What could be the consequences if the uterus is removed but the ovaries are left behind?
Surgery to remove the uterus leads to a decrease in the level of female sex hormones. This causes the appearance
Intimate hygiene during menstruation. Hygiene during menstruation
Without fanaticism: 8 rules of intimate hygiene HYGIENE HABITS ARE DEVELOPED IN CHILDHOOD. True, as shown
Is it necessary to use protection during menopause after 45: how to do it correctly if you don’t have periods
Many people associate the word “menopause” with old age. In fact, it's just new
Medications after early miscarriage. How to restore your body after a miscarriage. Recovery after miscarriage
How many days to stay in the hospital after a miscarriage When a woman finds out about her pregnancy,
Metformin for PCa
What is polycystic disease? For various reasons, the follicle that matures in the ovaries does not open, releasing the female
Treatment of breast fibroids with folk remedies. Treatment of breast fibroadenoma with folk remedies: a review of effective remedies and reviews from women
Methods for treating fibroadenoma When deciding how to treat a woman who has fibroadenoma,
Heavy periods with clots: possible causes
Natural causes of clot formation in menstrual flow Normal menstrual flow has a mucous consistency,
Spell for healing from uterine fibroids
2470 0 04/27/2018 Advertisement Uterine fibroids are a disease, or rather the formation of muscle tissue,
what to do if you start your period at sea
Is it possible to swim in the sea with a tampon and sunbathe during menstruation?
For many, swimming in the sea during menstruation is a utopia. After all, just a few generations ago
Ectopic pregnancy
Fallopian tube removal for progressive ectopic pregnancy
Rehabilitation after an ectopic pregnancy is a complex and lengthy process. It is aimed at restoration
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