What folk remedies for worms are used in adults
Worms are the colloquial name for parasitic worms that live in humans and animals. Human
Loss of sensation in the right hand during sleep may be due to an incorrectly selected pillow or an uncomfortable position of the body during sleep.
Why does my right hand go numb? The causes of the phenomenon from simple to dangerous, as well as their treatment
General information In our difficult times, when the work of most men and women constantly requires
Transient ischemic attack - not yet a stroke, but already close?
Transient ischemic attack is often a precursor to ischemic stroke. In some patients, for a long time
signs of hyperthyroidism in women
“Hyperthyroidism in women: symptoms of the disease and characteristic changes in blood tests”
Do you know the difference between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism? Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland becomes
About childhood diathesis: types, symptoms and treatment
Medical editor: Trofimova D., pediatrician. July, 2019. ICD-10 code: L20-L30. Diathesis in infants
History of the discovery of parsley syndrome
Modern view of Angelman syndrome: pathogenesis, causes, symptoms, treatment
Angelman syndrome is a rare genetic disorder. It consists of a defect in the structure of chromosome 15, which
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Psoriasis of the joints, also known as psoriatic arthritis: clinical picture and treatment approaches
Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory pathology that affects the joints. Its leading clinical manifestations are arthralgia, pain
Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
Sigmoid colon: symptoms and treatment for inflammation
Causes of inflammation of the sigmoid colon Most often, the sigmoid section becomes inflamed simultaneously with another section of the intestine
Sulfasalazine instructions for use
Sulfasalazine: description of the substance and effectiveness in arthritis
Sulfasalazine is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of an autoimmune and inflammatory nature. "Azulfidine" is the main trade name,
parts of the brain
The structure of the human brain, its functions, basic physiology
201 Despite the amazing abilities (intellectual and extrasensory) of some people, the human brain works far
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