Laxatives for hemorrhoids: 7 medications and 5 folk remedies
Vascular diseases have become increasingly younger in recent decades. Pathologies appear in people who have not reached
The patient has problems with bowel movements after laparoscopy
How to go to the toilet without pain after hemorrhoid surgery
Laparoscopic operations are minimally traumatic for the patient, which is why their popularity is steadily growing. However
Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy differences
Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy: what is the difference between the studies and which is better?
Sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy: description of procedures, main differences Indications for sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy Preparation for
peeled garlic cloves
Effective recipes for getting rid of worms using garlic
All articles by the author Author of the article: Maxim Fadovsky Specialist in healthy and proper lifestyle.
If there are problems with the pancreas, patients have to adhere to a strict diet and stop drinking any alcohol-containing drinks.
Is it possible to drink alcoholic beverages with pancreatitis?
If there are problems with the pancreas, patients have to adhere to a strict diet and stop using
white spots in the stool of an adult
Impurities in feces: types, causes and treatment methods
Feces are a waste product of the human body. His condition may indicate processes occurring outside of
Salted pork lard
Convenience foods and meat for stomach ulcers: what to include in the diet and what to avoid
Lard is a product that causes a tremendous amount of controversy. Some doctors and nutritionists believe
Stages of liver cirrhosis
Treatment of liver cirrhosis with folk remedies: treatment methods
3909 Our liver is subject to numerous factors that contribute to its destruction. These include hereditary predisposition,
different enzymes for different foods
Pancreas. Human digestive system
Location and communication Patients who are faced with gastrointestinal diseases are often interested in the gallbladder and
Undigested food in stool: causes of diarrhea with leftover food pieces
Undigested food in the stool of an adult: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Is this a pathology or a variant of the norm? About changes in the color, smell and consistency of stool
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