Joint pain in the jaw: causes and treatment. What to do when chewing

When the jaw joint hurts, a person loses the ability to fully chew food, and during conversations he prefers to answer in monosyllables. Any movement of the jaw gives him a lot of discomfort. Hoping that the pain will go away on its own is counterproductive. It is a symptom of a developed pathology that must be diagnosed and treated immediately. The causes of persistent pain syndrome are numerous and varied. These are injuries, neuralgia, inflammatory and degenerative pathologies. If a person does not seek medical help, then pain in the jaw joint appears even when opening the mouth.

When choosing treatment methods, the doctor takes into account the type of disease, the stage of its course, the degree of damage to bone, cartilage, and soft tissues. To restore the functional activity of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), conservative therapy is often performed. If it is ineffective, the patient is prepared for surgery.

Fracture of the lower jaw

Severe pain under the chin and jaw accompanies her fractures. With them, there is a partial or complete violation of the integrity of the bone . Experts divide all jaw injuries of this type according to location (can be located on the right, left, or both sides), according to the nature of the fracture and depending on the location of the gap in the bone.

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The main sign of a fracture of the lower jaw is severe pain at the site of injury. The tissues in this area swell, swell, and bruises appear on them . The affected person notes that the lower jaw hurts when pressed; chewing food is extremely difficult and simply impossible. There is numbness in the jaw area, the face often has an asymmetry. The dentition takes on an uneven, stepped appearance, and the teeth begin to loosen.

The patient's complaints, examination by a doctor, and x-ray results can confirm a fracture of the lower jaw. The patient needs antiseptic treatment of damaged tissues. According to indications, teeth are removed at the site of the fracture, bone fragments are removed, its edges are smoothed, and damaged tissue is sutured. Then the jaw is immobilized. The doctor chooses methods - bandage, wire splinting, ligature connections (intermaxillary). To relieve jaw pain, painkillers and sedatives are prescribed.

The most common reasons why your jaw hurts

More often, throbbing pain manifests itself in the lower jaw on the left or right; damage to the opposite bone tissue occurs much less frequently. In both cases, the most common causes of discomfort include:

  • complex tooth extraction;
  • eruption of wisdom teeth;
  • dental diseases;
  • fracture;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • osteogenic sarcoma.

Complex tooth extraction

Pain in the jaw can occur due to difficult tooth extraction. Usually, it involves cutting the gums or sawing the tooth itself into several parts. Even if all precautions have been taken, after such an operation swelling appears in the lower part of the face and inflammation may begin. Typically, postoperative pain goes away 2-3 days after the procedure; if it is not accompanied by fever and other negative signs, there is no need to worry.

Wisdom tooth eruption

The lower or opposite jaw may hurt due to atypical eruption of wisdom teeth. By the time it grows, there is no longer any free space left in the dentition, so the figure eight often begins to erupt in the wrong direction. In the best case, the molar will come out at a slight angle or rest against the adjacent tooth; in the worst case, it will turn towards the jaw bone, then aching pain will gradually increase in its area.

It will not be possible to independently determine why your jaw hurts and aches on the left or right side. This can only be done in a dental setting, so do not hesitate to contact a specialist.

Dental diseases

Dental diseases, the pain from which can radiate to the jaw, include:

  • deep caries;
  • pulpitis – inflammation of the nerve of the tooth;
  • periodontitis – inflammation of the layer between the tooth and the bone;
  • cyst - a purulent bubble in the gum;
  • fistula is a purulent inflammation at the root of a tooth that comes out through soft tissue.

Usually, with such diseases, the tooth hurts so much that it radiates into the jaw. Symptoms are often aggravated by fever, and soft tissues may swell. When pressing on the cheek or gum, the toothache usually worsens.

Jaw fracture

If the lower part of the skull is seriously injured, a fracture of the jaw is possible; such injuries usually appear after serious accidents.
When a fracture occurs, the jaw hurts so much that identifying the cause of the manifestation is not difficult. Pain in the damaged area increases with pressure, opening the mouth, chewing, and any other movement of the jaw. Asymmetry appears on the face. It usually occurs because the cheek is swollen, but it can also be caused by the bone being displaced at an unnatural angle.

An open fracture is always accompanied by severe bleeding; with such an injury, the victim should be provided with emergency medical care.

Osteomyelitis of the jaw

Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone tissue of the jaw. The cause of the pathology can be advanced dental disease; only in rare cases does the infection penetrate into the bone tissue through another route.

Osteomyelitis is accompanied by pain in the upper or lower jaw, fever and general malaise. Unpleasant sensations intensify with pressure and are pulsating in nature; an abscess (accumulation of pus) may develop.

Treatment of complicated osteomyelitis consists of surgical removal of the tissue affected by the infection and further treatment with antibiotics. Rehabilitation after an illness sometimes takes more than one week.

Osteogenic sarcoma

Sarcoma is a type of malignant bone tumor. Most often it causes pain in the upper jaw on the left or right, but sometimes it also develops in the lower bone tissues. An additional symptom of the disease is numbness in the upper or lower jaw, and even bone deformation is possible.

Treatment for sarcoma involves removal of the tumor and chemotherapy. If treatment is started on time, the chance of full recovery will be 80%.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

Injuries to the head or neck, upper, lower jaw, malocclusion, bruxism, poor-quality dental treatment and prosthetics, rheumatoid arthritis are the main causes of the pathology, which is called temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

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You can understand that pathological changes have begun to occur in the joint by signs. Movements of the jaw begin to be accompanied by unusual sounds - clicks, crunches, pops. A person may notice that there is difficulty opening the mouth - the joint may jam. Various pains arise - headaches, facial pain, dental pain, jaw pain. It puts pressure on the eyes, there is an extraneous noise or ringing in the ear. The process may be accompanied by depression, sleep problems, dry mouth, sore tongue, and photophobia.

To confirm dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, diagnostic procedures are necessary - consultations with specialized doctors (otolaryngologist, rheumatologist, neurologist), instrumental studies (radiography, computed tomography, MRI, ultrasound, orthopantomography, electromyography).

