Heartburn in the morning: causes and treatment. How to get rid of heartburn at home quickly

Problems with planning your day

The most common cause of heartburn in the morning is irregular food intake or a strict diet. You need to understand that poor nutrition will sooner or later affect your health, as it does more harm than good. The gastrointestinal tract suffers the most during diets and fasting. Like any animal, the human body prepares itself for food intake. In the morning, after waking up, physiological activity begins. A large amount of digestive juice is produced, bile is secreted to break down fats, and a large amount of saliva is produced. If the latter does not greatly affect the condition of the mucous membrane, then bile and acid, on the contrary, lead to the development of gastritis and ulcers. This is why heartburn most often appears in the morning. Its symptoms weaken or disappear completely after eating.

If heartburn is a common occurrence for a patient, then the morning diet is prohibited for him. Breakfast should be nutritious and filling, and served at the same time. An empty stomach without food begins to “digest” the inner layers of itself, the esophagus, and intestines. After the mucous membrane is eliminated, inflammation will appear. Over time, the acid will enter the muscle tissue and an ulcer will form.


In the absence of the correct impact on the burning sensation and untimely relief of heartburn attacks can lead to complications. Fasting in the morning promotes the aggressive effect of digestive enzymes on the mucous membranes of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

Against this background, a chronic inflammatory process may develop. Then the muscle tissue suffers, which leads to the appearance of an ulcer. If time is lost and there is no proper treatment, muscle tissue shedding becomes chronic and difficult to treat.


In order to avoid heartburn in the morning on an empty stomach, you need to avoid eating junk food. If such a symptom appears both before and after breakfast, then you need to reconsider your diet.

It is forbidden to eat a lot of fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, strong broths, sour foods, and spicy foods. In addition, heartburn may occur in the morning due to drinking alcohol in the evening. Because of it, the concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice increases. Excessive consumption of coffee or sweets at night also leads to this effect.

The importance of proper nutrition

Irregular eating, skipping breakfast, and large gaps between meals negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system. This manifests itself in the form of heartburn, belching, indigestion, constipation, etc. Therefore, if you suffer from heartburn in the morning on an empty stomach, first of all, pay attention to your diet. In case of disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs, diet is not only an obligatory component of treatment, but also the prevention of relapses.

People who wake up in the morning with a sour taste in the mouth and a burning sensation in the esophagus need to regulate their eating behavior:

  • eat regularly, trying to keep the gap between meals no more than 4 hours;
  • do not skip breakfast, giving preference to hot dishes;
  • eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly;
  • Avoid foods that cause heartburn;
  • have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Nutritionists take a strict approach to diet planning and insist on complete abstinence from many foods. But it is not always possible to thoroughly follow their recommendations. Below is a list of foods whose consumption it is advisable to minimize and try not to eat for dinner:

  • spicy and smoked foods;
  • fried foods;
  • canned food;
  • strong coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • mustard, horseradish, garlic, adjika, hot seasonings.

Articles often recommend consuming more dairy products, but their effect on heartburn in the morning is ambiguous and manifests itself differently in each person. On the one hand, the alkaline environment of milk and dairy products neutralizes the acidity of gastric juice well. On the other hand, with age, the body's ability to absorb milk proteins decreases and its consumption can cause heartburn. Carbon dioxide and fats contained in kefir, as well as sugar and preservatives contained in yoghurts, can also provoke an unpleasant symptom. The most neutral product is considered to be natural low-fat cottage cheese without additives. Since each person is individual, you can include milk, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir in your diet and observe the body’s reaction to these products.

In case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, proper nutrition is a prerequisite for good health.


Heartburn and belching in the morning can often be a concern if a person smokes. Those who like to take puffs on an empty stomach suffer from a burning sensation in the esophagus in 90% of cases. Why do doctors prohibit smoking before breakfast? Nicotine activates the production of gastromucoprotein in the body. It provokes the process of digestion of food. Often, smokers feel the urge to smoke a cigarette after a hearty breakfast. This is due specifically to the production of this enzyme.

It is impossible to stop such a process. Because of it, ulcers, gastritis and heartburn appear.


The peculiarity of heartburn after sleep is that it goes away quickly after a person eats.

Remember! If a person wants to get rid of unpleasant attacks of burning in the chest on an empty stomach, then he needs to get used to having a hearty and high-quality breakfast.

