Skin rashes due to giardiasis
Giardia and acne: is there acne on the face due to giardiasis?
Home / Giardia Back Published: 04/19/2019 Reading time: 5 min 3 26544 Giardiasis,
Gastrointestinal infection
Rules for using kefir for diarrhea and possible restrictions
Why kefir is useful for diarrhea Kefir contains a unique set of lactic acid bacteria and fungi, which
Stomach hurts and nausea
What to do if you feel nauseous, dizzy and have a stomach ache
The main causes of nausea and abdominal pain We can say with confidence that such unpleasant
Fish dishes
In what cases can you eat herring if you have pancreatitis?
Fish dishes Preference is given to fresh fish. Since many varieties are difficult to find on shelves
How to treat intestinal colitis: medications for colitis
Let's consider the mechanisms of development of these diseases. The inner layer of the stomach is covered with mucus, consisting of 90%
Chamomile for diarrhea and its healing properties
How to take chamomile for diarrhea and when is it contraindicated?
This plant has a large number of medicinal properties. The height of chamomile is about 30-40 cm, the bottom
Treatment of hemorrhoids
The effectiveness of hirudotherapy for hemorrhoids: will leeches help defeat the disease?
The method of hirudotherapy has not yet been accepted by official medicine. Application results do not pass the reliability test.
Fasting in the morning
Heartburn in the morning: causes and treatment. How to get rid of heartburn at home quickly
Problems with planning your day The most common cause of heartburn in the morning is irregular food intake.
Features of eating cabbage for gastritis
Diet for gastric diseases is an integral part of medical therapy. Broccoli is considered valuable for gastritis
Prunes as a way to help babies with constipation
Home › Child up to one year › Procedures Author of the article Ekaterina Rakitina Doctor Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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