My throat hurts after vomiting, what should I do?
Causes and first aid for sore throat after vomiting
Possible complications Pain syndrome immediately after vomiting is caused by damage from gastric juice, as well as contents
potassium permanganate for treatment
Instructions for the use of baths with potassium permanganate in the treatment of hemorrhoids
Folk advice on the treatment and prevention of proctological diseases contains thousands of recommendations. Often in recommendations
What is hemorrhoidectomy? Preparation, consequences and rehabilitation after surgery
The Milligan-Morgan operation is the gold standard in the treatment of severe forms of hemorrhoids. Technical rules
What degree of hemorrhoids is an indication for caesarean section?
In women, hemorrhoids after cesarean section are a common consequence. Enlargement of the uterus during prenatal period
Can you eat dates if you have inflammation of the pancreas?
Dates are amazing fruits with many beneficial and nutritional properties. About the benefits of fruits to humanity
Flatulence in children: how to treat and prevent it?
Bloating in a child is the accumulation of a large amount of gas in the intestines. This condition
Mucus in the intestines: causes, treatment, how to get rid of it
Causes Non-pathological Secretion of protective mucus by the intestinal wall. The digestive system has a very thin lining that
BILE STAGNATION: 5 exercises for cholecystitis and gallbladder dyskinesia
Is it possible to exercise if you have gallstones?
The liver and gallbladder are affected by an unhealthy lifestyle, injuries, poor nutrition and many
Diarrhea in a nursing mother while breastfeeding: what to do, how to treat it
What is diarrhea? The medical term “diarrhea” is a condition where bowel movements occur too often.
How long do people live with stage 4 pancreatic cancer? Prognosis and possible treatment
In all cases, stage 4 pancreatic cancer cannot be treated. During this period there is
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