How to bewitch a man with his periods, consequences and tips

Rules for performing a love spell on menstruation

Any love spell using menstrual blood is based on two main magical effects - magical and physiological. Among those girls who made a love spell in this way, different opinions prevail, but they all boil down to the fact that a love spell on a guy with the help of menstruation has a fairly strong effect and helps to achieve the desired result. There are strict rules for carrying out this love spell:

  • The ritual can be performed in exceptional cases when other means have failed;
  • You are only allowed to use your own blood;
  • The love spell should be performed on the third day of menstruation, when the magical power of the blood is especially pronounced;
  • rituals using blood are quite dangerous, so it is important to follow the instructions exactly;
  • A love spell should be done solely out of love, otherwise you can immediately break two destinies, since it is almost impossible to remove the magical effect later.

Using a love spell on menstruation, every woman should understand that with its help she will only attract the attention of her beloved man, but that’s all. Perhaps there will be strong passion and sensual sex between them, but true love can only be achieved in response to sincere feelings. You should never perform a ritual out of anger or revenge, since it is almost impossible to reverse its effect.

Rituals with photography

Some people bewitch a guy using menstrual blood and photos. This type of love spell may not be as strong, but it is great for those cases when the object of desire is far away.

In fact, photo conspiracies are no different from others, the same words, the same blood, only a photo of a loved one is added to the ritual.

But sorcerers warn: before bewitching, you should put protection on yourself and your beloved man, otherwise a rollback cannot be avoided.

Usually the ritual requires dropping a few drops of blood on a photo of a man and at the same time pronouncing certain words. The drops must fall directly into the heart in the photograph, then the ritual will be considered completed.

Simple drying of your loved one from a photograph

At sunset, take a photo of your beloved man. Drip menstrual blood onto it, while saying:

“I conjure the sun so that the soul of (boyfriend’s name) strives for my soul. Just as the rays of the luminary direct the light of the world, so your thoughts (his name) are directed towards me. Just as nothing living can exist without the sun, so you (his name) cannot now live without me.”

After the conspiracy, you need to smear the blood on the photo with the index finger of your left hand. When the blood dries, hide the photo in a place where no one will find it.

This drying acts at a distance and as the menstrual blood dries, the man who is being dried will “dry”.

Strong love spell for periods based on photo

You need to take the most recent photo of your beloved guy as possible, the strength of the love spell depends on this.

What you need to prepare for the ceremony:

  • 14 candles;
  • wooden spoon;
  • 7 tsp. table salt;
  • 3 liter saucepan;
  • 7 drops of menstrual blood.

A love spell is done at night when the moon is waxing in a bathroom with a washbasin. It is advisable to choose a time with the highest probability that the bewitched guy or husband is sleeping at that time.

How to cast a love spell:

  • Concentrate on your beloved man and think only about him;
  • At eye level above the washbasin, attach a photo of a man who is being bewitched;
  • Light seven candles;
  • Boil water, add seven teaspoons of salt;
  • Stir the water and salt with a wooden spoon for seven minutes;
  • Afterwards, pour the water into the washbasin with the stopper closed so that the water does not leak out;
  • Add 7 drops of menstrual blood to the water.

The girl needs to join her palms and lower them down, at this time look only at the photo, imagining love scenes with this man. You need to imagine only joyful moments, dream about some dates and imagine how they will happen.

When performing the ritual, you need to say phrases in water, such as: “So that you think only about me 24 hours a day,” “So that for you there will never be other women except me.”

When a feeling of unreality of what is happening and a state of light trance appears, the ritual should be completed.

Close your eyes, drain the water, mentally be close to the man you want to bewitch. Extinguish the candles and burn the photo so that the strong spell can take effect. And never tell anyone about what happened.

If everything is done correctly, no distance will interfere with the action of the love spell. In addition, the photo must be paper, not electronic. The fact is that the paper form has its own energy, but the electronic form does not.

How long will it take for a love spell on menstruation to work?

It is difficult to say how long it will take for a love spell to work on the man you love. Each ritual has its own duration. There are rituals with instant results, there is magic that takes time. The maximum period during which a love spell can gain strength is 1.5 months. If after this time you have not seen the result, then you have made a mistake somewhere. The duration of action depends not only on the love spell itself, but also on you. If you are confident in the correctness of your thoughts and are focused on a positive result, it will not keep you waiting long. Do not forget that you are building your own destiny, and treat this with due awareness and seriousness.

Case title

Oksana contacted the psychic of our portal (names have been changed hereinafter). Oksana's family was not rich at all, and since childhood the girl was accustomed to putting up with minor deprivations. I had to live from paycheck to paycheck; I had to save up for all more or less large purchases, even for good winter boots.

Therefore, when Oksana met and began dating Evgeniy, a fairly successful local businessman, the girl seemed to be in a fairy tale about Cinderella.