Features of treatment depend on the cause of the joint pathology . To relieve pain, sedatives, antidepressants, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Injections of glucocorticosteroids (into the joint) and novocaine blockades are required. Diet, physical therapy, and massage are of great importance.

Dental diseases

Various diseases of the oral cavity most often cause pain from the side. Among them are the following:

  1. Caries and tooth decay irritate the nerve endings, which causes pain.
  2. Complications of caries can lead to the development of pulpitis - inflammation of the soft tissues adjacent to the teeth. This is also accompanied by pain.

    Scheme of the occurrence of pulpitis.

  3. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the gums and tissues surrounding the teeth. It can provoke the formation of an abscess - an abscess located next to the tooth.
  4. A cyst formed on the root of a tooth may cause jaw cramps.
  5. After poor-quality tooth extraction, alveolitis may develop - inflammation in the jaw sockets.
  6. Very often, the eruption of the upper wisdom teeth is accompanied by pain and increased body temperature.
  7. Another reason is periostitis, commonly known as gumboil. The inflammatory process is caused by advanced caries, previous sore throat, and infectious diseases of the oral cavity. A pocket of pus formed at the root of the tooth affects the pulp, then the inflammation spreads to the periosteum.

    The inflamed gum swells, gumboil forms, and the patient suffers from aching and throbbing pain in the gum. Periostitis is recognized as the most dangerous type of this pathology, entailing the most unpleasant consequences, including death.

  8. Pain that occurs after dental treatment and anesthesia. Often, anesthesia is used during dental treatment and prosthetics, since local anesthesia blocks the nerve impulse and allows the dentist to carry out a greater amount of work. However, when the analgesic effect wears off, pain occurs.
  9. Gingivitis is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the gums becomes inflamed. The pathological process is accompanied by pain, the jaw cramps when chewing solid food and tightly closing the teeth.
  10. When wearing braces, at first your gums hurt and your jaw cramps. Pain is present in the first days after installing braces. If it lasts longer than two weeks, you should contact an orthodontist to adjust the arch.

These problems are eliminated by the dentist, since they (except for braces) are caused by diseases of the teeth and gums. It is important to take preventive measures in a timely manner: treat caries, remove tartar and strengthen the gums.


The jaw hurts from below if a purulent-inflammatory process develops - osteomyelitis of the lower jaw. Her bones and soft tissues are gradually destroyed. The process is caused by trauma, hematogenous, odontogenic changes. Osteomyelitis can be acute or chronic.

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The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • First, periodic pain occurs in the teeth and jaw, which then becomes constant and is felt in the neck and ear;
  • body temperature rises, weakness appears;
  • the lymph nodes located close to the jaw increase in size, they may hurt;
  • fistulas appear on the gums;
  • The gums become deformed and the affected bone becomes visible.

To confirm osteomyelitis of the jaw, it is necessary to examine urine and blood, and determine the type of its causative agent microbiologically . X-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds are prescribed. To get rid of inflammatory processes and jaw pain, complex treatment is used. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines are used for drug therapy. A remedial surgical intervention is performed - “problem” areas of the jaw bone and diseased teeth are removed. During the recovery period, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, UHF, and vitamin therapy are prescribed.

Injuries and fractures

Very often, if the jaw hurts on the left or right, it can be caused by injury - either a simple bruise or a fracture. Often the cause is fights, road accidents, and domestic injuries. The following types of fractures are distinguished:

  • with displacement of debris or not;
  • closed or open;
  • single or multiple.

The peculiarity of the jaw bones is that the regeneration process lasts a long time. In this case, the victim feels severe discomfort, and the injuries may leave unpleasant consequences.

Quite often there is a bruise of the jaw, which occurs due to a strong blow. Moreover, its character largely depends on how strong the blow was. A bruise can cause severe headaches, malocclusion, deformation of the position of teeth or their loss.


Arthrosis is a degenerative disease in which changes in the tissues of the temporomandibular joint are observed. Excessive load on it, malocclusion, infections, diseases of organs and systems, old age, genetics - this is only part of the list of causes of arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint.

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The development of the disease is accompanied by the main symptoms:

  • any impact on the jaw is associated with pain;
  • facial distortion occurs;
  • the angle of the lower jaw is shifted, pain occurs when opening the mouth;
  • movement of the jaw is accompanied by a crunch;
  • the mouth cannot be opened wide;
  • The cervicofacial muscles become stiff and muscle spasms appear.

After the initial examination of the patient, the doctor sends him to undergo radiography, electromyography, and CT. Features of the manifestation of symptoms determine the approach to treatment. Drug therapy, orthopedics, surgery, physiotherapy, and special nutrition are used. To get rid of jaw pain, topical medications, NSAIDs, and antidepressants are prescribed.


Therapy for injuries depends on the severity of the injury: for bruises, cold compresses on the first day and warming, absorbable ointments in subsequent days help. After the dislocation has been reduced, it is necessary to avoid opening the mouth wide and eat liquid or pureed food that does not require chewing.

In the dental clinic, all necessary studies are carried out to determine the cause of the disease - x-rays or computed tomography, after which treatment is prescribed

In case of fractures, mandatory immobilization (immobilization) of the jaw is carried out using a ligature, special plates and splints. The nutritional recommendations are the same as for dislocations.

If temporomandibular joint dysfunction is diagnosed, the following treatment measures are taken:

  • bite correction using braces, mouthguards;
  • installation of dentures;
  • wearing a joint splint (trainer);
  • use of myotronix - a device for relaxing the muscles of the dental system;
  • taking medications.

Treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases

For pathologies caused by infection, antibiotics are prescribed depending on the type of pathogen. It is detected through bacterial culture analysis. The most effective antibacterial agents are penicillin (Ampicillin), but fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin) and other drugs can be used.

To disinfect the oral cavity, rinse with a solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin or baking soda. Levomikol ointment has an antibacterial effect. To speed up healing and prevent re-traumatization, Solcoseryl ointment is applied to the affected mucous membranes.

If necessary, surgical treatment is carried out, during which the pathological focus is opened, washed and drained for the free outflow of purulent contents.

