Pregnant woman
"Buserelin": reviews from patients and doctors, instructions for use
1 Description of the drug Buserelin, instructions for use. 2 Side effects when using Buserelin 3
Let's find out all the possible causes of pain in a woman's anus
During menstruation, a woman may experience pain in the anus. Spasms of the anus muscles
Birth control pills for fibroids
Silhouette for uterine fibroids, reviews from doctors
What are uterine fibroids? Uterine fibroids (also known as fibroids or leiomyomas)
Effective treatment of cervical erosion with medication Treatment of
Drug treatment of cervical erosion drugs. What suppositories and tablets are used to treat cervical erosion? Possible consequences of refusing treatment
Cervical disease is now very often treated with medication. The use of antiviral, hormonal, antibacterial agents will allow
Sports and exercises for women after 50 years
How to mitigate the symptoms of menopause Menopause is just a physiological process associated with age-related
Ovarium Compositum: instructions for use and reviews
March 14, 2020 Obstetrics and gynecology Sofya Andreeva Many young parents today are experiencing difficulties
Causes of heart pain in women. Symptoms and treatment. What to do, which doctor to see, what to take
Concomitant diseases during menopause. Cardiovascular diseases
During menopause, a woman is characterized by certain, not always pleasant, states. Well this is
All treatment instructions can only be clarified by a doctor during an in-person appointment.
Acyclovir for herpes, how to take it correctly
Symptoms of activation of herpes Symptoms of infection with the herpes virus are absent for some time. There are people
What is more effective for the treatment of endometriosis - Janine or Yarina?
Instructions for use of the drug Yarina Yarina is a monophasic oral contraceptive with pronounced antiandrogenic
Contraception in patients with uterine fibroids
What are COCs and how do they work? Combined oral contraceptives are means of preventing
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