Blackberry tea
For a cold, what medications should adults take, what should they drink if they have an acute respiratory viral infection?
Tip 1: What medicines to take for a cold In the autumn-winter period, there is a risk of getting a cold.
Bags under the eyes: causes, symptoms and treatment in women after 50 years
Bags under the eyes cause a lot of inconvenience to any woman. The skin in this area is most sensitive,
Cataract of the eye - what it is, causes and symptoms of the disease. Treatment and prevention of cataracts.
What is a cataractCauses Types Signs and symptoms Congenital cataract Diagnosis Treatment methodsMyths about cataractsVideo
Shigellosis symptoms, prevention and treatment of infection
Dysentery is an intestinal disease caused by bacteria of the genus Shigella. Symptoms of dysentery are hyperbole from dysbiosis.
Diet for high cholesterol: table, menu for the week
Features of nutrition for hypercholesterolemia Fractional nutrition. The main principle is to eat even when you don’t.
ascophene and blood pressure
Askofen increases or decreases blood pressure: indications for use
Composition of the drug Effect on blood pressure Askofen for hypertension Askofen is a drug of combined action.
A sore throat
What are the best and most effective remedies, tablets and drugs for sore throat?
Causes of the pathology Sore throat can occur for various reasons. Most often, symptoms appear
Glomerulonephritis - what is it, causes, signs, symptoms and acute treatment
Glomerulonephritis is a bilateral inflammatory pathology of the kidneys, accompanied by damage to small renal vessels. During development
Names of vaginal and rectal suppositories with antibiotics
Suppositories with antibiotics are highly effective in the complex treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. Due mainly to the combined
Toxoplasmosis in pregnant women
Toxoplasmosis in adults: symptoms, causes, treatment
Relentless statistics confirm that about 80% of the world's population are infected with all kinds of parasites, with
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