Eugene was rich and did not skimp on gifts for his chosen one. He often gave her jewelry, bought her good clothes, did not forget to take care of the girl’s parents - he even helped them pay off their loans.

But for a long time this relationship did not go beyond a couple of dates a week, although both Oksana and Evgeniy loved each other very much and did not want to rush into legitimizing the relationship. However, her evil, envious friends convinced Oksana that all this was not without reason.

“They kept saying that Zhenya doesn’t really want to be with me, he’s just having fun with a poor girl who squeals from gifts that are worth nothing to him,” Oksana regretfully told the psychic. “They convinced me that he didn’t take our relationship seriously and that I would definitely lose him.”

Oksana loved Evgeniy and really wanted to be with him. His wealth did not matter to her at all, but when her friends began to “poke her nose” at the difference in their financial situation, Oksana nevertheless became worried and, on the advice of her friends, turned to a fortune teller.

A certain Marfa Petrovna hosted in the same city where Oksana lived. “This gypsy grandmother looked into the crystal ball for about five minutes, and then said that Zhenya wants to leave me and has already found someone else,” Oksana shared. - But she supposedly can fix all this, cast a love spell on passion and sex, and Zhenya will be mine, lose her head, immediately lead her down the aisle and all that. Well, I agreed.”

Only after this the relationship between the lovers began to develop completely differently from plan. At first Oksana thought everything was great. Zhenya began to invite her on dates much more often, which regularly ended in violent, passionate sex. But then Oksana noticed that Evgeniy was becoming more and more taciturn, rude, and less likely to answer her calls.

“We used to often call each other and talk about everything in the world,” Oksana recalls. “Even on dates, we willingly talked about a variety of topics, shared everything, supported each other. And then it all disappeared.”

The last straw for Oksana was the fact that Zhenya, who had previously followed a healthy lifestyle, began to drink, and because of this he began to have problems with his business. It was at this moment that Oksana decided that something needed to be done.

“I didn’t want to go to this Marfa again, and there were no other fortune tellers in the city,” Oksana shared. “So I decided to seek the help of an online psychic.”

The psychic of our portal conducted a diagnosis of the couple and discovered that the work assigned by the fortune teller was chosen completely incorrectly. The relationship between Oksana and Evgeny was initially built on mutual understanding and close communication. The young people were true like-minded people and, first of all, valued each other’s ability to support, listen and be there in difficult times.

The sex love spell completely killed this aspect of their relationship, because whenever they were close, Evgeny only wanted intimacy. He did not receive from Oksana what he previously valued most in their relationship, and therefore began to doubt whether he needed this relationship - after all, sex will not get you far.

Having explained the situation to Oksana and secured her consent, the psychic removed the sexual attachment from the couple and immediately set up harmonization, which is designed to return their relationship to normal. Oksana later shared that within a couple of weeks this unnatural craving for sex subsided - the lovers were again able to communicate normally. Moreover, harmonization helped them solve some minor problems in the relationship that still existed - they were able to better understand and accept each other, came to an agreement on such important issues as having children, etc.

Now Oksana and Evgeniy are already planning their wedding. According to Oksana, everything is fine in their relationship again, and even better than before. “Now I will only turn to real professionals,” Oksana assured our experts. “The inept work of a charlatan almost led to me breaking up with the love of my life.”

How to increase the effectiveness of a love spell

A love spell using menstruation works for 30 days from the date of its implementation. At the end of this period, the man's passion wanes. You need to either come to terms with this or repeat this ritual again and again.

If you decide to continue the love spell for menstruation on your own and its consequences do not bother you, you should remember that this ritual is by no means so safe and can threaten a number of serious consequences. Systemic use of such a “love potion” may result in problems with the gastrointestinal tract, causeless aggression, and even sexual impotence.

In order to achieve maximum effect when performing a love ritual, it is necessary to use blood, which is collected on the 2-3rd day of the cycle. Blood at the initial and final stages of the menstrual cycle does not have any special magical properties.

The degree of effectiveness of love divination also largely depends on the time of the ritual. The most favorable time for this is night. The waxing moon will also contribute to the success of the event.

Consequences of a self-made love spell on menstruation

A love spell for menstruation is one of the reliable ways to evoke a reciprocal feeling in a loved one, but it can be difficult to carry out the ritual correctly on your own and avoid the consequences. If you decide to make a love spell for menstruation at home yourself, remember that only you will be responsible for the result and consequences of your actions. You can not only develop ailments that cannot be diagnosed by traditional medicine, but also turn your partner into an aggressive and insecure impotent. Mistakes made during the ritual are fraught with infertility - this is exactly the punishment heaven may prescribe for you.

