Assessment of the reproductive system after oophorectomy
After an oophorectomy, women should closely monitor their reproductive health. Most women do not experience any major hormonal changes. But before you start planning a pregnancy, you need to make sure that the remaining gonad is functional.
Before you start trying to get pregnant, you need to do an ultrasound and undergo a gynecological examination, during which the doctor will take a smear. Sometimes gynecologists advise checking your hormonal levels. If pathologies are identified, treatment is prescribed, after which you can begin planning a pregnancy with one ovary and one tube.
Particular attention is paid to the presence of ovulation in one remaining ovary. Without it, it will be impossible to get pregnant. Usually, the preserved ovary begins to perform all the functions that were originally assigned to the two sex glands.
What to fear after conceiving with one ovary
After surgery to remove one of the ovaries, most women do not despair of becoming pregnant, wanting it with a vengeance. To avoid serious consequences for the health of the mother and fetus, it is important, first of all, to make an appointment with a gynecologist. A fertility specialist recommends planning a pregnancy as early as possible, because with one ovary, their depletion can quickly develop.
What is the risk of conceiving with this pathology? First of all, the likelihood of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy increases. Increasing in size, the fetus stretches the thin wall of the ovary. There is first an aching and then a sharp pain in the side. The exact location depends on whether the ovary and fallopian tube were removed - from the right or left side.
In addition to problems with pregnancy, the incidence of illness in the baby itself is increasing. Unlike healthy women, patients with one ovary are more likely to give birth to children with Down syndrome. It happens that it is possible to successfully become pregnant with one ovary, but then the doctor diagnoses a deviation from the norm.
How to get pregnant with one ovary and how realistic is it? The main thing is to strictly adhere to all the rules, follow the doctor’s recommendations and lead a healthy lifestyle. Having walked hand in hand the difficult path of overcoming infertility, a married couple receives the most important gift - a long-awaited baby. All the efforts and money spent are quickly forgotten when you find an incomparable miracle - being the mother of your child.
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Pregnancy after ovary removal
In the absence of problems with the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, a woman can become pregnant. Normally, in women who have not had their gonads removed, ovulation occurs alternately in the left and right ovaries. If one of them had to be deleted, the second one can continue to work as usual. This means that the egg will not mature in the follicles every month. Although in some women, one remaining ovary may increase slightly in size and begin to work instead of two.
But patients should remember that the supply of eggs is limited. Therefore, doctors do not recommend postponing attempts to get pregnant until adulthood. The younger the woman, the higher the likelihood of pregnancy.
Is it possible to get pregnant with one right ovary?
Patients who have had the left uterine appendages removed may not have to worry about maintaining reproductive health. If the remaining right sex gland is not damaged and performs all its functions, then there should be no problems with conception.
Warning! In cases where everything on the patient’s left side has been removed, and the right tube is impassable, pregnancy is impossible.
Is it possible to get pregnant with one left ovary?
For patients who have only the left ovary left, gynecologists recommend tracking ovulation using ultrasound. It can occur every month if the sex gland also begins to work remotely, or through a cycle.
You can get pregnant with one left ovary, provided there are no other reproductive health problems.
A tube and ovary were removed: is it possible to get pregnant?
During the operation, the surgeon can remove not only the ovary, but also the oviduct leading to it. The fallopian tube is needed for the passage of the egg released from the follicle. If ovulation occurs on the left, then the oocyte will go through the left tube into the uterus, if on the right, through the right oviduct.
Problems will arise if the ovary was removed on one side and the oviduct was cut out on the other. In such a situation, pregnancy cannot occur naturally. A gynecologist may recommend using assisted reproductive technologies.
You can find out about the likelihood of pregnancy after surgery to remove appendages on one side by watching the video
Is it possible to get pregnant naturally without ovaries?
If the patient has both sex glands removed, then ovulation does not occur and the egg is not released. After the operation, the level of estrogen in the body immediately decreases and menopause begins. It is impossible to become pregnant in the absence of ovaries without the help of modern reproductive technologies.
Risks after conceiving with one ovary
Women who have undergone surgery to remove an ovary are rarely interested in the question of what awaits them after successful conception. Even if you succeed in getting pregnant, significant problems may arise along the way for a patient with one ovary. The fact is that in the absence of an ovary, the risk of tubal or ectopic pregnancy increases. In this case, the embryo is fixed not in the uterus, but in another place. With such a pregnancy, the fetus is not able to survive, so there is a high probability of spontaneous miscarriage. Sometimes the embryo remains in the mother's body and must be removed artificially. To prevent serious consequences, pregnant women with one ovary should be under closer medical attention than healthy expectant mothers. According to statistics, patients with one ovary removed are more likely to give birth to babies with Down syndrome than healthy women. To the question of whether it is possible to give birth to a healthy child, the answer is positive. It is important to remember that you should not delay pregnancy after removal of the ovary, because in women who have undergone such an operation, loss of fertility occurs earlier.
