Nausea and vomiting with pancreatitis and pain in the pancreas
Many diseases are accompanied by dyspeptic disorders. Nausea and vomiting are often so severe that they provoke
Man pours alcohol
Restoration of liver cells with drugs, products and folk remedies
Liver restoration may be required both in case of poisoning of the body, long-term use of medications, and
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Is ice cream allowed for people diagnosed with gastritis?
Gastritis is an incredibly unpleasant disease that causes severe pain during exacerbation. By
Clinical picture of intestinal cyst and methods of diagnosing it
An intestinal cyst is a multiple or single benign neoplasm, which is a hollow capsule
Methods of use and benefits of sea buckthorn oil for stomach ulcers
Sea buckthorn is a plant grown in gardens to produce bright orange berries. The fruits are collected and
Rice for gastritis
Rice as a dietary component for gastritis
The diagnosis of “gastritis” is a very popular verdict from gastroenterology specialists for people who have problems with organs
The Wirsung duct is not visualized: what does this mean?
Wirsung's duct of the pancreas. Dilatation of Wirsung's duct
Ultrasound examination is considered the most informative diagnostic technique for diseases of the pancreas. It allows you to evaluate
The wisdom tooth smells unpleasant: we are looking for the cause of this phenomenon
Unpleasant odor from the mouth after a tooth extraction procedure is a rare symptom indicating
baking soda for gastritis
How to treat gastritis with soda at home
For various reasons, people today turn to alternative medicine. Some believe that this method
How to find out if you have an ulcer
Methods for identifying stomach ulcers at home
Symptoms of a peptic ulcer may vary slightly depending on the location of the ulcer, the degree of inflammation,
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