienic reasons.
  4. It is imperative to cover vulnerable areas. Stick a stickini on your nipples - these are special circles, put a cap on your head and apply a protective balm on your lips. It is recommended to remove contact lenses before the procedure and wear protective glasses for solariums.
  5. You need to use cosmetics as much as possible. Special lotions and creams for solariums differ from those products that are intended for obtaining a regular tan in the sun. Artificial tanning is considered more gentle than natural tanning because it has less radiation. It is advisable to cleanse your skin the day before your visit to the solarium to get a more even tan.
  6. It is recommended to conduct 10-12 sessions with a break of at least 1 day. It is better to start with short intervals (from 3-5 minutes) and gradually increase the duration and power of the lamp.

To summarize, we can say that visiting a solarium during menstruation is undesirable. You shouldn't sacrifice your health in the name of beauty. You can reschedule your visit to the salon for several days and get a beautiful bronze tan without compromising your health.

Negative aspects of tanning in a solarium during menstruation

One of the pressing questions for women who regularly take care of themselves is whether it is possible to sunbathe during menstruation. Due to changes in the body (hormonal changes, swelling of the mammary glands, weakness), this procedure can lead to:

  • to changes in blood pressure during menstruation, which worsens overall health;
  • increased pain from menstruation;
  • an increase in the amount of blood released, bleeding may even occur and the cycle may be disrupted;
  • the occurrence of skin diseases: acne, inflammation, irritation;
  • increasing the body's susceptibility to infectious diseases;
  • complications of existing gynecological diseases and dysfunction of the genital organs.

The consequences and side effects of artificial tanning during menstrual periods do not occur in all women; such reactions are individual. Therefore, it is impossible to say categorically that going to a solarium during menstruation is contraindicated. It is recommended to monitor your condition or, if possible, reschedule the procedure for safer days.

How to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences when getting a tan

Many girls wonder whether it is possible to go to a solarium if their periods are scanty and do not particularly affect the daily course of life?

Even if so, it is better to play it safe and sign up for the procedure on the first day of menstruation or on the last day, when the amount of discharge is minimal compared to the other days of the cycle.

Going to a tanning salon can be a lot of fun. But do not forget that there are rules that must be followed if a woman goes to the solarium during her period:

  • Before starting tanning, replace the pad with a high-quality tampon. But be careful, since increased discharge during tanning under the artificial sun can provoke stagnation of blood in the vagina, which threatens the occurrence of an inflammatory process in it. After completing the procedure, replace the tampon with a pad again;
  • no later than 4-5 hours before the procedure, take a shower and wash your body thoroughly so that the tan goes on more evenly. Also, do not forget to cover your skin with special protective cosmetics intended for solariums;
  • do not forget to apply hygienic lipstick to your lips before starting tanning, which prevents the skin of your lips from ultraviolet radiation. Also, don't forget about the special eye glasses you need to wear. If you wear contact lenses, they must be removed during the procedure.
  • tanning in a solarium can only be done with nipples protected from ultraviolet radiation - for this, special covers must be provided in the salon. During critical days, you should not get rid of panties before starting the procedure - they will also, although weak, still provide protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Whether it is possible to go to a solarium with menstruation, each girl will decide for herself, judging by the state of her health and depending on her point of view. But we have laid out caveats.

On which days of menstruation is it better to avoid sunbathing?

Experts, answering the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe during menstruation, say that the admissibility of this procedure depends on the period of menstruation. The first day of the menstrual cycle is considered the most dangerous - the bleeding is the most abundant, and the painful sensations are the most intense.

If you really want or need to sunbathe in a solarium, then you should know that you cannot visit it at the beginning of your period.

The procedure is strictly prohibited when a woman has a cycle failure and the interval between menstruation is less than 20 days, as well as if the discharge has a strange color and an unpleasant odor.

Starting from the 4th day of the cycle, you can visit the solarium during menstruation if the woman feels well and follows all the rules regarding obtaining an artificial tan.


Every girl wants to have an even, beautiful, chocolate tan. When the body is tanned, absolutely everything looks good and attractive on it. You don't need to spend a lot of time on makeup, you can even do without it. Indeed, with a tan, the skin looks fresher and more elegant. Maintaining a tan all year round is difficult, especially since doctors insist at every turn that it is harmful to health. Not the least question that many girls have in such cases: Is it possible to go to the solarium during menstruation?

Contraindications to sunbathing

When asked whether it is possible to sunbathe during menstruation, experts answer in the affirmative, but you should remember the categorical contraindications to the procedure:

  • a woman’s periods are too painful and heavy;
  • neoplasms;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive and reproductive systems in any form.

