Elecampane with delayed menstruation
How much do you need to drink elecampane to induce menstruation? Elecampane for delayed periods - the secret of success, rules of application
Information about Elecampane The root of the plant not only eliminates delayed menstruation. It contains substances
Transabdominal ultrasound, what is it and when is it prescribed?
Ultrasound diagnostics opens up enormous opportunities for identifying diseases of the pelvic organs even at the initial stages.
Can menstruation be delayed with endometriosis?
The first subtle manifestations of Pain at the beginning and end of menstruation are most often perceived by women as
oleogranuloma of the mammary gland
Granuloma of postoperative breast scar
Oleogranuloma or granuloma of adipose tissue of the mammary gland is a benign nodular formation that occurs in the subcutaneous
ovarian cancer treatment
Life and psychological recovery after hysterectomy
Home → Services → Ovarian cancer: it is important to strengthen chemotherapy In Russia, Israel, Germany, cancer
How to behave after embryo transfer: instructions
How to behave after embryo transfer during IVF
The in vitro fertilization procedure is a real miracle for couples experiencing problems conceiving a child. IN
Irregular menstrual cycle: what causes the failure of menstruation and what to do
Irregular periods are the most common symptom of most gynecological diseases. Irregular periods may be
lactozhinal suppositories
Laktozhinal - a modern remedy for restoring women's health
The female body is especially often exposed to various diseases. Among various pathologies one can note dysbiosis of female
Antidepressants for menopause in women, list, reviews
Menopause is a complex physiological process that causes a woman a lot of inconvenience. Many representatives
Use of Levomekol ointment in gynecology
Women's health: gynecological use of tampons with Levomekol ointment
Indications for use: what is Levomekol ointment used for? The drug perfectly relieves inflammation and stretches
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