How to take chamomile for diarrhea and when is it contraindicated?

This plant has a large number of medicinal properties. The height of chamomile is about 30-40 cm, the bottom is hollow and resembles a skittle, the leaves are small, reminiscent of dill. Thanks to these characteristics, it differs from field and dog chamomile, which have a flatter basket bottom and do not have an unpleasant odor.

To prepare various medicinal decoctions, chamomile flowers are used, which are collected during its flowering period, that is, from June to August. And the herb is used to prepare medicinal baths.

It can be purchased at any pharmacy, as it is widely used in traditional medicine.

The main medicinal properties that chamomile has are anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. First of all, it is of great benefit to the stomach, as it can not only relieve symptoms, but also treat the disease itself, which is why it is used for chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Also, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is widely used for colitis and inflammation caused by chronic constipation.

Chamomile infusion for gastritis, flatulence, colitis and enteritis. To prepare the infusion, you need to place two teaspoons of flowers in a thermos and pour one glass of boiling water. The medicine should be infused in a thermos for 3 hours, then strain. Take warm, 2-3 times a day, 50 grams.

Chamomile infusion for external use. You will need to place 3 tablespoons of chamomile in a deep container, pour a glass of boiling water and cover with a plate, leave for an hour, then strain.

Used to wash the mucous membranes for eye inflammation. Also as compresses, for boils, burns (

Advantages of chamomile, benefits

The composition of the plant is of particular value - flowers and leaves contain a unique combination of useful elements. Among them are:

  • carotenes;
  • vitamins;
  • coumarins;
  • phytosterol;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • acids (salicylic, caprylic);
  • polysaccharides;
  • tannins.

Thanks to the combination of useful substances, the plant is actively used not only in alternative medicine, but also in the production of pharmaceutical drugs. Research conducted to determine the beneficial qualities of chamomile has helped establish that it has the following qualities:

  • reduces inflammation;
  • destroys bacteria;
  • calms the nervous system, relieves stress and irritation;
  • stops bleeding;
  • neutralizes the formation of gases;
  • relieves pain;
  • dilates blood vessels.

This is only a small part of the properties that the plant has. You don’t have to go to the pharmacy to buy a chamomile-based medicine—you can prepare an equally effective medicine at home.

Beneficial features

Chamomile is a medicinal plant with many beneficial properties and is used to treat various ailments.

Beneficial properties of chamomile:

  • the plant is a natural antiseptic that copes with pathogenic bacteria;
  • has an analgesic effect. For mild ailments, it can be used instead of medications;
  • has a calming effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and irritated tissues;
  • chamomile decoction helps strengthen the body's defenses;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, chamomile extract helps inhibit pathological processes;
  • has a diaphoretic effect, which helps, if necessary, to relieve high fever.

Chamomile tea not only perfectly relieves the symptoms of the disease, but can also eliminate the very cause of diarrhea. Flowers contain glycosides. These components have a positive effect on the intestinal muscles, helping to stop diarrhea.

Most often, diarrhea occurs due to digestive disorders. It is in such situations that the plant helps. Chamomile has an antimicrobial effect, and this promotes a speedy recovery.

Benefits of chamomile for stomach upsets and loose stools

The main beneficial property of the plant, often used in alternative medicine, is that the flowers and leaves contain tannins and ether. Thanks to the presence of the former, there is an astringent effect on the feces, thereby eliminating loose stools. Essential oils are no less useful - they destroy bacteria that cause diarrhea.

Another healing property of the plant is that it relieves stomach cramps that occur due to diarrhea. As diarrhea continues, peristalsis accelerates several times, and the active elements contained in plant materials can reduce this process in a short time.

Substances contained in flowers can relieve inflammation that inevitably occurs in the intestines during diarrhea. At the same time, the healing of injured tissues is accelerated, metabolic processes are normalized, and relapse is prevented. Chamomile for diarrhea is an indispensable plant that can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared for future use yourself. Useful qualities are stored for three years; after this time, you will have to re-purchase raw materials.

Causes and ways to combat diarrhea

The most common cause of diarrhea is chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines.

If a person suffers from such ailments, then he should know that their main distinguishing feature is periodic exacerbations that can disable the body for a long time.

Along with medications prescribed by a doctor, you should drink infusions of medicinal herbs, which are highly effective in treating the digestive system.

First of all, you need to pay attention to herbs that have astringent properties: St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, etc.


They are able to stop or at least reduce diarrhea, which is a consequence of diseases of the stomach and intestines.

In addition, herbs have an anti-inflammatory and adsorbent effect and coat the inner walls of the intestines and stomach.

Often, diarrhea due to gastrointestinal diseases can be accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity. The following herbs can help eliminate pain: aloe, marshmallow, coltsfoot and other herbs.

The second, no less common cause of diarrhea is viral and bacterial infections. If they are present, diarrhea occurs due to parasitism in the gastrointestinal tract by harmful bacteria that cause inflammation.

If treatment with medications prescribed by specialists fails to achieve a positive result, then their use should be combined with the use of traditional medicine. For example, you need to drink an infusion of pomegranate peels.