Treatment of Horton's disease

Temporal arteritis is treated with corticosteroid hormones. First, Prednisolone is prescribed in a dosage corresponding to the severity of the pathological process. After about a month, the dose is gradually reduced, moving to maintenance therapy. The general course of treatment ranges from six months to two years.

What to do if hormonal therapy has no effect or unwanted side effects appear? In this case, cytostatics are prescribed - basic drugs used in the treatment of autoimmune disorders. These drugs include Methotrexate and Cyclophosphamide.

Jaw pain can be a sign of many diseases, most of which are dental. Self-medication in this case will not give results, and the pain may intensify. Consultation and treatment with a dentist will help not only cope with pain in a short time, but also prevent possible complications. Be healthy!

Angina pectoris

Pain in the lower jaw on the left may indicate cardiovascular pathology. This symptom is a sign of angina pectoris. Symptoms characteristic of this disease are :

  • sudden onset of pain, followed by a gradual increase;
  • the pain makes it difficult for a person to breathe, it is of a compressive, oppressive nature;
  • the left side of the sternum, the entire chest may hurt;
  • the person begins to press his hands to the area where the heart is located;
  • the pain radiates, spreads to other parts of the body on the left - neck, shoulder, shoulder blade, jaw, arm, hand.

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The attack usually lasts at least 15 minutes. The person’s face becomes pale and takes on a special expression—suffering. Blood pressure may increase and there are signs of tachycardia. Nitroglycerin is required as first aid. Diagnosis requires blood tests, ECG, echocardiography, coronary angiography, and stress tests . The patient is prescribed complex drug treatment and exercise therapy. In severe conditions, surgical treatment is used - angioplasty, coronary artery bypass surgery, and heart valve replacement.


The most important step in eliminating pain in the lymph node is finding out its cause. Only a doctor can do this by conducting a visual examination, palpation, and prescribing additional studies.

When palpated, the inflamed submandibular lymph node on the left is painful, enlarged and compacted. If the patient has a cough, runny nose, or sore throat, then the main cause is considered to be acute respiratory infections. If there are no other symptoms, your doctor may order an ultrasound, blood tests, and examination by other specialists. An asymptomatic course indicates a latent or chronic disease. This could be cancer, tuberculosis and other serious pathologies.

If you have pain in the lymph node under the jaw on the left, you need to contact a therapist or immediately an infectious disease specialist. Sometimes an examination by a pulmonologist, dentist, oncologist, or hematologist is necessary.

Which doctor should you see?

The reason for the pain under the lower jaw is determined by the doctor. To diagnose the disease that caused the symptom, you can visit specialists:

  • traumatologist;
  • maxillofacial surgeon;
  • Laura;
  • dentist;
  • orthodontist;
  • neurologist;
  • oncologist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • cardiologist.

The patient often has difficulty choosing the right specialist. In this case, a general practitioner or therapist will help determine the possible cause of jaw pain.

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Temporal arteritis

Temporal arteritis is a special form of vasculitis, characterized by damage to the walls of blood vessels. The autoimmune disease produces giant cells that attack the artery walls. In addition to a throbbing headache, a person may experience pain in the jaw when chewing and swallowing.

The main treatment for temporal arteritis is corticosteroid therapy.

The causes of primary arteritis are poorly understood; the disease also has a genetic predisposition. Presumably it is provoked by viruses and bacteria.

Other causes of pain in the lower jaw

For pain to appear under the lower jaw, it is enough for a person to develop other pathological processes:

  • dental diseases;
  • neuralgia;
  • consequences of malocclusion;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • purulent-inflammatory phenomena;
  • disorders of the parotid salivary glands;
  • diseases of the maxillary sinuses;
  • vascular system disorders
  • growth of tumors (benign, cancerous).

Treatment in each case is preceded by diagnostic studies.

Why does only the upper jaw hurt?

All of the previously listed factors can lead to pain in the upper part of the face, but there are reasons that are unique to it:

  • sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses;
  • dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint;
  • neuralgia of the auricular ganglion or trigeminal nerve;
  • carotidynia.

Pain in the jaw for such reasons is dangerous to human health; many of these diseases require complex and lengthy treatment.


In the human skull there are several maxillary sinuses - voids in the bone. Each is lined with a vulnerable mucous membrane that can become infected. If the jaw hurts only on the right or left, it means that the sinus near the ear is inflamed. However, much more often this disease manifests itself in the nose area.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

The temporomandibular joint is necessary to connect the jaw to the base of the skull. Disruption of its functioning leads to pain in the upper jaw and can be associated with various reasons, the most common of which are:

  • inflammation of the masticatory muscles;
  • malocclusion;
  • osteoarthritis – rapid aging of cartilage tissue.

When the temporomandibular joint is damaged, the entire head hurts, not just the jaw. The pain syndrome spreads to the temples, cheeks and even forehead. It is difficult for a person to move his mouth, eat and talk. Each opening of the mouth is accompanied by jaw clicks.

Neuralgia of the auricular ganglion or trigeminal nerve

Typically, with this disease, only one side of the jaw hurts; the duration of painful attacks can reach several hours. Discomfort most often occurs in the upper jaw, but can also spread to the lower jaw. A person has the feeling that all his teeth are aching.

The epicenter of pain in trigeminal neuralgia is the temple area; when you press on this area, it becomes unbearably painful.


Carotidynia is a type of migraine. With it, throbbing pain in the upper jaw occurs in attacks that last for several hours. Unpleasant sensations begin to appear in the upper part of the face, in the ear area, and sometimes in the neck. At the peak of the attack, painful sensations affect the entire face.

Typically, carotidynia is a symptom of other diseases that themselves cause pain in the lower part of the face. These include nerve or joint damage and head injuries.

Why is it important to determine the cause of pain in the lower jaw and begin treatment?

Doctors name many reasons why the lower jaw hurts. It is very difficult to ignore such a symptom and not go to the clinic due to severe pain in the jaw and the presence of other unpleasant manifestations. Injuries, inflammatory and infectious processes, diseases of the teeth, gums, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, lymph nodes, and ENT organs often have life-threatening consequences and complications for the patient. A timely confirmed diagnosis and the necessary therapy will allow you to return to your normal life and relieve you of an unpleasant symptom – pain in the lower jaw.