We recommend you find out: Ovarian cyst, can you get pregnant?
How to increase your chances of conceiving
You can increase the likelihood of pregnancy without an ovary if you consult a gynecologist before planning. After a comprehensive health check, doctors advise you to start tracking ovulation. In addition, gynecologists advise checking the spermogram of the sexual partner and eliminating all negative factors that may interfere with pregnancy.
To increase your chances of getting pregnant, doctors recommend:
- remember the importance of a positive attitude,
- minimize the amount of stress,
- switch to healthy eating,
- give up cigarettes and alcohol,
- maintain a sleep and rest schedule.
If necessary, the gynecologist may advise taking progesterone in the second phase of the cycle. It is needed to better prepare the endometrium for the attachment of the egg, and to support the development of pregnancy in the first weeks.
Factors that complicate conception
In addition to the development of complications and associated pathologies after resection of one of the ovaries, a woman’s ability to become pregnant can be affected by her physiology. For successful fertilization, a correct menstrual cycle with ovulation is necessary.
Every year after age 30, fertility levels decline. In most cases, this is due to the health of the female reproductive system, as well as the condition of the fallopian tubes and endometrium. The development of inflammatory and infectious processes, as well as endometriosis, can lead to some difficulties in getting pregnant and carrying it to term.
Along with this, factors such as:
- excess body weight, which can cause hormonal imbalances,
- state of stress,
- the presence of adhesions in the pelvic area,
- the process of tissue fusion in the uterine cavity,
- development of diabetes mellitus, hyper- or hypofunction of the endocrine organ, which also causes hormonal imbalance,
- previous abortions or uterine surgeries,
- disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, leading to sperm rejection, etc.
The ability to get pregnant is also influenced by the general condition of the body. To bear and give birth to healthy offspring, a woman must reconsider her lifestyle, including proper nutrition, as well as the dosage of physical activity and not neglecting rest.
Factors preventing conception
After an oophorectomy, the load on the one remaining ovary increases. Many show signs of premature exhaustion. Many patients over 35 years old experience menstrual irregularities, frequent anovulation and other problems caused by a decrease in egg reserves.
But these are not the only reasons that interfere with pregnancy. Problems with conception occur in the following cases:
- formation of adhesions after surgery,
- inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system,
- endometriosis,
- history of ectopic pregnancies,
- hormonal disorders.
If a woman fails to become pregnant within a year, the doctor may recommend checking the functioning of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and adrenal glands. Often the absence of pregnancy is due to hormonal imbalance.
Within a year, a woman can conceive and give birth to healthy offspring. This process is called "fertility". When one ovary is present, then the chances are reduced by 50%. In this case, the woman’s hormonal background is of great importance.
So, can a woman with one ovary get pregnant? A woman can give birth in such a situation. She will become pregnant only in the presence of ovulation. This refers to the release of the egg from the follicle. In a normal cycle, this period falls on the 14th day. The sperm that enters the woman’s genital tract lives for 72 hours. If the conditions are favorable, then the woman becomes pregnant.
Next, the egg gradually moves towards the uterus, attaching to the loose area of the endometrium.
Doctors identify a number of effective ways to determine ovulation:
- The first method is to regularly measure and monitor basal body temperature readings. Changes are observed during the menstrual cycle when measured in the rectum. During ovulation, the temperature value exceeds the normal value by 0.11 degrees.
- The next method is simpler - use a special strip, which can be purchased at any pharmacy for a reasonable price. The strip determines the level of the hormone in the urine that is responsible for the onset of ovulation. This period is considered favorable for conception. It is best to mark these days on the calendar and try to get pregnant with one ovary in them.
- The third technique is to use ultraviolet diagnostics. The research is difficult to conduct, but it is possible. Before ovulation occurs, the follicle increases in size. The increase is small, approximately 2 cm. The doctor informs the patient about this.
The ability of a sexually mature organism to reproduce offspring capable of survival is called fertility. It will be reduced exactly by half if one appendage is removed from the body.
It is strongly recommended not to delay planning a pregnancy after surgery. The fact is that the loss of fertility in patients with one appendage occurs somewhat faster than in those with two ovaries. This happens due to the increased load on it and premature depletion of follicle reserves.
Possible dangers during pregnancy
Patients who managed to become pregnant with one ovary should register with a gynecologist as soon as possible. With this pathology, there is a possibility of developing an ectopic pregnancy. If the embryo implants in the fallopian tube on the healthy sex gland side, the integrity of the oviduct may be compromised. Even if the doctor manages to save the tube during the removal of an ectopic pregnancy, there is a possibility that adhesions will appear in it. As a result, the patient will become infertile.
