pain in the intestines during pregnancy
What problems can pregnant women have with their intestines?
During the period of bearing a baby, a woman may experience various sensations of discomfort. Intestinal problems
Milk thistle for pancreatitis
Healing properties of milk thistle for the treatment of pancreas (milk thistle)
The normal functioning of other organs and systems of our body largely depends on the health of the pancreas.
How to use castor oil for hemorrhoids and does it help in treating the disease?
How does castor oil help with hemorrhoids and how to use it for treatment? Excessive modesty
Blood analysis
Causes of gallbladder rupture and fistula formation
Causes Perforation of the bladder most often occurs as a result of chronic inflammation or the presence of stones that injure
What causes yellow stool in a child and how to eliminate the problem
Photo: Lukas .H In babies, one of the most striking indicators of health is the color of stool.
Diet for polyps in the gallbladder: proper nutrition for polyposis, sample menu for the day
Diet is the foundation in the treatment and prevention of gallbladder polyposis. Up to 7% of the population
The benefits of oatmeal for pancreatitis
How to properly use oats for pancreatitis?
Patients with a pancreatic diagnosis have to adhere to a strict dietary framework, from which they are completely excluded
Prevention against parasites in the human body: pills and nutrition
Effective drugs for the prevention of parasites in the human body
Parasitic infestation is a common phenomenon that leads among all modern types of diseases. According to statistics
Optimists don't get ulcers!
How long do people live with gastritis? Is it possible to die from it?
The stomach is an indicator of stress. The mechanism of development of peptic ulcer disease is triggered by the nervous system. Generally gloomy
Do gut probiotics help with constipation?
Many people have heard the word “bifidobacteria” - it is often heard in television advertising. Only few people
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