My foot hurts, it hurts to step on it. What could it be, causes and treatment

Human feet have a rather complex structure. They perform a supporting function and serve as a shock absorber, protecting the joints of the lower extremities and the spine from shocks and shocks. This is possible due to the fact that they consist of 26 bones, movably connected by joints and ligaments. The feet are constantly under heavy load, so they are often subject to various pathologies. Many people notice that they have pain in this area, which is especially noticeable when walking.

Why does my foot hurt when walking?

Pain occurs with hypertension, as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the heart and kidneys. The fact is that these ailments are interconnected and affect blood circulation, as well as fluid administration. With a weak heart, arrhythmia and vegetative-vascular dystonia, swelling is often observed in the lower part of the body, in particular the limbs. The legs may become swollen and very swollen. In this regard, shoes pinch your feet and provoke painful sensations.

Why does my foot hurt when walking?

  • A lot of troubles arise when you are overweight or obese. Almost the entire body weight puts strong pressure on the feet. Very often, the cause of pain on the soles of the feet, as well as the arch of the foot, is the use of tight and uncomfortable shoes. Most foot ailments are associated with improper selection of shoes.
  • This is usually associated with the use of shoes with pointed toes. In such shoes, the toes are compressed and can often overlap each other. After removing such shoes, it is not surprising if pain is observed.
  • However, pain is not the worst thing that can happen when wearing the wrong shoes. Toes become crossed and can cause degenerative disorders in the foot. Further, the bone tissue is deformed, the fingers can get used to being in this position. In turn, this leads to serious disturbances in the structure of the foot.

Causes of pain


You must wear properly fitted shoes. Physical education classes should be regular. The legs are examined periodically. At night you need to rest on a special mattress. It is necessary to promptly treat infectious, chronic pathological processes, and injuries. You should eat a balanced diet and control your body weight, which should not be excessive. Bad habits must be completely abandoned.

If a person’s legs hurt for a long time, then there is no need to endure the pain; you need to seek qualified medical help from a doctor who will make a diagnosis and select an individual course of treatment. Self-medication will lead to negative consequences that pose a danger to human health and life.

Why does my foot hurt and why does it hurt to walk?

Another cause of foot pain while walking is arthritis or arthrosis. This is inflammation or destruction of bone tissue. Usually associated with poor diet, hormonal imbalances, and concomitant diseases. However, most often arthrosis is observed in people with excess body weight.

Why does my foot hurt and why does it hurt to walk:

  • In addition, people with diabetes often suffer from foot diseases. In this case, the joints do not produce enough fluid to lubricate them, causing the cartilage to rub against each other, collapsing in the process.
  • In the initial stages, slight pain may be observed, which will only intensify in the future. In most cases, a person decides to reduce physical activity and spends more time in a sitting position.
  • This in turn leads to even greater weight gain and poor health. Leading a sedentary lifestyle is not an option in treating foot problems. It is necessary to understand the causes and eliminate them in order to remove the consequences.
  • Pain in the foot area is often observed in girls who often wear high heels. Therefore, the main way to get rid of pain is to stop wearing fashionable, beautiful shoes. Choose a more comfortable option, let it be a platform and wedge heel. It will also make you appear taller while putting little pressure on your foot.



Basic therapy will depend entirely on the diagnosis and the etiology of the underlying factor. Conservative treatment is not always advisable; in some cases, surgery may be required.

Drug treatment may include the following drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • decongestants;
  • anticoagulants - for hematomas;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • vitamins and microelements.

In addition to drug treatment, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures, a course of manual therapy, and physical therapy.

In some cases, diet adjustments may be necessary, since excess weight also negatively affects the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

If treatment is started in a timely manner, serious complications can be avoided. Otherwise, it is possible to develop concomitant diseases that ultimately lead to disability.

Foot pain: causes

Leg problems are most often observed in people who are overweight. They may suffer from thyroid problems as well as diabetes. According to orthopedists, foot pain is most often caused by the following ailments.