Lack of a full meal in the morning leads to an unpleasant feeling that will haunt him all day.

The pathogenetic mechanism of heartburn is as follows:

  • gastric juice containing a large amount of food begins to irritate the empty walls of the stomach;
  • the acid dissolves the mucus and begins to act directly on the organ tissue;
  • hydrochloric acid, having passed the mucous barrier, begins to penetrate into the smooth muscle tissue of the stomach, esophagus,
  • intestines.

Dangerous! Prolonged irritation of these organs by acidic contents can lead to perforation of these organs and, as a result, a life-threatening condition.


If a person experiences heartburn in the morning after breakfast, then he probably has some kind of pathology. If this feeling appears regularly, then you should consult a doctor. Some people try to get rid of heartburn with ashes or soda. But this is prohibited. If there is any pathology, then such measures can only worsen the condition.

Ulcers, problems with the pancreas or gall bladder can lead to an imbalance in the body. The most serious disease that leads to heartburn in the morning is gastrointestinal cancer. Therefore, if an unpleasant sensation regularly appears that is difficult to eliminate, then you need to urgently contact a medical facility.

Sometimes heartburn is caused by taking medications. Especially if among their side effects you can notice an increase in acidity. Among these drugs, antihypertensives, hormonal, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as those taken to maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system should be noted. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. He should prescribe other drugs, replacing the old ones with analogues.

Causes of nausea during fasting

During fasting, nausea and profuse vomiting may occur. This is possible in the first day or even after a week. The discharge is a liquid substance containing mucus. This is due to the fact that at first the liver works at its limit and secretes bile into the stomach.

Cleansing lasts 1-2 days, rarely longer. At the end of vomiting and nausea, the fasting person’s strength and energy are restored. If the condition does not return to normal and the secretion of bile continues, stop fasting, it is dangerous.

Nausea during fasting can appear against the background of diseases that occur in a latent or chronic form:

  • pancreatitis;
  • alcoholic hepatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • bulimia;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • parasites;
  • diabetes.

In order not to provoke the development of complications, treat the transition to fasting correctly. It is mandatory to consult a doctor and develop a system of fasting and gentle nutrition to break the diet.

A healthy person feels sick when fasting for a long period. Refusal to eat requires the body to quickly adapt. Severe hunger is observed for the first 3 days, then the brain gets used to the condition and eliminates food. After exiting, nausea may occur from eating fatty and spicy foods.


Often pregnant women experience heartburn in the morning. This is especially true for those women who are in their last trimester. Almost 80% of girls suffer from a burning sensation in the throat. There are several reasons for this. The first is the fruit, which puts pressure on the internal organs, including the stomach. The second is a change in hormonal levels. In the third trimester, progesterone suddenly begins to be produced in huge quantities. It is necessary to relax the uterus. However, it also affects the esophagus. Because of this, pregnant women may feel heartburn in the morning.

Main reasons

An attack of morning heartburn causes severe discomfort and is accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations: belching, excessive salivation, and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. Due to an unpleasant burning sensation in the throat and nausea in the morning, there is no appetite, the person feels exhausted and not rested. If heartburn appears sporadically in the morning, most often the cause is a violation of the diet: a heavy late dinner, spicy or fatty foods, alcohol, etc. When it comes to systematic attacks, we can assume a disturbance in the functioning of the digestive organs.

In addition, there are other reasons that cause heartburn on an empty stomach in the morning. These include smoking, alcohol and stress, which increase the secretion of digestive enzymes. It can be provoked by medications that increase the acidity of gastric juice as a side effect. These include hormonal, antihypertensive, anti-inflammatory, and cardiac drugs.

Another factor that causes heartburn in the morning on an empty stomach is weakness of the esophageal muscles. Frequent and long-term use of antidepressants and steroids reduces muscle tone of organs, including the cardiac sphincter. This facilitates the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus during sleep.

Causes of burning in the esophagus in the morning:

  1. Diseases of the digestive system.
  2. Overeating the night before.
  3. Dinner, including heartburn-provoking foods.
  4. Weakness of the esophageal muscles.
  5. Taking medications.
  6. Bad habits.
  7. Stress.

Unpleasant symptoms in the morning occur for various reasons, but the basis is always the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus and irritation of the mucous membrane.

If you regularly suffer from morning heartburn that occurs on an empty stomach, visit your doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.