Of course, there are also medicinal plants that will help with diarrhea caused by infectious diseases:

  • if diarrhea bothers you for a long time, then you need to drink an infusion of oak bark;
  • St. John's wort seeds are considered the most reliable folk remedy for diarrhea. You need to take a large spoonful of seeds and wash it down with water;
  • To relieve intestinal inflammation, you can drink sage decoction.

Many people are interested in what herbs can help against diarrhea in the event of pathological processes in the main digestive organ, the duodenum and the small intestine as a whole.

Such diseases are considered to be those ailments whose symptoms include not only diarrhea, but also vomiting, the presence of blood in the stool, fever, etc.

In most cases, for such diseases, doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics - folk remedies will not be able to cope with such ailments.

But after a course of antibiotics, the use of infusions will be useful. This is due to the fact that after a course of antibiotics, the intestinal mucosa and its microflora are disturbed, and folk remedies, in particular herbs, will help bring everything back to normal.

To achieve similar goals, you can drink decoctions of black elderberry flowers, calendula or chamomile. Their effects will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and the digestive system as a whole.

Bleeding during pathological processes in the stomach and intestines can be stopped using a decoction of oak bark.

Proper preparation of homemade chamomile medicines

For diarrhea, you can use an infusion or tea made from the plant. It is important to use high-quality raw materials, so you should first make sure that there are no signs of rotting or pests on the flowers. For diarrhea accompanied by severe abdominal pain, it is better to prepare an infusion - it is more concentrated and actively affects the problem. Chamomile tea is recommended for diarrhea, which does not have additional symptoms and proceeds without complications. Preparation of the infusion:

  1. Rub 40 grams with your hands. plant materials (dried flowers are often used).
  2. Bring water (800 ml) to a boil, brew chamomile.
  3. Cover the container tightly and be sure to wrap it in a towel (you can use a thermos, it will shorten the cooking time and allow you to obtain a concentrated product).
  4. Filter the liquid after complete cooling.

You need to take the infusion three times a day. Dosage for adults – 240 ml. It is better to find out from your doctor whether your child can drink the concentrated product. For children, it is usually recommended to reduce the amount of infusion by half. Signs of diarrhea disappear after the first use of chamomile, but it is better not to stop taking it for 24 hours to avoid the development of a relapse. Chamomile tea for diarrhea can be purchased at the pharmacy; for convenient preparation, it is packaged in bags for one-time brewing. The recipe is simple - bring water (200 ml) to a boil and pour in the bag. Infuse like regular tea - for a quarter of an hour. Drink in one go. It is recommended to take tea, like the infusion, three times a day, trying to do this at regular intervals. Usually, signs of diarrhea are no longer a concern.

Traditional medicine recipes

In order to treat yourself with a medicinal mixture, you must first prepare it. To do this, you need to collect the herbs, separate the leaves, stems, flowers, petals, and then dry them. The dried collection is suitable for preparing decoctions, tinctures, teas, and lotions. If it is not possible to collect the plant, a package of chamomile can be purchased inexpensively at a pharmacy. The following are recipes for preparing medicines.

Chamomile decoction

To prepare a decoction from the plant, you need fresh or dried flowers. Chamomile infusion can be taken not only by adults. Chamomile is also useful for children, especially for newborns. Chamomile decoction can have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. It is successfully used to heal wounds on the body. Infants are bathed in a warm decoction of the plants to soothe them:

  1. Before bathing a child, to prepare a bath, pour 1 spoon of mint, 1 spoon of inflorescences into 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Cover the vessel with a lid and, when the flowers and leaves are at the bottom, pass the infusion through cheesecloth.
  3. Pour into the bath.

The plant is used for colds and disease prevention during the cold season. Below are several folk recipes for using medicinal chamomile:

  • Recipe No. 1. Take a spoonful of chamomile raw material and pour boiling water in a cup. Cover the vessel with a lid and leave for an hour. The decoction is ready. Take orally.
  • Recipe No. 2. Pour a spoonful of medicinal raw material into a glass of boiling water. You need to take more plant and less water. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes. Pass the broth through cheesecloth. Use as needed.
  • Recipe No. 3. To prepare decoctions, take dry inflorescences of the plant and add a glass of water to the mixture. Place on low heat and remove after boiling.


The plant is included in many preparations and is one of the cheapest means for supporting immunity. Medicinal chamomile tea helps:

  • cleanse the liver;
  • with prostate;
  • eliminate heavy menstruation, which is accompanied by pain;
  • relax, eliminate nervous tics;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes inside;
  • get rid of headaches or migraines;
  • protect the body from viruses.

When treating influenza in children, which is accompanied by a high fever with an ongoing cough, the child is given 1 teaspoon of tea before meals (the mixture is poured with boiling water). To sweeten the tea, add a spoonful of honey. The easiest way to prepare tea is described below:

  • take ½ tablespoon of herbal mixture;
  • pour boiling water over the inflorescences;
  • leave for about 25 minutes.