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Symptoms and possible complications

Depending on why your jaw hurts, signs of a problem may include the following:

  • it is painful for the patient to open his mouth;
  • the feeling of discomfort intensifies when pressing on the temples and ear area;
  • it hurts to chew and swallow even soft food and drinks;
  • headache, fever, and in some cases coordination of movements is impaired;
  • intense pain radiates to the temples, neck, shoulder blades, back of the head and ears;
  • it is impossible to clench your teeth tightly, which causes aching pain not only in the jaw, but also in the teeth and gums;
  • when the patient begins to close his jaws or open his mouth wide, others may hear characteristic clicks.

This last symptom is something to watch out for, as it may be a sign that the facial discs are misaligned or under excessive tension. Even if a person does not experience pain, displacement of the discs will lead to improper load during the process of chewing food and a lack of full support for the jaw joints.

If the jaw aches for several days in a row, and a person does not pay attention to the symptoms and does not see a doctor, the consequences can be dire

Pain syndrome radiating to the ears can cause partial or complete impairment of auditory function. If the jaw hurts when opening the mouth, over time this will lead to its shift, and such a turn of events is fraught with abrasion of the enamel layer, increased sensitivity of the teeth and frequent carious processes. Subsequently, a malocclusion may even develop, especially in a child.

Increased tension in the jaw muscles will cause quite unpleasant consequences, such as:

Jaw displacement

  • acute back pain;
  • dizziness, flashing spots before the eyes;
  • insomnia and, as a result, depression;
  • photophobia (fear of bright light);
  • decreased visual function;
  • pain and tension in the eyeballs.

What to do if your jaw hurts? The answer is clear - consult a doctor immediately. Since the causes of the syndrome can be different, including infectious diseases, injuries and even malignant neoplasms, consultation with a surgeon, traumatologist, dentist, neurologist, or infectious disease specialist may be required.

Particular attention should be paid to the problem if it occurs in a small child; self-medication is strictly prohibited here.

Causes of pain

The jaws belong to the facial part of the skull and are connected by a joint. The upper jaw is fixedly connected to the maxillary sinuses, the lower jaw is movable. Attached to them:

  • chewing muscles, which provide mechanical processing of food;
  • facial muscles, reflecting the variety of human emotions.

Pain in the jaw area can be unilateral or bilateral, localized on the left and right. Frequent reasons for its appearance are:

  • injuries;
  • nerve inflammation;
  • dental diseases, dental procedures;
  • diseases of the jaw joint;
  • erythroothalgia - red ear syndrome;
  • inflammatory, purulent diseases of the soft tissues of the face;
  • injuries, mechanical irritation from wearing braces;
  • carotidynia;
  • lockjaw;
  • radiating pain due to heart disease;
  • malignant tumor.


The least damage is caused by a bruise and the swelling of soft tissues caused by it.

A strong blow can cause:

  1. Fracture.
  2. A crack in the bone.
  3. Damage to the jaw joint.
  4. Dislocation.

The most severe injuries occur during a fracture; they cause suffering to the patient and limit capabilities. When a fracture occurs, the jaw hurts even when there is no attempt to speak or chew. It is not difficult for an experienced surgeon to treat a dislocated jaw, the signs of which are:

  1. Inability to close your mouth.
  2. Pain in the area of ​​the affected joint.
  3. Curvature of the mouth.

You should not try to cope with a dislocation on your own. Instead of the desired cure, you can achieve the opposite result and only complicate the surgeon’s task.


Soreness may occur due to inflammation of the nerves innervating the face.

Acute pain occurs due to inflammation:

  • trigeminal nerve;
  • superior laryngeal;
  • Glossopharyngeal.

The trigeminal nerve provides communication between the facial muscles and facial muscles and the brain. It has many branches, and when it becomes inflamed, it is not just a specific area that hurts, but the entire side. The boring, aching pain is highly intense, attacks are intensified at night. Inflammation of the superior laryngeal nerve is accompanied by unilateral discomfort, which intensifies when trying to chew, blow your nose, or yawn. A person may suffer from hiccups, coughing and drooling. Inflammatory diseases of the glossopharyngeal nerve are manifested by soreness of the lower jaw, tongue, and larynx. The pain is paroxysmal in nature, occurs at the slightest movement of the tongue and lasts several minutes.


The patient's serious condition and severe pain are observed in patients with osteomyelitis of the jaw; it occurs when bone tissue is infected with bacteria (dangerous complications). Osteomyelitis is classified according to the method of infection:

  • odontogenic – bacteria enter the bone tissue through a diseased tooth;
  • hematogenous - pathogenic agents penetrate the bone through the bloodstream, spreading from foci of infection in the body;
  • traumatic.

When the jaw hurts, people experience many unpleasant sensations: it becomes difficult to chew, yawn, and speak. This symptom can accompany various diseases, so to diagnose the pathology you need to visit three doctors: a dentist, a surgeon and a neurologist. Depending on the diagnosis, treatment tactics are developed and medications are prescribed.

Features of treatment

Treatment of dysfunctions of the jaw joint is carried out by a dentist. Complex cases require consultation with a surgeon. Treatment, as a rule, is quite labor-intensive and lengthy, as it requires refilling the teeth, correcting the bite, and replacing dentures. Treatment of dysfunction of the jaw apparatus is carried out with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. You can relieve pain at home by using compresses, ensuring complete rest, and eating soft, pureed food.

If the doctor discovers periodontitis, cyst or pulpitis, surgical intervention may be prescribed, as only this will eliminate the pain. As soon as the wound heals, the discomfort should completely go away.

In the presence of diseases associated with ENT organs, inflammation of soft tissues, as well as neuralgia, medications and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.

If you have migraines, the doctor prescribes painkillers and antidepressants. To treat abscesses, opening them and removing purulent contents is indicated. The presence of a tumor requires surgery, as well as chemotherapy and radiation.


