How to speed up recovery after an abortion procedure
Exactly how recovery occurs after an abortion directly depends on the specific method of termination of pregnancy.
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Medicines for exacerbation of gastritis: what drugs are prescribed and how they work
The pathogenesis of exacerbation of chronic gastritis is complex; many factors are involved in it, the elimination of which is
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Peppermint: medicinal properties and contraindications.
Peppermint has been known for a long time, it was used a thousand years BC. Mentions of
Signs of a lack of the hormone progesterone in the female body
Progesterone is a very important hormone that takes an active part in the functioning of the reproductive system. Hesitation
Acupuncture: all about needle treatment, benefits and harms, reviews
Acupuncture is a controversial treatment method, if only because the myths surrounding this therapy are numerous.
Blood pressure indicators during pregnancy: normal, increased, decreased
Against the background of hormonal changes in a woman’s body, blood pressure may increase in the early stages of pregnancy.
What can a maxillary sinus cyst lead to? How to treat without surgery
Left maxillary sinus cyst: what is it and how to treat it
General description First, you need to understand what this disease is. Cyst
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Iodine deficiency in the body, symptoms of deficiency in adults and children
Regular intake of iodine is important for the regulation of the endocrine system in the human body. If there is a deficiency
A pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, talks about intracranial pressure in a child and why it is dangerous to ignore headaches in children
After the birth of a child, every mother will have to constantly visit the doctors. If the baby is the first, then
Treatment of acute respiratory infections in adults: symptoms | Derinat
Symptoms and treatment of acute respiratory infections in adults. Antibiotics, folk remedies, medical procedures
A cold or acute respiratory disease (ARI) is well known to patients in clinics and doctors, because
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