You need to understand that it is easier to prevent unpleasant sensations than to treat them. When a person has a desire to eat something, the body begins to prepare for it. The amount of saliva, gastric juice and bile increases. In order to prevent heartburn from appearing in the morning, you need to eat only healthy foods, eat at the same time every day, control the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, give up bad habits, and not eat foods that have a bad effect on the functioning of the stomach.

If someone is thinking about what to eat to get rid of heartburn, then it must be said that milk is a great option. It does not bring any side effects and helps to deal with the problem perfectly.

Heartburn when fasting on water

When food is not supplied for a long time, in the first 4-5 days a person may experience heartburn and periodic belching. It is diagnosed in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Water will help get rid of discomfort. It is recommended to drink a little warm liquid to induce vomiting and release of bile contents. If the procedure does not work and heartburn continues, doctors advise adding a little mineral water, freed from gases, to the water.

If persistent, persistent heartburn during dry fasting or on water appears in the later stages, this indicates insufficient cleansing of the body. You should break the course of fasting; light food and proper nutrition are recommended. With repeated treatment, heartburn and belching are less pronounced and disappear quickly.

Against the background of liver pathologies, heartburn is accompanied by green vomiting, indicating that the organ is ridding itself of harmful substances. The diet should not be stopped; the exacerbation will pass in a couple of days. To alleviate the condition, gastric lavage, enemas, and the application of a warm heating pad to the liver area are performed.

With lesions of the stomach and intestines, heartburn appears during an acidotic crisis. This is a symptom of exacerbation of existing chronic pathologies. Urgently remove the therapeutic hunger and contact a medical facility.

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If heartburn continues to bother you, you will have to start treatment. In the case when it appears on an empty stomach, and a person is apathetic and tired, there are several treatment options. It is imperative to reconsider your diet. You should give up bad habits, tight-fitting clothes and improper daily routine. If the patient is taking any medications, you should pay attention to their side effects.

Mustard, horseradish, onions, and garlic should be excluded from the diet. Heartburn is caused by mint tea, chocolate, coffee, soda and alcohol. You should start consuming more dairy products and eggs. In addition, a person should give up spicy, fatty and fried foods. You need to eat in small portions, but often. Ideally, you should finish your meal not with a feeling of overeating, but with a slight undernourishment. There is no point in actively discussing any topic during a meal. Food should be chewed well and then swallowed. You only need to eat in the kitchen, in silence, without watching TV. It is also not recommended to eat at the computer.

Treatment of heartburn

On the modern medical market there is a fairly large number of medications designed to combat heartburn. All of them are divided into two main categories:

  1. Antacids - designed to lower the acidity level of gastric juice, neutralizing it.
  2. Antisecretory drugs – limiting the production of gastric juice.

The principle of operation, as well as recommendations for use, are completely different. Therefore, it is best to use them independently if heartburn is clearly caused by some external reasons: overeating at night, excessive consumption of spicy or fatty foods, etc. When this phenomenon becomes chronic, it is best to consult a gastroenterologist. After undergoing a comprehensive examination, he will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment for you.

Many people suffering from increased concentrations of stomach acid resort to traditional recipes and self-medication. However, modern medicine advises against doing this. The fact is that such remedies are aimed mainly at reducing the symptoms of burning, and not at eliminating the causes of heartburn. Therefore, by “masking” a chronic problem by independently taking various medications, the patient risks triggering an existing problem with the gastrointestinal tract.


Many people are interested in how to quickly get rid of heartburn at home. Therefore, patients often use traditional medicine. However, most people ignore taking medications. You need to understand that the maximum effect will be if you combine these two methods of therapy. Those medicines that are prepared from improvised means are ideal, as they have no contraindications or side effects. The best recipes are those that use apples, milk, honey, potatoes, carrots, beets, sage, cinnamon, and cabbage.

Why does my breath smell?

With an increase in breakdown products in the blood, a person begins to smell unpleasant. The smell of acetone from the mouth during fasting appears due to a lack of glucose. In the absence of energy from food, the body uses carbohydrate - glycogen, which is stored in the muscles and liver and processes it into glucose. Internal reserves are consumed within the first day. Next, the breakdown of fats and proteins begins. This process provokes the appearance of a large volume of toxic substances, which causes the smell of acetone from a starving person.