After treatment, it is imperative to follow certain preventive measures to avoid recurrence of the disease. You should dress appropriately for the weather conditions and avoid going outside in strong winds. If you have a viral infection, get treatment immediately. You should try to avoid stressful situations.

As a preventive measure, you can harden the body. A good remedy is a contrast shower, which helps maintain immunity at the required level. Massage should be carried out periodically and proper nutrition should be ensured.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy should only be prescribed by a qualified doctor. Self-medication can lead to deterioration of well-being and uncontrollable reactions of the body. The following drugs are used to treat pain:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • preparations for cartilage tissue renewal;
  • vitamins;
  • intra-articular injections.

Women may also be prescribed hormone therapy, especially during menopause, under the supervision of an endocrinologist or gynecologist. Physiotherapy and massage also provide good results.

Causes of pain

The lymph node hurts and aches constantly. With what it can be connected? Lymphadenitis, or the so-called inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, is not an independent disease, but is only a fairly common symptom of an infectious disease or other pathological conditions.

If the lymph node in the neck under the jaw hurts, then this indicates that there are some serious disorders in the human body.

In addition to white blood cells, the lymph nodes contain a yellowish, clear fluid called lymph. According to experts, it washes all cells of tissues and organs, carrying dead cells, bacteria, viruses and toxins that enter the body with food, water and air into the lymphatic capillaries. It transfers the beneficial substances obtained from the blood to the cells. As a result, tissue fluid is continuously renewed, and cells receive nutrition.

So, along with lymph, pathogenic bacteria and other harmful microorganisms enter the lymph nodes. The latter delay the infection and prevent it from spreading throughout the body. After this, all viruses and pathogenic bacteria, as well as degenerated cancer cells, are destroyed.

When the human body cannot independently get rid of foreign cells, lymphocytes actively multiply. Thanks to this, they can cope with the infection faster and better. As a result of this phenomenon, the lymph nodes become enlarged and begin to hurt.

Jaw pain as a sign of disease

Most often, dentists have to look for the causes of jaw pain syndromes. But such a symptom is not always the result of dental problems. Sometimes the pain is caused by serious illnesses.


On the upper jaw on the right and left there are small depressions connecting the orbits and the nasopharyngeal cavity. The bones of the skull in this area are covered with connective tissues, the outer layer of which consists of epithelium. These sinuses are called “maxillary sinuses”.

Sinusitis is a dangerous and unpleasant inflammation that affects both sinuses. Inflammatory processes in this area go unnoticed for a long time due to the poor blood supply to the epithelial tissue. The insidious disease is divided into two forms:

  1. Spicy. Inflammation affects the epithelium of the maxillary sinuses, the loose connective tissue located underneath, muscles and a few branches of blood vessels.
  2. Chronic. The inflammatory process involves the bone part and the base of the mucous tissue.

The disease affects adults and children regardless of age. The likelihood of sinusitis increases during the cold season (winter, late autumn). There is also an allergic type of the disease, which is seasonal in nature, with exacerbations in autumn and spring.

Causes of the disease. Any pathology begins due to a person’s predisposition to certain factors. The following reasons are the culprits of sinusitis:

  • Anatomical congenital anomalies of the nasal cavity (deviated septum, altered tissues, adenoids).
  • Decreased immunity as a consequence of past infection.
  • Neoplasms in the nasal passages (tumors, cysts, polyps).
  • The presence of chronic infections in the body.
  • Parasitic infestations, allergies.
  • Progressive dental caries.
  • Nose trauma.

Kind of pain. In 70% of cases, sinusitis causes severe, unbearable dental pain, radiating to the upper jaw and intensifying with opening the mouth and chewing movements. Aching pain syndrome occurs due to the proximity of the tooth roots to the maxillary sinus.

Symptoms. The first symptom of the disease is a runny nose that does not stop for 3-4 weeks. The mucus flowing from the nose during the initial stages of sinusitis is transparent, but with the development of inflammation it becomes yellowish and purulent. Reproducing pathogenic microflora actively produces toxins that are carried throughout the body through the blood. When poisoned, the body reacts with weakness and a sudden rise in temperature to +39-40⁰ C.

Acute sinusitis. The acute disease is characterized by an intense, throbbing headache. The pain impulse is of a bursting nature, it increases when turning the head. It becomes painful when you chew, sneeze, or cough. The pain radiates to the forehead, angle of the jaw and bridge of the nose and intensifies with pressure. In addition to migraine, acute sinusitis is accompanied by:

  • Chills.
  • Fear of light.
  • Tearing.
  • General weakness.
  • Heat.
  • Decreased sense of smell.
  • Severe runny nose with purulent sputum.

If the inflammation has affected the periosteum, swelling of the cheeks and eyelids is observed.

Chronic sinusitis. If the disease is not treated, the disease enters the chronic stage. This development of events is very dangerous - chronic sinusitis provokes the development of purulent meningitis, edematous inflammation of the brain, orbital abscess with venous thrombosis. The symptoms of the chronic stage disease are not so acute and occur with:

  • Loss of smell.
  • Fatigue that comes quickly.
  • Constant nasal congestion.
  • Headache, worse in the evening.

Allergic sinusitis. The disease, which manifests itself due to an allergic reaction, is characterized by a paroxysmal course, with prolonged periods of remission. Its symptoms:

  • Profuse runny nose.
  • Regular headaches.
  • Constant itching of the nasal cavity.
  • Difficulty breathing normally.
  • A rolling sensation of heaviness around the nose, bridge of the nose and cheeks.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the cervical spine. As a result of the pathology, the vertebral discs become thinner and destroyed, which disrupts the normal blood supply to the neck area and areas of the body to which the nerve roots extend.

With cervical osteochondrosis, the intervertebral pulp, which is normally flexible and elastic, turns into ossified tissue, completely losing its ability to absorb shock when compressed. The pathological process involves the blood vessels of the neck and nerve endings.

Cervical osteochondrosis affects 60% of the country's population. The pathology is more often diagnosed in men aged 45-50 years, women get sick later - at 50-55 years.

