Why does a child have an unpleasant or strange breath odor: causes and treatment
Immediately after birth, the baby has a very pleasant smell. This is due to its “sterility”. Newborn
Grapes weaken or strengthen the stool of an adult, a child, during pregnancy, and stomach ulcers. How does it affect the intestines?
Grapes are one of the most ancient and popular crops in the whole world. Truth, attitude
Hirschsprung's disease
Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on the causes and treatment of constipation in infants
Constipation in a 2-year-old child: causes Defecation disorders in children are most often caused by improper
Intestinal spasm what to do
Intestinal spasms during pregnancy: causes, symptoms and treatment
Causes of discomfort Colic is a spasm caused by severe bloating and overexertion of the muscles of the large intestine.
Vitamins for the liver
What vitamins and minerals are needed for liver health
Liver diseases are a serious problem of our time, and in the vast majority of cases they affect people
Why heartburn occurs with pancreatitis, treatment and prevention of the condition
Causes of heartburn due to pancreatitis and safe methods of treating it
Many people have a very vague understanding of the functions of the pancreas. Meanwhile, this
Is it possible to eat dried fruits for gastritis with high acidity?
Patients suffering from gastritis should be promptly diagnosed to identify the extent and complexity of the disease. When
Why does an adult have white diarrhea?
Causes of diarrhea, what can cause diarrhea? The following factors can contribute to the appearance of loose stools: 1
What are the benefits of walking for hemorrhoids? How much do you need to walk a day to normalize your health?
It is difficult for a patient with hemorrhoids to remain in a lying or sitting position. To alleviate the condition, a person
Is it possible to drink jelly if you have a stomach ulcer and how to prepare it correctly?
Benefit Harm Provides cellular restoration with the help of phosphatides, enzymes and peptides Possible discomfort when
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