To all that has been said, it should be added that tanning during menstruation may not occur due to hormonal processes in the body. To reduce the risk of side effects, experts recommend using special creams and adhering to the recommended session duration.

Why is it not advisable to go to a solarium during menstruation?

As the ambient temperature rises, the woman’s body temperature will also rise. This will lead to an increase in the volume and intensity of discharge. Therefore, it is better to postpone a warm bath, sauna, and solarium for a while

The entire body is highly sensitive to various negative external manifestations during menstruation.

Skin sensitivity increases.

Chronic gynecological diseases can lead to relapse.

The level of hormones during menstruation fluctuates greatly, this can affect the uniformity of tanning, and pigment spots may appear.

Alternative to solarium

If you want to have tanned skin, but this type of artificial tanning is contraindicated for you or side effects occur after each session, replace trips to the solarium with other options.

How can you tan without a solarium and not go to the beach? Instead of a solarium, you can use self-tanning products. An instant tan, which can be obtained in one procedure, will also be a worthy alternative. It is absolutely safe and harmless, since the tanning product - reed lotion - contains exclusively natural ingredients. The only disadvantage of instant tanning is its short-term effect (7-14 days).

How to prepare for a solarium?

There is no clear answer to the question - is it possible to visit a solarium if you have your period? It happens that the situation is urgent and if you are still planning to go to the solarium during your period, then it is worth considering some nuances. To reduce the risks of negative consequences, you should take into account:

  • It is better to avoid visiting the salon in the midst of discharge. Wait until their number decreases somewhat, for example, you can postpone the trip to the 3rd–4th day of menstruation.
  • Immediately before the procedure, use a tampon, and after it, change the tampon to a pad. This will help avoid the occurrence of an inflammatory process.
  • To sufficiently moisturize the skin, water procedures 2 hours before exposure to ultraviolet rays and 3 hours after will be useful. You shouldn't take a shower right away. Heated skin can be brought back to normal with an after-sun cream with a cooling and moisturizing effect.
  • Do not use standard tanning creams. Give preference to cosmetics designed specifically for artificial tanning.
  • Protect delicate areas: lubricate your lips, stick a sticky on your areolas and nipples, put glasses on your eyes, a cap on your hair, and leave your intimate area in underwear.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. After the session and shower, try to avoid physical activity and take time to rest in a lying position to avoid excessive bleeding.

Beauty, of course, requires sacrifice, but it is not necessary to make such a big sacrifice, because a solarium is not even a trip to the sea. You can walk at different time intervals. All the same, after one procedure you will not get a full, even tan, and a short break is unlikely to have a significant impact on the quality of the tan as a whole.

Many modern women are concerned about whether it is possible to go to a solarium during menstruation. There are many conflicting statements on this matter, but most gynecologists believe that using a solarium during this period is not entirely safe. And this is confirmed by the fact that in 90% of all cases, a visit to a solarium during menstrual periods negatively affects women’s health.

Read in this article

How long to sunbathe in a solarium

Experts recommend up to 10 procedures, but sometimes 6-7 with a weekly interval are enough. Next, the resulting shade should be maintained by visiting the salon once every 7 days. A quick option for getting a tan is 2-3 visits per week for 14 days, then 8-10 minutes every week. You should check with specialists about the power of the device and how much time you can spend in a solarium at a time.

Duration of one session

How long should you sunbathe in a solarium? It depends on the type and characteristics of the skin. The most sensitive is considered to be Celtic, which is characterized by freckled skin, red or blond hair, and gray (blue) eyes. Women of this type have skin that is prone to burns, and they should choose lamps with low wattage. The duration of one session is no more than 3 minutes. Dark-skinned girls with brown, black hair, gray or brown eyes are allowed sessions lasting up to 10 minutes. To achieve results, they need several procedures.

How often can you sunbathe in a solarium?

Don't try to be in the solarium every day in a row. There is a rule according to which there should be no more than 50 procedures per year, and the time interval between trips should be more than 48 hours. The optimal frequency is 1-2 visits per week. The course is about 10 procedures. The skin must rest, so conduct courses no more than 2 times a year. To keep your shade longer, use special fixatives and moisturize your body daily.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium every day?

Manage your visit time correctly. You should not sunbathe every day under any circumstances, even if you apply the right cosmetics, use a stickkini, or choose a turbo solarium. If you always went to the same place and are familiar with the device, but there was a long break, be sure to check how the skin reacts to artificial ultraviolet light. This recommendation is due to the fact that changes may have occurred in the body.

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