Causes of the disease. Just a few years ago, doctors believed that osteochondrosis was a disease of the elderly. But the disease also affects young people, even children, with equal frequency. Among the factors predisposing to the appearance of pathology are the following:

  • Heredity.
  • Neck trauma.
  • Sedentary life.
  • Connective tissue pathologies.
  • Problems with blood circulation in the cervical region.
  • Developmental disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Excess weight, poor physical development.
  • “Sedentary” professions with constant strain on the neck.

Nature of pain. The cervical vertebral region includes seven spinal segments. As degenerative conditions develop, the nerve roots of these discs become compressed. They get pinched, “giving” pain to nearby organs. With cervical osteochondrosis, the pain radiates to the jaws and teeth (in the absence of dental problems).

The pain impulse is dull in nature, the pain impulse “spreads” from one side of the jaw, gradually covering the head, even affecting the Adam’s apple (pain is felt above the Adam’s apple). The pain syndrome intensifies when moving the jaws (chewing, talking).

Symptoms. The cervical region is the most vulnerable to the development of pathology; the large size of the head, small size of the vertebrae, and poorly developed muscle frame play a role. Upright posture and structural features of the skeleton contribute. The main symptom of osteochondrosis in this area is pain. The pain syndrome is expressed and localized in different ways (depending on the area of ​​​​disc damage). Patients feel pain in:

  • Clavicles.
  • Shoulder girdle.
  • Anterior region of the sternum.

At the beginning of the development of osteochondrosis, the pain syndrome increases in the evening, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the occipital region of the head. There is tingling and numbness in the arms and shoulders. Headache. When you turn it, you feel a characteristic crunching and clicking sound. The symptoms of osteochondrosis also depend on the disorders that manifest themselves during the disease.

Vegetative-vascular pathology. VSD appears in 90% of cases with osteochondrosis. With the development of VSD against the background of degenerative changes in the cervical vertebrae, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Stiffness of fingers.
  • Constant tension in the neck muscles.
  • It becomes difficult to move your arms to your sides.
  • Piercing shooting pains in the neck (just below the occipital part).
  • The appearance of a pain impulse after the body is in the same position (after sleep, long work at the computer).

Due to compression of the vertebral arteries, neurological problems develop: nausea, dizziness, loss of coordination, and fainting.

Spinal syndrome. The pathology develops when the degenerative vertebral discs of the spinal cord are compressed. Patients note:

  • Heart pain.
  • Breathing disorders.
  • Decreased skin sensitivity.
  • Localization of aching pain on the left side of the sternum.
  • Problems with speech due to loss of sensitivity of the lingual muscle.

Due to progressive circulatory disorders, severe headaches develop, ear noise appears, vision decreases, and heart rhythm is disturbed.

Cervical osteochondrosis is a dangerous and insidious disease. As the disease progresses, it provokes the development of hernias and disc ruptures with damage to blood vessels and nerves. Compression of the spinal cord can lead to paralysis and death.


Jaw pain can also occur due to inflammatory lesions of the ear - otitis media. The human hearing system is closely connected with the jaw joint; when the ear organ becomes inflamed and swollen, the pain also affects the area of ​​the jaw near the ear. Otitis is a “multidisciplinary” disease, it can be:

  • External. Inflammatory process of the ear canal. As the disease develops, the skin is affected and a boil with purulent contents appears.
  • Average A type of otitis that involves the tympanic cavity. Otitis media has a chronic and acute stage, can be purulent or catarrhal and provokes dangerous complications (meningitis, mastoiditis, brain abscess).
  • Labyrinth (or internal otitis). This type of disease is not a separate disease. The labyrinth always occurs as a complication of the inflammatory process. Its distinctive feature is dizziness and progressive hearing loss.

Causes of the disease. The main culprit in the development of ear inflammation is pathogenic microflora that penetrates the ear canal area. The activity of streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci and Haemophilus influenzae depends on the strength of the immune system and the pathogenicity of microorganisms. The main causes of otitis media include:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Injuries to the ear.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx and nose.
  • Infectious kidney diseases.
  • Existing ENT infections.
  • Penetration of dirty, infected water into the ear cavity.

Kind of pain. With otitis media, a sharp pain appears in the jaw in the ear area (pain shoots into the ear). The pain intensifies when trying to open the mouth, swallowing, or talking. The pain occurs suddenly and radiates to the cheekbone, temple and neck. The postauricular lymph nodes are enlarged.

Symptoms. The main symptom of the pathology is pain impulses of varying intensity: from barely noticeable to pulsating, painful. The following symptoms are also associated with the pain syndrome:

  • Hearing loss.
  • Dizziness.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Feeling of noise, ringing in the ears.
  • Discharge from the ear canal.

In acute otitis media, the patient experiences the most severe pain – boring. It intensifies in the evening and radiates to the teeth, jaw, and temple. The development of an abscess is accompanied by an increase in temperature (up to +39-40⁰ C). After the boil breaks through, improvement occurs.

Other types of pathologies

Diseases of the mandibular joint. Pathological changes in the structure of joint tissues also become causes of jaw pain:

  • Arthritis. Joint inflammation that occurs due to existing infections, age-related degeneration (thinning of joint tissues) and hypothermia. Arthritis of the mandibular joint manifests itself as aching, constant pain radiating to the ear area. The pain increases with opening the mouth and moving the jaw.
  • Arthrosis. Deformation leading to degenerative changes in the articular joint of the lower jaw. The disease affects the jaw ligaments. The main culprit of the pathology is excessive load on the joint. The clinical picture is similar to the symptoms of arthritis.

Tumors of the lower jaw. Pain syndrome of the lower jaw can occur due to the development of a neoplasm (bone cancer, osteogenic sarcoma). Before the disease begins to manifest itself as pain, sensitivity in the affected area disappears, patients note numbness and tingling. Gradually, the sore spot swells, joint pain and jaw soreness appear.

Severe jaw pain in the ear area occurs due to the development of benign formations in that area (they are called “atheromas”). A lump that appears in the area behind the ear is a consequence of a pathological process (inflammation) of the cervical lymph node. When you feel the affected area, the atheroma resembles a dense and movable ball.