Low-carbohydrate, protein-based methods of losing weight also provoke an unpleasant acetone odor from the mouth.

Fat burning occurs intensively, but due to intoxication of the body with decay products. Acid formation is observed in the circulatory system, irritating the respiratory system and causing shortness of breath.

On the first day the smell is barely noticeable, but later it becomes more pronounced and a person can smell very strongly. Associated symptoms appear: dizziness, constant fatigue, desire to sleep, headache, lack of reaction to what is happening around.

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Most popular recipes

So, how to quickly get rid of heartburn at home?

  • You can use freshly squeezed cabbage juice.
  • You need to take the apples, wash them and peel them. Then cut into slices, preferably small in size. Pour water into a saucepan, put apples in it and leave to simmer. Time – 180 minutes. When the mass becomes thick and brown, you can remove it from the heat. Next, you need to cool the product by placing it in the refrigerator. Should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. This remedy not only helps with heartburn, but is also often used as a preventive measure.
  • As soon as a burning sensation appears, you can eat almonds or walnuts.
  • In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink potato juice.
  • Barley and oat grains will help cope with the unpleasant sensation.

You can eat apples as usual; they also help cope with heartburn in the morning.

Folk remedies

Attacks of heartburn in the morning can last more than two hours, so you can use folk remedies to alleviate the condition. They are safe and suitable for most people. You can choose the option that suits you and use the recipe when a burning sensation occurs.

  • Chamomile infusion allows you to soothe irritation of the mucous membrane at any time of the day. To prepare it, you need to pour 2-3 tablespoons of the dry ingredient into a glass of boiling water. Leave for about 30 minutes , after which you should strain and drink the product. Even a few sips will help relieve heartburn.
  • It is recommended to drink half a glass of potato juice You will need to extract the liquid from the potatoes and then add a spoonful of honey to it. The mixture cannot be stored for more than a day, so after 24 hours you will have to make a new one.

To summarize, let us recall that heartburn in the morning is not a normal symptom; it gives reason to visit a doctor. When pathology worries regularly, it is worth suspecting gastrointestinal diseases. Only accurate diagnosis and examination will help determine the cause of heartburn. Based on the test results, the doctor will prescribe the exact treatment.


All medications used must act on the organs of the digestive tract. Depending on which drug is chosen by the doctor, the effect will be different. The choice of remedy directly depends on the cause of heartburn. Some products neutralize hydrochloric acid, others protect the mucous membrane of organs, including the stomach and intestines. A special group of drugs reduces the amount of acid produced.

The following are considered popular remedies for heartburn in the morning: “Gastratcid”, “Almagel”, “Gestid” and so on. Such drugs envelop the mucous membrane and protect against digestive juices.

Another group of medications are antacids. They remove harmful substances from the body and strengthen it. In some cases, they may have a weakening effect. They take Phosphalugel, Ranitidine, Maalox, Taltsid for heartburn. All of them have an excellent effect on the condition of the gastric mucosa.

How to get rid of heartburn

During attacks of heartburn in the morning before eating, there is a deterioration in health, apathy, loss of appetite, and decreased mood. In this case, a proper diet, taking medications, or treating the disease with traditional non-medicinal methods will help.

Prevention and prevention of heartburn

In the fight against the disease and its symptoms, the first step is to select the right diet and diet. Moreover, the diet will act as a preventive measure and will additionally have a healing effect on the entire body. A properly formulated diet will help prevent the recurrence of heartburn. The following are excluded from the food menu: fatty foods, spicy seasonings and sauces, fried foods, dishes high in fat and oil. You will have to stop drinking coffee, chocolate, and alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach. Mustard, horseradish, hot sauces and spices are replaced with sour cream, eggs and milk. Such a diet will reduce the likelihood of heartburn and alleviate the already progressive disorder. You should also not eat large amounts of food, especially in the morning.

The process of eating should not happen too quickly. Food must be chewed thoroughly before swallowing. When treating heartburn, you need to avoid infrequently eating large portions of food at a time; it is better to distribute the required amount throughout the day, eating frequently in small portions. This will unload the stomach and help increase metabolism and metabolism. The indication that you have eaten enough is a feeling of simultaneous satiety, but at the same time a feeling of slight hunger.

Medicines for the treatment and prevention of heartburn

To quickly eliminate the pain and burning sensation that appears, you need to use medications sold in a regular pharmacy.