Foot pain, reasons:

  • Fasciitis of the soles. This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the ligament area.
  • Flat feet. Usually observed from childhood, or as a result of wearing unsuitable shoes. As a result of flat feet, severe tension occurs in the tendons and ligaments. This is what causes pain.
  • Ligamentite. This is an inflammatory disease that is a consequence of injury.
  • Erythromelalgia . A disease that affects both men and women. The disease mainly occurs due to the use of unsuitable shoes.
  • Kidney diseases. With kidney disease, fluid is often insufficiently excreted from the body. As a result, swelling is observed, causing pain.

Acute pain


In 75% of all cases of arthritis, it is caused by infectious processes in the joint tissues, and the remaining 25% are caused by foot deformities. Risk factors include obesity, excessive physical activity and metabolic disorders in the patient's body. Most often, arthritis affects both feet at once, but this does not exclude that only the right or left leg can be affected by the inflammatory process.

At the beginning of the pathological process, discomfort occurs only after running and long walking, but over time the symptoms become more complicated, which leads to limitation of motor activity of the joint. To identify the severity of the condition, diagnostics are carried out, after which adequate therapy is prescribed.

Why do my heels and soles of my feet hurt?

Other ailments such as varus and valgus deformities of the feet also cause pain. Most often, diseases occur in childhood, when the child has x-shaped legs or, conversely, club feet.

Why do your heels and soles of your feet hurt:

  • As a result of wearing regular shoes, without special insoles and arch supports, there is a lot of pressure on the foot and the weight is not distributed correctly. Thus, the internal or external joints that are located in the ankle area are severely affected.
  • This all leads to diseases of the foot itself and the occurrence of painful sensations. Treatment for foot pain depends on the disease that caused the pain. Basically, for flat feet, as well as varus and valgus deformities of the tibia, special shoes are prescribed.
  • For flat feet, these are insoles with recesses for the soles. For varus, hallux valgus deformity, shoes with Thomas heels are used, rigid fixation of the ankle, which does not allow the foot to wiggle from side to side.
  • This makes the foot motionless while walking, and also allows you to correctly distribute the load and weight on the sole without touching any specific areas. As for serious ailments, such as inflammatory diseases that arose after an injury, rehabilitation, special orthoses, and physical therapy are necessary. All these measures taken together will help get rid of the main problem and painful sensations.

Massage for varus deformity


Only a qualified medical specialist can tell why your feet hurt after an examination. First of all, a thorough objective examination of the patient is carried out, with the clarification of complaints and the collection of an anamnesis of the disease and life. To make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct course of treatment, the following diagnostic methods may be prescribed:

Ankle arthroscopy

  • X-ray of the affected limb;
  • ultrasound examination of the joint;
  • MRI;
  • scintigraphy;
  • arthroscopy;
  • myelography;
  • contrasting discography;
  • electrospondylography.

The doctor prescribes an accurate diagnostic program based on the collected medical history and the current clinical picture.

Why does the bone in my foot hurt?

When a foot injury occurs, a person knows where he hit himself, so he tells the doctor. At the same time, in addition to pain, swelling, inflammation, bruises or hematomas may be observed. In addition, there may be mechanical damage, cuts and wounds. In this case, treatment is simplified, since diagnosing the disease is much easier. It is more difficult if there are no lesions, traces of fungus or skin diseases. Most likely, it's about the ligaments and joints. The doctor usually prescribes x-rays or ultrasound diagnostics.

Why does the bone on the foot hurt:

  • This happens with gout. This is a serious illness that is associated with salt deposition in the foot and ankle area. Usually occurs due to poor nutrition, during which a large amount of animal proteins enters the diet.
  • However, there is not enough fiber. A large amount of acid is formed, which binds with minerals and trace elements, forming stones and salts. At the initial stage, swelling and redness form. The pain usually occurs in the center of the foot or under the toes.
  • During treatment, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, and a diet with a minimum content of animal protein is also required.

Elastic bandage

Obliterating endarteritis of the feet. General information about the disease

Today obliterating endarteritis has not been fully studied. There are only guesses about the causes of this disease. Obliterating endarteritis is extremely dangerous for the human body. This is no coincidence, because with insufficient treatment, gangrene can occur. The first signs of this disease are a feeling of coldness in the lower extremities and numbness in the inner or outer part of the foot. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to give up bad habits and get rid of fatty and unhealthy foods. And play sports as often as possible. Thanks to this, you will protect yourself from the occurrence of obliterating endarteritis.