Such a lump is not dangerous, but it can go into the inflammatory phase and fester (several lymph nodes are simultaneously involved in the inflammatory process). Atheroma is accompanied by a deterioration in general health, dizziness, fever and severe piercing pain in the jaw in the area behind the ear.

Folk remedies

For faster recovery, you can additionally use traditional medicine. As a rub, you can use alcohol tincture of acacia or mumiyo. In addition, you can take mumiyo internally by first dissolving it in warmed milk and adding honey.

Compresses with a decoction of chamomile flowers, which should be applied to the affected area, help well. Fir oil has a warming effect and can be rubbed into the skin. However, this must be done very carefully, as this remedy can cause allergies.

The lymph node on the right hurts

If pain occurs on the right side of the neck, this indicates an inflammatory process in the throat. Also, such a pathology may be associated with enlargement or inflammation of the right lobe of the thyroid gland or inflammation of the right tonsil.

It should also be said that pain in the right cervical lymph node may occur due to any infection that spreads from the teeth, tongue, oral cavity or soft tissues of the face.

With such sensations, you should never warm the area of ​​inflammation, apply compresses to it, or generally self-medicate.

Treatment methods

Inflammation of the jaw node is treated with traditional and folk methods. The general scheme for combating lymphadenitis depends on the reason for which the abnormal process developed. A mild form of inflammation, as a rule, accompanies the course of another (main) disease, so it does not require special measures - lymphadenitis will go away on its own after the root cause of the problem is eliminated.

The purulent form of the disease when lymph nodes are affected on the left or right side requires mandatory antibiotic therapy; in severe cases, surgical intervention has to be resorted to. At home, you should never heat an inflamed lymph node - this will lead to an exacerbation of the inflammatory process and will only accelerate suppuration.

Now you know what happens in the human body if a lymph node hurts. How to treat such a pathological condition?

Trying to eliminate pain in the lymph nodes on your own is undesirable. To do this, you need to contact a specialist. Treatment of an inflamed lymph node is prescribed on an individual basis, depending on the stage and type of disease.

If unpleasant sensations bother you not only during palpation of the neck, but also in the normal state, then during this period you should stop any physical activity and maintain a more relaxed daily routine.

Most often, pain in the lymph nodes occurs due to the inflammatory process. To effectively eliminate it, drug intervention is necessary.

As a rule, for such diseases, doctors recommend taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, as well as various antibiotics. However, treatment for inflamed nodes is prescribed only after a complete medical examination of the patient has been carried out. After all, the cause of pain in the neck area can be anything.

As for alternative medicine, for an inflamed lymph node it makes sense to use traditional recipes only as an auxiliary therapy. Home remedies should never replace primary medical treatment.

For pain in the lymph nodes during colds and flu, you can take Echinacea tincture in the amount of 10-15 drops four times a day. This remedy relieves inflammation well and improves immunity.

Taking vitamin C can also be an effective treatment for the disease in question. This is due to the fact that it is this element that promotes the production of leukocytes in the human body.

As for physiotherapy, for pain in the lymph nodes, patients are most often recommended to undergo UHF therapy.

For advanced diseases, surgical intervention is performed. During the operation, a lymph node is punctured or completely removed.

How to determine inflammation of the jaw lymph node

Parotid salivary glands

What changes the affected lymph node undergoes depends on the reason why it became inflamed. So, if infections are the “culprit” of the pathological process, it increases in size by no more than 2 cm. At the same time, the lymph node remains elastic, mobile, and becomes painful when pressed (sometimes the pain radiates behind the ear).

Acute suppuration (with the formation of phlegmon) is accompanied not only by a significant growth of the cervical lymph nodes and their pain when pressed, but also by an increase (swelling) of the cheek and the “affected” side. The lymph nodes soften and are surrounded by an inflammatory infiltrate.

Fungal and viral infections lead to slow growth of the submandibular lymph nodes; the inflamed elements feel warm and compacted to the touch. Lymphadenitis against the background of lymphoma is accompanied by loss of mobility of the lymph nodes, their compaction, and limitation (separated from the surrounding tissues, this is easily determined by palpation).

If pain occurs on the right side of the neck, this indicates an inflammatory process in the throat. Also, such a pathology may be associated with enlargement or inflammation of the right lobe of the thyroid gland or inflammation of the right tonsil.

It should also be said that pain in the right cervical lymph node may occur due to any infection that spreads from the teeth, tongue, oral cavity or soft tissues of the face.

With such sensations, you should never warm the area of ​​inflammation, apply compresses to it, or generally self-medicate.

If pain occurs on the left side of the neck, this may be due to the same reasons as described above. However, here we should add the fact that such unpleasant sensations often arise due to damage to the organs of the retroperitoneal space and abdominal cavity.

Inflammation of the left submandibular lymph node indicates infectious diseases such as cytomegalovirus, infectious mononucleosis or toxoplasmosis. Most often, such diseases are typical for children.

If a child has pain in the lymph node in the neck, then you should immediately consult a pediatrician. The doctor is obliged to identify the cause of the disease. To do this, he prescribes a biochemical and general blood test, as well as a general urine test. In some cases, to make a correct diagnosis, the child is recommended to undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal organs or the lymph node itself.

Severe and severe pain in the lymph node indicates the neglect of some disease or an acute inflammatory process occurring in the body at a given time.

It should also be noted that this condition often occurs when:

  • allergic reaction to insect bites;
  • allergic reaction to medications;
  • negative reaction of the human immune system to vaccination.

Such reactions are characterized by a clear enlargement of the lymph node and its severe pain. In addition, such conditions may be accompanied by swelling of the face, chills, increased body temperature and fever.

If the lymph nodes in the neck are very painful, then waiting for the person’s condition to normalize on its own is prohibited. You should immediately consult a doctor.

The submandibular lymph nodes are responsible for the safety of the nose, throat, ears, and teeth. They act as a kind of filter in the body. It is through them that lymphatic fluid flows - the basis of the immune system. When the activity of harmful bacteria increases, the filters react instantly: they release lymphocytes to destroy the pathogenic flora.

For inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes, treatment should not only be symptomatic, but also aimed at eliminating the preconditions that led to the development of the disease. To determine them, a thorough diagnosis is carried out, with the help of which it is possible to either identify or exclude serious infectious diseases.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. The disease occurs spontaneously and has three stages of development. Signs of the disease appear in the following order:

  • The first stage is characterized by enlarged nodes and pain on palpation. Inflammation of the lymph node under the jaw is accompanied by insomnia, headache, chronic fatigue, and fever.
  • The second stage (see photo) is acute and clearly expressed in appearance: the tumor is visible even without palpation. The movement of the jaw is limited, severe pain appears, the temperature rises, and suppuration forms.
  • Third stage. The pain spreads to other areas: neck, collarbones, armpits. Inflammation of the nerves of the teeth and throat is observed.

When an enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes occurs, the first thing to do is visit a doctor. You cannot self-medicate. But it is possible to suggest the cause of the disease. For example, the round shape of a compaction indicates the presence of diseases of the ENT organs. With such ailments, the lymph node remains mobile.

If the lymph node on the neck on the left under the jaw hurts, then the source of inflammation is nearby. Lymphadenitis, which can develop as a result of mechanical damage to the tissues of the node itself, cannot be excluded.

To eliminate inflammation, the patient will need to see an otolaryngologist. He will ask the patient to undergo a series of tests:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • blood tests;
  • laboratory research on bacterial genomes;
  • fluorographic diagnostics;
  • tests for reactive protein and others.

The patient himself can, with the help of simple palpation, determine whether the lymph node under the jaw has enlarged or not. After all, inflammation does not always occur with pronounced symptoms. Much depends on the type and severity of the infection in the body.

After detecting a compacted, enlarged node, you must visit a doctor. Before going to the clinic, you need to prepare answers to the questions that the specialist will ask in order to conduct a competent diagnosis:

  • Remember if there were any injuries in the near future in the area where the neck was swollen, or if you received blows in this place. If it is a bruise, then the injury will resolve in the near future.
  • Remember what dosage forms you were treated with. Some drugs provoke this kind of inflammation. Such tablets include drugs that are prescribed to patients with epilepsy, vaccines against typhoid fever and some others.

When the lymph nodes under the jaw hurt when pressed, the cause of the phenomenon may lie in the fact that the patient has a serious pathology. If the node has increased in diameter by one and a half times, then the immune system itself is not able to cope with the inflammatory process in the body - outside help is needed.

If a node is detected, which after some time becomes soft to the touch, the patient needs treatment with antibacterial drugs. This may indicate that the lymph node was unable to resist the inflammatory process and allowed the infection to spread further throughout the body.

First, determine what is the source of the pathology. Please note that treatment at home may not be effective. And some traditional methods of treatment are sometimes dangerous. You should not heat the lymph nodes when they are inflamed, or use infusions from plants if the etiology is unknown.

Doctors do not recommend treating inflammation of the lymph nodes under the jaw at home, because it is difficult to cure the pathology if you do not know the exact diagnosis. And a regular massage of the lower submandibular point threatens to worsen the patient’s condition. Blood poisoning may even occur due to further spread of the infection.

If the lymph node under the jaw hurts when pressed, you only need to do one thing - go to the dentist. Especially when the gums in the mouth become inflamed, such symptoms indicate tooth decay or complications that may arise after a person has had a tooth removed. As a result of dental treatment, all symptoms of the disease will disappear. The same thing will happen when all inflammation of the ENT organs is eliminated, the wisdom tooth grows in, or the flu or ARVI passes.

If the lymph nodes under the jaw are inflamed due to bacterial damage, treatment of the disease must be carried out comprehensively. After contacting a specialist doctor, the patient will receive recommendations. Only first will the doctor establish the nature of the disease, having received the results of an examination of nearby tissues and organs. You will need to take antibiotics at home. What type of drugs to use will become clear after a culture test. Most often, doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics.

If the lymph node under the jaw is inflamed due to an allergic reaction, it will have to be treated with antihistamines. It also wouldn’t hurt to see an allergist. He will be able to determine what or who is the irritant, and physiotherapeutic procedures will also be prescribed for a speedy recovery.

Each patient himself is able to prevent inflammation of the lymph nodes of the lower jaw. To do this, it is necessary to apply preventive measures. Their main task is to take care of their health.

  • When it's cold outside, wear clothes appropriate for the weather. Otherwise, you risk hypothermia, which will subsequently provoke a cold. Which will lead to unpleasant consequences.
  • Strengthen your immune system. Carry out gradual hardening, consume natural vitamin forms (fruits, vegetables), add aloe, honey, and echinacea to your diet. Be sure to play sports.
  • Do not walk in cold weather without scarves and hats. An ordinary cold wind can become a source of inflammation of the lymphoid system.
  • Treat caries in a timely manner, do not ignore the disease. If you do have a tooth removed, then follow all the dentist’s recommendations for healing your gums so that an abscess does not develop.
  • Do not cause ENT infections; they also provoke inflammation of the nodes.

Do not ignore the body's signals that infectious diseases are attacking it. After all, this is how you trigger the disease and weaken the immune system. Therefore, at the first signs of illness, consult a doctor.

Dental problems

Soreness in the jaw area often occurs in people who wear removable dentures and braces. During the process of correcting the bite, this is a completely normal phenomenon, since as a result of the treatment, the dentition shifts. But pain can also occur due to dental diseases:

  • pulpitis;
  • caries;
  • periodontitis;
  • limited osteomyelitis;
  • dental injuries;
  • high enamel sensitivity.

The pain may be aching in nature and intensify at night. Discomfort also occurs when the gums are inflamed, as well as when there are complications after tooth extraction.

Character of pain under the chin

Pain in the chin area can vary in intensity, time and duration of manifestation. The nature of the pain varies from strong to moderate and weak. The pain may be constant or appear at certain times of the day.

The intensity and nature of unpleasant sensations is not an indicator of the danger of the pathological process. Sometimes minor pain that occurs only when pressed indicates a serious illness. But unbearable, throbbing pain spreading to part of the face may be a symptom of a neurological pathology that does not pose a mortal threat.

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