Type 2 diabetes in a child
The first symptoms of diabetes in a child 0 -18 years old
Good day, friends in misfortune! Since you have come to this page, it is more likely
Acute cholecystitis - causes and treatment with medications, diet, surgery
Acute cholecystitis - causes and treatment with medications, diet, surgery
Rapidly and rapidly developing inflammation of the gallbladder is called acute cholecystitis. The disease that appeared for the first time
Closed-form tuberculosis
Closed form of tuberculosis. How is the disease transmitted and how dangerous is it?
Home » Tuberculosis » Types » The closed form of tuberculosis is a serious infectious disease caused by
Effective methods for treating pimples on the face: causes of appearance in women
Types of pimples To ensure that pimples are removed using home or folk remedies, first determine the type of pimples.
How long does blood bleed after childbirth?
Dangerous uterine bleeding after childbirth: how to identify, treat and prevent
Home / After childbirth / How long does it normally bleed after childbirth? 92303 0
Osteosarcoma: symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment
Osteogenic sarcoma, or osteosarcoma, is a tumor of bone tissue consisting of osteoclasts with
Ultrasound of the mammary glands: indications, technique and results
The tendency to monitor one’s own health in recent decades is not just a tribute to fashion, but
Big toe hurts - causes and treatment of joints
Hello, good health and easy walking! Friends, summer is in full swing! Do you have
Colon cleansing at home without harm to the body
Colon cleansing is a useful procedure that is recommended to be performed at least once every six months.
Recovery after antibiotics and Diet during antibiotics
Antibiotics are an excellent tool in the fight against infectious and colds. However, getting into
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