Cardiosclerosis: what it is, description, symptoms, treatment tactics
Myocardial cardiosclerosis is caused by the effect of prolonged hypoxia on the body, which is associated with vascular atherosclerosis and
Inflammation of the middle ear: occurrence and causes, manifestations, diagnosis, treatment
Inflammation of the middle ear is a pathology of the hearing organ of infectious etiology, affecting the structures of the tympanic cavity and
stones in the ureter - symptoms in women - treatment
What is the ureter: cystoid structure, size and sections
Author of the article Anatoly Shishigin Reading time: 3 minutes AA Urinary system in humans
increased sweating in women
Increased sweating in women: 6 causes and 10 solutions
Sweating is our body's normal response to rising temperatures: you feel hot, you
Keratoconus - what is it, causes, symptoms, treatments, surgery
4 leading symptoms and 3 modern methods of treating keratoconus
Keratoconus is a term made up of two Greek words: “kerato” and “konos”, which are translated from
What foods contain magnesium and potassium?
The healthiest foods for the heart, rich in potassium and magnesium
We live very dynamically. Work, stress, lack of sleep, poor diet - all this ultimately
Joint pain in the jaw: causes and treatment. What to do when chewing
When the jaw joint hurts, a person loses the ability to fully chew food, and during
swelling of the hands during pregnancy
Edema during pregnancy: causes, treatment and prevention
Causes of edema in pregnant women Noticeable swelling is characteristic of almost all pregnant women in their third
Mediastinal lymphoma develops in people who work with pesticides
What is B-cell lymphoma, its prognosis, symptoms and treatment
B-cell lymphoma is a high-grade neoplasm that can spread rapidly
Heaviness in the intestines: possible causes, symptoms and treatment features
A pathological state of heaviness in the intestines can bother every person. There are factors for the occurrence of this disease
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