Feet hurt - what to do, how to treat?

In adulthood, after 60 years, pain in the foot area is often associated with a lack of adipose tissue in the bone area. There is little lubricant in the joints, so pain occurs. To prevent and prevent the occurrence of pain in the foot area, first of all, you need to change your shoes. It must be selected taking into account the size, it should not be very tight. Surgeons and traumatologists recommend wearing orthopedic shoes.

Feet hurt, what to do, how to treat:

  • If you don’t have the funds to purchase orthopedic shoes, you can replace them with insoles. This will allow you to purchase shoes that you like, but at the same time the foot will be in the correct position, taking into account physiological characteristics.
  • Women should avoid wearing heels, as they have a negative impact on the condition of their feet. If you wear heels, then their height should not exceed 3 cm. When constantly moving and walking, it is best to give preference to sports models that fit well on the foot and do not put pressure on it.
  • Please note that even if your size and foot width do not change, you need to buy new shoes from time to time, even if you really like your old shoes.
  • For many people, the sole wears down on one side, which in turn aggravates pathologies and distorts the position of the bones, increasing pressure on the ligaments and muscles. This often causes foot and joint ailments. Do not neglect the use of medical care, be sure to consult a doctor. After all, foot pain often indicates serious illnesses.

You can cope with it with a massage. Read more in the article: “Valgus foot deformity in children: installation, massage, exercises, shoes.” If the pain is caused by flat feet, then the information in the article will help you cope: “Flat feet in children. Treatment, foot massage, exercises. Photo and video".

Healthy feet

First aid for acute foot pain

Pain in the foot, until the cause of its occurrence is determined, can be relieved by a number of simple non-drug methods.

If it hurts to step on your foot, doctors recommend:

  • limit the time spent in a vertical state;
  • carry out self-massage with rubbing movements in the direction from the heel;
  • stretch the feet, thus ensuring maximum stretching of the muscles potentially undergoing spasm;
  • place the lower limbs in cool water;
  • if you have an orthopedic mat, walk on it with your bare feet for 2-3 minutes, thus stimulating blood circulation in the injured area of ​​the leg.

Sore feet: ointment

Often foot pain is not associated with orthopedic problems at all, but with troubles dealt with by a podiatrist. Perhaps these are dermatological ailments, fungus, heel spurs, calluses, as well as blisters and mycoses. In this case, you need to contact a dermatologist. Most often, such ailments have additional manifestations, that is, in addition to pain, there are other symptoms. There may be redness, peeling, blisters, corns, and cracks in the foot area.

Feet hurt, ointment

  • Poltava "Bishofite gel"
  • Balm “Toad stone with bee venom”
  • Cooling cryo-gel Reanimator
  • Bystrumgel
  • Removit
  • Diclofenac

Doctors recommend adhering to a healthy diet, as well as having your feet treated by podiatrists using acid peels and equipment-based cleaning. A professional podologist will be able to solve problems associated with excessive skin growth in the foot area and dermatological ailments. Ointments are often used to relieve pain.


The clinical symptoms of arthrosis strongly resemble a heel spur, in which pain appears in the sole, on the side (closer to the heel), limiting the motor activity of the ankle joint. As symptoms intensify, the formation of osteophytes, crunching when moving, and weather sensitivity are possible.

Deforming arthrosis of the foot

A characteristic sign of arthrosis is the subsidence of pain in a calm state. The patient takes a gentle position, trying not to step on the heel, and transfers the main load to the fingers. This feature explains the fact that it is the outer side of the foot that hurts. Complex therapy involves the use of medications, massage, exercise therapy, etc. For stages 4 and 3 of arthrosis, intra-articular injections are performed, and, if necessary, surgical intervention is performed.

Diagnostic measures

To determine the cause of the pain, the doctor prescribes a series of tests. First of all, the doctor examines the foot. Already by external signs one can suspect the presence of certain diseases or injuries of the metatarsus and other parts of the foot. The doctor then sends the patient for an examination, which may include the following:

  1. Radiography.
  2. Ultrasonography.
  3. Computed and magnetic resonance imaging.
  4. Angiography of blood vessels.
  5. Laboratory analysis of blood and urine.

Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the doctor selects treatment tactics.


Usually a person not only has pain on the top or bottom of his foot, but also exhibits additional symptoms. The list of symptoms depends on the specific disease. The following symptoms may accompany pain:

  1. Heaviness in the legs.
  2. Rapid fatigue of the limbs.
  3. Swelling.
  4. Redness of the skin.
  5. Formation of wounds and bruises.
  6. Numbness of the cover.
  7. Limited movement.

If pain occurs frequently and other symptoms appear, you should definitely visit a doctor and find out the cause of the disease, and not try to get rid of the pain with analgesics.

Joint pathologies

The most common joint damage is arthritis .
The joints of the foot are most often affected by the rheumatoid, infectious or gouty type of this disease. Its symptoms are swelling, redness of the skin, pain in the joint.

These signs are especially pronounced in gout. During an exacerbation, the pain will be acute and can occur not only when walking, but also at rest. Patients often suffer especially at night. With gout, only one leg may be affected, but with arthritis, the inflammation is usually symmetrical.

Inflammation of the ligaments of the foot or ankle joint is also possible. In this case, the pain when walking will be sharp and shooting. Ligamenitis is an inflammation of the ligaments of the forefoot, in the instep or sole area, occurring after injury. also possible, which can cause arthritis.

Briefly about the anatomy of the foot

To say that the structure of the foot is very complex is to say nothing. It is formed by at least 26 bones and a large number of ligaments. “No less”, since each person’s foot is structured differently: some have additional small bones, while others have the opposite, individual bones seem to be fused to each other.

There are three functional sections in the foot:

  • The tarsus, or back of the foot. Formed by the talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid and three sphenoid bones. The main function is support.
  • Metatarsus, consisting of five metatarsal bones, one for each toe. Together with the tarsus, it forms a kind of arch, thereby performing a shock-absorbing function. In other words, the metatarsus ensures smooth movement and somewhat lightens the load on the foot.
  • Toes.

The upper part of the foot includes the ankle joint and the articulations between the tarsal and metatarsal bones. Damage to this area causes pain and swelling in the leg.

Diseases of the periarticular tissues of the foot

The mobility of joints and the performance of their basic functions are ensured by muscles, tendons, ligaments, aponeuroses, fascia, and capsules. Diseases of the periarticular tissues of the foot are considered either as a separate pathology or as a consequence of arthritis. Soft tissue diseases include pathological lesions of tendons and synovial membranes, diseases of the foot muscles, etc. In terms of their frequency in the world, such pathologies, together with diseases of the ankle joint, account for approximately 6-21% of cases of all diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Tenosynovitis of the peroneal muscle

Inflammation of the synovial sheath of the peroneal muscle is called tenosynovitis. If left untreated, this disease can lead to disability. Among the causes of the development of this disease are systemic inflammatory diseases, exposure to pathogenic microorganisms from the group of viruses and bacteria, muscle damage with subsequent rupture of the synovial vagina. Symptoms of tenosynovitis of the peroneal muscle are:

  • external redness along the entire length of the tendon;
  • limitation and pain when moving the foot;
  • the appearance of swelling in the area of ​​the affected tendon;
  • pain in the foot, manifested by the work of the peroneal muscle.

An external examination of the foot reveals swelling in the area of ​​the affected tendon. In addition, upon palpation, the tendon area manifests itself as characteristic pain in the foot. During walking, pain is also localized in the area of ​​the peroneal muscle.

Anterior achillobursitis

Albert's disease, also known as anterior Achilles bursitis, is an inflammatory process that affects the bursa where the Achilles tendon attaches to the heel bone. The latter is a cavity formation filled with synovial fluid. Its main purpose is to soften friction on the surface of joints or tendons. The following are more susceptible to the development of anterior achilles bursitis:

  • people who play sports professionally;
  • patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis;
  • people who often wear tight, uncomfortable shoes or are obese.

The gradual development of achillobursitis is typical in the presence of concomitant systemic diseases. With post-traumatic achillobursitis, the onset of the disease is usually acute. Pain in the foot with anterior achilles bursitis most often appears immediately after waking up in the morning. In this case, the ankle is limited in movement. There is swelling and redness in the affected area.

