Breast cancer chemotherapy before surgery
CHEMOTHERAPY Chemotherapy is exclusively treatment with cytostatics (drugs that are used primarily to suppress rapid
Composition of parsley
How to speed up menstruation with parsley decoction
Properties of parsley for a girl’s body This greenery contains many useful substances, such
Curettage of the uterine cavity during a frozen pregnancy: procedure progress, possible complications
Curettage is prescribed for girls of various age categories. After manipulation, menstrual flow will look different
Photo: Benefits of laparoscopy
Why and how laparoscopic intervention is performed for endometriosis
Laparoscopy for endometriosis, prevention after surgery Medical portal ENT diseases Stomach diseases Hemorrhoids Pancreatitis Weight loss
what is better to take during menopause reviews
How not to grow old during menopause. What do doctors recommend taking?
What to take during menopause so as not to age menopause help A woman with an empty uterus does not
How are radon baths useful for endometriosis?
Radon baths for endometriosis Medical portal ENT diseases Stomach diseases Hemorrhoids Pancreatitis Weight loss Edema Skin
Sizes of the uterus and ovaries on ultrasound (norms)
The ovaries are the most important components of the reproductive system of the female body. They are located on the sides of
Menstrual irregularities in teenage girls. Irregular periods in teenagers: causes and treatment
The development of teenage girls occurs purely individually. However, the average time period for the onset of the menstrual cycle is
Hormonal therapy for breast cancer in Israel
Hormone sensitivity The sensitivity of the tumor to hormones in the analysis is indicated either in points (from 0 to
What foods tone the uterus? How to relieve uterine tone: medications, food? How to independently relieve uterine tone during pregnancy
Video In this video, a gynecologist will briefly tell you everything you need to know about the tone of the uterus:
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