Punishment for a love spell certainly awaits the performer, but for the bewitched the consequences become very dangerous. Attraction to the performer of the love spell may not arise, but the energy field will still be disrupted. As a result, a person may become nervous, changes in appearance may begin for the worse, hair will fall out, and the skin will deteriorate. Problems with physical health will begin: the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system most often suffer. Even if the love spell works, an inexperienced performer will see next to him a mentally and physically ill person, in some cases even dangerous.

That is why, if you are far from magic, and we are talking about the lives of people dear to your heart, it is best to turn to an experienced magician. An experienced magician will not only successfully perform a safe ritual, but will also be able to protect your loved one from the magical influence of ill-wishers, and you from possible karmic attachments, damage, or the influence of foreign entities on you. Only by working with a true professional can you be absolutely sure of quickly achieving the required result, without fearing for your fate and the fate of your loved one.

Signs of a love spell

Often, close people around them begin to notice that their acquaintance, friend or relative is behaving strangely. Some of them begin to suspect that he was bewitched with love or performed some other magical act.

In order to make sure that the love spell has been completed, you should pay attention to the physical and mental state of the man.

The following signs will help you suspect a love spell due to menstrual blood:

  • a person’s appearance changes, he ages quickly, looks apathetic and sickly;
  • there is aggressive, and even inappropriate behavior towards the woman nearby and the people around him;
  • Jealousy often arises towards the object of her adoration, a woman cannot take a step freely;
  • the man begins to drink frequently and may become addicted to drugs;
  • There may be disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and frequent occurrence of diseases of the digestive system.

Often, a bewitched man develops diseases that no doctor can diagnose, and his behavior simply cannot be described.

It is always necessary to remember that if the strongest love spell on a married or single man is performed on blood, he will become physically very attached to the girl. In this case, he no longer feels free to suffer from the consequences of the love spell.

This lack of freedom greatly torments him, so his behavior changes greatly, which will certainly attract the attention of loved ones.

A little about the pros and cons of love spells

A well-executed love spell on menstrual blood has its own characteristic pros and cons, which every girl who wants to carry out a magical effect must know about. Thanks to this knowledge, she will be able to correctly weigh all the pros and cons when performing the ritual.

The advantages of a love spell for menstruation include:

  • the ritual is relatively simple, it can be performed at home;
  • if performed correctly, the power of magic manifests itself within a few days;
  • the impact on the chosen man will be strong enough to firmly tie him to you for a long time;
  • it will be difficult for a man to get rid of the magical influence on his own;
  • A love spell can cause powerful physical attraction, so there will never be a shortage of sex.

Among the disadvantages of a love spell using menstruation are:

  • It will not be possible to achieve love with such magic, only sexual intimacy is possible, in other respects the man is usually indifferent and even cold;
  • often a man’s affection turns into obsession (even violence), and it is very difficult to get rid of constant sexual attention;
  • the magical effect will certainly begin to weaken, so you should constantly “feed” the magical effect and regularly repeat the ritual;
  • The basis of the ritual is a few drops of menstrual blood in food or drink, so sometimes it is difficult or impossible to fulfill the plan.

Another dangerous consequence of a love spell on menstrual blood is the high probability of degeneration into damage, which will negatively affect both the man and the woman. And it can even be inherited or passed on to close relatives. The genitourinary system of women is especially often affected.

Perhaps it will be an annoying thrush, or perhaps a more serious disease that requires long-term treatment. As a result, the quality of life will suffer so much that there will be no time to think about love.

You can quickly and quite simply put a spell on your beloved man, but it is almost impossible to avoid serious consequences.

Therefore, you should understand that the price for bewitched love is quite high. It is very important to set your priorities correctly and decide for yourself whether such love is needed and whether it is worth such sacrifices.

Sometimes it is better to make more efforts and spend personal time in order to “win” your beloved man honestly and without deception, only thanks to the great power of sincere love.

What they say about love conspiracies

Reviews from the female half of humanity about conspiracies against men are quite varied. Some people even think that this is all complete nonsense. However, for those who have cast spells using biomaterials, the effect of the love spell is simply stunning. Many say that after a plasma conspiracy, the relationship seems to move to another level.

In addition, a love spell using menstrual blood is very easy to perform even for a person who is not knowledgeable in this matter. All ingredients are always at hand. However, it is always worth remembering that a magical effect on another person, even with the intention of preserving the family, carries with it certain consequences, as a result of which the object may even die.

How to remove obsession

  • Go to a master of magic and remove it through a cemetery ritual - from yourself and from the man. It's best not to try
  • Maintain a forty-day fast on bread and blessed water
  • Conduct repentance in church, inform the man about your sin. Do whatever Father says
  • There is an opinion that a love spell with menstrual blood can be removed by rolling it out with an egg, bread or wax. This is wrong. It is generally impossible to remove such a love spell completely. A master or craftswoman can mitigate its consequences as much as possible
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