When pregnancy occurs, you need to check your hormone levels. Some people experience severe progesterone deficiency. Its deficiency can cause spontaneous abortion. The development of miscarriage during pregnancy can be prevented by taking progesterone drugs (Duphaston, Utrozhestan).
Warning! When a child is conceived with one remaining gonad, children are more likely to be born with genetic disorders, such as Down syndrome. But the likelihood of having healthy babies is also high.
Is it possible to give birth with one ovary?
The presence of gonads does not in any way affect the management tactics and course of labor. Patients who have only one ovary left can give birth to a baby on their own. If indicated, a caesarean section is performed. But performing an operation increases the likelihood of developing an adhesive process. At the same time, the possibility of conceiving another child in the future may be reduced.
Is it possible to give birth without ovaries?
The absence of female reproductive glands, which are responsible for the production of hormones, is not a contraindication to natural childbirth. But many doctors in such a situation recommend a cesarean section. Previously, it was believed that this method is safer for the mother and the child, who was conceived only with the help of reproductive technologies.
Now the operation is recommended for pregnant women over 35 years of age. The likelihood of complications during childbirth at this age increases. Caesarean section is also recommended if the patient has:
- gestosis was detected,
- fetoplacental insufficiency is observed,
- multiple pregnancy,
- chronic illness.
If there are no contraindications and the pregnant woman wants to give birth on her own, doctors should accommodate the expectant mother and allow natural childbirth.
Assisted reproductive technologies
For patients who have been unable to become pregnant for 1.5–2 years, the gynecologist may advise them to turn to auxiliary medicine. Reproductive technologies can also be used for women who only have a uterus left.
Thanks to the advances of modern medicine, it is possible to become pregnant without ovaries. To do this, IVF is performed with a donor egg. She is fertilized with the sperm of the woman's sexual partner and the resulting embryo is implanted into the uterus.
If there is at least one ovary in which eggs mature, the patient is stimulated to ovulate with hormonal drugs and the resulting oocytes are fertilized. It is impossible to carry a pregnancy to term without medication support in the absence of ovaries. Indeed, in the gonads, after ovulation, the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone, must mature. In its absence, the hormone must come from outside.
Thanks to the in vitro fertilization procedure, many married couples manage to become parents even if the woman has only one ovary left or both sex glands have been removed. But some people need to undergo several IVF procedures in order to become parents.
For women who are wondering whether it is possible to get pregnant with one ovary, doctors can reassure them. In the absence of other reproductive health problems, the likelihood of conception is high. If it is not possible to get pregnant for a long time, gynecologists advise turning to assisted reproductive medicine and doing IVF.
The influence of a neoplasm on the course of pregnancy
If you have problems conceiving, the cause may be a cystic formation on the ovary. Also, with hormonal imbalances, “rejection” reactions in the form of miscarriage are possible.
Such a specific disease as an ovarian cyst requires serious treatment. With a follicular cyst, there is a chance of conception. In the first trimester, it often resolves on its own due to its small size. Only with an increase in its size are complications possible. A neoplasm of the corpus luteum, when enlarged to a large size, can cause miscarriage. Childbirth with an ovarian cyst can provoke its rupture with subsequent complications in the form of infectious diseases.
The development of a neoplasm is associated with a lack of progesterone in a woman’s body. After a course of hormonal therapy, the patient's condition improves. To find out the reasons for the appearance of the cyst, it is necessary to conduct examinations and prescribe a course of treatment so that it is possible to become pregnant in the future.
With an endometrioid cyst, there is not a high chance of conception. Neoplasms are very dangerous and require surgical removal. Growing up to 25 cm, they are accompanied by painful sensations that are difficult to bear. When the tumor is large and can interfere with the normal development of pregnancy, a decision is made to remove it.
During surgery, only the cyst is removed; in most cases, the ovarian tissue is preserved. The procedure is performed in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Childbirth with an ovarian cyst
Only your attending physician can accurately answer the question of whether it is possible to give birth with a cyst, since everything depends on the type of cyst, its size, symptoms, and the general condition of the pregnant woman. During childbirth, a cystic formation in the ovary can break through, then there is a threat of infection and the development of peritonitis. If surgery is necessary according to indications, a caesarean section can also be performed, during which the cyst is removed; in this case, it is usually impossible to give birth naturally.
Since during pregnancy there are many subtleties of treatment, as well as the risk of its termination for many reasons, we recommend that all women planning a pregnancy undergo examination and treatment of diseases at the stage of planning a child.
It is advisable to consult with several doctors, since medical practice is extensive, it may differ among doctors, and in order to take certain actions, it is necessary that a specific situation be studied comprehensively.