Posterior Achilles bursitis

The second name for posterior Achilles bursitis is Haglund's deformity. This disease consists of the development of inflammation of the synovial bursa between the Achilles tendon and the skin in the area of ​​its attachment and at the postero-superolateral part of the heel bone. Pain in the foot when walking with this disease, accordingly, manifests itself in the heel area or slightly higher.

Young women are most susceptible to developing posterior Achilles bursitis. An external symptom of the disease is swelling of the posterolateral part of the heel bone, which without additional diagnostics can be confused with the so-called heel spur. At first, the inflamed synovial bursa upon palpation appears as a small compaction, pressure on which causes moderate pain. As the disease progresses, the swelling increases and can be observed on both sides of the Achilles tendon. Chronic inflammation of the synovial bursa leads to fibrosis.

Tibialis posterior tendinitis

Tibialis posterior tendonitis refers to an inflammatory disease of the tibialis posterior muscle, which is localized on the inside of the ankle and lower leg. The reasons for its development, as a rule, are chronic microtrauma of the tendon or its stretching, as well as prolonged exposure to excessive stress on the lower leg muscles. Women over the age of 30 who were previously actively involved in sports are considered to be most susceptible to developing this disease.

At the initial stage of development of the disease, the outer shells of the tendon are exposed to inflammation. In this case, pain appears when moving the foot. Severe pain and swelling of the foot are localized along the entire length of the tendon itself. Increased pain is observed when the foot is turned inward. As the inflammatory process progresses, there is a gradual weakening of the tendon, which can ultimately lead to its rupture.

Plantar fasciitis

Foot pain in the heel area most often occurs with the development of plantar fasciitis. This disease is mostly diagnosed in middle-aged patients. However, even at a young age, people can be susceptible to its development due to constant excessive stress on the legs. Plantar fasciitis can develop on one or both feet at the same time.

The cause of this disease is a sprain of the ligament that supports the arch of the foot. Due to constant tension, small tears form in its tissues. This leads to pain in the foot and swelling in the area of ​​the affected ligament. Among the most common factors that provoke the development of plantar fasciitis, it is worth noting:

  • excessive pronation;
  • high arches or flat feet;
  • excess body weight;
  • standing for long periods of time throughout the day;
  • wearing tight or too loose shoes;
  • Tight calf muscles or heel tendons.

The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is severe pain in the foot, which is more pronounced during the first steps after waking up in the morning. The pain subsides quite quickly in the morning, but throughout the day it returns again. Pain in the foot is especially intensified when walking up stairs.

Epiphysitis of the calcaneus

Foot pain in the heel area can be caused by a disease such as calcaneal epophysitis. To understand the etiology of the disease, it is necessary to first understand the structure of the heel bone. Thus, it consists of two ossification centers, the first of which performs its functions from birth, the second begins to function after about 8 years. In the period of 8-16 years, both centers are united by cartilage tissue, which, with excessive physical activity, can lose its integrity. It is worth noting that children who are unable to fully perform dorsiflexion of the foot are more susceptible to such injuries.

To make a diagnosis of calcaneal epiphysitis, not only the patient’s age and his exposure to excessive physical activity, but also the localization of pain manifestations are of particular importance. So, with this disease, pain in the foot is determined along the edges of both centers of ossification of the calcaneus. In some cases, visual examination can determine swelling of the foot and hyperthermia. To reduce the degree of tension of the Achilles tendon during walking, patients diagnosed with calcaneal epiphysitis need to place a special pad in their shoes directly under the heel. The healing process is accompanied by the formation of fibrous tissue.


The structure of the foot is very complex. This part of the lower limb consists of several bones that are connected to each other using ligaments. Inflammatory damage to such ligaments is called ligamentitis. This condition can also present as pain on the side of the foot.

With this disease, the ligament that connects the phalanges of the fingers to the heel is very often affected.

There are several reasons for this disease. From recent injuries to inflammatory processes in the tissues of the legs. Uncomfortable shoes and heavy physical activity can lead to ligamentitis. Gout, vascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and other diseases can also lead to this disease.

