Symptoms of purulent hemorrhoids (paraproctitis) - photos, how to treat and folk remedies
Types of purulent hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids with pus are a clear symptom of inflammation in the intestines.
Why there may be heaviness in the right side: under the ribs in front, on the back, in the lower abdomen
Non-pathogenic causes of severity Such pain can also be observed in a healthy person. The main sign is
Bloating and gas after ovulation
Representatives of the fair sex experience cyclical changes throughout their childbearing years. This physiological
Pear: weakens or strengthens the stool of an adult and a child, is it possible for diarrhea?
Pear for digestion Even a healthy person can experience constipation. The phenomenon is unpleasant, but we can cope
Photo 1
Can heartburn occur from tea: green, black and strong?
Tea is a drink that is drunk in every home and office, during breakfast or
Nausea from fatty foods: causes, first aid and treatment
How to quickly get rid of stomach pain after overeating
Overeating can be accompanied by several unpleasant consequences, and most often they occur simultaneously. Feeling of fullness
activated charcoal for vomiting and diarrhea
Is it possible to give “Activated carbon” to children: instructions for use with dosage calculation
Pharmacological properties It is a substance with high surface activity. The effect of the drug on the body leads to
Losing weight with stomach diseases
How to gain weight with gastritis - ways to solve the problem
Weight loss with gastritis is not such an insignificant problem as it may seem at first glance.
Monastery tea truth or scam
Herbs and teas for a healthy stomach and intestines: what to drink to treat gastrointestinal tract and erosion
Should you believe advertising? All entrepreneurs are concerned with one goal - to make money. Of course this helps
A child vomits in the morning on an empty stomach
Vomiting in infants In the absence of symptoms, namely increased temperature, bile in the vomit,
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