Camomile tea

With a warm infusion, you help the body cope with diseases and spasms. Before use, it is recommended to pay attention to contraindications before performing the procedure. To gargle with a cough or sore throat, you need to prepare a tincture of alcohol. To prepare the infusion: take vodka or alcohol (1 l), pour in 5 tablespoons of a mixture of leaves and flowers of the plant, leave the mixture for 31 days in a dark place.

To get rid of intestinal inflammation, mix a mixture of herbs (dry chamomile, St. John's wort, anise, fennel, alder, valerian, snakeweed, burnet) with a glass of boiling water (per 10 grams of herb). Decant the infusion and take a glass three times a day. For stomach pain or gastritis, mix 10 grams of dried plant with a glass of boiling water and leave for 24 hours. Then it can be taken 4 times a day.

Benefits and proper use in adults and children

Regardless of which chamomile-based home remedy is used for diarrhea, there are several rules for use in children and adults that should be strictly followed. Only strict adherence to the requirements will allow you to quickly cope with diarrhea and prevent complications. Recommendations for adults:

  • take decoctions or infusions from the plant for diarrhea in accordance with the requirements of alternative medicine, do not exceed the recommended dosage and number of doses;
  • if you use formulations of several herbs for treatment, it is important to remember that chamomile does not combine with everyone;
  • carefully study the restrictions on taking the composition - if there is at least one contraindication, refuse to use the plant against loose stools in adults;
  • Closely monitor the body's reaction to the infusion or tea - alarming signals in the form of nausea or rash on the skin should be a reason to stop treatment.

For children, the rules differ little from the requirements recommended for adults. In this case, the volume or dosage will be different:

  • Infants up to one year old can be given a decoction at the rate of 30 ml 3 times a day
  • Children over one year old: 50 ml three times a day.

The only thing parents should remember is that they need to carefully monitor the baby’s reaction to homemade medicine.

If diarrhea does not stop during the day and the baby continues to suffer from loose stools, immediately stop taking the tea or infusion and consult a doctor.

When do you need a doctor?

If a person drinks a decoction or tea and has doubts whether chamomile helps with diarrhea, since it does not get better, then you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

Pronounced signs of pathology when a doctor’s help is needed are as follows:

  • Frequency of bowel movements more than five times per day.
  • The malaise lasts longer than two days.
  • The stool becomes foul-smelling and has a greenish-gray tint.
  • There is blood or mucus in the stool.
  • In addition to the usual indigestion, the urge to vomit occurs.
  • There is an increase in temperature.

If chamomile does not help with diarrhea, then it is better not to start the pathological process, but to seek medical help.

Preparing homemade medicines from chamomile can improve the patient's condition. The main thing is to follow the recipe and monitor the body’s reaction. It is worth considering that intestinal infections can cause acute diarrhea syndrome. In this case, chamomile can be used as a complementary therapy.

Contraindications to the use of chamomile-based formulations

Despite all the beneficial qualities of the plant, there are several contraindications that will cause refusal of treatment. You should not take the formulations if your body reacts to the active ingredients with skin irritation, indigestion, nausea or vomiting. Pregnant women or mothers who are breastfeeding are also better off not using concentrated infusions. They can have a negative impact on the child.

Chamomile is a plant that is safe even for infants. We should not forget that children are given a weakly brewed decoction to strengthen the stomach. During diarrhea, a concentrated medicine is used. Parents should remember this and not use saturated products in treating a child if he is not yet one year old.

Side effects, if there are no restrictions on the use of home medications, occur extremely rarely. The most common cause of concern is stomach upset, and chamomile may even cause diarrhea. Skin irritation or mild nausea may occur. In more complex situations, vomiting occurs, which stops after stopping the use of the drugs.

Chamomile is a plant with many advantages, but do not forget that you should not abuse its beneficial qualities. Correct use, strict adherence to recommendations, study of contraindications will allow you to easily cope with diarrhea. In this case, resort to pharmaceutical drugs.

The dangers of diarrhea in newborns

Liquid, poorly formed stool of a newborn with possible impurities of mucus or blood can be considered diarrhea. Its main danger is that the child can very quickly develop dehydration. And for a small body, which mostly consists of water, this is very dangerous. Therefore, timely consultation with a doctor will help prevent the development of serious consequences.

To replenish the lack of fluid, you should regularly give your child a drink in the form of plain water or children's tea with chamomile or other herbs.


Since the plant has a lot of beneficial properties, you can drink chamomile to prevent diarrhea, hypovitaminosis, and stress. This requires a reduced dosage:

  • for small children – 1/8-1/4 cup per day;
  • for adults – the daily norm is ½ or 1 glass.

When used properly, chamomile for diarrhea quickly copes with diarrhea in children and adults, in addition, it eliminates all the main factors causing the symptom. The plant is an effective antiseptic. However, if it does not have a positive result during the first days, you should consult a doctor.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Author: Rumyantsev V. G. Experience 34 years.

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Chamomile is a gentle natural remedy that can help relieve the delicate problem of diarrhea. The active substances contained in this plant have a beneficial effect on digestion, reduce irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, and normalize stool. Infusion and tea with this plant are allowed to be taken not only by adults, but also by children.

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