Pain in the foot area is one of the main symptoms of ligamentitis. Also, this disease may be indicated by numbness of the foot, the appearance of swelling, and deterioration in the functioning of the joint located next to the inflamed ligament. In order to cure ligamentitis, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence and eliminate it. If this foot ligament lesion is affected by any disease, treat it.

In this case, you need to immobilize the leg and use special orthopedic devices.


Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the cartilage of the joints of the legs.
With such a lesion, the ankle and fingers of the lower extremities are affected. At the initial stage of this disease, pain and discomfort are insignificant. But, if you do not pay attention to this problem, then its symptoms will begin to worsen, a crunching sound will appear when walking, and the pain will intensify. Ask your question to a neurologist for free Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State Medical University named after. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".Ask a question>>

With osteoarthritis, degenerative-dystrophic changes occur in cartilage tissue.

They can be aggravated by impaired blood supply and metabolic failure in the periarticular tissues. Which will lead to even bigger problems. Inflammation of the affected areas may occur.

Osteoarthritis has several stages of disease development. Treatment in the initial stages of the disease can be reduced to taking painkillers, physiotherapy and exercise therapy. If the disease progresses, you may need the help of a surgeon.

Depending on the type and stage of the disease, osteoarthritis is treated by a rheumatologist, arthrologist and orthopedist.

Flat feet

Flattening of the longitudinal arch of the foot is a fairly common phenomenon. According to statistics, up to 15% of the population experiences constitutional flatfoot, but such changes are acceptable within normal limits and are considered an anatomical variant. A great danger is posed by progressive flat feet, which is accompanied by flattening of the arch of the foot and redistribution of the load on it.

Flat feet in adults

In adult patients, the development of progressive flatfoot is largely associated with weakening or damage to the ligamentous apparatus:

  • the tibialis posterior tendon, which acts as a dynamic stabilizer;
  • calcaneonavicular ligament, which supports the longitudinal arch and acts as a static stabilizer.
  • pain while walking;
  • pulling sensations in the projection of the tendon itself and the place of its attachment to the bone;
  • the problem of standing on your toes on one leg.

The arch itself is flattened, and the forefoot is retracted outward, which creates the appearance of a “lot of toes” when viewed from the heel.

Already at the first stage, when flat feet are not visually visible, pain appears on the plantar part on the lateral side in the projection of the scaphoid bone and at the attachment point of the calcaneonavicular ligament.

Fractures and bruises

The inside of the foot may hurt due to various injuries. Including fractures and bruises. According to statistics, foot fractures occur in 3%-9% of all bone injuries. This is a serious injury that can leave a person unable to move even after the bones have healed.

Treatment for foot fractures is prescribed depending on the type and severity of the injury.

If with such a fracture there is no need to “collect” the fragments, then you can get by with plaster. Which is applied for 2-3 weeks (in severe cases, plaster can be applied for up to 1.5 months). After the bones have healed, it is necessary to develop the leg with the help of exercise therapy and physiotherapy.

Fractures and bruises in the foot can cause extreme pain. For a quick recovery, the victim must be urgently hospitalized. A traumatologist treats fractures and severe bruises of the feet.

What to do if your joints become swollen?

The cause of the swelling must be eliminated. This could be inflammation or metabolic disorders. Use anti-inflammatory ointments (listed above), reduce salt intake, give up alcohol, and warm up your joints.

If there is no inflammation, cold foot baths and tight bandaging will help relieve swelling.

Folk remedies

The following traditional medicines will help relieve inflammation, swelling and pain:

  • propolis compress;
  • lotions with a decoction based on golden mustache;
  • fresh cabbage leaf;
  • potato compress;
  • lotions based on ammonia and vegetable oil (the ingredients are taken in equal proportions);
  • tar ointment (150 g of birch tar and 80 g of cream).

Attention! In case of inflammation, thermal procedures are contraindicated.

Orthopedic treatment

In the case of orthopedic pathologies, for example, hallux valgus or varus deformity, flat feet, you cannot do without wearing special devices - orthoses. If this treatment does not help, then surgery is performed. Surgery is also used for neoplasms and corns that cannot be removed conservatively.

Video: Exercises for feet.

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