What are the pains associated with endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a fairly common disease and affects approximately a third of the female population, usually the reproductive
Intimate hygiene after sex in women and men: recommendations
A procedure such as douching is often used in gynecology. It can be carried out both for treatment
Treatment with Duphaston for endometrial polyp. Features and indications for use
The appearance of polyps in the uterus is accompanied by intense blood rejection during menstruation and discharge after intimate intercourse
Menstruation with fibroids
How do periods change with uterine fibroids?
How uterine fibroids affect menstruation When benign tumors appear in the uterus, changes are possible
The use of the probiotic Bifidumbacterin for the treatment of thrush
Release form and composition Bifidumbacterin suppositories are cylindrical in shape and white in color. Main
Vitamins for restoring the menstrual cycle
How to restore the menstrual cycle (return, normalize): folk remedies, medications
What are the reasons for cycle failure? Reason Why this happens Endometriosis The frequency of this pathology is steadily increasing
The benefits and harms of panty liners, correct choice and use
Recommendations for the use of sanitary pads Menstruation is the period when fluid containing blood is released from the female body.
Pregnancy with one ovary
Is reproductive function preserved with one ovary?
Evaluating the Reproductive System After Spayectomy Women should be closely monitored after oophorectomy.
Breasts may itch due to poor-quality underwear
Why women's breasts itch, all the reasons and what to do
Causes of itching under the breasts There are about 10 main reasons for the itching sensation in the area
furatsilin species
Washing for cystitis: what and how correctly?
Douching with furatsilin solution for thrush Have you been fighting against thrush for many years without success? Head of the Institute: “You
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