viral meningitis transmission routes
Viral meningitis - incubation period, first signs and treatment options
Viral meningitis is an acute inflammatory disease that primarily affects the soft membrane of the brain.
Motor, sensory, amnestic aphasia - symptoms, treatment
Speech is one of the conscious higher mental functions inherent exclusively to humans. Its formation is connected
Rabies: incubation period in humans, symptoms and diagnosis
Rabies is an acute infectious disease caused by a virus that enters the human body through a bite.
Introduction to lymphocytes
2 groups of reasons for low levels of lymphocytes in the blood in children
Introduction to lymphocytes What kind of cells are they? Lymphocytes are blood cells, and if
What is intestinal irrigoscopy: how is it performed, what does it reveal?
It is important for a patient who has received a referral for intestinal irrigoscopy to understand what it is and how to prepare for it.
Rh incompatibility
Why does Rh conflict occur during the first or second pregnancy?
All articles by the author Author of the article: Ekaterina Sergeevna Churaeva Practicing obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor
Tired look
Vitamin deficiency - symptoms, photos on the skin, treatment for children and adults
Category: Symptoms and conditions For the full functioning of a person, a stable balance of vitamins in
What to do when you cough
Why does the cough not go away for a long time and what to do to recover faster?
With proper treatment, the cough should go away after 7-10 days. In case a person is harassed
Should you worry if your urine test shows a lot of mucus?
The composition of urine reflects almost all processes occurring in the body. Therefore, its analyzes are carried out
How to properly cleanse the body of toxins and waste without harm to health
More and more people are complaining about feeling unwell. The environment is deteriorating, food products are becoming scarcer
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