List of medications recommended for use for pain and burning in the sternum area:

  • Maalox.
  • Phosphalugel.
  • Relzer.
  • Gastracid.
  • Gestid.

The described medications have an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane and block the unpleasant sensations of irritation in the esophagus and stomach. In addition, they soften the acidity and aggressive effects of gastric juice.

Another group of drugs are called antacids. They are not absorbed into the blood, remove toxins and bacteria from the body, and have an overall positive effect on the intestinal microflora:

  • Hydrotalcite.
  • Talcid.
  • Gastal.
  • Hydrotalcite.

Traditional non-drug treatment methods

If there is reluctance or contraindications to use drugs from the pharmacy, they resort to treatment with natural remedies. The products listed below block gastric juice, soften the effect on the mucous membrane, eliminate symptoms - pain, apathy, depressed health.

  • Almond nuts. Crushed into a paste, they can help with pain in the esophagus. You are allowed to simply chew uncrushed kernels to relieve pain.
  • Apples. If a person constantly experiences burning pain and burning, apples will become a constant item in his diet. May be eaten fresh and unpeeled, either chopped or as an ingredient in fruit salads.
  • In case of illness, cabbage juice helps block pain in the stomach.
  • Honey made from apples. Neutralizes the effect of stomach acid. It is prepared in this way - the apples are peeled, the core is removed, and cut into small slices. A measured amount of water is poured into the pan and chopped apples are added. Cook slowly for 3 hours until thick and rich. The degree of readiness of honey is determined by its thick brown color. The resulting apple honey is placed in the refrigerator and consumed directly during an attack of stomach pain after breakfast or during it.


Doctors most often prescribe this drug. This is due to the fact that it copes well with the causes of heartburn. Its action is aimed at neutralizing hydrochloric acid, as well as reducing the activity of pepsin. Not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract.

The dosage for the treatment of heartburn with Phosphalugel is selected individually by the doctor. Side effects need to be considered. Constipation, vomiting, nausea, and decreased sense of taste may occur. If used for a long time, the aluminum content in the blood may increase. Some patients develop encephalopathy, renal failure, and osteoporosis.

It is forbidden to use by patients with Alzheimer's disease, hypophosphatemia, or hypersensitivity to aluminum phosphate.

The mechanism of fasting and its effect on the body

Fasting and dietary therapy lasts on average 2-4 weeks. This is a dosed method of fasting, which involves equal periods of abstinence from food and gradual proper nutrition to exit treatment.

During a long-term refusal of food, the human body experiences stress, all organs work to the limit. Adaptive reactions develop that have a healing effect on all life support systems.

On the first day, the body begins to extract missing reserves of carbohydrates from skeletal muscles and liver. But there is little glycogen, fats become the source of nutrition. When they are broken down, the amount of acids and cholesterol increases in the blood. They must be broken down, which requires carbohydrates. During fasting, their deficiency is observed, which provokes the formation of ketones. Against the background of this process, changes occur in the acid balance of the body, a shift towards an acidic environment begins - acidosis develops.

From 3-10 days (the interval varies depending on individual characteristics), the second stage of fasting is observed, accompanied by poor health. Next, adaptation occurs and oxidized fats become a source of nutrition.

From days 7 to 10, the body lives on ketones.

Prolonged fasting for 2-4 weeks causes the breakdown of proteins from internal organs and muscles. As a result, the amount of protein metabolism products in the blood increases, which causes a reduction in the volume of urine and the accumulation of uric acid in the body. There is a lack of amino acids and vitamins, which are not restored on their own and require the intake of mineral complexes.

Absolute refusal to eat affects the gastrointestinal tract, increases dysbiosis, and worsens chronic diseases.

It is forbidden to practice hunger when planning pregnancy and while expecting a child.

All these reactions have a negative impact, what are the benefits of fasting? Scientists and adherents of this treatment argue that with insufficient supply of important elements, dangerous cells die. The renewal of elements in tissues is enhanced, a different spectrum of hormones and active biological substances is formed. This increases energy reserves, improves education, glucose absorption, the endocrine system reduces the production of hormones, and promotes rejuvenation.

Positive effects of fasting:

  • the death of dangerous cells is accelerated;
  • allergic reactions are reduced;
  • the functions of individual systems and organs decrease;
  • inflammatory reactions are suppressed.
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