“Mastopathy - types of disease, symptoms and treatment methods”
Most women do not pay due attention when their breasts swell and hurt before menstrual bleeding.
What does candyloma look like?
Genital warts in women. Photos, causes, stages, tests, treatment
What is condyloma? Condylomas are flesh-colored warts that appear on the genitals and anus.
Mom and daughter consulting with a doctor
Adrenogenital syndrome: a disease in newborns
Adrenogenital syndrome is a hereditary disease of the adrenal glands, in which steroidogenesis is impaired due to the functional failure of enzymes.
Skin biopsy: when indicated, methods and procedure, after the procedure
Why do you need a biopsy test? Diagnostics helps determine the scope of upcoming operations, the nature and nature of
Bronchiectasis - dilation of the bronchi and bronchioles
Timely treatment of bronchiectasis will protect you from complications
Bronchiectasis is a pathological condition that is irreversible and is characterized by dilation of the bronchi and
Intestinal flu - symptoms and treatment, drugs, prevention
A very dangerous disease, intestinal flu in adults: symptoms and treatment can affect every person
Types of gallstones
Gallstone disease: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
Gallstone disease (abbreviated as cholelithiasis) develops as a result of the formation of stones in the gallbladder. The disease is capable
Ventricular extrasystole. What is it, treatment, what is dangerous, causes, ECG, drugs
Ventricular extrasystole. What is it, treatment, what is dangerous, causes, ECG, drugs
Ventricular extrasystole (VES) is a type of heart rhythm disorder. It is characterized by premature excitation of the myocardium
Anxious personality disorder: symptoms and treatment
Share this article on social media Anxiety disorder is a mental illness defined
Diet Table No. 9. Menu for the week by day. List of foods for diabetes, recipes, nutritionist recommendations
Diet Table No. 9. Menu for the week by day. List of foods for diabetes, recipes, nutritionist recommendations
Recommendations from nutritionists for patients with type 2 diabetes Proper nutrition helps normalize metabolic processes and
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