The back of the head hurts: causes of pain, what to do about it
Every person has experienced a headache at least once in their life. However, when the back of your head hurts
Why does my right arm and leg go numb at the same time - how to treat numbness?
The causes of numbness in the fingers can be both natural and pathological. Unpleasant sensations accompany
Hepatoprotectors - drugs for treating the liver, the best drugs, tablets
The deteriorating environment, the stress of an urbanized society, along with bad habits and unhealthy lifestyles often
In what cases is it necessary to use vasodilator drugs for the brain: list of medications, side effects, contraindications
The brain is the most sensitive organ to oxygen starvation. Therefore, when blood flow is disrupted,
Drugs to improve memory and attention in adults
Decreased attention and memory are not always a dangerous symptom. With increased load on
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Is it possible to consume dairy products after poisoning?
Intoxication of the body as a result of ingestion of pathogenic bacteria along with food and drinks -
Fetal hypoxia: symptoms and signs. Consequences of fetal hypoxia for the child. Treatment of fetal hypoxia
Fetal hypoxia is a diagnosis that frightens many mothers during pregnancy. How to determine it
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The first signs and symptoms of a concussion in adults
Typically, a concussion is the result of a mechanical impact on the head, for example, a strong blow to a hard surface.
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological diseases
Epilepsy - what is this disease and can it be cured?
Diagnostic methods How to be treated First aid Drug treatment Video Epilepsy is a chronic neurological
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Motherwort in tablets. Instructions for use, benefits and harms, how to take for children. Which is better: Forte, Evalar, P, WB, Extract, price, reviews
Composition and release form Dosage form - tablets: round, chamfered, flat-cylindrical, scored
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